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ur reviewers got to grips with a very
mixed bag this time - a diet regime,
a novel, a good practical manual, gay partythrowing,
short stories and a classy art
photography book ... something for all tastes!
The Orgasmic Diet
Author: Marrena Lindbergh
Published by Piatkus Books, 197 pages
The chances are, if you're reading
this magazine, you are by nature
sexually attuned and in touch
with what works for you.
However, when a book claims to offer
the key to easier, longer, more intense
orgasms, wouldn't any girl feel tempted to
give it a go?
Marrena Lindbergh admits that she's not
a doctor (actually, she's a clinical trial data
analyst and data mining programmer) - but
she does claim that she's discovered a cure
for Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD) -
essentially low libido and reduced sexual
response. She cites her own case when, nine
years earlier she'd had an ostensibly perfect
marriage - which was foundering because of
her sexual dysfunction and depression
(related or not). She summed herself up as 'a
sexual cripple'. Now, while some women may
genuinely feel they're in the same boat,
there's also an implication that women who
are not constantly gagging for it and having
earth-shaking orgasms on a daily basis are
dysfunctional - instead of just different.
Ms Lindbergh's doctor prescribed her
anti-depressants, which suppress the libido,
but she wanted to get pregnant so explored
ways to replace chemical antidepressants
with natural ones. Her journey went like this:
- Became pregnant
- Gave up caffeine and alcohol
- Started taking Omega 3 fish oils as
- Gave birth, libido dropped while
breast feeding
- Libido returned after baby weaned
She was convinced that the Omega 3
fish oils were doing the trick - and to this
she added a modest half ounce of highquality
dark chocolate a day. She then added
exercise using vaginal cone weights to
restore pelvic floor strength in the
pubococcygeus muscles to put the final
touches to the regime.
Her 'road to Damascus' experience
(actually, a long US highway drive) confirmed
her new sex-goddess status. She claims she
started fantasising and flexing said PC
muscles and twenty minutes later
experienced an entirely no-hands orgasm.
Now, I don't know about you, but I'd say that
what we want are drivers watching the road,
not fantasising and flexing their vaginal
muscles. Imagine the scene, 'Had you been
drinking alcohol or taken any drugs when
you crashed your car, Ms Lindbergh?' 'No,
I was fantasising about sex and just lost it.'
How the diet works
You take literally massive amounts of highgrade
Omega 3 fish oil capsules (about four
times the recommended daily intake) to up
your dopamine level. This is the chemical
produced in the body, which works as a
pleasure-transmitter. The chocolate fix each
day reinforces this. Dopamine levels need to
balance with serotonin - the body's natural
anti-depressant, which helps us cope with
stress - so that you don't go through
serotonin peaks and troughs, which could
suppress the libido. High levels of serotonin
make you too buzzy and focused - as
opposed to mellow and sexy. Lastly, on the
chemical front, there's naturally-produced
testosterone, which as she says, is 'the tiger
in your tank' and boosts your sex-drive.
This regime may transform your sex life
- but it also works to destroy anti-oxidants
in the body. That's a concern, given our
obsession these days with battering those
carcinogenic free radicals in the body with
anti-oxidants. To address this, Ms Lindbergh
recommends a multivitamin supplement -
along with plenty of vitamin C from fruit. (A
modest estimate of what this regime will
cost starts at around £96 a month for the
Omega 3 capsules - then add the
multivitamins... the high-protein foods...)
She maintains that this diet does not
tend to put on weight - and can produce
weight loss. Apparently people on the diet
have a healthy glow, radiant skin and shiny
hair and eyes (the latter perhaps glazed from
all that sex - and the weight loss for the
same reason). Regular physical and PCmuscle
exercise, and the other elements
should improve blood circulation and
promote sensitivity in the genital area.
The fact remains that you shouldn't
embark on this fish-oil overkill without
consulting your doctor. There's the matter of
destroying essential anti-oxidants, and the
fact that the fish oils tend to thin the blood,
so can mean that it takes longer to clot. The
diet is not suitable for everyone. Certainly
there are some good principles - cut down
on caffeine and alcohol - and some people
taking anti-depressants could, with medical
supervision, wean themselves on to a natural
Omega 3 substitute.
The issue of excessive behaviour such as
gambling or spending due to high dopamine
levels is something else again!
An informed choice
Ms Lindbergh lays out the facts well (albeit
repetitively!) - and if you're feeling sexually
desperate, then perhaps it's worth the
disruption and expense. Do I feel tempted to
try it? No.Would I, given my own albeit
modest knowledge of nutrition and dietary
balance, want to embrace such a regime?
Not really. Maybe extreme FSD warrants an
extreme remedy - but there are degrees of
dysfunction that can be addressed without
such a dietary upheaval. I'd say, even if it's a
sure-fire success on the 'Big O' front, it's still
up to the individual to weigh up the benefits
and risks. Use the information and cherry
pick - and you may understand better your
body's response to the food you put in it,
and therefore be able to make healthimproving
adjustments. Me - I'll just settle
for the daily fix of chocolate.
I give it 6 out of 10
With thanks to Piatkus Books -
Tickle His Pickle
Author: Sadie Allison
Published by Tickle Kitty Press, 148 pages
Offer price £9.95 - £3.00 off the RRP
The sub-title is 'Your hands-on
guide to penis pleasing' - which
gives a better clue than the
stupid main title as to what this
tome is about. It is yet another great
'how to' manual from Dr. Sadie Allison.
Apparently, she has a real Doctorate in
Human Sexuality that she was awarded by
The Institute for Advanced Study of Human
Sexuality. Somewhat ironically, she is a
graduate of San Diego State University
with a BA in French and Marketing! What
better background for an in-depth study of
Anyway, the book is beautifully
illustrated by Steve Lee's line drawings and is
a superb essay covering virtually all aspects
of how to pleasure a man. (While focused, as
it is, on a woman pleasing a man, this would
be equally relevant to novice gay and bi-men
and would provide both good techniques
guidance and re-assurance.) As Sadie herself
puts it, 'Some women see the penis as a work
of art. Others just see it as work.' And the
idea of the book is to have an in-depth
(sorry!) look at how things can be made
better so that both partners get more out of
their sexual experiences.
Although only just under 150 pages, the
book covers every angle of pre-, post - and
coincident male orgasm, including the use of
toys such as butt plugs and the importance
of the P-spot. For the few of you who may
not know, the P-spot is the male equivalent
of the female G-spot, whereby stimulation of
the prostate can lead to massively increased
orgasmic feelings.
The book is close to perfect - but who would
buy it for whom? Things could go wrong if a
man bought it for his wife or partner as it
might be construed as saying 'You're not very
good - mug up a little bit.' I guess the
answer really, ladies, is buy it yourself and
read it with him. Or, recommend it to a
girlfriend or buy it for her as a prezzie.
Not everything in all of the 'lessons' will
suit every couple so, as always, it's a matter
of communicating with each other and
finding the common ground that increases
your mutual sexual satisfaction and pleasure.
It will shed some new light for even the most
experienced of sexual athletes. Almost a
'must have' book. Just ignore the silly title.
I give it 9 out of 10
With thanks to CherryBliss -
E-Luv: An Internet Romance
Author: Dave Roberts
Published by Friday Books, 186 pages
I came across this title by
accident when I was searching
for another book (about
Timothy Leary) - but I'm so
glad I found this one instead, as it is
one of the most hilarious I have read. It's the
story of Trevor, a man who discovers he is
suffering from an unspecified illness, gets
fired, and finds himself in a huge heap of
debt and alone in his house with no furniture
and just his computer for company.
Gradually he finds he's losing his friends and
making new ones on the internet and he
embarks on a voyage through cyberspace to
find love and sex in chatrooms.Written like a
blog, with a diary of events, day by day, and
hour by hour, we are party to his daily
thoughts and the events which take place in
both his real life and in his newly founded
life on the internet.
If you have ever been into a chat room
or used discussion forums, this book will ring
some bells and will also have you wondering
whether you may have come across some of
the same characters who feature. Maybe it's
because the book is written like a blog that it
provides such a fast-paced account, based as
it is on the author's three years of internet
surfing in search of love.
It's not one of those books that takes
forever to get off the ground.Very early on
we learn that our main character, Trevor, has
a nasty leg rash, no money, an ugly
apartment in New Zealand, and is borderline
obese, not to mention being agoraphobic
(very much like the author himself), and
that's how he keeps the reader alert
throughout - with his refreshing honesty and
humour. In one entry, he confesses, 'I was a
pale middle-aged man, badly out of shape,
sitting naked in a chair before a webcam, all
alone in a sparsely furnished rented house.'
The unspeakable adventures he recounts
once he has discovered that online he can be
anybody he wants to be (including tips on
how to obtain a world-class collection of
female underwear arriving in the mail at the
rate of two or three a week), will have you
laughing out loud, as will the problems that
arise when his various online girlfriends want
to meet him in the real world. And they do.
Amazingly, quite a number of different
women do actually turn up at his door, never
suspecting that he can't actually get through
it. One woman even comes from the US,
leaving her husband, but bringing her child.
But perhaps most bizarre of all is how
he loses his cyber virginity to Jacqui, aka
Lady Gwinnivear. She concocts a medieval
fantasy where he had to rescue her from a
locked tower. 'I remember thinking how
ridiculous I sounded as I typed out what I
was going to do to her. At one point, I ended
up with one hand caressing her breast, while
my other two hands were stroking her
Eventually, though, Trevor realises he
needs to step away from the computer and
out into the fresh air and, with the help of,
yes, a woman he meets online, he does just
that. There are also online strip poker
suggestions, internet gambling strategies, and
his addiction to eBay - resulting in him
ending up with a whole load of stuff that he
neither needs nor wants. And of course,
there are the joys of finding love at last.
As the subtitle suggests, this is 'An Internet
Romance', but the 'E-Luv' of the title is not
as one might think, another piece of
computer-speak, but an actual person.
The writing is blisteringly funny,
moving and smart, and comes over as being
effortlessly droll. And, because it's done like
an online blog, it's perfectly divided into
small digestible sections that make it easy
for email and web consumption.
I give it 8 out of 10
You can read E-Luv online at -
The New Erotic Photography
Edited by: Dian Hanson and Eric Kroll
Published by Taschen, 608 pages
This is brilliant. Absolutely
BRILLIANT!! Brilliant with a
double 'Br' a couple of 'illi's
and a shouted 'ant'.
Taschen, a German
publisher, produces some of the highestquality
books around - ones that you just
want to own, be proud of owning and want
to keep for ever. Their forte is so-called
'coffee-table books' - the kind of things that
are picked up, scanned through while you're
waiting for the host to re-appear from the
kitchen with the first drinks of the evening,
and then discarded. But not in this case. This
is the sort of book that you borrow and
'forget' to return.
As a reviewer, I get sent more books
each month than some people read in a
lifetime and, like most reviewers, it's rare
that I get drawn into one that captivates
from beginning to end. In this case, I read
every (English!) word at least twice and
studied all the wonderful photos time and
time again. The book is tri-lingual - English,
German and French - which, probably, helps
to explain its low price.
This hard-back tome is essentially a
celebration of the erotic female form - any
male images are largely incidental - a rich
collection of modern photos from many of
the best-known and some of the lesserknown
exponents of the art. It features
seminal works by 82 different photographers,
from fourteen different countries, complete
with their CVs and bibliographies.
'Photographer' is a loosely used term in
common parlance - it should not mean 'a
person who happens to own a camera', but
all too often these days, it does. A person
who fires off several hundred shots with a
digicam, might get lucky once or twice, then
edit them on a computer - but they're not a
photographer. A photographer is someone
who composes images with a vision in their
mind - then gets lucky with a couple and can
show the world what they had in mind from
the beginning. Indeed, one featured
photographer, Steve Diet Goedde from Los
Angeles, states, 'Shooting digitally with a
seemingly infinite amount of exposures can
make a photographer lazy.' He's right
(although some featured artists disagree).
This is what you get from this book - the
results of a sequence of thinking, envisaging,
planning, preparing, hoping, shooting,
printing and then - WOW!!! 'I caught exactly
what I was after'!
There are around 300 full-, or close to
full-page plates that, depending on your
predilections, warrant being framed and hung
on the wall for a fraction of the price you'd
pay in an art shop. If you really like what you
see, buy a second copy - it's a bargain at less
than £30.00 a copy. Keep one complete and
use the other to frame pages as wall
decoration. I would start with pages 110 and
111 - courtesy of Didier Carre - who writes;
'With pornography there is no room left for
dreaming about the subject.With erotic
photography the work is not finished and
you can imagine what will happen later.'
I've held back the final 0.1 mark to
motivate Taschen to produce something even
better - but it's a hard act to follow.
I rate this magnificent
book at 9.9 out of 10
With thanks to Taschen
Sex Parties 101
By Simon Sheppard
Published by Alyson Books, 224 pages
Alyson Books specialise in gay and
lesbian publications, so let's start
with the premise that this is a
party manual first and foremost
for gay guys. Take a look at the cover...
Having said that, as a 'how-to' book, there's a
lot of basic common sense, which any sexparty
organiser would be daft to ignore.
With a promise to make the reader's
sex-life 'peppier, perkier and downright more
adventurous', American Simon Sheppard
attacks his subject with humour,
thoroughness and quite a lot of alliteration.
He deals with organisation methodically,
beginning with venues and types of party -
home or hired rooms; free or pay to attend;
speciality or themed evening or
straightforward party; a few close friends or
internet-advertised mass orgy... Then there's
everything you need to do to orgy-proof
your venue. And when you've attended to
these basics, there are essentials to provide -
washing facilities, first aid kit, fridge space for
BYOB contributions, suitable catering,
mingling areas, mattress areas, intimate
corners, conducive lighting...
Do you want a themed evening - togas,
leather, drag, darkroom, hallowe'en? And if
you set a dress code, how do you deal with
poopers who won't conform? Much of his
advice is aimed towards safer sex - literally
'harmless' fun - and making sure that
everyone goes home having fulfilled some
fantasies, met some interesting partners and
had an all round good time.Which leads to
some universally applicable advice on
etiquette for hosts and attendees alike. As at
any such gathering, 'relax and be friendly' as
you enter 'the gate to the great group grope'
(Shepphard does love his alliteration), and be
polite, even in refusals. After all, 'a hard friend
is good to find' - and no-one, no matter how
gorgeous, can afford to jeopardise his party
popularity by being selfish or anti-social. Go
in, he advises, with an outgoing attitude -
prepared to put your best foot (or however
long you've got) forward.
This manual works for newbies to the
gay party scene too - covering personal
hygiene, safety, dress etiquette, and how to
break the ice. There's guidance for those who
are curious about the more specialised sexual
practices too - fisting, SM, bondage,
flagellation/spanking, foot fetishism and
what Shepphard uncompromisingly calls 'the
juvenile fun of piss parties'.
Shepphard is clearly an enthusiastic
party animal, and passes on his wisdom with
the authority of one who's attended a fair
few very varied boys' beanos (I can do
alliteration too!). Some of the scenarios he
describes might well provoke some indulgent
fantasising at home - and as a host's or
guest's 'how-to', this is sound stuff and quite
an entertaining read to boot.
I'd give it 6 out of 10
(if it wasn't so American it could have edged 7)
With thanks to Turnaround -
Five Minute Fantasies
Edited by Cathryn Cooper
Published by Accent Press Ltd
(Xcite Books), 200 pages
In the words of that old advert,
'Does what it says on the can'. In
this first of at least three - and I
hope more - Five Minute Fantasies
collections, Xcite Books have brought
together a really varied selection of twenty
erotic short stories. Dip in anywhere and
you'll find something to pique your
imagination. OK, they probably take
something more than five minutes to read -
but as the back cover promises, this is not
vanilla sex, but full-flavour stuff. There are
tales of awakening sexuality; deliberate,
premeditated seduction; encounters with
strangers; paid-for fantasies; role-playing;
exhibitionism; bondage and spanking - and
some lovely foodie scenarios by one Astrid L (you can sample one of her
tales - Associations: a Valentine's
Tale - on page XX.
I've always felt that the piquancy of the
short story is the 'sting' at the end - and a
number of these tales deliver a particularly
clever twist at the finale. These are not just
indulgent personal fantasies set to paper, but
crafted scenarios, written in a variety of
styles. It would spoil the enjoyment of any
one of the stories to talk plots - suffice it to
say that it's easy to get drawn into the
atmosphere of each different author's
imagination, and with the exception of any
man-on-man action, there's something to
tickle most people's fancy.
As reviews go,
this is, like the
'fantasies', short and
sweet. Read, as I did,
from cover to cover - or
pick any tale at random -
you'll be well entertained
with something spicy.
I give it 8 out of 10
With thanks to: -