Details have now gone out to all who have confirmed their attendance - if by some strange quirk of fate we've missed you, please let us know straight away so we can get info to you in good time.
See you all Saturday
Harry , if I wasn['t busy that day & actually liked cricket, I'd be there like a shot. Can't understand why no one is taking u up on will be their loss.
You have a good day hun, make up for all losses on 19th xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Always room for u guys xxxxxxxxx plenty of space to stay over but remember sleeping bags xxxxxxxx
Harry, you will have to break a habit of a lifetime & not be late this time, especially as you are not gracing us with your company overnight (who is going to get me up Sunday morning?????)
List is filling nicely.
Harry is working is socks off on invites.
Still waiting to hear from one or two regulars.
Consider yourselves on list xxx
Now Harry who have you been chatting to that is coming? Or are we gonna get a surprise?
Thumper, don't see why only ladies have the option of stripping off.........
sorry we can't make this one pgs - we already had a meet booked before you posted it. hope to see you 2 & any other cples interested at our party on 19th July. have fun xxx
We will be holding our next house party on 19th July. All couples welcome. BBQ will be working weather permitting, please bring your own drinks. Already several coming & list of single men is already full, will consider a reserve list. Anyone wishing to stay over let us know. More on our profile/ad
thanks pubgypsies for a gr8 night xxx
Harry you are the perfect house guest, so whichever anyone chooses they can't lose out xxxxxxxxx
if you want to come here first then let us know xxxxxxx
Just realised you missed us off list :cry:
Clock's ticking now 3 hours left to cut off time xxxxxxxxxxxxx
OK guys & gals, anyone wanting to come must reply by midnight tomorrow or no directions will be sent out, so get sending, as usual SH cples are non existant but we do have loads from another site, so make sure you don't miss party of parties xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx you know it makes sense
Well, hope Robbie will be featuring this time Harry, or you know a certain party will be after your hide..........
Got lots of food sorted & plenty of people coming (altho not SH peeps needless to say)
Still room for a few more but is SH a waste of time?
let's face it guys, they need to meet me & mr c to see what fun is, maybe they too scared to reply :!:
reckon people on sh must be a shy lot
Hi all, couples party here on 26/4, usual stuff if you've been before, if not give us a shout & we'll explain the rest - usually get a gr8 turn out, but SH members always seem to let us down - lets go for it this time xxxxxxxxxxxx