going back to the point of stealth mode , having read a few posts i agree about the stealth mode being abit on the creepy side . The idea of choosing who watches your cam is far better idea afterall would you want somebody thats been rude to you in one way or another then getting the chance to get off watching you "play" on cam ? far better to have the choice i say , anyway moan over
we are thinking of going to liaisons on friday night if you 2 fancy meeting up ,
this thread seem to be over taken from the fact that lots of peeps are experiancing probs once they conect to the chat room i for one am sick of coming on here after jo has been on and pc running pig slow i regularly run aniti spam and it used to be ok now its finding lots more than it used to and if there are lots using the chat room you cant even check out the profiles on there. has the chat room been linked to other chat rooms ? suddenly weve got loads of new names in there and no chat ops!! whats going on ???
a quick word from me , if any guys turn up and dont play or ignore jo i can assure you that will be your 1 an only invite she doesnt want wankers , watchers voyours ect we are giving up our free time so expect a little in return , i dont post that often but feel as its a new year we should start how we mean to go on , as lots can say make it worth her while and she will return the favour and you will not end up in her little black book of no shows and crap excuses thaty will not get a second chance .
somebody told me older peeps need less sleep...lol but i must admit i love my sleep as much now as i did when i was a teenager....lol
phoenix thats a crap reason not to be out we might be at J&W's party aswell...lol
well you never know we might just make the long trip...lol hope to see you there babes
hiya kaz can you please put our name down for your party please
the subject of partners going down hill is coming up more and more often and it all seems to be down to bad management rather than the club itself they seem to be trying to do the place up again after a laps in the facilities but they still keep letting the idiots spoil the place if they stopped the idiots coming in they would see a better place rather then what we was told when we complained about someone , we was told "are but they come in all the time and entertian the single guys " . does this excuse them for breaking the clubs rules ?? all it comes down to is money and the sooner they realise that kicking 1 or 2 idiots out might bring back the regulars and the friends that stopped going , well rant over now let hope the see sence soon and get the place back to how it used to be.
OH NO not jellies , for gods sake do let jo near them ...lol
Mal dont mess about just say what you mean...lol
yes its true weve been told its closing just afer christmas
Hi and welcome hope you get to know us all on here and maybe attends one of the organised meets that are done all the time where you can get to know more of the friendly cpls/guys /fems off here
:cry: what a pitty we cant make it tomoz but the dreaded work has to be done hope to go in the next few weeks tho
so let me get this you want a to meet a fem but you want " her " to pick you up and take you home and all this so you can get in on the cheap ? as for which club to goto xanadu is going down faster than the titanic did and will be closing soon so i wouldnt go and pay a years membership as for the other 2 clubs they are alot better but like most clubs they are mixed nights and will you be ok on a mixed night as some guys say they are ok but on the night find it hard with so many other guys there , well good luck with your post and hope you get a night out.