Book Reviews (4)
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I like to kick off
the book review
section with
something 'real' - a biography
or something non-fictional -
and this issue is no exception.
There's a how-to manual and some
much-better-than-average fiction -
both full-length novels and erotic 'shorts'
- altogether some good autumn reading.
Dances with Werewolves
Author: Niki Flynn, Published by Virgin Books, 238 pages
Despite its fanciful title, this is a true memoir - not just true, but eye-openingly, grittily
real. Niki Flynn (her 'stage' name) invites you into her world as a lifelong 'spanko' and star
of CP (corporal punishment) films. Obviously this is a special niche market - not every
one gets off on seeing people being caned, paddled, whipped, spanked and humiliated
- but that should
certainly not stop you
from reading this
personal expose.
Of course, if
you're a spanko
yourself, it's
This is a very frank look inside the head of a
woman whose primary pleasure is pain -
experiencing it, getting through it and
looking back on it with a battered bottom
and a sense of achievement. As she explains
when describing an early shoot with the
Czechoslovakian underground film company
'Lupus Pictures' (hence the reference to
werewolves), 'I have no idea how many times
the cane has slashed into my bottom. I'm in
so much pain I'm barely able to draw breath
to cry out.' But far from putting her off
further film work, this is the beginning of the
realisation of her best fantasies. She's doing
what she loves and being paid for it.
It wasn't always so straightforward for
her. She admits that she struggled with early
vanilla relationships, and it took her some
time to discover what worked for her. She
discovered a fellow spanko in her sister's
boyfriend, who was the proud owner of a
large library of CP films. Then she realises, 'I
was born kinky', and, coming to terms with it
was a major step. She found websites and
chatrooms where she could talk to others
like her: 'Once I found other spankos and
realised that other people had fantasies
complementary to mine, I knew I would
never be able to bottle up my desires again.'
Kinky she might be, but she sets out her
bewildering mind, full of contradictions,
without any of that annoying 'look at me,
I'm weird' approach. She recognises the
anomalies in her attitudes - she would suffer
any amount of pain, wearing the welts,
bruises and rope-marks without demur - but
she owned to feeling 'a real prude' about
filming oral, anal and exposed anus shots.
After a nice American upbringing, she moved
out of the family home, got an office job and
moved in with three guys - but had to move
on when she realised that one of them was a
coke-dealer. She found she wasn't good at
office work - ironically, she had problems
with the authority - so she got a job in a
strip club, where she found herself mother
confessor to some of the more
unconventional clients.
It was when she found her long-term
boyfriend through a spankers' website that
she was able to indulge her fantasies without
feeling embarrassed - or, as previously, that
her partners had been going through the
motions to humour her. Having arranged a
meet online, they spent a week together,
'there seemed no limit to the places we
could go in our heads'. Her enjoyment of sex
could only come from her non-consent in a
fantasy setting. To her, the intensity of a
relationship comes from 'trusting someone
to give you pain to push your limits, to take
you to an extreme physical and emotional
place... and afterwards you'll be comforted
and told how brave you were.Vanilla sex
could never take me anywhere like that.'
Dances with Werewolves is an
extraordinary insight into the dark recesses
of Niki Flynn's mind, and an exposition of the
niche CP film industry around the world.
Flynn describes in detail a lot of scenarios in
which she has played, en route to becoming
one of the best-known spanking models in
the business, with a following of almost
worshipful fans (many of whose emails and
correspondence through chatrooms she
includes). For a CP fan, these elements make
this a 'must-read' memoir - but Flynn writes
well, explaining her complex feelings with a
genuine sense that she wants the reader to
understand her. She cites the erotic buzz she
gets from fanmail where she is the centre of
their fantasies, as the writers try to live out
the pain with her, 'the profound psychosexual
experience of being intimately
objectified in someone's fantasies' and the
perverseness of her addiction to deliberately
administered punishment: 'Afterwards I bask
in the glow of the subsiding pain and marvel
at what I've endured. I can't enjoy it unless I
don't enjoy it'.
Seeking out film scenarios which pique
her imagination, Niki Flynn started, very
tentatively, with politically-based
punishment in her Lupus Pictures
productions - and progressed to her
signature schoolgirl CP roles (always in
proper, authentic school uniforms - realism
is paramount, even when having her hair
hacked off on camera).While the time
sequence is fractured with flashbacks to
scenes from her childhood, teens and pre-CP
days, this device sheds light on the present
Niki.While you may not share Niki's tastes
and peccadilloes, she's a compelling and
complex character - and her book gives an
insight into her world.
Well written and an absolutely
'revelationary' read.
I'd give it 8 out of 10.
With thanks to
Electrify your sex life
Author: Carole Altman Phd
Published in America (where else?)
by Sourcebooks Inc.
Well it's cheap. I, too, am a qualified
psychologist, but I wasn't - until now -
obsessed by telling people. Unfortunately, Ms
Altman is.While 'I' is the commonest word in
spoken English, it shouldn't be in the written
word. But it is in this book.
What we have here is re-hashed Masters
and Johnson, and I'm pretty certain that
anyone reading this magazine doesn't
need this type of help. So why am I
reviewing it? To be honest, as we always
are, it was sent to us and we have a duty
to protect our members and subscribers from
such garbage. Also, despite England winning
the Rugby World Cup (it was a try!) but the
trophy going to South Africa, and Lewis just
missing out, I was bored... but not as bored
as I was when reading this book.
As you can probably tell, I'm pushed to
find something good to say about this
magnificent octopus. I've found something:
it's 277 pages long, long, long.
Before I go, I'll give you the 'about the
author' (sic) bit.:
'Psychologist Dr. Carole Altman is the
author of 101 Ways to Make Love Happen,
From the Files of a Sex Therapist, and Don't
Have Sex Until you Read Chapter 15: Secret
Strategies for Successful Dating, and soon to
be published Sex Talk. An expert in her field
and a popular radio and TV personality and
consultant, she lectures and offers workshops
on positive attitudes and joyful sex. Carole
has three children and six grandchildren. She
lives in Las Vegas.' (In my opinion she lives on
a planet somewhere between Zanussi and
Zog.) Need I say more? Actually, yes. The
picture on the front cover almost beggars
belief - if the guy isn't asleep, then I support
Chelsea. As Dorothy Parker said, 'this is not a
book to be tossed aside lightly. It should be
thrown with great force'.
Unsurprisingly, I, along with the French
jury, give this book 'Nul points'.
With thanks to CherryBliss -
The Ten Visions
Author: Olivia Knight, Published by
Black Lace, (Virgin Books) 255 pages
Under their Black Lace imprint,Virgin publish
in a number of different genres -
contemporary, historical, paranormal and
anthologies - and The Ten Visions falls into
the paranormal category - and rather spellbinding
it is, too.
Fresh home from America, our heroine,
Sarah Kirkson, moves into 'a house with a
history' in Oxford - and she quickly gets
down to some action with a stranger who's
muscled in on her house-warming party -
and here the normal run of sexual adventure
ends and the paranormal takes over.
I'm no connoisseur of wicca or the
occult, but I suspect Olivia Knight is. Either
that or she's made up some very imaginative
names for her chapters... they probably have
some occult significance. Similarly, she
demonstrates an extensive knowledge of
herbs and ancient rituals - details which it
would be daft to include if they weren't
essentially authentic.
So, there's a convincing backdrop of
occult wisdom as Sarah embarks on a voyage
of paranormal discovery among the arcane
societies and traditions of Oxford and its
colleges, and two romances unfold in her life.
There's the pale and mysterious Jo, and the
beautiful, sensitive and spiritual Adrian -
both part of Sarah's exploration of her own
powers. Soon she finds herself at the centre
of a dangerous battle for good against evil,
where the devil himself leads the powers of
darkness, souls are at stake and only faith in
Nature's own magic and the power of ritual
can save Sarah and her friends from
inevitable perdition.
The ten visions themselves are
strongly symbolic and take
Sarah back into a past life,
long ago, which influences
and informs her presentday
experiences. Of
course, decorating the
storyline (which,
pleasingly, stands
pretty well on its
own) are lots of
sexual encounters,
with the paranormal
adding some interesting
dimensions to these.
There's voyeurism,
ritual orgy, girls
together, domination
and lashings of
good, horny
hetero stuff. I reckon The Ten Visions is a
really good page-turning read, where the
themes of sex and magic combine to thrill
and chill.
A well-earned 8 out of 10
from me...
With thanks to
Sex and Seduction
Edited by: Cathryn Cooper
Published by Accent Press Ltd,
(Xcite Books) 209 pages
This twenty-tale collection was one of Xcite
Books' first three-title offering back in
February this year - the others being Sex and
Satisfaction and Sex and Submission. (I
reviewed one of the second trio, Five Minute
Fantasies 1, 2 and 3, in our second magazine,
and Spank Me, from the third set in Issue 3).
As such, I'm aware of what I can only term a
progressive 'learning curve' in range and
editorial handling across the series so far. In
the more recent books the experience of the
previous titles pays off, giving a better pace
and contrast from one story to the next -
but that's not to say the early stuff isn't
good too.
There's a range of tales, set in the UK
and the US, with a couple of holiday forays
to Greek islands and Australia, and one in an
unspecified sci-fi environment in the future.
(I did notice, reading as I did straight through
from start to finish as opposed to dipping in
here and there, that there were two tales in a
row which started with the heroine opting go
go off alone on a holiday booked for her as
part of a couple because of some physical or
relationship mishap.)
The stories embrace a wide variety of
writing styles too - the embarrassed
confessions of a sacrilegious coupling in a
church, the understated English reserve of
the tennis secretary's wife who 'plays in' a
new member, the US 30's gumshoe casehistory
of the missing dong, an American
college kid's encounter with a Mrs
Robinson-style older woman at a pool
party and a wonderfully Shakespearean
account of a lecturer targeted by a student
- and there's the blend of seduction by
strangers, lesbian and bi pairings,
teacher/student impropriety, threesomes,
foursomes (and more). You can read a
sample from the collection, Personal
Enquiries, in this issue's Erotic Tales.
So, on the strength of a year of
titillating Xcite collections, you could do
worse for a Christmas present for a
suitably inclined lady reader than to buy
her a year's subscription which will
deliver a new volume every month.
Check the website below for details.
A well-earned 7 out of 10
With thanks to
Black Lace Quickies 8
Erotic short stories by women
Published by Black Lace,
(Virgin Books) 123 pages
I like the short story genre, so I dipped into
my first Black Lace Quickies collection with
gusto... and I wasn't disappointed. The
'Quickies' series are compact little volumes,
around 120 pages, of six stories a go - and
although I've not sampled any of the
previous collections, I'm impressed with the
standard and style of the stories.
'Erotic' fiction - rather than frankly
pornographic reading, is very much a
women's niche genre, both in writing and
reading, and the Quickies are flagged as
being by women (widely published authors)
- and also, tacitly, for women. These tales are
told in the first person - a girl's eye view, and
an insight, one senses, into some of the
authors' inner desires.
As I read, Londoner though I am, I felt
that the bias was leaning a bit too much
towards the capital, as the first three of the
six stories were based in modern-day London
- but then, pleasingly, the settings changed,
and there's plenty of variety within the
storylines. There are confessions of
voyeurism; submissiveness and domination
discovered; encounters with strangers and
stalkers; seduction in a changing room - and
my personal favourite, the episode of the
frottage fanatic on the London-to-Brighton
train. To enlarge would spoil
the fun - I'll simply say that
you'd have to go some to
beat this collection for subtle manipulation
of a very horny and ambivalent situation.
You can enjoy these 'mini morsels of
naughtiness' anywhere - the cover is nonexplicit
- and they're just about the right
length to brighten up a lunch break or a dull
daily commute.
Definitely 8 out of 10
With thanks to
Author: Emma Holly
Published by Black Lace (Virgin Books)
270 pages
As you can see, another title from Virgin's
Black Lace imprint - unashamedly flagged as
erotic fiction for women, by women - and
this time a contemporary tale, set in
modern-day Philadelphia. Judging by the
publisher's lists, Emma Holly is one of Black
Lace's regulars, and I can see from this, the
first title I've read by Ms Holly, why her
writing is popular.
Kate Winthrop (who tells the tale), a
divorcee in her thirties, finds herself in that
most rare and improbable of circumstances -
that of having two (notionally) gay lodgers in
their twenties, both of whom she discovers,
as events unfold, nurse a secret desire to get
into her designer silk knickers. One, Joe, is
quite a novice at any sort of sex, having been
put off girls by a first bad experience - but
even 'gay' Sean has a soft (wrong word...)
spot for Kate. So, this highly-charged trio -
the menage - start to interact.
There's a power struggle at first, the
dominant Sean quickly moves to
establish his status as master - but the
sexual balance of power shifts and
fluctuates. This gives plenty of
opportunity for some bondage,
blindfolding, whipping and spanking
as Kate's not-so-gay lodgers plot
and plan some interesting
scenarios for their mutual
Cautious (and
rapidly becoming more
hetero) Joe has no
trouble warming
emotionally to his
landlady - but
the dynamics
with the more
gay Sean are
more complex.
As unlikely as the threesome menage may
be, Holly deals with the real relationship
issues which arise, as well as the plentiful
and varied sex. There are twosomes, threesomes,
voyeurism, role-playing, domination,
all among our star menage - and then there
are some interesting cameo appearances by
other characters who frequent Kate's 'Mostly
Romance' book store and the distinctly shady
underground world of Sean and his colourful
Of course, it's optimistic (nay,
downright unrealistic) to think that a
menage a trois can last successfully -
there's no denying that Kate, Joe
and Sean give it their best shot.
Although it's a Black Lace title,
aimed at female readers, it's a
good romance, a raunchy read
and well written.
Definitely 7 out of 10 -
and blokes might well get
off on it too
With thanks to