One sided Swinging - An Intimate Look at Going it Alone
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Whatever the
swinging alone can be a tricky
issue. SHM takes a look at
different scenarios to explore
secret and consensual
single swinging.*
Alicia speeds down the motorway with
excitement. She knows that in forty-five
minutes she'll be in a hotel room, meeting a
man, and they'll be enjoying hours of fun
together. But Alicia is a married woman and
her husband knows nothing about her
swinging activities.
I ask if she doesn't 'get enough' at home,
and she laughs out loud. If she wants sex, she
tells me, she can have as much as she wants
from her partner of ten years. There appears
nothing wrong with their sex life - they
regularly watch porn together, use toys, have
anal sex - all the things that indicate a
sexually active and adventurous couple. So I
ask her why she chooses to swing alone.
'I don't do it for the sex, I do it for the
thrill. There's nothing like it when you're
flirting, texting, on your way to meet
someone - you get this feeling in your
stomach.' It's a bonus if the sex is great, she
explains - but what gets her off is the buzz.
Old habits
I'm surprised when she reveals that she and
her husband had previously been on the
swinging scene together. Things went wrong
after one particular meet and they split up
for a little while. They'd invited a single lady
to join them, who Alicia felt was more
interested in her husband - uncomfortably
so. Alicia felt jealous and believes her fears
were justified when her husband went off
with the other woman during the time they
were separated.
They haven't discussed swinging since
getting back together and haven't had any
involvement in swinging as a couple since.
Alicia does though. My question as to
whether she thought her husband still swings
but does it behind her back - as she does - is
met with a categorical 'No, no, no, no'.
But how would she feel if he did? 'Oh
God, I don't know. I'd be upset that he
couldn't come to me and talk to me about it,
because I'm open minded.' At the same time,
Alicia admits she doesn't talk to him about
her need to swing, feeling that he would take
it personally and think that it was something
to do with him - that he wasn't fulfilling
something in their relationship. 'But he is,'
she acknowledges.
Some regrets
In some repects she'd like her husband to
know about it and join in. From her own
words, one can sense her fear of his reaction
- and possible rejection. 'How do you explain
to a long-term partner the thrill - and that's
what you're looking for? How do you even
approach the subject? If I could approach the
subject without him getting upset, without
him feeling inadequate and without him
flying off the handle, I would. I'm just not
confident enough to bite the bullet.'
One's own needs
Differing levels of frequency of sex needed
by one partner could be the reason why
some people choose to swing alone, without
their partner. But just how often is 'normal'
can be a worry, especially with the overinflated
amount of shagging one sees going
on in Sex and The City and other TV series. It
bodes well for a couple if they are well
matched in their sexual desires, although if
not, it may just be they have a different
perception of the same thing.
Woody Allen's film Annie Hall is a
perfect example: Her boyfriend's therapist
asks how often they sleep together; Alvy
laments 'Hardly ever. Maybe three times a
week'. On a split screen, Annie's therapist
asks if they have sex often; annoyed, she
replies 'Constantly. I'd say three times a
week'. But this isn't always the case...
Swinging as sexlife
Terry is a married man in his forties who's
been with his wife for twenty plus years -
but they haven't had sex for three years. He's
been swinging for a few months now and
previously had a mistress. He suspects his
wife might find the idea of swinging erotic -
she used to get turned on by him talking
about different scenarios, such as other men
having sex with her.While she might like the
idea, Terry honestly doesn't think she'd have
the bottle to take it further and accepts that
some people are just happy with the fantasy.
He has a high sex-drive and enjoys
lengthy sex sessions, which is contrary to his
wife's needs. She went through a variety of
health problems, a common reason for the
loss of libido, and he tried unsuccessfully for
eighteen months to improve things before
seeking sex elsewhere. He finds it easy to
swing without her finding out because
they've always had a relationship based on
being free to do what they like in terms of
going out and not having to tell each other
where they are going.
The moral dilemma
Terry still loves his wife and feels he has a lot
of moral values, which he admits sounds
hypocritical. He doesn't talk about his secret
world very often because what others think
of him is important, and he knows others
might view him as 'a bit of an arse'. He
doesn't believe he is, because he feels the
things he does don't detract from what he
has with his wife. Terry originally started
swinging because of the frequency of sex he
needed - he says 'frequency' isn't the right
word, but he can't pinpoint quite what is.
'Swinging is so easy-going, you don't have to
worry about wondering if you'll get
anywhere. At a club you're halfway there and
there's a buzz about that.'
He would consider telling his wife if it
wasn't damaging and if something
constructive could come out of it. In fact, he
concedes that, if she were to ask where he'd
been going, he doesn't think he could or
would lie to her.
Terry sums up his situation, 'I'm cool
with where things are because it's working.
In an ideal world my wife would swing too,
but I don't think that's possible because of
her mind-set and because she's very
conscious of her figure. It would be
interesting to know how the swinging
partner would feel if the roles were reversed.
In my case I'm not a jealous person; I like
pleasing people and I get a lot of pleasure if
they get pleasure. By that I mean, if she was
getting a lot of pleasure from someone else,
it would make me happy. If you have
strength in your relationship, jealousy
doesn't come into it.
Alone in being curious
Some people are interested in swinging but
have not yet taken the plunge. David is in his
early twenties and has been with his
girlfriend for three years. He now finds
himself less attracted to her than he once
was and they now have a sexless
relationship. But for him, it's not just the
frequency of sex he feels is missing. 'I have a
high sex-drive and there's a
lot of things I want to
try out, be it with or
without my partner.
Finding the
swinging site, I have found like minded people to fulfil the
things I want.'
David is on the verge of going ahead
with his first meet. He says swinging has
never been directly talked about in
conversation with his girlfriend - just in
passing comments after using his computer
and noticing a link to a swinging site. Her
reaction indicated it is something she doesn't
approve of and isn't interested in. David feels
swinging is one of those things you either
love or hate - and she would most certainly
hate it.
He fears his girlfriend would see
swinging as a form of cheating, and a sign of
him wanting to be with other people for
more than casual sex - and that he
doesn't love her. Asked if he had
thought of any alternatives to fulfil
his sexual needs, such as an affair or
using an escort, he replies, 'I love
the person that I am with deeply,
so would not intentionally go out
to have an affair. If I met the
person of my dreams, who
knows? But it's definitely not
something I'd do
intentionally. Escorts are
something that just does not
interest me in the slightest.'
If one takes the plunge
David would feel disappointed that his
girlfriend wasn't able to know what it was he
was wanting, what he enjoys - and must live
out his fantasies with other people instead of
her. If she did find out, he would be honest,
seeing little point in lying any further.
'If it's something that I enjoy, then it's
something of the person that I am. I'm a
laid-back person - if she wants to join me
great; if she knows I want to, and is fine with
me doing that, also fine. If I'm able to
swing alone and she never found
out, then that is also fine, as at
the end of the day everyone
would be happy. Swinging will not
change anything about my
relationship with her, as I would
keep the two completely
separate. If she wanted to split
up, then it's her decision, as it's an
opinion I have on something that I
enjoy and would want to
continue. From what I imagine, she would not approve and if she
found out it would probably result in our
splitting up.'
Another scenario
Not all partners in a relationship swing alone
without their partners' knowledge or
consent. Some couples choose to swing
together and by themselves. One couple is
currently deciding whether going it alone is
right within their relationship...
Penny and Alexander were both single
swingers who met on the scene and have
been together as a couple for a number of
months. Since then, they have swung
together, and even though neither of them
knew how they would feel about seeing
someone they care about with another
person, they've found no jealousy between
them when they are together sharing
the swinging experience.
They are now discussing whether
it is right for one or both of them to swing
alone. As this is the only relationship with,
and as, a swinger for both of them, they have
nothing to compare their situation to and
are finding it a minefield, deciding where the
boundaries are for them as a couple and
what would constitute crossing them.
The question is, how do they meet their
needs while keeping their relationship intact?
Open relationship?
Alexander's perception of swinging alone is
that they would effectively have an open
relationship, which he doesn't want. Penny
however believes that an open relationship is
one where nothing crosses the line because
there are no boundaries - each party does as
they please. And she firmly believes that they
do have boundaries, even though all of them
are not agreed on yet. Before getting
together with Alexander, Penny was an active
single bi-fem swinger and she's going
through a transition - what she used to do
may not now be acceptable within the remit
of a relationship.
Some changes are subtle, some not so -
but she feels staying overnight with someone
else and going out for dinner are no longer
appropriate - both have elements of
intimacy more than 'just sex'. A boundary
they have jointly agreed on is kissing - they
concur that for them, kissing is more
intimate than a blow job. For non-swingers
this may sound contradictory, but their
perceived intimacy of kissing someone else
means neither of them will cross that line.
Finding a balance
They are now firmly in the grey area - what
is left is not black and white, and they are
getting closer to identifying where the line is
crossed for them - but they still haven't
made a decision about swinging alone.
Alexander has said he doesn't want to
swing alone and has no desire to - he likes it
when he 'shares' the swinging experience
with his new partner. But he admits that if
Penny swings alone, then his attitude will be
'fuck it, I may as well', which she perceives as
some kind of revenge or retaliation - just
doing something for the sake of it.
This assertion from Alexander makes
Penny weary of deciding one-way or the
other. In fact, Penny feels no burning desire
to swing alone at this point in time, but
prefers a 'never-say-never' approach. 'I don't
want to commit to something that I might
change my mind on later.'
The discussion is ongoing,
and only time will tell what
boundaries they decide are
right for them but they feel
lucky in that they can discuss
things very openly and
* All names of interviewees have
been changed