Hi im off to Cork for 3 days mid June and would love to make the trip more enjoyable.
Am not crossing my fingers as they would probably go numbe first, then what use would they be.
if anyone knows of somewhere to go or if theres a single female (yea right) or a couple leave a reply
Or if you just want to bet on my chances leave a reply with the odds have fun Jest
5 foot 3 in high boots
sounds like fun
zip up or lace up stilleto or platform ?
I am sure your a dab Hand at that.
I expect i could rise to the ocassion with out much help but a helping hand is much appreciated
If you get bored with your flexable friend let me know
Ill bring over somthing more ridged for you to try
in kent next week so ill try and stiffen it up before then ;)
Hi try
or Paradisa in soho or just tyoe in boots shoes fetish in google and theres loads of sites
there is a little place in leicester that sells great shoes ot sure of boots
any how as and wehn you get them lets hope we get to see you in them
Ok i can put it half way in if that helps (I wish)
Libra move to where ever you want as long as you still come to the get togethers down south
happy hunting
Try spy bott or pest patrol to get rid of it
If it keeps comming up with "about Blank" then its a nasty little virus
pest patrol should do it but you may need to run it more than once
also delet all cookies and tem internet files and history first
its affected your registry
good luck
Ok you can have it when you want just let me know
And me already in essex
If you just want a cock to play with now and again just sk
Hi ya welcome to the site have fun see you about
Well if you cant find any young guys
theres always us older fitish guys with all our own hair teeth and no beer bellies
hope you find one XX
Hi wpuild love to You have PM