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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 55
0 miles · Saint Helens


Quote by maverick40
Le chambere but get there soon as it's closing I believe

aww i hope not sad
Quote by Katniss
can i be a maybe? .... its my birthday on the 7th smile

kin ell wingburd where ya been lol
here/there ...fookin no where...wingburd :)
well you better fookin make it to this one or im gonna poke you with me stick poke
I think even i can save pennies for this one as its aggies away :)
Quote by Katniss
can i be a maybe? .... its my birthday on the 7th smile

kin ell wingburd where ya been lol
here/there ...fookin no where...wingburd :)
Quote by gorgeously-yours
haha ill throw a spare in the back of the trunk ... or you can find someone to snuggle up with lolxx

ooo plan ..plan lol..cheers hunni xxx
blooody long way to drag a duvet from ..i'll sleep where i fall lol
me n my mum are finding black humor works for us... however not everyone agrees with us or gets it .... on a plus note n just had to tell.... consultant app on thurs showed shes got 3 fractured ribs n the cancer has not spread..which is what we was expecting good news all round lol
what a bloody sactimonious topic........ i smoke because i want too.... or maybe to keep the nhs going
nothing like a bit of encouragement is there TY
N thas nothing like a bit of encouragement smile
fave movies are
The Shawshank Redemption
The Green Mile
Penny Serenade ..Cary Grant movie
Titanic..makes me cry every time
Not really a tv/Movie watcher
I didn't have the quiz room in my list .... app it was listed under the pool, but not on my screen sad
Am guilty of watching Rugrats when there were no kiddies in smile I also dragged two teenagers to The Magic Roundabout movie when it was out a few yrs ago lol :)
Quote by Shireen
The sexual side --- easy to walk away from. Actually, once I made the decision to stop, it was easy. It was actually harder admitting to myself that I didn't like it any more, than actually stopping. Once I had made that realisation, it was very simple. It wasn't meant to be permanent, but it's now coming up for 5 years and I still have no desire to go back. I could never go back to the frequency of what I used to do, for health reasons, but even the thought of something tame... you know what, no, it's just not for me any more.
Yet - the lifestyle.... No, I wouldn't want to leave. No reason to. I like the people. I've made friends. I just choose not to have sex with any of them any more.

Thanks Blue, saves me typing it out lol
Echoes my sentiments exactly x
why can we not have higher room limits?
its so frustrating not being able to get into a room that you you go in every night because the limit has been reached!!!
Have been a member of sites that the limit was 250 plus for a room..... there was no more chatters, as as we all know only a specific number of those who go in the chat room actually chat smile the rest just lurk or cam watch!!!.... i have nothing against these people but it really is sooooo annoying sitting here clicking the button to join room only to be told..its full when you know 110 of those in a 125 people room are just sat
Quote by Fobs
Added Mav lol
smackbottom for using whips account :lol: .

hmmm shall i remove the post just so he looks stoopid smile
fobs mara can i add my name to the ever growing list ,, cheers
regards mav
Quote by Trevaunance
the majority of jobs are for so few hours that It would cost me money to actually be in work....I want a job not a bloody hobby!!!

Whiplash please don't take this wrong as it is not an intended swipe at you.
Is this not a symptom of life today? a larger number of part time jobs, or job shares, just so the state can make it's target of the number of employed, or returned to work mums? Whether you hear it here, on Jeremy Kyle or anecdotally how many of us have heard 'It would cost me money to actually be in work'?
It really grips me, but I also know how bad it can be and see it on a regular basis.
I really do think that welfare is wrong and that it should either pay to be in work or out. The middle ground is unacceptable.
Trev trust me I have thicker skin that that & I by no means take it as a swipe at me lol it just irks me that all those that are out of work are tarred with the same brush.
Take today I went for a job interview that when I applied for it, it was advertised as full time, after spending £10 in travel fares to attend I was told that the hours were now only 16 with a view to increasing to 20 in the future.... so lets do the maths here 16 hours at = per week, x 4 thas per month (no arguing about 5 week months plz). As i have no dependents living with me I'm not entitled to any form of tax credits (yet another benefit, but one that has become a necessity in order to live). My monthly rent is £420 ..... dont really think I need to continue.
Re the Jeremy Kyle swipe, not all benefit claimants are like those that appear on that show or as has been reported in the media like Mick Philpott.... dya see why I get irked?.
And how strange that out of the whole of my post which mentioned council tax benefit being cut, bedroom tax, the over 65's working and residing in valuable housing stock but being exempt.. you chose to pick up and highlight one particular sentence regarding welfare payments.... I rest my case!
Quote by deancannock
MAX....I just typed in census 2011...and couldn't find where i could see all the questions again !! maybe you could forward me the link.
But you avoiding the question....Do you think at a time of some called austerity measures, at a time when the bedroom tax is being introduced ; at a time when people who have worked all their lives hard, find themselves redundant and are asked to live on £53 a week....that it is right that those earn over a million pounds a year get a 5% tax cut. Even based on your figures a minimum of a £50,000 cash back bung !!
Me.. guess what.... I think its SCANDERLOUS

Also the 20% reduction in council tax benefit has come in at the same time for those that are entitled to it.
A band A property is now liable to pay just shy of £15 per month, although this may not in itself sound like a huge amount of money, when you are already living on the breadline & having to choose on a daily basis whether to heat or eat, it is alot of money to have to 'find' out of your measly dole money, esp if you are also having to find money for the bedroom tax.
To be honest, I'm getting pretty fed up of reading how us so called benefit scroungers are living such a bloody life of riley!!!.
Yet again I have spent hours job searching today, with little results, the majority of jobs are for so few hours that It would cost me money to actually be in work....I want a job not a bloody hobby!!! The goverment has all these incentives for employers to give the jobs to 16-25 yr olds & to allow the over 65's to stay in employment if they so wish too, that the rest of the population is basically being ignored, but yet penalised for being unable to find gainful employment. The over 65's are exempt from any of the benefit changes & yet they are the ones filling up the larger properties.
I wrote it on a spur of the moment, knee jerk reaction smile then changed my mind
Quote by Toots

Is that a serious question Toots?
Do you watch any regional/national news?
Do you look around your own neighbourhood for example?
It has been well covered within the media about the lack of one bedroomed social housing, I know my own local council demolished the majority of one bedroomed properties for singles/couples to make way for bungalows for the over 65's.
This may free up a few larger properties for families but it does not provide affordable accomodation for those that do not have children.
Even 2 bedroomed properties provided by the local authority are scarce in comparison to 3 bedroomed properties.
Quote by starlightcouple
What is the £53 for ? Is it just for food or all bills ?
I am presuming this has been in the news recently but i havn't seen much news for a while so must hve missed it !

Here you are.

I don't see anywhere in that link that tells me what the £53 is for though sad
I have no knowledge of what benefits there are hence my question.

Hows that? It seems he would have to live on that after housing costs which I presume means rent and rates.
So things like gas and electric and food and travel to the Job Centre every week, would be paid out of his £53.
I could probably do it for a week or two, but it would be tough. It is all well and good though IDS saying he could do it, but could he do it for months on end like so many do? If it was that easy he would put his fat money where his even bigger mouth is and take up the challenge. He is now horrified to see the online petition crawling towards half a million people, and remember it only needs to spark a Commons debate.
Come on Smithy........
I have highlighted the bit in red as I believe if the job center is to far to walk to, you can ask if your claim day can be done online. You can also claim back any fares for job interviews by communicated with your job center.
I don't think however you are entitled to claim for fares for a trip to town to meet friends for a pint. So proof it is an actual interview would be needed.
Yes I have looked and it seems that you can indeed claim back your fares for interviews and for signing on as it were. Also you are correct in that reimbursing fares does not include meeting your mates in town for a drink. lol
Hmm..can never just pick up the bit I want to comment on........... just a few points that need clarifying
* Fares cannot be reimbursed for signing on/back to work interviews unless they are at a different location to where you normally sign every 2 weeks. Daily bus tickets cannot be used as god forbid you might use them to go elsewhere, individual tickets only, if you drive there you receive per mile but you cannot claim for the cost of the car park ticket ( most bk to work interviews are over an hr long, resulting in a 2hr car park ticket)
* As for claiming back fares to attend job interviews, this in itself is in principle, not in practise. Three weeks ago I had an interview 10 miles from my home, I enquired about this & was told you could only claim fares back if the said interview was in a different borough to where you reside....ok fair enough. Last week I had an interview in a neighbouring borough (total distance 28 miles) again I enquired about help with fares & was told ahhhh that borough is not part of the 'claim back scheme' I had to attend for 2 days of interviews..petrol costs & parking fees cost me £30.
This £30 came out of my big 'illiterate dole dwellers' scrounger dole of £56 per week.
I attempt to survive on just £3 more than IDS reckons he could...the difference is I attempt it every single week.
may have to bow out as leaving this place we call SH, and pennies are always a problem sad but will keep you informed on t'other site smile
chelle x