Ours is the BMT everytime!!!!!
Meat, cheese, lettuce, cucumber, tomato
olives, peppers and sweet onion sauce!!!
Following on from superstitions...
I am the proud believer in the ancient principal of
Feng Shui...
My favourite is the use of red in the southern corner of a room for love.
Or a lamp to activate a corner of the chart... i.e money, health, learning or love etc.
Dont have a mirror that can reflect the bed... it represents a 3rd person in the relasionship!
Dont have pot pouri... there dead flowers... dead is not good!!!
Beams or pictures above your head in bed can cause ill health!
Everyone has a direction they should face when sleeping... hmmm depends on the room!
Keep walkways clear and the house clutter free...
We fail this one with our kids!!! :doh:
Everyone has a colour they shuld have around them... unfortunately magnolia seemed better than multi-coloured!!
And so on...
I did a full chart of my house once... took days... then moved not long after!! :sad:
Does anyone else folow it??
I have my funny little ways but i pick and choose my superstitions....
I have 2 black cats, by coincidence but you never know!!!
I dont walk on 3 drains!!!!! :doh:
But most things i dont really fuss about!
What about you?
:sparring: :scared: