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Single chaps you're wasting your time. We only want to hear from attractive couples and poss the rare creature that is the unicorn.  

Caught you peeping didn't we.
Welcome to our shop window.
Feel free to have a look around.
Don't be shy and ask any questions you may have. If you need attending to one of of will be with you as soon as we can. 

Please remember though to move that finger away from the friend request button and read the profile first. You need to chat us up before we accept you as friends. 

Remember looking is just looking.
Messages; are now thats where things might get fun!
Rude not crude.
Funny and imaginative not dull and predictable. 
Suggestive and sexy.
You get the idea. Push all the right buttons and the answer may well be yes we'd love to xxx

We don't like to think of our minds as dirty.....more creative. And we like to share our ideas ;-)
Latest one involves fun, photos and frolics in an emergency service vehicle just the make half with a single woman 

A girl has no name is trained in over 200 positions of the Karma sutra. 
A man has no name is accredited in Swiss, Austrian, hot stone and sports massages.
That last bit was complete bullshit but so many people are full of shit on here we felt left out being honest.
Just because we don't play often doesn't mean that when we do we are shy and lacking in skills and stamina. 

We would like to apologise for this long profile but feel that it's quicker this way than a load of messages only then to find out it isn't a match so put the kettle on, get comfy as it may be worth your time in the long run(plus there's a quiz at the end with prizes) 

We are a married couple very much in love and determined not to reach old age and look back feeling we've not tried everything sexy. We love getting filthy funny messages from attractive articulate sexy couples but do respond as a couple so please be patient. And please don't just send  "Hi" or ask how we are, or how we're finding fab. 
Another tip is to qualify who is actually online replying if you message us. 

We aren't supermodels but are considered in shape and attractive for our age and will only play with people of similar qualities. 

We're out to find like minded couples for parties, club meets or just a nice quiet pub for a drink and a laugh. Winks from couples welcome however if you have zero photos on your profile then really what's the point! If you're a sexy couple a message with a face photo of you both and suggestions on what you'd like to do with us is 100% going to get a reply failing that an exchange of winks is always fun & flirtatious and may lead to dialogue going forward.

We aren't into people who do drugs. Sorry but really isn't our thing.

A girl has no name is a sexy size 12 with a husky voice and a dry humour. There are middle aged curves creeping in so not quite gym fit but stunningly attractive and fantastically wet in bed when aroused. Educated and professional with blonde hair and the boobs of a women in her 20's she has great nipples (but be warned... they aren't to be played with until she is aroused)  She will play with the right lady and enjoys giving and receiving oral with with both men and women (the later if it feels right) although truth is she is more into men. Guys you need to be relatively in shape and be able to last longer than 30 seconds though. A bit of middle aged spread is acceptable but if you haven't seen your cock or feet due to your huge belly then it's a "No Thanks". 

As well as sex with hot people the lady is turned on by telling other women what to do to her husband to arouse him. 

A man has no name is a slim 32inch waist and 46inch chest, 5ft 10 with a shaved head. He is a well spoken and smells great 24/7. He has great oral skills and has a lovely long & wide rock hard cock which a girl has no name loves seeing sucked (no sucking of balls please) or even better she likes guiding it in to a nice tight wet pussy watching it slide in and out whislst she licks you . He is 100 % straight but is comfortable with other men in close proximity. He is quiet but not shy when you first meet him but and as the saying goes "it's the quiet ones you have to watch out for"

A man has no name really wants an attractive  couple to focus all their attention on his good lady. She needs to be made to cum and then fucked good & hard by us both whilst made to lick clit. 
She isn't a puppet so trying to put your hand up somewhere and expecting her to perform isn't going to work. Clit stimulation is how you impress. Anything else is just going to fail and possibly end up with her giving you a black eye. 
We both like women on the slimmer side (size 10 - 14 is perfect) Equally the very skinny ladies (or men) don't do it for us. He'll just want to feed you not fuck you as his ability in the kitchen is as good as his skills bedroom.

We aren't looking for anyone and everyone....... 
Quality over quantity is our mantra. 
We have each other for fantastic sex. Failing that we have our right hands which is a preferable option with some people on here.
We aren't into one of us "taking one for the team" so to speak so ideally can you be an evenly matched couple in terms of looks lol. We are shaved/trimmed and request the same from playmates. 

Last minute meets are unlikely but not impossible(if you don't ask us you'll never know) as we have our own busy business. 
We cannot accommodate as we have young children but can and will travel. 

Private house meets are very welcome. House party invites are very very welcome (as long as the guest list doesn't consist of things that will haunt our dreams and wake us screaming in the middle of the night)

We are members of Chameleons, Xtasia but are banned from Libs as we left an honest review of how crap it was one night and rather than apologize to try and win us back the owner spat his dummy out and had a tamtrum in the carpark. I have the dash cam footage saved. Its really funny. 

We don't visit clubs that often (especially lib's) but that's not to say that if an invitation came our way from a couple that flicked our switch we wouldn't move heaven and earth to attend. Plus the added bonus is if we say we're going to turn up we really do!

How to join our Block List:
Friend requests without prior contact. You've not read this profile. 
Txt speak in messages. We  really don't understand you. 
Fake accounts (easy to spot).
Photos of ladies allowing us to see what you had for breakfast.
People on drugs. 

No Black or Asian men please and no bushy beards on men or women for that matter. No men with metal through their dicks and no FB couples. Nothing personal, just not what the lady likes.

If you've read this well done. If you still have the enthusiasm and energy to message please put the following code words as heading "I'm ready to take the quiz"

Many thanks



Adult parties
Group sex
Oral sex
Same Room Swapping
Straight sex


Male Couple
Female Couple
Age: 30 - 59
Distance: 100 miles