So here goes, please read this it might be something worth reading. Im a poorly educated, correction I was a poor student! My father was Officer in the Army Para. Mother a teacher. I am self educated excluding low level engineering/electrical qualifications. I have travelled quite a bit been to Artic and Antartic. Never saw David Attenborough when I was there. Have tended Shackleton’s grave. Albatross Giant Skuas Penguins Fur seals Bull Seals Whales Glaciers and the Northern Lights ect. Waked across glaciers and slept out on 2 months on Isle of Rhum and tabbed the length of Loch Morar. Ive been to a few non desirable places. Ive skippered Yachts across the North Sea. Seen the southern Ocean and never want to go there again. Ive been scared many times and tried to be brave. I have a very strong sense of justice, got me into all sorts of trouble.
Regards outdoor accommodation, I can erect a tepee make sure your safe, warm and happy. If required I can kiss good night and then retire to accommodation befitting a gentleman. Air-conditioned and with silk sheets and huge pillows. Will lock my door to ward against unwanted people. I wont mention hot chocolate, slippers or pyjamas but If anyone likes them forget it!
I am learning to like myself, its taken a long time but things are falling in place. Im passionate about caring. Homeless are a particular torch I want to hold 70% in London ex forces. We call this a modern society. Charles Dickens taught us how to be charitable. We seem to be losing our way.
Im house trained, I can eat at a table without embarrassing others. Wash up dry up and put away. I can cook to a recipe, eat for England, only exclusion is tripe. I can hoover sew and knit. I enjoy ironing as long as I can play Tchaikovsky very load or Elvis Costello. I am a DIY aficionado. All in all a very dull boring old git.
Please take pity and help me see out my last few years !!!!
PS my humour is awful