hi dee will send more info asap x x x
helloo we are able to make it if there is still room look forward to seeing old and meeting new peeps x x x x sids
will be doing update of attendance shortly i anyone else would like more info or attend please add name below xxxxxxxxx
many have asked what happens on the girl night , the girls all meet up at a place which will be sent to all those attending we have a few drinks soft or alcohol thats down to u and we chat have a laugh
its just a great friendly way of meeting some of the ladies you chat with behind the screen ,and with many also asking what sort of lady can attend i would like to stress it is open to all sizes and sexuall prefrences
look forward to seeing you sexy t x x
harry im sure u will pass dressed up
have fun all sorry we cant join you x x x
will do mrs nice be good to see you again x xx
hi ladies names are down look forward to meeting you sexy bi & mrs sid x x x
Hi ladies
Just to let you know that we are organising another girls nite in Norwich on Saturday 19th July 2008 at pm.
Please email me for more details or just to put your name down to say you would like to come.
Look forward to hearing from you ladies very soon.
Sidfoxy & Sexybi
conformations of attending
mrs sidfoxy
mrs 2gether
mrs norfolk group fun
mrs sam (maz-sam)
mrs sexy t (hornynsexyt)
also we have 3 other ladies attending
hi all ,
was great to see you all yesterday thanks to everyone who came along hope you enjoyed as much as we did have never felt so chilled and relaxed in a long time ,and thank you rod for a lovely day and for the chocs
love sids xx x xx x xx
hi guys all your names have been put down and i will be sending full info out this week to u all look forward to meeting u all rod & sidfoxy x x x x
:P still plenty of room if you just would like more details then please add ur name it will not be taken as an deffo you coming untill we ask for conformation
we have now added more detail to the post and please can you be so kind as when u confirm that you are coming along that you have put down ur prefered destination point please note that the most popular will be the one we go along to many thanks sidfoxy and rodrabbitt looking forward to seeing you there
thanks tulip
was great to see everyone again xx
sorry to hear you cant make it hornynsexyt
look forward to seeing you hornynsexyt gypsy n jus
sorry you cant make it harry and uk cupple enjoy the hen night
:all places have now been taken we look forward to meeting you all if for any reason i have not mailed u all the details that u need please let me know xxxxhi conformations are being taken and will be added below as you confirm
juscruzin & gypsy
single men
tess from (hornynsexyt)
hi am i to late to add me self to the list and confirm to come xxxx