Shoes, Glorious Shoes
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As Nancy
warbled: 'These boots
are made for walking,
and that's just what
they'll do - one of
these days these boots
are gonna walk all
over you.' Ooooh,
There are two types of shoe. One is
comfortable, 'sensible' and functional - and
the other is to be looked at, fantasised over -
and is quite simply a sex stimulant. These are
unashamedly 'FUCK-ME!' shoes.
A couple of years ago, I was staggered
by a sort of shoe shop in Hampstead where
my then fiancee bought a lovely pair of
swaggerers.We took them back a few days
later after the shank had snapped in half.We
were told, 'Oh. These are fashion shoes.
You're not meant to walk in them.'
NOT made for walking
After I had done my usual loud-mouthed
expose of the shop's products to all of the
other potential customers - both inside and
looking through the windows - we got our
rightful refund. However, it made me think.
There are shoes that are 'fashion' shoes and
there are ones that are functional.
Ladies, if you want to do the 874-mile
trek from John O' Groats to Land's End, then
wear a pair of comfy trainers. If you want to
attract someone in a bar - or wherever -
then 'fuck-me' shoes are the answer. Horses
for courses... whores for causes.
A reasonably well-known catalogue shoe
supplier claims that sixty per cent of women
wear the wrong size of shoes. They don't
explain in their advertising blurb whether the
shoes are too big or too small, they just say
'the wrong size'. But they do show several
sequences of women with pretty feet
liberally adorned with plasters. Perhaps
they're not wearing them for the purpose for
which they were designed...
Proper shoes
For 'shoes' in this article, also please read
'boots'. Today's shoes can be very, very sexy
- and boots even more so. However, unlike
fifty or so years ago, the modern lady is
more prone to pulling on footwear that is
built for both comfort and speed than
something that actually looks good and
shows her off to her full potential.
While it might be that 'manners maketh
man', any woman can look a million dollars
in the right pair of heels, so perhaps one can
say that 'shoes maketh the woman'. Shoes
are the accessories that complete an outfit
and can be a real confidence booster.
Of all items of clothing, footwear is
probably the most practical, varied, weird -
and least appreciated by most people.
Among many who may have said this, it was,
allegedly, Gloria Hunniford's mother who
once expounded, 'Always spend as much as
you can afford on your bed and on your
shoes, because if you're not in one, you'll be
in the other.'
How true - and if your feet aren't
comfortable, then neither is the rest of your
body. However, there are times when shoes -
and boots - go together with bed.Very often
they can be the pre-cursor to bed.
Passionate about footwear
This is purely about footwear - a fetish for
feet themselves is different matter that we'll
cover another time. However, apart from the
sexual frisson that can be generated by the
right look, shoes also appear to have a
strange hold over certain obsessive types
who buy them just to possess them. To some
people, footwear is a hobby. In a similar way
to stamp-collectors and numismatists,
people actually do collect shoes.
It is not known quite how many pairs
Imelda Marcos owned, but a conservative
estimate is well over 3,000.When she and
her husband were forced to flee Manila in
1986, one couldn't help wondering if the
First Lady's shoe fetish was somewhat akin
to the Nazi obsession with jackboots. A little
later, PC World ran rather aggressive ads
claiming that they were 'stamping prices
down'. It does make one wonder if a foot
obsession is, perhaps, not a very healthy one.
During the 20th century, fashion moved
faster than ever before and shoe design
changed to match it.While the functionality
remained the same, shoe styles followed the
changing trends - and in some ways,
themselves dictated the overall look. From
Wizard of Oz Dorothy's sparkly red court
shoes to Elvis's blue suedes, shoes have
become an increasingly important
statement.What 'rugged' man doesn't own a
pair of Timberlands to go with his Wranglers?
And name a woman who hasn't got some
unbearably uncomfortable 'dancing' shoes to
go with the obligatory 'little black number'?
Today's styles
The only sight better than a well-turned
ankle, is, maybe, one encased in leather -
BUT, BUT, BUT - we live in rather dreary
times when it comes to everyday fashion.
Too many women wear baggy tracksuit
bottoms and the ubiquitous trainers.
[Stilettos with tracksuit bottoms a distinctly
dodgy look! Ed] There is no way that a
trainer can look sexy, whatever bells,
whistles, flashing lights and go-faster stripes
the like of Nike et al add to their over-priced
designs. (Made, usually, I might suggest, in an
Asian sweat-shop for about two dollars.
[Don't go getting feisty or political! Ed]
Glamour and romance
Going back to the post-Second World War
era, when there was a joyous phase of
liberation and optimism, shoes in western
cultures probably reached their zenith of
style and elegance. The late '40s and '50s
were a time of re-found glamour, and the
beauty of the shoes of that time is very
much reflected in the high-end 'sex' shoes of
today. At this time when fabric was not yet
off the ration, shoes were one sure way to
add oomph to austerity fashions - which
ironically often rather resembled uniforms,
and as such, were potentially very horny -
just needed to get the shoes right!
You only have to look at recent music
videos by the likes of Christina Aguilera and
Gwen Stefani to see that girls at the leading
edge of pop culture still emulate with proper
reverence the glamorous, glossy-lipped,
wasp-waisted pencil-skirted, post-war
American chic - setting the whole look off
with seamed stockings... and high-heeled,
peep-toed shoes. Think back to Dior's 'New
Look' of 1947, when at last fabric was in
good supply - the fitted jacket over the
ultra-full calf-length skirt would never have
had its elegance and appeal if paired with
comfy suede flatties or trainers!
This same high-heeled look, exaggerated
to an extreme degree is one of the
foundations of modern fetish wear - a bold,
attention-drawing statement which also
gives the wearer the superiority of height.
The all-male view
OK. I can't deny that trainers may be more
comfortable than a pair of patent stilettos or
thigh-high boots when running for a bus, but
they don't do a girl any favours. To appear at
her best, a woman has to sport heels (unless
she is a librarian, one of the 'sensible-shoes
brigade' or both, when a pair of brown
brogues or flat pumps will suffice. Here I go
again. Stop me Annie!).
Relatively speaking, a woman's legs are
longer than a man's in proportion to her
total body-length. So, whatever general
shape she has, it is made more attractive by
lengthening this feature. This is the beauty of
high heels. They accentuate the thighs,
lengthen, slenderise and tone the calves and
create a more alluring posture with the
buttocks and breasts pressed outwards and
the belly held in. Just take a look at Marilyn
Monroe teetering along the platform in Some
Like it Hot.
So, when I talk about footwear here, I
really mean sexy footwear.
The styles that work
For those of you who read issue 1 of SHM,
there is a recurring theme - colour. Again, as
with basques, the shoes that really, really
work are black. Red is a distant second - 'red
shoes, (or red hat) no knickers' as the old
saying goes - but white and silver also
feature. Brown is too rural and rustic to have
pizzazz and all other colours of the rainbow
and beyond simply don't cut the mustard.
Not surprisingly, then, black is the
preferred choice for that sexy look - not only
in its own right, but black can be worn with
any outfit. The femme-fatale look requires
black shoes - and a Goth wouldn't wear
anything but.
This applies for men as well as women.
Black gives a solid foundation to the whole
body image. It is almost like a statement
that says 'I build my lighthouse on rock, not
on sand.'
Which brings me to the 'hooker look'. Ladies
of the night the world over have recognised
the impact of accentuating the length of
their legs with high heels as they advertised
their wares - and if you're feeling like playing
the tart, the right shoes are a must. Ironically,
'working girls' sport appropriately 'fuck-me'
shoes when on duty, while working women,
who spend their earning hours on their feet
as opposed to their backs, wear functional
footwear. As such, the wearing of high heels
is an indicator (for ordinary girls, that is) of
not working - of lovely, decadent leisure...
and having fun!
While there are high-street shops that
offer sexy shoes and boots, there is an
increasing number of fantasy footwear
specialists. One of the most impressive is
Fantasy Shoes of Barking who supplied some
of the images that accompany this feature.
Their web-site is
Phone 020 8594 8555
or e-mail
Tips For Good Shoe Wearing
Wear the highest heels that your
legs can sustain
Don't get drunk when wearing the
above heels - or you'll fall off and
make a spectacle of yourself. This
applies especially to wedding
receptions and when leaving an
Essex pub around midnight!
Always wear stockings. Tights just
don't work with any shoe type. You
could possibly get away with holdups,
but, really, you should have the
sussies as well
Never, never, never wear trainers
unless you're preparing for next
year's Marathon - and even then,
only wear them when it's dark!
Ladies and gentlemen
Unless wearing amazing knee-high
(or higher) boots, don't wear shoes
with laces.Wear slip-ons just in case
the knots become too difficult to
untie when required and 'the
moment' is gone!
Never consider Wellington boots
unless you're digging for victory at
the allotment or you are a Welsh hill
farmer with rather recalcitrant sheep
Always look after your shoes and
keep them as clean as you can. This
is not a joke - a lot can be told
about a person by the way that they
maintain their footwear
However short you may be, don't wear
lifts in your shoes 'cos you'll just look a
pillock when you take them off.
Remember, we're all the same height
when lying down...
A brief History of Shoes
Whether for reasons of necessity or vanity,
it can be assumed that shoes have been
around for as long as there have been
sharp, rocky terrain, extreme temperatures,
and human ingenuity.
c. 8,000 BC
Native Americans in Missouri left evidence
of the earliest-recorded shoes
c. 3,300 BC
The 'Ice Man' died in the French Alps, and
was buried with a pair of primitive shoes
stuffed with grass
c. 3,000 BC
Egyptians painted murals of shoes and
shoe-makers appeared on temple walls
100 AD
Greek slaves were distinguished from free
citizens, always being depicted bare-footed
200 AD
The Roman emperor Aurelius proclaimed
that only he and his successors might wear
red sandals
15th Century
Knights adopted long-toed shoes, called
crackows, with points up to twenty-four
inches long. Sumptuary laws dictated the
allowed length of the toes.While they may
have been exceedingly difficult to walk in,
they were undoubtedly effective weapons
in mounted combat
Early 16th Century
The high heel was invented - possibly, by
Leonardo da Vinci
Mid 16th Century
Chopines, platform shoes rising up to thirty inches, become all the rage in
southern Europe
Early 17th Century
Shoelaces became a fashion statement
Mid 17th Century
Louis XIV, a short man, started a whole
new movement in platform shoes. Some
were five inches high and decorated with
miniature battle scenes
Around 1700
A mistranslation from the original French
fairy tale turns Cinderella's fur (vair)
slipper into a glass one (verre)
Mid 1700s
The shoe production-line was devised -
workers could now concentrate on specific
tasks, rather than making an entire shoe
Late 1700s
The first shoe factories appeared, though it
would take another century before
factories replaced custom shoe-making.
The first retail shoe-store was opened in
Boston Massachusetts
Early 1800s
Flat shoes and Grecian-style sandals
became popular
Mid 1800s
The first 'trainers', then called variously
'plimsolls', 'daps' or 'sand-shoes' were
Late Victorian Period
A buttonhook becomes an essential part of
every woman's wardrobe, as high-buttoned
shoes become the fashion norm