Hi there i have a free day this friday the 1st of Aug and was wondering where to go during the day.
Is it better to go to Adam and Eves during the day or cupids or both?
Does anyone fancy meeting up at either.
If anyone has any advice i would appreciate it,or if any couples,or fems fancy going to either then let me know ta xxxxxx
SORRY GUYS going to have to cancel,got to go to Preston to pick my lad up,i am gutted as i dont want to waste peoples time Sorry again xx
just me and my five fingered friend then.x
What time will you be there jo? I am going at about 7pm ish
Hi there just wondering if anyone is coming out to plat this tues?
I am going to Adam and Eves at ish then later on in the evening going to Cupids if anyone is going to either of these two places or if anyone wants to meet up let me know. Hope to see you on tues Dean xxx
hi there i will be staying at the Noda award ceremony hotel in Blackpool this Sunday night if any couples or single fems fancy meeting up for a drink etc,pm me for details if anyone fancies meeting for fun x
anyone going this tuesday to either adam and eves or cupids or fancy meeting up? i'm not sure which to go to so advice would be appreciated xxx
Is anyone coming out to play?
not sure whether to go to Cupids or Adam and Eves this tuesday night(5th feb)does anyone know which i should go for?
I know Cupids is usually quite busy on a tues so will prob go there unless i have any better offers lol.
Does anyone fancy meetin up at either venue?
Fri nites are usually very good at adam and eves,lets hope this friday is one of them.
hope to be there,will come over and say hi xx
Any one else going?
Hi there i have sent a message,hope we can meet up one day x
Is anyone going to either of these two clube tues night the 30th, or does anyone fancy meeting up?
anyone fancy meeting at either of the above mentioned clubs tonight? or if anyone will be there let me know and i will come over and say hello dean xxx
Anyone going to Cupids tonight?
Anyone fancy meeting up there?
let me know and lets have fun x
Hi there i am going to A&E tonight and if its crap i will pop along to Cupids later,is anyone going to either of these two clubs tonight or fancy meeting up let me know xxx
where abouts are you i may be able to give you a lift xx
hi there would love an invite if possible,joined that club as a member last week x
Hi,i am going to adam & eves tonight and was wondering if anyone fancied meeting. Dont be shy i am very east to get on with and very very clean,tall,goodlooking,modest xx
looks like i'll be stood there on my own lol x
hi sexy sue i will try and be there on the 17th,i am going to Cupids this tues fancy meeting up ? xx
Oh yes silly me,it is the 3rd
Hi there anyone going to Cupids this Tues night?
Anyone fancy meeting up? also come over and say hi if you see me in there x
Is anyone going to Cupids this tues night?
I havent been for ages so really looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones,
anyone fancy meeting there let me know dean xx
hope to see you both there on tues x
Anyone going to cupids tonight(tues)come over and say hi if you are xxx
anyone going to Cupids Tues night fancy meeting up for some fun? xxxxx