large layby have seen couples and singles friday saterday nifghts have taken my partner there well serviced
end of the esplanade boat club cars parked flashing some women walk along the path in sexy gear giving a flash
birnbeck pier carpark, can be some good action down there in the nightime
dark lane very close to the m 5
Crown pet foods car park
Top of Ham Hill turn in by the pub and carefully drive around, dogging couples most nights but Friday evening Saturday and Sunday evenings are good. Saw a very sexy blonde there the other week naked for everyone and put on a great show as she was fucked outside her car and even took it anally as she sucked another guy
carpark on left before zebra crossing heading towards cross riffles round about. left at roman glass, huge car park, 0 police, looks desert
follow northill till you come onto exmore loads of car parks and very quite see cars coming for miles safe, 5 min drive from minehead
above the old pier theres a hut most nights not on a sunday
Lansdown P&R car park is where I have met people escaping Tog Hill. Action around the closed changing rooms to be found. Don't be scared (It is dark)
the coal yard manor farm off a36 rookbridge past ford garage next lane on right up lane through gates into yard night time better
at the power station down weston Street in EAST CHINNOCK. Drive to weston street BA22 9EQ follow it until you reach a power sub-station next to a farmyard and small copse. Also Sutton-Bingham resovior car park. I have observed much activty here during the day and have had sex there many times but it gets locked at night now. a little further along the same stretch byt the resovior theres a small hut on the same side for bird wtcheres which is hard to spot first time is a lovely quiet spot too.
A4175 as you leave Keynsham towards Willsbridge pass train station on right as you go round left hand bend small secluded car park on left. new area but some action seen could be popular caution height restriction.
west street car park sunday evenings
travellers gone some time ago now cleared