A very BIG thanx to Mr & Mrs Cream for another great party..we really had a ball ..good food, nice company great hosts...and plenty of laffs !
Jazz & M
Pls can you confirm us
Cheers !
Please can you confirm us
Cheers !
Hi Creams
Please can you add me and M to the list.
Jazz x
Thanks to Earthy, G&T and anyone else involved in organising the event!
Was good to meet the usual suspects and some newbies (well new to us anyway lol)
We really enjoyed the evening - cheap drinks ...good company ..wat more can u ask for (kebab on way home!)
Jazz & M
Please confirm us hun xxx
Please accept our confirmation hun XXX
Please can we be added to the list
Once again ..Thanks for a GREAT nite Zed & Kay xx compliments to the chef!
Good company Great hosts and Fab food...
Was good to see the usual suspects and some new kids on the block...
Hope to see you all again real soon
Jazz & M
Hi G&T, please can I be added to the list..really enjoyed the last one ! cheers !
I wud have put me and Blondie down but realised that the night wud b spent looking for her in the kitchen lol
Anyway have a GREAT nite (I know you all will lol)
Catch ya soon x
Creams - Thank you for another great Party !! Both myself and M really enjoyed (and before anyone says it ..No im not shagging Dame Judy Dench lol)
As always Great atmosphere, lots of laff and brill hosts!!
Luv Jazz and M
Confirming we'll be there !
Cheers xx
Sorry cant be there but have a Great time all !!!
Hopefully see you at the next social !
Jazz x
Please may I be added to the list (I promise to bring the neighbour scarer wiv me !!)
Jazz x
What an Excellent night !!
Thanks to T & G for organising the night - I too loved your hair G , I think T needed his cutting like lol...
It was good to see the gang once again! there was some new faces (well most usually are to me as I forget quite easily).
I thought Michael Jackson had beefed up a bit ..deffo was a Thriller with Mitch at his very best lol
If anyone got burned it wasnt me and I am not taking the stick for the Blondie lol
Once again thanks all for making it a great nite ...roll on the next one !!!
Jazz + M
Please can you put us on the confirmed list mate.
Hi Zeddies
Please can we have 1 mild and 1 madras.
J & M
Hiya hun
just confirming that we'll be there xxx
Hi Woolly
Wud love to come - please put me on the list. Whose on mobi watch for the nite ? lol
Jazz x
Please can you add me to the list ?
Cheers !!!
Hi Zeddies !
Please can you put me down on the list as I really had a GREAT time last year. Also would it be possible to bring a friend as she would really like to try out the 'Apna style'!!
Jazz x
Please can you send me your paypal details mate as both Mandy and I wud like to contribute - Its an awful act to happen to one of our dearest friend.
Thank you for a BRILL nite hun Xx
Really enjoyed it - Great Hosts and Good company.
Was nice to see the old faces, and some ones - apologies to those that I neva got to say 'Hi'
Woolly really sorry to hear about you mobi hun - Lets hope its returned soon especially in regards to family pics.
Happy to contribute to any replacement mobi for our lovely hostess !!!
Once again - Thanks for the invite !
Jazz xx
PS my lady friend (Mandy) really enjoyed herself and would like me to pass on her thanks, and apologies to those that she burnt wiv her fag..cant take her anywhere lol
Confirming I'll be there
Hi Woolly hun !
If there are any places left, please can you add me.
Jazz x
Please can u put me down (no pun intended!)
Marya - I am sure u will be inundated wiv offers from young hunks, but if you still need a lift then I will be glad to give u one (again no pun intended!)
Good company and great atmosphere - WOW what a nite that was !! I would like to thank the organisers,the hosts and all you great people.
Special thanks to Mr & Mrs cream (great lips well worth more than £30). Once again it was really nice to meet everyone. Mitch and Terry kept me in stitches all nite. Wife swapping ? more like clothes swappinig !! I take my shirt off to you guys lol
Was good to meet all the usual suspects, and newbies (well ..new to me). Apologies if I didnt say Hi to anyone..Im shy you know!
Roll on the next meet !!!
Take Care and Very Best for 2008 - Hope all your dreams and wishes come true !!
Yes still interested earthy hun
Jazz xxx