The shit heads have tried getting in again twice again since I posted this tread so if you seen on the news bugular found dead in Manchester you know I will have caught the shitheads arrrr
Due to some very bad family news we are unable to meet at the Macc social hope you all have a great night and hope to meet you all again at the next one all the best A&D x have a good one
Desert because everyone looks forward to one
Unfortunately on Tuesday someone did break into my garage and attempted to break into my house, they stole nothing but tried to put our kitchen window through to get to our car keys which where on display (not any more). So the question is what should be the punishment for them if caught I say chop a hand off, what's your thoughts?
Thanks for all the comments there's a lot of things there we hadn't thought off so I think that idea of opening a club will go on the back burner.
Just wondering is there a good profit in swinging clubs?
We often look at people's profiles and all the ones that match ours seem to be down South is there a north south divide most swingers seem to live down South is it something in the water?
AD x
We will be attending the meet again x
Merry Christmas and all the best for the new year to all you SH members x
Maybe a lady could show MrsD how to squirt at the Macc meet :-)
That's it 1st December Movember over Tash comes of today
It's very difficult getting out as our youngest is now at the age where she's not keen on going to grandparents because they don't have internet access. We have to plan well in advance and try arrange meets around our birthdays etc so we can get away to a hotel for the night without all the questions of why you going away for the night. Socials are a good night away because we get plenty of notice and time to arrange things.
Where can we get this book or a woman to show us :-)
Just wondering how many blokes are doing Movember and growing a Tash in aid of testicle cancer?
Beer beer we want more beer all the lads are cheering get the fucking beer in now.
The Macc Lads
Hotel Booked just hope we get another invite now lol
Hello H&S
Please add our name to the list
AD x
Once had a fuck in night club
Top night really enjoyed it
Hello H&S
Underneath ever body's user name there is a blue line what is this all about?
Please may we be considered.