Hot tubs and Swinging
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You might have
seen a hot tub in
your local
swinging club or at the
gym - you might have even
given one a go.Whether you
are new to swinging and just
thinking of 'dipping a toe in
the water' as it were, or you
are a full-on swinging god or
goddess, you can add extra
zing to your sex- and sociallife
with a hot tub.
What's so good about hot tubs?
For starters, soaking in a hot tub is one of
the most relaxing experiences you can find
anywhere, and as we all know, you can only
really feel sexy when you are fully relaxed.
Whether you're looking for a personal space
to relax with someone you love, want to
share a sexy time with some good friends, or
make new ones in a unique social
environment, a hot tub is tailored to make it
happen. And what makes it even better is
that everyone wants to try one out, at least
the once.
How does it work?
Essentially, it's called hydrotherapy and there
are three factors that work in a spa - heat,
buoyancy and massage. Together, they create
an experience that is both relaxing and
healing. Immersion in hot water raises the
body temperature and causes the blood
vessels to dilate, resulting in increased
circulation. The buoyancy of the water
reduces body-weight by approximately
ninety per cent, relieving pressure on joints
and muscles and creating the relaxing
sensation of weightlessness.
The massaging action is created by
sending a mixture of warm water and air
through jet nozzles. This 'energised' stream of
water relaxes tight muscles and stimulates
the release of endorphins, the body's natural
pain-killer and stimulant, the naturally
produced chemical that is also released
during and after sex.
Soothe away the hurt
If you've ever felt stiff or sore or tense (and
who hasn't?), you'll appreciate the healing
effects of hydrotherapy. Many arthritis
sufferers find that a soak in the morning
provides relief throughout the day... and I'm
sure most of you would love to enjoy
daylong relief. Anyone who engages in
strenuous sports, hard physical exertion, or
just spends the day with their master or
mistress while tied to the desk or kitchen
sink can find relief and relaxation in a spa at
the end of the day, too.
It's ready and waiting...
Of course, a spa is more than just good
hydrotherapy. It's a home adult
entertainment system that's always warm,
wet and ready to go. It's something you can't
get any other way - almost like your first
mobile. You remember how you just bought
it for emergency use - but now you almost
feel naked without it.Well, OK, getting a bit
carried away now, but you'll end up using it
every day. And once you own a spa, you'll
probably find yourself echoing what so many
of our customers tell us, 'I don't know how I
got along without it'.
Hello boys!
Even among mainstream spa-owners, sixtyfour
per cent regularly use their tubs naked,
so if you need a excuse to get naked this is
the best one I know. Say you are a single
male, sitting at a bar, and you think you are
in with a chance with that good looking girl
at the end of the counter... what do you
think will work best, telling her you have a
Porsche in the car park or that you have a
hot tub in your back garden? Trust me, it's
very unlikely that four Bacardi Breezers later
she will be sitting naked in your car - but
play your cards right and I bet she could be
in your back garden, naked with her mates.
And don't forget, everything looks thirty per
cent larger under water. So, if you want to
impress your friends and strangers alike, drive
on past the car-dealer and head for your
local spa retailer.
Chocolate, sex - or a nice cup of tea
OK, what could the ladies get from a tub? As
unbelievable as it may sound, recent studies
have proven that the regular use of hot tubs
can aid in the reduction of weight. This stems
from the fact that soaking in a hot tub
simulates exercise. The hydrotherapy dilates
the blood vessels, promoting better
circulation as it relaxes the skin and muscles.
It also raises the heart rate, while lowering
blood pressure.
This seems to indicate that soaking in a
hot tub may be healthier for your heart than
the traditional methods of exercise, and with
regular use, the action of a hot tub can also
help to diminish the appearance of cellulite.
The best - and instant -improvements are
with parts of your body that might point
south normally, but become very perky when
supported by water. Hey, aren't hot tubs
cool? Not only do they make you feel sexier
- they make you look sexier too.
Neighbourhood Watch
You have just moved to the new house and
that sexy couple over the road were so
helpful - and were very interested when the
hot tub turned up. In fact, so was most of
the street.Why not invite them over for
dinner and a soak in the tub? They won't
turn that invite down. Some of the best and
most honest conversations we have ever had
have been held while stting in a hot tub with
new and old friends - and you just never
know where it will lead.
One thing is for sure, people loose their
inhibitions very quickly in a tub.
So why doesn't everyone get one?
As with swinging it's not for everyone and
that's fine - but very often it is something
very small that stops them.
People often think that they haven't got
the room for a hot tub. However, after years
in the industry, there has never been a
garden where we couldn't find space for a
hot tub. They come in lots of sizes - however
seven- and eight-foot models are the most
common. As a quick check, can you lie down
in your garden? If so you have space.
Similarly, delivering a tub is something
people think may not be possible, but any
reputable hot-tub-dealer has all the handling
equipment to overcome most situations and
have a Crain company to give them a lift in.
Perhaps when I win the lottery...
Plug-in portable air-tubs can start from
£300. Small, good-quality tubs cost from
£3,500 to £4,000, but between £5,000 and
£8,000 is the most common price-range -
and this would get you a really good-quality
hot tub for six people, that will last a very
long time.
Compare that to what the average
family spend on a holiday, or the cost of a
new kitchen - well over £10,000 - and that's
just to make somewhere you work look
good. In a hot tub, the only thing you can do
is relax and have fun, and day-to-day running
costs can be as low as 30p a day. By any
standard, that's a lottery winner's lifestyle
on the cheap!
Looking after a hot tub
Most hot tubs are not complicated to look
after. Yes, there is some work involved - you
must clean filters regularly and check your
water is correctly balanced and is sanitised
correctly.Water does need to be changed
every two to three months, but with the help
and advice of a good hot-tub-dealer it all
becomes like second nature.
What sort should I buy?
This is always the hardest question.What is
right for one person is not right for the other,
and it's hard to find out. Every dealer will tell
you they sell the best hot tubs, but 175
makes are now imported in the UK - and
most are only average to poor. The trouble is,
if you were looking for a new car, they have
been around since you where born and we all
know something about cars - we want a
seven-seater, we would like a diesel, we don't
want a manual gearbox - because you know
what's available.
The sad thing is that most people selling
hot tubs don't even own one themselves, and
are simply told by the manufacturer that
their tubs are the best. The largest hot tub
with the biggest motors and the most
amount of jets, and the kicking sound system
are very often not the best buy. The old
adage still stands - if it sounds too good to
be true, maybe it is too good to be true.
Anything half-price is suspect.When was the
last time you saw a sofa full price at certain
retailers? You never see half-price BMWs or
Range Rovers.
The internet is where most people start
looking these days, and it is a great research
tool. Most information is useful. But it's
written by people who are selling one or two
brands of hot tub. Some independent
websites make almost all their money on
advertising and pay-per-click links.
So how do you work out the best deal
on the best tub? For starters, any company
that is serious about their product should
have a reasonable selection of tubs on
display, so you can see exactly what they
look like. Check to see how they are finished.
Sit in the tub - is it comfortable? Try one
with water in it. Any dealer should have a
minimum of one tub for customers to try.
Try two or three in one day - that way you
can get a good feel for them all.
How loud are they in use and during
filtering? It's the fastest way to upset the
neighbours if a loud pump starts up at four
in the morning. Do you fit into the tub, or
are you thrown out of your seat? Can you
actually lie comfortably on the lounger or do
you just float away? Can you practically and
comfortably seat all the people in the spa
you want to? If you are reading this I guess
you would at the least want to fit in four
people. In most four-seaters the spacing is
very cosy. If that is OK, remember you will
not always want to be sitting on someone
else's lap... or maybe you will!
Ask questions.Why are their hot tubs
the best ones? If it's because they have
sparkly lights around the top or an iPod
connection, that is not a good reason. You
wouldn't buy a poor quality car because it
has sat-nav fitted and the finance is interestfree.
Remember you are paying for that - it's
all in the cost of the tub.
Check out the salesman
Do you trust the company and the person
selling the tub? Do they have a good
knowledge of chemical treatment and the
different way tubs can be treated? What sort
of back-up and support can they offer? Do
they deliver the hot tub, set it up and then
run though how it works with you? Do they
show you how to use it, or do they just drop
it at the door? If things go wrong, how do
they deal with it? If they tell you that they
never go wrong, well they've not sold many
of them. Are hot tubs their main business or
just a sideline?
Research, ask questions, sit in
and try out different hot
tubs. Don't buy cheap - buy
a good tub and ask for a deal.
Buy what suits you, not the
sales staff. Do this and you
will have great fun in your
back garden, all year round.
Remember hot tubs aren't
just for the weekend!