This was sent to me after an almost spontaneous encounter. She's a published author but not on SH.....
This is her account of what happened.
“Did I know him? No! Did that matter? Not in the least. In fact the knowledge that I was being so wanton that I had agreed to meet a man I didn’t know was enough to pump up the pressure tenfold.
Just getting dressed was so exhilarating………his instructions were clear…..short shirt…stockings, suspenders, ankle and wrist cuffs and a blindfold…….my friend the blindfold. So many adventures we’ve had.
I couldn’t stop pacing. I’d shaved and brushed and perfumed my trembling body, knowing that He was going to see me and smell me. He had also promised to photograph me but I had no idea how to feel about that. My instinct was to say no but I knew it would make me feel so filthy showing my sex to this unknown man.
He’d even brought the time forward and though I still had plenty of time to spare I turned into a right muppet. How I managed to fasten the three suspenders on my shiny PVC fetish suspender belt I will never know. Every time one popped out I got hotter and more nervous. How many times did I nearly cancel? I couldn’t begin to count.
Icy air, that’s what I needed, so I opened the French doors onto the freezing garden……My nipples instantly reacted and reminded me that at last I was going to get attention. Sam’s attention! Sam. Such a horny man…….no one looking at his amazing photographs and reading his arrogant, brazen profile could doubt just how horny he is. We’d flirted for a while and made dates that never materialized but at last there I was, in the light from the front door, with the door left on the catch, and me bending over the huge dining room table just waiting for the sound of him to come through the door.
I could feel my cunt like an entity of its own, pulsing and softening at the prospect of just being looked at and touched. I began whimpering minutes before I got the call saying he was 2 minutes away. I‘d never felt so wound up and expectant in my life I don’t think. I actually squealed when the phone rang and started shaking violently, but still my cunt wanted him so much, wanted him to look and touch and possibly hurt me……….I longed for him to hurt me.
Those 2 minutes were interminable, ticking away in my mind, and then there it was…the click of the front door and the sound of footsteps. I could feel my backside burn with humiliation; I had tested and found that bent over the table like that my skirt didn’t cover my lacy stocking tops. I also knew that the second he raised my skirt he would see just black lace disappearing between my ample cheeks. I’d already tested how it would feel to have my legs tied open to the table legs…………It left my crotch free from my thighs and being touched by nothing but damp lace….black lace that was getting ever damper.
He entered the room…….I could smell him. Not that heady man smell. That would come later. But, a sexy, aftershave smell that tickled the hairs in my nose deliciously.
I thought I would remember those first words he spoke forever but they are gone, lost in my panting, groaning response to his presence. My cunt oozed my arousal.
I think I actually cried out when the tip of his whip touched the inside of my trembling thighs…….so cold and gentle, flicking either thigh, just on the bare bit above the stockings to convey that he wanted me to open my legs for him. My heart hammered in my chest as I complied. Just a thin band of lace covering me.
When he whipped my arse I couldn’t help but gasp…I wasn’t expecting it so soon. It stung like fuck even through my skirt and knickers but it was contact after such a long wait. I wanted him to touch me so badly. I heard the first click of the camera. Oh fuck that was horny. Just knowing that he was looking at me through his lens and deciding that he wanted to keep that image was enough.
Then came the ropes. Bright red. I could imagine them against the deep black leather of the cuffs as he drew my legs and arms outward and knotted them in place to the huge table legs. I sank into submission…….giving him total control of my body to do with as he liked. I’d longed for this moment for years. To feel so helpless and exposed. My idea of heaven.
Sam knew it all. He was practised but in a very exciting way. What better than to have a lover however briefly who knows exactly what he is doing? As he slid his fingers into my wet swollen cunt I thought I would faint with the intensity of the feelings rushing through me. My knees almost buckled but better was yet to come as he explored me inside and out. I could feel his inquisitive fingers as deep as they could reach, stretching me wide open and exposing not only my insides but also my needs. Shamefully I pushed down trying my best to fill myself with his eager hand but he teased. I could have growled then just like an animal. In fact I think I might have done, you would have to ask Sam. He was the only sane one in the room. I was lost. Lost on the heady scent of sex filling the room, the sense of the unknown heightened by the blindfold keeping the image of Sam from my eyes. I longed to see him for the first time but this game was incredibly sexy. Not having a clue if he even was who I thought he was. His magical fingers cajoled and caressed so far inside me I felt devoured. I felt a building sensation but had no idea what it was. Heat burned inside my cunt thrilling me with a feeling I had never experienced.
The burning heat as my juices gushed from my cunt had me sobbing with delight. I had no shame as the cushion underneath me soaked up the wetness from me and cushioned my hips as I thrust myself up for more. Sam didn’t disappoint me…He kept up the onslaught in my cunt and again I spurted with no control what so ever. My humiliation was complete.
When his finger began to explore my backside I truly didn’t know whether to beg for him to fill me or beg for him to stop. It was so deliciously rude. There I was just bent over a table with my almost naked arse on display for him. I couldn’t shut my legs or hide my openness if I tried and I did try to hide from his gaze and his lens but my efforts were futile and pathetic. I wanted him in me…..In my cunt and in my arse. I wanted him to tap into the whore inside me. The whore that was prepared beg for his cock. I think I did probably beg for his cock, long before I even saw his face. How shameful is that?
Finally I felt it. His hand guided my head to the edge of the table and I felt the soft wet velvet end nudging my lips. Like an obedient animal I opened my mouth for him and of course I was rewarded. I wanted to feel him fill my throat with cock and he didn’t disappoint me. Desperate to please him I sucked and licked as if my life depended on it. His groans and the fervour with which he pulled me to him were my reward. Slowly he fucked my mouth deeper and deeper until I thought I might gag on the length of it but I managed to overcome the reflex. Straining at my bonds and wriggling as far toward him as I could I took him into my throat feeling the large head pulsating its message to me.
Sam stopped me, sliding his cock from its warm home and took up that devastating position behind me again. First one finger probed me then two, wriggling into every tiny corner. Eventually, just when I thought it could be no more intense Sam pushed four fingers into my arse, stretching my sphincter wide open as he almost forced his way into my body. I had no will left to resist him. I didn’t want to resist him. I had wanted him to violate me from the first moment I’d seen his horny photos.
Click! A picture of his hand disappearing into my backside. Could anything be quite so disgustingly rude and so fucking amazingly horny at the same time? I don’t think so.
I have probably looked at that picture at least a hundred times since Sam sent it to me but still it has the power to conjure up how it felt to wait for him, how it felt to feel the bite of his whip, how it felt to see his face for the first time and to not be disappointed…what a gorgeous man you are Sam. It also reminds me of his cock deep in my throat, his nipple sucked deep into my hungry mouth and I will never forget the fucking. Wonderful deep thorough fucking.”