Discovering Dogging
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What drives people to
take to the wide-open spaces
for their sexual gratification?
The risk of being found?
Probably. Or perhaps it's the
spice of being watched and
turning on the voyeurs? Two of
our SH readers take a trip
down Memory Lane to recall
their first forays into dogging...
We accidentally discovered the
pleasures of dogging around three
years ago - and haven't looked back since!
We had initially started swinging a few years
after we got married, following an
adventurous night in with a couple we were
friendly with. This continued for a number of
years, with the four of us becoming very
close, but as is often the case, real life took
over, and the meetings weren't as regular or
exciting as they used to be - so we decided
to call it a day and put more effort into
enjoying each other.
It was a Saturday night In July and we
had been out for a meal. On the way home,
we decided to call into a local country park
for a bit of quiet time together. It was very
late in the evening and we really didn't
expect anyone else to be around. This was
something we had done on many occasions
- and we'd often talked about how we would
react if someone discovered us. Luckily for
us, no-one had ever caught us, but the
thought of it was enough to make both of
us feel very excited.
We are not alone...
On this particular evening, we parked in a
secluded area of the car park, and quickly
settled ourselves into the back seat.We
hadn't previously had outdoor sex here, but
we had visited there often enough during the
day and knew our way around.
Before long we were getting rather
passionate, and were totally unaware of
anything apart from each other. Suddenly,
my husband seemed to tense up, I asked him
what was wrong and he said he thought he
had heard something or someone moving
around outside.We tried to sneak a look out
of the window but couldn't see anything, so
we continued enjoying ourselves. I was lying
across the back seat when he leant over and
said that this time he was sure that there
was someone watching us. I don't think I
actually took him seriously and just
presumed it was more verbal foreplay and
carried on what I was doing. He then
whispered that there was definitely someone
watching us - and they were standing by the
car window and they were masturbating. By
this time I was really enjoying myself, so I
just told him to continue and ignore them,
still not fully believing that someone was
actually watching.
Before long, my inquisitiveness got the
better of me and I just had to take a sneaky
look to see if there was in fact someone
there. I changed my position so my face was
near to the window where my husband had
said the man was standing, and I looked out.
To say I was surprised is definitely an
understatement! There, standing by the car
was, not just one man, but two - both of
them wanking as they watched us.
It's showtime!
I really don't know what was going through
my mind, but I do remember feeling
incredibly excited by it all. I felt so nervous -
so naughty - the buzz I was getting was
indescribable. I knew that my husband had
no worries about performing in front of
other people, so we just carried on, putting
on a show, making it easier for the guys to
see by turning on the interior light in the car.
I was so turned on by it all, I felt as if
I would explode and I'm sure we both
struggled to make it last longer than a few
minutes.When we did stop playing, we
quickly turned off the light. I looked at the
window, to see a shadow moving in to the
nearby trees - he gave a quick wave of
thanks as he left.
We quickly dressed and drove home,
possibly breaking every speed limit going. As
soon as we got into the house, we virtually
ripped each other's clothes off and had the
most amazing sex.When we finally made it
to our bedroom, we both wanted to talk
about what had happened - to try and
understand what we were feeling, and why it
had affected us so strongly. Both of us had
been enormously turned on by it all, and
even though neither of us is what you would
call an exhibitionist, we had both felt so
exhilarated during our 'show'.We both
agreed it had been harmless fun, but
probably a one-off thing that would never
happen again.
Repeat performances
The following day we couldn't stop smiling
and at every opportunity we talked about
the previous evening.We also decided to go
back again that same evening and see if
anyone else was around.
Shortly after dark, we set off for the
same car park.We were both very excited
and also very nervous.We parked in the
same place as we had the previous evening
and sat and waited. Before long, we noticed
some movement in the trees to our side, and
soon a man was stood a few feet away from
the car. I could feel myself shaking with
nerves and turned away from him. After a
while, the man realised nothing was
happening and he moved away back into the
trees.We did get a few other similar visitors,
including a few cars driving up and parking
very close, but at this point, I was too
nervous to do anything other than watch the
comings and going of the car park.
After a while, I began to feel a little
more relaxed, and again we talked about the
previous evening. It didn't take long for this
to have a dramatic effect on me and I took
this as my prompt to begin the fun.We got
into the back seat of the car - something we
never do now - and proceeded to undress
and play together.We were very nervous, and
were constantly checking to see if anyone
was around, and we weren't disappointed.
Before long, a man came over to our car, and
stood about six feet away, watching as we
put on a show for him. I was so horny, and
my husband suggested I open the car door so
he could get a better look, and possibly have
a feel. Eventually I opened the door and as
quick as a shot, the guy moved closer to the
car and started to play with himself. I
allowed him to stroke my breasts as we had
sex, but I never once looked at his face, I
didn't want to know who he was, or what he
looked like, I just wanted the attention of the
voyeur. Shortly afterwards, a couple more
men came over, but I felt too uncomfortable
to go on.We thanked the guy and made our
way back home.
Regular sessions
Well, that was just the start of things.We
were lucky that the car park where we
discovered dogging just happened to be quiet
on our first two visits - because I can assure
you, it's not normally that quiet.We soon
found that places we would never have
thought of, were regularly used for dogging
and that the variety of people involved was
immense, embracing all ages from early
twenties to some guys and couples who
appeared to well over retirement age.
Over the years, our 'game play' has
changed and we now find it safer to stay in
the front seats of the car (easier to explain
to the police if they arrive without our
noticing them) and also that much safer if
there are teenagers using the car park.We
have also become more adventurous, and we
sometimes open the car doors or windows,
depending on who is around. I never have full
intercourse with the other doggers - which is
my choice - but I certainly enjoy watching
them playing, just as I am playing too. I also
have a fairly large collection of toys I take
out with me each weekend.We also have a
couple of very clean, polite men that we
have got to know very well, and we are now
inviting them to join in when we see them.
Our 'kick' comes from the unplanned
element of dogging, so we have not gone
down the route of arranging meets, however
as with most things, the game changes, and
things evolve, so who knows what the future
will bring? We have also discovered the
pleasures of the picnic benches, but that is
another story. I am convinced the designers
of these were regular doggers. Do they
realise just how well designed they are for
naughty outdoor fun?
We have had the odd bad experience,
including being followed home, and being
'hounded' by a couple of doggers - but on
the whole, we have had loads of fun,
including playing in a local bird hide with
some friends of ours, when the weather
outside was minus two degrees, knowing
that a couple of guys were standing in the
entrance, watching our every move, and just
waiting for the opportunity to join in. It's fun
- it's a free show - and if everyone abides by
the 'rules' of dogging etiquette, there's no
harm done and everyone has a good night
(or day!) out.
Dictionary Dogging
The BBC programme about words and their origins, Balderdash & Piffle, rightly recognised that the most
thumbed pages of our dictionaries are the ones with all the naughty words, and under their 'X-Rated' category,
the researchers recently looked into the history of the word 'dogging'.
The 'Wordhunt' came up with some interesting explanations for the word as the Oxford English Dictionary
prepared a new entry to cover what they call 'this curious cultural phenomenon'. The meaning is unequivocal -
'the practice of gathering with other people in a public place, typically a car park, to watch or engage in
exhibitionist sexual behaviour' - and there is evidence of the word being used in this context as far back as 1993.
But perhaps there are earlier roots - the verb 'to dog' meaning to pursue closely - or it's even been suggested
that some of the participants might use the excuse of walking the dog to account for their nocturnal forays...
Eventually, the new entry was put together with the earliest reference being in the 1986 Sex Maniac's Diary
for 1987,which suggested that, 'Ravers wanting instantaneous action... can find comrades in the traditional
dogging haunts in Great Britain.'
So don't think you're blazing a trail or doing anything new... dogging's getting to be quite old hat!