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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 57
Bisexual Female, 62


Oh this is looking good so far, lots to have a laugh with and some fun smileLets make this a good one
Devs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks again Sheer and mandy for a fab night. We are home now just about intact with bad livers and bodies!!
Wonderful time whens the next one?? lol
Wooohooo MissB look forward to seeing you again sweetie xxxxxxxxxxxxx
If either kinks or MissB are struggling for accom we have a spare sofa bed on friday and saturday strings attached
thedevs xxxxxxxx
For goodness sake Wades!!! You will be missed lots but i am sure we will all have a great time smile
Wooohooooo Wades are coming ............ it just gets better evil
Hi Sheer,
We are definately coming and will send money after payday!! 25th Sept.
Cant wait Oxford always a great laugh and we are there for two whole nights wooohoooooo
TheDevs xxxxxxxxxxxx
Can you add our names to the list please NWC? Just kids and money to sort out now.
Pooh MrGeee you know we would love to be there but as we have only come back from 'Up North' recently there is no way we can make this one. Such a shame cos your parties 'rock'.
Get your names down people you will be guaranteed of a good time.
Luff u MrGee xxxxxxx
Well we are heading northwards tomorrow morning and so looking forward to meeting up with you all.
Mrs Devs wont mean to be stand offish and normally isnt but approach her gently as her bad leg is very painful until she sinks enuff voddies!! IT nots gonna stop us coming, we cant wait.
Cya all there xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cant flipping wait, we are so excited to be coming to Manc again!!!
Looking forward to meeting old mates and some new ones biggrin
Look out mancs the southerners are on their way again!!!
We were on the original list ............ We will be there and hopefully we wont need a hotel either :P
Oh and Kay I promise not to snog the face off of you this time lol
Hotel booked weeeeeeehoooooooooooo
Please make sure Tank is on the list for this do as he owes me snogs lol.
Devs xxxxxx
Wooohoooooo .............. sounds like we can come seem to have sorted babysitter!!!!
Bring it on
The Devs xxxxxxxxxxxx
WE will be there, never miss an Oxford bash so pucker up those we missed snogging last time lol
Quote by Bettyboop82
ello ello ello, can i come pretty please lol I'm sure at least 1 of you will verify me, i promise ill be a good girl lol xxxxx

Never heard of her carpet, she seems dodgy lol
Not long got home but what a night!!!
Too much drink and snogging was done by me (MrsDevs) but it was a blast again.
Great to meet some peeps we have been dying to meet for ages, you are all great.
Thanks to Dolphins for the fab hospitality and to Sheer and Mandy for the 'do'.
We will be back!!!
TheDevs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
One more sleep wooohooooo, we are excited now!!
For those that have never met us before, I am the quiet one (MrsDevs) and will be found propped up against the bar!!! MrDevs will be behind me as ever lol.
Get puckered up!!
TheDevs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Wooohoooo not long now and going to meet all our buddies...........
some for the first time and some we have met before and love to death (you know who you are).
Havent even decided what to wear grrrrr, any suggestions lol
Devs xxxxxxxxxxxx
Not long now, WE cant wait!!!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx lol
Carpet me darling,
We would love to come if we can but would need some kind soul to offer us a bed for the night (no strings attached!) as money very tight grrrrr
Any offers?
Devs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oooooppsssss have forgotten to send money, will do so in the next couple of days!!!
Cant wait to meet some of you again and also any newbies.
Muchus luffs The Devs xxx
OOOOOOOOO we havent had the address to send payment sheer, can we have it please hunni.
TheDevs xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
OOOpps posted this somewhere dunno where tho so here goes again......
Hotel booked and I aint gonna tell you where we are staying lol.
Harry Jones you could always wear your paddling pool as Fancy Dress, I am a dab hand at alterations!
AS for Fancy Dress I hate it but could always wear my normally slutty attire as a subsitute!
Cant wait you all
Devs xxxxxxxxxxx
Another Oxford bash.
We will deffo be there Sheer hun as had a blast at the last one. Come on all you lot sign up, we wanna meet you all again and also newbies evil
TheDevs xxxxxxxxxx
OK OK WE will deffo try and make it as it will be our first venture into a club..........who will hold our hands? biggrin
Let us know the date and we will try and sort things out this end
TheDevs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Right us southerners have made it home intact!!!!. Thanks for a brill night, special thanks to Sheer and Mandy and helpers who made it possible.
Was soooooooooooooo wonderful to meet all you great peeps, sorry if we didnt say goodbye to some of you, but we did have a few snogs (you know who you are!). Thankyou too for all the wonderful cuddles and chats throughout the night. You have all just confirmed what we always thought, the BBW room is the best on site!!!!!
Cant wait for Oxford next year!
TheDevs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx biggrin
Can vouch for this guy ladies as a true gent. We have never met, but have been in touch for 2 years now.
Hope you have some fun Andy babes, you deserve it!!
Mrs Devs xxxxxxxx