DVD Reviews (3)
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Our reviewer was a
contented chap
this month - 'at
last', he said, 'some R18s!'
Furthermore, since he has
more than a passing
penchant for girls getting
wet and messy, his
happiness was complete
with a couple of offerings
from Artscene...
Maison Erotique
This terrific film is directed by Tanya Hyde.
There is no story and no dialogue but it is so
good that it doesn't need either. Tanya is,
without doubt, one of the greatest fetish
directors around and this film is pure fetish.
From the way it is directed and edited, one
can only really assume that Tanya is
translating her own fantasies into the action
on the screen.
This DVD is an amazing 161 minutes
long - and not a single second is wasted.
There are only four primary scenes, but these
cover almost all aspects of fetishism, from
Victoriana to so-called 'rubber' mania.
Scene one - Le Vice Anglais - is
Victoriana, where a maid playing with a large
golden dildo is discovered by her mistress
and then subjected to all kinds of
punishment and humiliation, including the
master exercising a form of 'droit de
seigneur' over the maid.
After this we have a 'rubber'-lovers
delight in 'Le Gimp'. The two ladies involved
spend a lot of their time in latex catsuits -
and some of their time out of them. I defy
any man alive to watch this and not wish
that he were the gimp involved. They indulge
in lesbian, oral, straight and anal - as well as
some great FF strap-on action. One little
observation from a devotee of music is that
the special fading effects are surely based on
David Bowie's Ashes to Ashes.
In the third section, that takes us to 'The
Catacombs', we are treated again to extreme,
latex-led fetish, as well as some mild ws
action. It's not really ws, as it just involves
single relief, but it's good all the same for
those of us who enjoy these activities.
Medical room aficionados will also enjoy this
segment that includes a lot of stirrup use.
Finally, we have the item called
'Baroque'. This is pure Goth-look, taken to
extreme, and as well as involving sort-of
conventional sex, has great scenes of lesbian
bondage and flagellation, as well as intense
strap-on action.
The film itself is a fetishist's dream with
the emphasis very much on the dark side of
inner desires, supported by latex images
second to none. But, in my opinion, the best
is yet to come. And that is in the form of the
Bonus Features. The long revelations of the
making of Maison Erotique and Kinky Bitch
are worth a disc and a review of their own.
While one might argue that watching them
somehow removes the fantasy of the final
cut films, it actually enhances the overall
content and shows, without doubt, how
much the actors really enjoy their craft.
This is, as you would expect, an R18, and
should rightly retail for more than its price of
£24.99. It's available from the Harmony
shops and shortly online. (See Young Harlots
review for further contact details.)
I give this 9.5 out of 10
Young Harlots- the Governess
This is hardcore - and it is very good
hardcore indeed. Good enough to lay a
motorway on. It has a great cast-list of wellknown
stars and is directed by the almost
legendary Gazzman. It is the latest in a string
of Harmony releases featuring 'the Young
Harlots'. The Young Harlots series is really
aimed at the market that understands words
such as 'nymphet', but works so well as there
is always an element of more mature ladies
helping the nymphet's along.
With a running time of nearly two and a
half hours, it's not surprising that this film
covers virtually everything in its six long
scenes. Your reviewer's favourites were scene
three, which is a thrilling MMMF coming
together, and scene five that involves a long
multi-toy lesbian sequence including close
up squirting and drinking shots. There is
much to enjoy throughout this disc including
multiple BJs, DPs and TPs.
The film has a sort of surreal storyline
involving dream sequences and a Goth-like
governess (rather like Morticia) gradually
introducing her young charges to the joys of
unbridled, uninhibited, anything-goes sex.
Being shot in HD, the quality is as excellent
as the content, and the disc offers many
features, including subtitles in nine languages
and three bonus scenes - the best of which
is 'Backstage', where you can see that the
actors really do enjoy their calling. They're
not acting so much as having a damn good
time. There are also four trailers of
other Harmony productions.
I am really struggling now to
find anything to say other than to
heap praise on this film. I am
supposed to be critical and find
fault as well. Okay, I've just watched
it again, and if I can be really picky,
it could do with just a little bit of
dialogue and maybe the governess
should be ordering her acolytes
around a tad more aggressively. But
this is just pathetic criticism on my
part, for an otherwise absolutely
wonderful product.
All of this is available for the
paltry sum of £24.99, direct from
Harmony. Currently, they have three
London retail outlets located in Oxford
Street, Charing Cross Road and Walkers Court
W1. Their products will soon be available
online from www.harmonyuk.com
I give it 9 out of 10
All things are better with a plot - however
bizarre - and this wet and messy vinyl
offering from the highly respected Artscene
Publications certainly has a bizarre plot. It
goes like this:
'In the year 2084, after the holocaust, only the
Girlfish survive. They are policed by 'The
Pinkies', the security force who watch over
them in the safe areas.Virtually all males have
been wiped out and it is The Pinkies' job to
secure the few that are left, along with the ripe
young virgins, to ensure the survival of the
race. But the virgins are plundered by 'The
Takers' - a band of sex-starved lesbians, who
are in turn hunted ruthlessly by The Pinkies. In
this wet and messy world, the remaining girls
live only for pleasure.'
No matter how mad this may seem, it
results in a quite wonderful film that appeals
to people who are into the 'rubber' look, the
wet look and the messy or sploshing look. It
works on all three counts with an amazing
array of vinyl and latex costumes. The scenes
encompass a variety of concepts - very
attractive actresses indulge in lesbian
episodes and strip to topless and naked in
wet environments, ranging through Jacuzzis
and streams to waterfalls and mud pits - and
they employ enough food in the form of
custard, baked beans, spaghetti and tomato
soup to feed a Third-World nation for a week
- or half a dozen English teenagers for a
couple of days.
Shot mainly in the great outdoors, some
of the best scenes take place inside, including
probably the best, in which a girl in ordinary
clothes is tied up and covered in golden
syrup by a latex clad dominatrix, before roles
are reversed and custard is deployed before
both girls end up topless and
totally covered in
almost everything
You don't have
to be a messy and
wet or a rubber-look
fan to really enjoy
this offering. But if
you are any of the
above, you'll think it's
really good - and if
you're all three, you'll
think it's great. I only
have one real criticism,
and that's the lack of
DVD features. You just
have to treat it as
though you were
watching a video - although you can go
forward and back through chapters.
With a running time of 70 minutes, this
film comes in at £25, and is most easily
obtained online from www.artaqua.co.uk
I give it 7.5 out of 10
Vinyl Virgins
A very good rubber and vinyl short film from
Artscene Productions, featuring four models
and a stunning array of vinyl and latex
clothing - both dry and, hardly surprisingly
for Artscene, wet.
Scene 1 has a single brunette girl taking
a shower in a red latex dress, during which
she explores every part of her own body
before stripping down to just stockings and
suspenders. A nice, albeit somewhat relaxed
opening - to the dvd, that is.
In the second scene we are treated to
some BDSM. It starts with a kneeling girl in a
black latex bodice being taken on a lead to a
spa-type shower, after which she is subjected
to some mild flagellation before a third girl
joins in the group showering and groping.
After a few minutes, the three of them move
on to accost the girl from Scene 1, who is
now wearing a striking floor-length black
vinyl dress and drinking wine by the poolside.
After a bottle of wine is poured down her
dress and used to fill her vinyl knickers amid
mild lesbian petting, all four girls leap into
the pool for a few minutes' horseplay.
A nice follow-up with a single girl bath -
again in a lovely red latex top and skirt and
black latex hold-ups. After a short time she
strips naked under a shower and we have a
lovely close up sequence of her masturbating
with her fingers while playing the shower
over her pussy.
The final scene features a two-girl, latexclad,
lesbian event - after which they both
strip and carry on in similar vein while naked.
No water this time.
As with all Artscene films, the sexual
element is implied rather than being explicit
- but there is nothing wrong in that, and
judging by the nipple reactions, all of the
girls are genuinely enjoying themselves!
Having said that, it would be better if the
girls took some of the BDSM elements a
little more seriously.
Vinyl Virgins is only 30 minutes long,
but then it's hard to imagine what other
elements could be added, so it's about the
right length and this is reflected in the lowish
price of £15.
Available direct from
I rate it 6 out of 10 for
'rubber'- look fans, 5 out
of 10 for wet-look fans -
but 7 out of 10 if you are
into both scenes