Hi Fobs,
With so many of our buddies there all at the same time it would be rude to miss out. Please add us if its not too late?
D & U
can,t remember much of the last camp ( I was blotto for much of it) but MFL says it was good and I missed loads of fun. Please count us in and I,ll try to be soberer this time round.
Love D & U x x x x x
Names are down and can,t wait
Sunny x x x MFL x x x
We,ll see you at the next one
D & U x xx x
Hi Bambi x x x ,
For the first time in ages we can actually make one of your socials. Please add us to the list.
D & U x x x
P.s. do we bring our own cans of shaving foam or are we just going to let off the fire extinguishers?
make me firm please :confused: Oh and MFL too
D & U x x x x x
Hi Try,
Hotel booked so please confirm. Cya there D & U x x x
Southend?? Where the heck is that? But if we are mended and up to it then we,ll try and make it. Add us to the list and we,ll let you know nearer the time
D and U x x x x
please put us on the list and we,ll do our best to make it. don't wanna miss out by not adding early enough
D & U x x x
can you pencil myself and the Myfairlady2009 in please. Not definates yet but with such distinguished guests on the list we will have to try and make it . . . .
D & U x x x
We will be there for sure. Hotel booked,
D & U x x x
Hotel all booked. See you there D & U x
Haven't got a Triumph but have got a village bike . .. . . does that count?
what we remember of camp through the induced haze was brill. Please keep us posted for the date in september and we,ll try to make it. And the poor weather didn't stop us last year did it?
Sunny and MFL x x x
Hi Try,
don,t forget us too please (as if you could?)
D & U x x x
Hi Trix,
we would like to be added to the list please. Big change for us to venture out the mids so we will need hotel recomendations and directions and sanity checked. Hope you will have us.
Sunny and Myfairlady x x x x
Hi Bambi,
Please add us to the list please.
See ya there
Sunnyboy and MFL x x x x x
Hi Try,
better late than never but can you add us to the reserve list please? Otherwise we will just have to book a room anyway and have a party in our room lol
D & U x x x x
Ben it will be an honour to be at your stag do mate. We will be barer than you too as long as we don,t have to do the sun-terrace in october.
D and U x x x x x x