im a theivein minging no good scouser ....... yes please im in
thats a long way off and ive never been that one so ......?
i do wish everyone all the very best for you and yours, but please remember those that are needy,.... they're not all in africa or some far off land ....
happy christmas all
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wally
next time........ next time
if this is who i think sheeees fantastic
bah!!!!! im so dissappointed i couldnt make it....
never mind, perhaps next year lol
F gawds sake somthin came up, i cant come
As if i need to confirm lol
yes pleeeeese
i don't do clubs anymore.......
Hi, thanks for mailing me,
First of all i have no experience with boats, in saying that, i understand engines and i am a quick learner. it started off as a fishing boat!
The sort of boat i'm looking for is a Bayliner perhpas 1702 cuddy - i've seen a few on the internet or a Fletcher GTS18/9 either boat works for me but the fletcher does edge it.
I particularly want a boat that fits on a trailer so theres no mooring fees or storage to worry about. Price range around £10000 or a tad less. Either of the two boats listed must have a cuddy for overnighting.
There's a few things i'm lost with, one being inboard or out board? bilge pumps? i think they pump water out ? of??
Then theres the issue of insurance & certification, i read one doesn't need any formal qualification to motor cruise on the sea? i do understand insurance could be an issue if one bumps another boat?
RYA have somewhere close to learn so basic sea craft, i'll be looking to one of these courses including the radio one.
Bu all this said i'd be grateful of any advice?
thanks foxy, i'm well on my way in terms of boat and i fancy a bayliner cuddy 1700 or a Fletcher GTS 18 or 19 Defo for the sea. and my thinking is Menai, carnafon bay or llandudno to start with, then after a weeks preactice maybe a jaunt to portugal............... kidding!
it is for fishing mr meeko lol and of course for ladies to lie naked on the sun lounger hehehehe
Friday? got my dates wrong.... can't do fri
Any boaters here??
I'm thinking of buying a small motor cruiser, i have one or two in mind but i'm inexperienced in seacraft skills, A little guidance might be good?
peanut butter butties ..... yuk ! but if your'e making them what time am i round??? lol
Erh .......... do i really need to say anything? pmsl
Bah i'll be in London tues .... make it weds? lol
I'm terribly terribly sorry but because i'm struggling with an erection problem i won't be coming tomorrow night......
well; let's be honest ya don't always need a bad boy lol
have fun xxxxxx
have no idea what all this is about?? my post was genuine.
Like a tit , i managed to delete all my phone numbers because the software i back up to duplicated them all,
my thinking was delete all the numbers off my phone and restore it from the back up only to find that it was set to syncronise fro mthe phone to the pc.......hmmmmmmmmmmm
now i look like a proper Ass!
So anyone who has my number and wishes me to have it again please text me but please add your name?
Anyone who want's me to have their number please mail me here
now i know this looks like a cheesey way to get phone nrs but well; if i get laid from this? that won't be so bad!
chps i don't know please don't mail me
Any discount for cash???????? :twisted: