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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 60
0 miles · South Yorkshire


:bounce: He he he :grin: we got snow too !! :giggle: :bounce:
:happy: MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL :happy:
What are we doing on here at this time, on this day ? ? ? ? dunno
Uh oh !! I think it's gettiing to me loon
Cheers :cheers: Have a great day everybody :thumbup:
Dan wink
P.S. I live in Sheffield
Hi Catlin wave
Welcome :welcome: along to the mad loon but often educational :jagsatwork: world of the Forum.
I hope you have as much fun in here as I have !! :rascal:
See you around, cheers :cheers:
Dan x x x wink
I have been here a while and seen quite a few things !!
( from a distance ) If you know what I mean !! rolleyes
I do not tend to start many threads, in fact I think I may have only started a couple, ever.
However, I used to enjoy contributing. :grin:
At the moment, I stress that this is my opinion only, there seems to be nothing to contribute to !! blink
So I suppose I agree, well maybe, sort of, I think, mmmm not sure ?? :doh:
This quote may say it better for me :-
There is a certain relief in change, even though it be from bad to worse!
As I have often found in travelling in a stagecoach, that it is often a comfort to shift one's position, and be bruised in a new place.
~Washington Irving

Dan wink
P.S. I hope this thread does not turn into an '' Ooooh I remember when etc. etc. '' innocent
Well that was the advertising slogan dunno
However, I knew a girl in Rotherham who could dissprove that !! :eeek:
Oh the memories :lickface:
Dan wink
xxdevil69 wrote :
A = purple and bouncy

Q = What two things happen to Tigger when he has tied his winter scarf too tight ? ?
A = The monkey will always press the red one.
Dan wink
Hiya Taz121
Welcome along to the mad loon but often educational :jagsatwork: world of the Forum.
I hope that you both have as much fun in here as I have !! :grin:
Cheers :cheers: seeya around
Dan wink
Quote by Libra-Love
:twisted: But the revolving door only lets you in rolleyes

I think that you will find a revoving door is always open and lets you pass in or out :doh:
:twisted: And I aint going so :rude:
Please do not get me wrong confused
I don't want ANYBODY to go !! :roll:
That's the point, anyone can come and go as they want to !!
Hiya celticq
I can imagine being stuck almost anywhere with a great dane for more than 30 minutes is '' quite 'orrible '' dunno
Perish the thought !! :scared:
Quote by Libra-Love
:twisted: But the revolving door only lets you in rolleyes

I think that you will find a revoving door is always open and lets you pass in or out :doh:
That this site is a revolving door !!
You can use it how and when you please !!
Come in and look around, go away for a while etc. etc !!

I very rarely start any threads at all, but I read one thread in particular today and it made me think. blink
I know that this is probably going to cause a stir ( well with some people anyway !! ) but I think that the phrase above is not only very apt today, but some people should read it and sit and think for a while !!
I do not wish to cause any trouble or rock the boat but ...............
Well it needs saying !!!!! dunno
Sorry if I have offended anybody ( if I have then maybe YOU should read this post and sit and think for a while !! :small-print: )
Regards Dan wink
:thumbup: Nice one Sarge :thumbup:
Nothing else to say that hasn't already been said !! :small-print:
Dan innocent
Quote by fruity1976
I tried waxing myself but its too hard!! Anybody wanna wax me :P

:bounce: MEEEEEEE !! :bounce:
Me,me, me, me, me, me, me, me
I can help if you like !! dunno
Dan x x x x wink
I prefer ladies to be shaven or trimmed !!
Far easier for oral purposes ( No unwanted hairs getting in the way !!) :lickface:
I myself trim weekly and complete shave every two weeks. :rascal:
A word of warning !!
Be careful of both shaving at the same time !! dunno
After a couple of days I have found that you get the velcro effect, can be very irritating :uhoh: and painful :eeek:
Dan x x x wink
Quote by Sarah1448
She's clearly missing all of us.

She may be missing us but .........
I don't think she's missing out any bars !!!! drinkies
Dan wink
P.S. Thanks for the translation davej :thumbup:
Hi Caress
Welcome along to the mad loon but often educational :jagsatwork: world of the Forum
I hope you have as much fun in here as I have :grin:
Regards Dan x x x wink
Here's an entertaining one
Ok, maybe it's just me then !! dunno
Dan wink
OOOh ohhh try
lick rolleyes
Quote by MQ
Joel Veitch is a very twisted and strange man!! I like this one:

How funny is this ? ? :laughabove:
I nearly fell off my chair :eeek: but I do have a rather peculiar sense of humour !! loon
Dan wink
:eeek: OMG :eeek:
Is it me or are these new Av's a bit on the :eeek: side ? ?
Going for a lie down now blink
Dan wink
Quote by PoloLady
Good Morning Polo ( well just confused )
What an inventive thread :thumbup:
I have a question ??
Do you come here often ?? :rascal:
Not very original I know, rolleyes but this is the first time I have encountered you !! :doh:
Regards Dan x x x wink

Hello Dan, thank you for your comment on the thread smile
Yes I do come here often, though I used to be more of a chatroom person (still can be found on there), I seem to have the forum bug now and have gradually become addicted.
Don't worry about being original, this is all about asking anything you would like to know about me. Although I must say, I still don't consider that we have really had an encounter - well not a close one of the third kind :wink:
I am always open to suggestions for any encounters :rascal: third or close !!
Dan x x x :wink:
Good Morning Polo ( well just confused )
What an inventive thread :thumbup:
I have a question ??
Do you come here often ?? :rascal:
Not very original I know, rolleyes but this is the first time I have encountered you !! :doh:
Regards Dan x x x wink
Alexandra wrote :
Just wondering though - what's the shower gel for????
(MissC - he must be very meticulous in his hygeine!)

But of course I am !!
Also, I have found that taking a shower with a beautiful lady is the dirtiest way to shower possible !! :rascal:
So taking a shower with two ladies must be incredible fun passionkiss
Runs off to find fave shower gel bolt
I think most ladies love the smell of mens toiletries dunno
Right off we go !! :happy:
Alexandra Wrote :
Looks like you are in for a 3some here
Do you think you could handle us both????? rolleyes

Bolts off to get resperator, massage oil, oxygen, medication ( extra strength for such occasions ) and gel ( for my hair !!!! :roll: )
I don't know but it would be fun finding out dunno
'' I'm a comin' ladies brace yerselves !!!! ''
Alexandra wrote :
Is Misschief joining us then, Dan??? :shock:
(This could get interesting wink )

That would be nice !!
We could always go over to her teepee for a shot of redeye first to get us in the mood !!
:bounce: Way hay !!!!
Quote by Alexandra
ooooooo Dan
I notice you are 350!!!!!!!
Come over here and give us a snog!!!!!

How kind of you to notice Alex wave
Mind you I don't think that I look a post over 300 !! blink
Right then '' come here you little tinker ''
Runs off to find lip balm, bottle of wine ( for Alex ), seductive lighting rolleyes and shower gel ( make up your own jokes !! )
'' I'm a comin' hold on there Missy ''
Hi Keef
Welcome along to the mad, mad loon world of the Forum
I hope you have as much fun in here as I have since I joined up !!
Cheers :cheers:
Dan wink
Quote by MQ
meet you in the corner in 5 mins dan wink

Wooooo Hoooooooooo :happy:
I'm there already
Runs off to find tic tacs ( for shaking at MQ ) bottle of aftershave, bottle of wine/beer ( for MQ ) some sexy pants and some gel ( no, no for my hair !! )
Dan x x x :wink:
P.S. I'm puckered up and waiting :thumbup:
Quote by MQ
If I'd known that 100 was that good I would have hung around for a few snogs and gropes too!!
Jealous of the NE!!!

If i'd have known any of the above '' so would I ''
If you fancy catching up though give me a shout :grin:
( Never knowingly undersold in the snogs and gropes Dept. :rascal: )
Regards Dan xxx wink