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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 63
Straight Female, 61


Quote by Silk and Big G
Id imagine anyone would be glad to turn up with a suitable coat peg at the ready ! Although we are feeling a bit jealous of the 'special site :-) ' xx
Glad you had fun, she always looks like she does x

Cheers both, been a while since we chatted. Hope your both well and still flying the flag. Xx.
So do fancy holding Mrs shads coat sometime? It would be nice to get the full picture set of her and she would obviously be dressed for the occasion. wink
So do fancy holding Mrs shads coat sometime? It would be nice to get the full picture set of her and she would obviously be dressed for the occasion. wink
Thanks Alan for the meet yesterday and we really enjoyed playing back the pics and videos of you and Mrs shad having fun. :thumbup:
Was gr8 to see you both dunno about mrs shad being all hot and bothered what about me (.)(.) sillyhwoar:[/quote
Well you certainly got her going, she said she was very aroused by your touch as I'm sure you noticed. I reaped the rewards later and for that we both thank you. Perhaps we should do the tied to a tree scenario soon and see how hot and bothered she becomes then. :twisted:
Alan, nice to see you yesterday and Mrs shad said thanks for getting her all hot and bothered lol.
Quote by stu2068
I went up to hollingworth lake last night and got me collar felt by the rozzers, just be warned everyone, they are patrolling the area. Should be catching the rioters! To be fare to them they were very nice, and let me off with a polite ticking off
Just be careful all
Stu :sad:

What were you doing that required a ticking off?
Quote by normalcouple
Any local couples want to arrange cple 2 cple dogging at private location. No swap just shared location.

We would be very interested in sharing this private location with you. We have been Cannock regulars but in recent times have been looking for a more discerning venue.
We would have come along to this but working till 10 fri night. Would be surprised to find a quiet place over there though that has not been over run with the single guys.
Don't suppose you are out on Sat night are you? It would be nice as you say to meet up with couples there instead of the hoards of single guys. Nothing against them but some are very full on and refuse to take no for an answer.
Quote by bob160361

We don't believe it exists either, seriously though we think she's winding you up. Perhaps as ruse to get you to take her!
Quote by dana_2009
We are a young couple who are keen to try dogging in cannock chase, I am bi so would love for some girls to join me and my bf for some fun

Pick your moments when going up there unless you like crowds, fri and sat nights are very busy. Sun is not too bad but daytimes or early evenings are best.
Nice one guy's and hope you get lots of interest.
Sounds nice wish I could convince Mrs shad into trying some girl girl fun.innocent
Quote by AlanStone
Ive been looking for bloody years :twisted: Do you think my photo puts them off perhaps a bit too much lippy.

We went up to your place today and waved to your mate R. It was busy again and because they were of the sitting in the car staring silently type we left with no play or flirting. :sad:
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
good couples like yourselves are very hard to find
happy hunting though cos they are there ;)

these two are not a good couple, they are the best couplewink We was lucky enough to say hello to them a few weeks ago while lost in cannock and have to say, we have never met a nicer, friendlier couple in all the years we have been swinging/dogging :wink:
Ahh thanks babe we loved meeting you too, oh we looked for you after you had left the site where you ahem did a little show. But we were tied up and left late due to mrs shads 3 friends who were happy to chat to her all night it seems. lol We have to say that we really enjoyed meeting you but it was a shame it was so busy, mrs shad would have liked to have got out and posed with you for a few pictures. Oh well next time maybe.
Quote by deancannock
hey I'ave had an ad up here for 5 years,...still waiting for a reply !! lol

Nice one dean lol.
Quote by deancannock
hey I'ave had an ad up here for 5 years,...still waiting for a reply !! lol

Nice one dean lol.
Quote by jake434
We know that but wanted to get some guys who knew what they were looking for lol

Oh they know that too in our experience lol wish you both luck in your search.
Quote by jake434
We know that but wanted to get some guys who knew what they were looking for lol

Oh they know that too in our experience lol wish you both luck in your search.
Hi, we are normaly the ones doing a show when out dogging and would like for once to watch another couple at play. We are out Sat night Cannock area in the hopes that we can fulfill this.
PM us please for exact time and location.
Quote by jake434
anybody want to watch ?

There will always be someone there to watch, be sure of that! wink
Quote by AlanStone
Better get me suit out of mothballs and get it down the dry cleaners pretty quick unfortunately cannot do anything about my age sillyhwoar:

lol Mrs Shad says you dont have to rely on props mate, she likes you for you.
If you guys want what you want then stick to your guns and don't let others dictate to you. Mrs shad for instance has a penchant for guys in suits in the mid to late 30s range, she does not always get this but It's always her choice if she plays or shows. So by all means go dogging and if not happy with audience leave. We do and hope for a better audience next time.
If you guys want what you want then stick to your guns and don't let others dictate to you. Mrs shad for instance has a penchant for guys in suits in the mid to late 30s range, she does not always get this but It's always her choice if she plays or shows. So by all means go dogging and if not happy with audience leave. We do and hope for a better audience next time.
Quote by Mids_man
Just got back from Maspalomas beach near where I live in Gran Canaria, had to chuckle at the police riding around the dunes on a quad bike looking for swingers doing their thing. Wonder what happens when they catch you in the act! What a job eh.

lol :lol: Fair play to them as the best we can hope for over here are some forest rangers in an old land rover.
Can you pm us some directions of places over Rugely way as we come that way to the chase.
Quote by jasper1964
hi to you all any cpl like to meet somewhere nice and quite later over the chase drop me a line

Were chase regulars but never seen anywhere nice and quiet on the chase, have seen groups of single guys making it hard for a couple to get comfortable by blinding them with high beams and parking close to them in an agressive manner. Have also seen single guys that arrive straight from work stinking! We will continue to go there but only during the day before the night shift madness kicks in. Shame really because we used to enjoy going at night when you did not know who was watching or who's hands made there way into the car wink