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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 67
Straight Female, 64


Julie has been working all xmas and new year.
Off now:----- So cupids here we cum!

See you later
Ps ian will have his Manu towel on.
Hi meggo,
We had a great time, friendly people and very very sexy!
Only one thing could have made it better and that is you being well.
Glad to hear you feel better now.
Happy Sexmas Meggo!!
We are organising a collection to buy out your neighbours. lol
hello funlovin xx
We would love to cum to Adam and Eves daytime party.

julie is Off work, but might be tired as working the night before: so she will need something to keep her occupied and awake.
Any ideas?
we would be very keen to come to your party meggo.
Just depends on date., as you know.
love julie and ian xx
hi jo,
Sadly lee not the only one working!
Hope you have fun.
ps has lee tied you up cause you burnt his chips?
Hi All,
We are looking fo some horney playing at Adam and eves 2nite.
Cum along and say hello
hi Jo and Lee
Thanks for being GOOD company last night.
lol :lol: :lol: :lol: biggrin :censored:
hi jo xx
Did you look at my profile first,
before you said age limit 50
{I am 51}
looks lke i will be with my best frind again.
LOL Mr manu xxx
ps enjoy yourself xx
We are going to T######## on the wirral
It is ussually a good night on wednesdays,
cum and see for yourselves
Mr Manu will have a manu towel on
hi alan rachel,
We would love to come to your party,
We cant pole dance
We cant lap dance
but we both have bellys suitable for belly dancing.
see you soon xx
ps what will you put at the side of our name Alan lol
sad We would love to come, but working nights.
Work a week have a week off. [parties always when i'm working!
hope you all have fun xxxxx
What a bumer! We are not attractive enough and a bit too old. lol
Maybe in our next life.
Have fun!! lol
Quote by Taadow
If only i'd read this last night, i was in the area, back in work in London now. I will be back in Southport this weekend though, hope the weather is good for the Airshow.

sadly we wont be in southport this weekend for the airshow,
So selfishly i am not bothered whether it rains,
i am at work!
Quote by M8-Me
are you still going to the coast tonight?
i would like to try and get there, what time were you thinking of?

we were posting for last sunday night.
You were 24hrs too late
we are looking to meet new people tonight.
anyone interested in meeting mr manu and his nymph of a wife?
Please contact us.
thanks xxxx
We are going to TH tonight for some sexercise.
Cum along and have some fun.
Hope to see you later.
hi Maybe,
Sounds like a good day and night.
Shame julie is working bank holiday weekend.
Have a great time and dont worry about julie at work.
Quote by funlovi-cpl-nw
you no im goody BABY

ok fun,
Pleases come along and help us!
If you have any energy left after blackpool!
Quote by james1978
Hi both,
I have sent you a PM. I hope to hear from you soon, even if it is just to say 'no thanks'.
Have fun and take care,
James xx

hi james
we will try very hard to have fun!
hi fun xx
Are you asking for payment?
We cant promise you anything apart from a 'gush'
if your good!
we are hoping for a very sexy fun filled weeekend in birmingham,
Can anyone help us to ensure this happens.
pm us please!!! xxxxxx
Anyone want to join us at the pictures for fun today?