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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 58


Awww Does that include me? I had mitigating circumsisions.I asked to be a sub and I only got the PM a few hours before it yet I`d have been there if I hadnt been let down be a now ex employee Im a good turner upperer ask Blue vicky n Angel
I can probably make this but could do with knowing t ime and place etc as soon as possible smile
the bad toad goes rivit rivit but the horny toad goes rubit rubit !!
if Blond has won...... does that mean who comes second just gets a bit of oral
third place a handshake and a peck on the cheek
booby prize for finishing last a fart in bed with your head forced under the covers???
I can imagine what the gravy represents but Im worried about the green peas lol
Sassy could you put me down as a maybe please ta verra much smile
lol @ Blue Your so articulate when it comes to interesting threads it so beats the "anyone up for it " brigade.
For the record I scored 7 1/2 points I need lots of practice for the other half of point bearing in mind whats happening on the 17th August
I`m also particuarly flexible this week wink
God is a woman ???? lol that totally fucks up the bible and the whole jesus mary n joseph thing. You`ll be wantin to cancel christmas next
I have to go to confession now seein as Ive committed so many more sins that I first thought
Full marks for the lengh of the ad, beats most of the illiterate no brainer ones by a mile. You do seem to contradict yourself constantly though. As far as I can make out, reading between the lines, you`ll shag anything with a pulse...... welcome to SH and good luck lol.
Dunno about modelling but I could certainly help you sell them once theyre done lol see PM
Seems a bit daft having to go backwards from Burton to birmingham then up to Preston no wonder it takes over 3 hours lol
any airports in Chorley ? or how about National express coaches Blue strut your stuff n find out lol
I can pick up from Lime st Liverpool or southport if thats any help smile
Sue have you chosen your male friend yet lol
other than that do any young free and single ladies need an incredibly witty and charming chaperone for the evening. I wheely wheely wanna go
mayeb its just a simple mix up lol Do you think he`s sent a "meet up Ad" to his wank mag and we got his "win a tenner for your story" entry confused
hurrah for a local bash count me in where in liverpool you thinkin Town centre ?
This is a classic example of a mass debate about a masturbate.
Tell you what naughty I wont bother having a wank we can give marks out of ten for arm n wrist action plus the projectile of the cum then me n you can do it the way nature intended lmao
except if your trying anal for the first time then its probably better to keep your eyes shut !!
I surely love to come see you but I Doubt I could make those Dates Helen but can we exchange face pics anyway lol not sure I can wait till September
Aw I was just gonna be first single guy to post but the bloomin puter crashed does this mean i have to bring a girlfriend or can i hang onto Davids coat tails <cheesy grin>
May I come too Blue ? Helen if your stuck for a lift and if your coming by train or Coach I could always pick you up from Lime st or wherever and take you up there. smile
When you say singles do you mean just Female or Males as well. Im thinkin female cos this would have 300 posts by now if it was male lol ..those pics are sooooooo sexy
I imagine its taken from a gay wank mag, but what I wanna know is why would ya wanna spend a whole week in Barnsley?
Blue is it me or has there suddenly been an explosion of new Bukkake posts since you started this one lol