Meet Sammi Valentine
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The transgender spectrum can be
confusing - even
for those who are part of it.
Sammi, a transsexual in her
twenties, picks her way
through the minefield of
gender dysphoria to give an
insight into her world.
If the transgender world is confusing for
those who live in it on a day-to-day basis,
how much more bewildering must it be for
an outsider trying to understand and
appreciate the lifestyle? One of the most
widely misunderstood and misinterpreted
areas is how the 'labelling' works. Individuals
are too often put into a bracket such as
'cross-dresser', 'transvestite', 'transsexual'
and so on, and careless, mistaken labelling
can be very upsetting.
Life is not that simple - something that
all of us should be able to relate to on a daily
basis! A transgender individual being labelled
incorrectly can often take offence at a
careless remark, even if it was an innocent
mistake. I don't believe that anyone really
needs to understand all
aspects of the transgender
spectrum, but I do think
that people should be
made aware of the basics
- especially if you come
into contact with such
people because of
environments or social
circles you move in.
Swinging a prime example!
Labels, labels...
When trying to explain the problem of labels
to people outside the community, I have
used an analogy of the labels, eg, CD, TV, and
TS being the 'buttons', and then compared
these 'buttons' to a 'slider' (by which I mean
the device you'd have
found on an old hi-fi
system for volume, etc).
This whole slider-range
is what I call the
'Transgender Spectrum'.
So, compare this slider
to three buttons that,
for argument's sake, set
three different levels of
sound. The depth and
variety in volume you
have with a slider in comparison to that of
the three buttons is VAST, and this should
demonstrate the problem of labelling
individuals in the scene. Yes, CD, TV, TS,
NON-OP, PRE-OP, POST OP (and the
countless other categories and subcategories
of labels) are all related, but all
uniquely different. The truth is that we
simply cannot be individually labelled or split
into groups or stacked on shelves!
All about me
Anyway, I expect now you're totally
confused. I will try and explain a little about
myself, and how I fit on this slider thing! I
was born a male in the 1980s. I truly wish I
had been born a female,
and personally I don't
believe I was a million
miles away from being
born a girl. This may
sound a bit nuts (bad
pun alert) but I have
always felt that there
was something different
about me.
I have a loving
family and have been brought up well. I
enjoyed school and always managed to be
surrounded by a good group of friends - but
underneath I always struggled to be happy
with myself.Whether I was watching the
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Blue Peter;
camping with the Cub Scouts; drinking cider
down a subway or dancing very badly to
Cotton Eye Joe at a school disco, playing
Sunday league football; sitting in college
pretending to be asleep to bunk another
'media studies' lesson; working in a factory
hoping one of the older lads wouldn't want
me to go for a pint again so I could go home
and Webcam on the internet - everything I
did seemed to take me more effort to do
than it really should. My friends all seemed
happy - did they feel like I did in their
minds? I was constantly pretending to fit
into the role in society that I was born into
according to my gender.
I look back through my life to present
day - it's a bit like a jigsaw that I have been
slowly piecing together. Tucked away in the
depths of my mind, I can vividly recall voices
commenting on my personality, my
pheromones, and my physical frame.
Early pointers
I can remember trying my mum's clothes on
when I could not have been more than seven
years old - and I remember stealing my
sister's clothes. I also remember people
saying I smelt like a girl, and looking at the
girls in high school, wishing that was me,
I remember lying in bed, hating my skinny
hairless frame. I remember being angry and I
remember being confused. I remember
getting blind drunk, pretending to be one of
the lads, pulling girls to 'fit in' on nights out -
and I remember, as the end of the night
approached, running away or making excuses
to get away from the aforementioned girls!
These recollections, of moments of my
life involving my family, friends, school,
college, work, and socialising, have helped me
understand who I am - helped me put the
jigsaw together. I believe in what I am doing
and can see that the jigsaw is a lot closer to
being completed than it ever has been.
That's my opinion - and I have accepted
that, no matter what I do to myself, I can
never be one hundred per cent 'physically
female', because I was born in a male body.
This is controversial to other transsexuals,
who argue that after the final operation you
are then a hundred per cent
female - a complete woman.
I disagree, and the only
thing that would change
my view on this would be
some miraculous
scientific advancement
that meant a post-op
transsexual could
'produce' a family (or
have a physical chance
of doing same).
The op - or not...
I myself do not wish to have
the final operation. I'm
comfortable with the thought
of living life as a transsexual
who has not had the final
operation - a 'non-op
transexual' on the slider scale.
I have often sat and worried
about growing old - as we all do.
Life and death are the biggest
dreams and fears for most of
humanity. However, I made the
decision that I want to grow old being
perceived as a woman, not a man.
In comparison, other girls on a
different part of the transgender
spectrum simply feel they cannot live
much longer without having the operation,
and I can fully appreciate where they are
coming from. On the other hand, the
thought has never crossed some girls' minds
and they are happy with what they do. And
they are just as drained as everyone else
dealing with the problems they encounter on
their own journeys.Who am I to judge
anyone on this spectrum, let alone to try
to label people?
The whole aspect of turning into a
woman - for me or anyone else - has a huge
Achilles heel. The whole process relies,
unfortunately, very heavily upon the root of
all evil - money!
This is probably going to sound selfish and
greedy - maybe quite shallow - but most of
my money over the past X number of years,
for the near future and more than likely the
rest of my life, is going to be spent on me,
me and ... me! Spent on the things that will
give me a chance to live a happy life, grow
old peacefully and exist in the modern world
as a woman. I am talking serious money here
- thousands and thousands upon thousands
of pounds - for facial surgery, my hair, breast
implants, hormone therapy, speech therapy,
hair-removal, shaving my Adam's apple.
These changes are all things that need my
immediate attention, so that my physical
appearance and how other people perceive
me can be on a par with my mental sense of
my gender and how my mind works. This
costs a whole lot of money!
A lifetime's commitment
The journey so far has not been easy for me,
and I can assure you that it's equally difficult
for all of us, no matter where we find
ourselves on the transgender spectrum. Just
picture junction 18-14 on the M6 southbound
around rush-hour - it speaks volumes!
My advice for anyone who feels stuck on
the transgender spectrum and is struggling
to discover - or even accept - who he or she
is, is quite ironic. My advice is to not seek
specific advice or answers from people in the
scene, because what is right for one person is
not necessarily right for you.We are all
individuals, and peer pressure can be a
dangerous thing - especially when it involves
big risks. I don't just mean risks such as
changing your body permanently and your
health - you must also consider your friends,
family, wives, girlfriends, children and your
working colleagues.
I have always been wary of advice from
girls in a similar position to me - or, indeed,
from girls who have been 'in my shoes' in the
years gone by. I am relieved that I have dealt
with things myself and have found answers
myself. It's vital that decisions about the
future, that can affect your life forever, must
be yours and yours alone.
Admittedly, I have been pointed in the
right direction to get the help that I have
needed from people such as doctors,
counsellors and beauticians etc. I am also
fortunate enough to have some great friends
that are trans, male and female.
Everybody needs friends and these people
have listened to me, given me endless
support, encouragement and, most
importantly, a few strong words which were
necessary when I have started to feel sorry
for myself or begun to let little things drag
me down (another bad pun alert!). The last
thing anyone foundering on the transgender
spectrum needs is people telling them who
or what they are, and what they should or
should not do. Only you know these answers.
Your own conclusions
It took me an extraordinarily long time to
come to terms with who I am and where I'm
heading - to understand myself and to begin
to change my life.
I hope this has helped you understand a
little more about the diversity of the
transgender world -
and a little bit more
about me. To be quite
honest, writing this
article has been quite
heavy for me,
considering I am
nine stone wet!
In the future I'd
like to share my
experiences and
knowledge of pubs
and clubs all around
the UK. I would also
love to answer any
questions people
might have for me
about the scene or
transgender issues in
general - or for tips and