I am a traveller from the North looking to invade the South West to conquer new lands using my mighty hammer 😋
45 year old former swinger who occasionally visits the Oxfordshire area on business looking to get back 'into it' whatever that means and break up those lonely nights, either by play or simple company. I have a few kinks that I have enjoyed in the past and would love to engage in again.
I like to think I'm a decent looking guy but I guess I would be kidding myself if I did not admit that I'm a bit more on the 'dad bod' side 🤣 but hey ho, no one's perfect!
Really looking for nice people who I have chemistry with rather than aesthetics but you have to be confident, witty and quite a lot dirty
For the sake of openness, I am married and my wife does not know. I appreciate that's not everyone's cup of tea and you'll have your own thoughts on it but each to their own.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Jim xx