Eureka Naturist Spa
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After a fraught
journey on
the M25, our
reviewers finally found it!
Driving through the electric gates of Eureka
Naturist Spa was a 'eureka' moment in itself
- not because it was hard to find, although
the website does admit it can be. No, we'd
been sitting on the M25 with a shredded
tyre, thinking we wouldn't make it at all, and
so weren't in the best of moods by the time
we finally got there, much later than we had
initially planned.
We had no idea what to expect or what
to dress in, since Eureka promotes itself as a
naturist club rather than a swinging venue;
our experience is more with the latter. Saying
that though, it is listed in the Clubs section
of the Swinging Heaven website and
members have given it an average rating of
five out of five stars.
Saturday is party night
The driveway was pitch black and quiet, but
as we parked up and made our way towards
the club house, the noise of the music got
louder. The party had definitely started!
We signed in at reception and, as nonmembers,
paid £30 entrance.We were told it
would have been the same cost if we'd gone
earlier, spent the day at the club using all the
facilities then stayed on for the party night -
but we found the prices on the website
confusing. One of the staff said the website
had recently been redesigned... it certainly
looks great, but in our opinion, the
navigation could be improved.
Well-informed staff
The staff were exceptionally friendly, giving
us a tour and telling a few anecdotes about
the place and its past history as a commune.
They keep numerous scrapbooks about it if
you're interested in knowing more. The small
reception leads into the main room with a
bar area selling snacks and soft drinks. The
prices are reasonable and you're welcome to
bring your own alcohol.
The seating in the main clubroom is preallocated
so you can't always choose who
you sit with. Being advised that people call
on the Saturday morning at 10 am to
arrange for a table to be reserved wasn't
helpful to us on our arrival on the Saturday
evening. This little nugget of information
isn't included on the website and was not
disclosed when we called the club a few
days earlier to ask if we needed to book in
or could just turn up. 'Just turn up', was the
answer - and we did - but we didn't have
anywhere to sit down all night, which
seems a tad inhospitable to someone going
to the club for the first time. In fairness, the
staff were incredibly friendly and helpful, so
we're sure they'd have sorted something out
had we insisted.
Geography of the club
Just off the clubroom, there's a couples-only
room shielded by a drape.With three big
beds and a mirror, it can see plenty of action,
but because it's not an open room, it's
private enough for the sex not to be in
people's faces. The 'couples only' aspect is
well enforced, giving couples the space to
play with other couples only if they should
choose to.
Through a corridor and just off to the
right are four wood-panelled private rooms.
The rooms were functional, although a
couple of them looked a bit shabby with the
wall-to-wall swinging-club standard plasticcovered
beds ripped and torn in places - no
doubt from past visitors ignoring the 'no
shoes' sign.
Further on is the spa suite. It's well
equipped with two large Jacuzzis, a steam
room, sauna and showers. For those who
prefer a steam room to a sauna, this is a
bonus, as many clubs only have a sauna, if
that. One of the Jacuzzis was marked
'couples only', the other was available for
singles or couples.
Overnight accommodation
Outside was where the smokers gathered
and we could see three large static caravans
in the grounds. These are available to rent
nightly for £40 and each caravan can
accommodate up to six people - so it's a
really affordable option between two or
three couples. Alternatively, if you have your
own camper-van or caravan, you can park
and plug in for a bargain £5 per night.
We were then shown back to reception
to tour the outside areas. There was a decked
area with plenty of tables and seating, and
this was busy all night on the evening we
attended. It was a mild night and is an ideal
place to chill out on a balmy summer night
with a cold beer.
The decking area looked out on to the
grounds and five Scandinavian-style chalets.
Each can accommodate up to two people
and are available for stayovers at £25 each
chalet. Be warned though, you might have to
book a good while ahead!
Swinging by the pool...
A walk around the corner led us to the
swimming pool, surrounded by two dozen
sun loungers. At 18 metres long, it's one of
the largest swimming pools at a naturist club
in this country. They maintain the pool's
temperature at a constant 85 degrees F -
what a shame it was covered by the time we
got there because of the shredded tyre!
Adjacent to the pool is second sauna - a
much older one than the other located in the
spa suite - and a plunge pool.
Joining the party
That was the official tour done... the
question now was where to start.We stood
at the bar for a while having a drink and
were impressed by several annual photo
collages of the many parties the club has
held. Most parties were fancy dress, and it
says a lot about a club to see members
smiling, laughing and genuinely having such
a good time.
The music was superb - Faithless'
Insomnia came on, one of my favourite club
tunes, followed by Encore Une Fois and
Heaven.We were up dancing to song after
song, so it didn't really matter about not
having somewhere to sit. Had the music not
been to our taste though, we would have
been more irritated by the seating business.
As the music went on, I realised why the club
has so many regulars - the DJ and the great
choice of music made it like a proper
nightclub, as opposed to the taped sounds
that you get in some clubs.
Dress codes
We'd been told about the club by friends of
ours (they'd described it as Butlins in the
Buff!).We weren't sure what to wear; it was a
party night and the website said 'clothing
optional' - but it was hard to make up our
minds just what optional clothing would be
appropriate, not knowing the place. There
were people dancing naked but many went
for the 'optional clothing' choice.
All the ladies had made an effort to look
good - some of the delights included sexy
lingerie, an itsy-bitsy teenie-weenie but not
yellow-polka-dot bikini, while others dressed
in sassy nightclub style. As for the men, there
was a variety of nakedness, towel-wearing,
tartan kilts or small briefs (including one guy
in a little leather number).
We wanted to have a play in the couples'
room but there was no one else in, so we
decided instead to jump in the couples' hot
tub. There was another couple in there
already and we got chatting. They were
regulars and told us how much they like the
club. Slightly unnerving, though, was one of
the two single men in the other Jacuzzi who
just sat and stared as if he'd never seen a
naked woman before! The staff told us if
there were any problems to let them know,
but as much as it felt uncomfortable, it
didn't seem enough to report.
General maintenance
After spending some time in the steam
room, I found the shower unit to be
somewhat dirty and it was host to a number
of dead dragonflies. The club is open long
hours on a Saturday (10 am to 3 am) and the
spa suite is busy - but this is no excuse for
allowing an area get so dirty. Later on we
went back in the Jacuzzi and chatted to
another couple, who were as unimpressed as
we were with the scum around one side of
the Jacuzzi.
We stayed over, and they allow you to stay
until midday - time to get over your
hangover, walk in the grounds, have breakfast
or have a swim. The panini we had was tasty,
but we had other matters to attend to - the
pool was now open! We had a swim, a very
quick one actually - it was too nippy.Well, to
be fair, it was September.
The club as a whole
If you love clubbing and dancing the night
away, Eureka will do it for you. If you want
copious amounts of swinging though, it may
not. In swinging clubs, the sex is the
mainstay. At Eureka, the sex feels incidental
to the naturism and dancing - but it is there
if you want it. The club also has female and
male masseurs available and offers couples
massage too.
Set in 23 acres, the club has a great
many plusses - the music, the stunning
grounds, the pool and spa suite, and the
friendly members and staff are a definite
advantage to the club. The website would
benefit from tweaking, but the main
disappointment was the occasional lack of
cleanlines, which is easy to solve. That aside,
I'll be definitely going back on a hot day to
have that long swim I'd promised myself.
Eureka Naturist Spa
Opening Hours
Wednesday 10 am - 12.00 midnight
Friday 10 am - 2 am
Saturday 10 am - 3 am
Thursday and Sunday 10 am - 10 pm
Monday and Tuesday 10 am - 7 pm
Manor Lane, Fawkham,
Kent DA3 8ND
01474 704418