Welcome to our story. This is actually a true story with nothing removed and nothing added. It's quite long as the first part may be a little bit of scene setting but I hope you will enjoy reading it. This all happened in just less than a year a go for us.............
The Beginning......
Bob was bored. In the week before xmas there was nothing really going on at work. Covid had left him in the position of working at home and with the lack of stuff to do it had led to him sitting around with nothing to occupy his time.
Bob was and always has been a bad man..... yes he was married and yes he didn't expect that to change but he had always looked for excitement outside of the marital home. He wasn't proud of that, but just was a fact of life for him. It was always worse when he was bored, and he was bored............
With the wife at work all day it left him to his own devices, and that meant he picked up his phone and opened the chat apps he had installed. After scanning his messages and replying to some that he was part interested in he went on to the search function and saw who was online.
There was a bonus to being 47 years old in some ways, Bob was fit and healthy and ran 5k every day and also had his own gym that he had built at home. So was in physically pretty good condition. There were of course some drawbacks, being 5ft 6 he wasn't the tallest, and he would place himself as a 7 out of 10 in looks on a good day. His short hair was brown but definitely on the way to going grey but he had a cheeky smile and one thing he could do was talk....... and given the opportunity he could fuck as well.
One of the benefits of his age was that he didn't take things to seriously, so when he came across one profile it was not with a huge expectation when he messaged her. The woman in question was an easy 10 on the looks scale, but that didn't put him off, and neither did the fact that she was only 27 years old -- hell what did he have to lose.
It was with a certain amount of humour he typed out the message on his phone....
"I'm old enough to be your father but you can call me Daddy"...... he smiled as he pressed "send" not expecting a reply. To his surprise after about 15 minutes he got an answer that wasn't "Fuck Off"
She had laughed and made general conversation. There was nothing sexual in the conversation to start with at all. It was nice to have someone to talk with but he needed to make his intentions clear -- and they were definitely not innocent at all.
"so what's your thoughts of being naughty with an older married man" he asked, expecting a swift reply of negativity. Instead he got "well what's yours on a younger married woman" and now Bob was interested.
After the initial interest however the conversation carried on benignly and she told him she was not interested in being naughty as yet...........having nothing else to do the chat continued and carried on with mundane talk, and then she dropped something in which then changed everything.
"If I was to look for anything I would be looking for a Sir to have some fun with" and this hit Bob like a train....... Bob had experience in being a Dom, in fact a lot of experience in it, having had his own submissive on several occasions. Now there was hunger in his eyes and a definite interest in this young, very very attractive woman.
The conversation was now very single minded, with questions being asked by Bob to gauge exactly where she was in this journey of discovery. She told him that she had been involved in a D/s relationship online and had met him a few times and the things they had done together. It wasn't quite stacking up to Bob but he wasn't going to call her out on it yet.......not when he had something to have her focus on.
Knowing she was, or was claiming to be submissive (he wasn't sure at this point) made Bob's life just a little easier -- this is something he was good at, he knew how to control that, how to feed it, how to cause a hunger for more. He set about this in the way he addressed her, how he spoke to her and how he just drip fed little bits of being dominant in to the conversation.
The conversation became very focused on her being submissive -- although she said she had very little experience in anything sexual and that she was practically innocent in all ways -- which again set the alarm bells ringing for her "meet ups" with her old Dom. Still not ready to call her out on it though as the conversation was no flowing rather well in all aspects of what experience he had and how his interest in it had come a long.
Lots of questions from her followed, and he could tell she was getting more and more intrigued, more interested and without her knowing it he was building a hunger in her for having a taste of what he could offer. However the time passed too quickly and before they realised it was the end of the work day an real life had to intervene. The conversation had to come to an end but he did get her to agree to chatting again the next day.
That evening he was running it over and over in his head, as he worked out in the gym, while he was eating and while relaxing on the sofa.......... She was fucking stunning, and young as well, and he did find that a massive turn on. How much did she want it........ how likely that he would be able to give it to her.........and what was that feeling he was getting that she hadn't experienced all the things she said she had with her previous "Sir". Well Bob fully intended to answer these questions -- however this had to be taken slowly, didn't want to scare her off, but needed to keep her on the edge of excitement and desire for what she wanted.
The next morning he was up and running the streets at 6am as always, however in his head he was still thinking about her, wondering if when he logged on today if she would be back, or if she would have ghosted him. How could he break down her defences, how would he get her to agree to him having her naked......... agree to serve him.........to submit to him.
On return to the house and in the shower before work his mind went back to her again, the picture she had sent him, only a face pic and no sight of her figure but it made him hard at what he could do with her, what he could do to her, how she could serve him. The thoughts of her on her knees in front of him and ready to do his bidding -- his hand moving to his hard cock, gently stroking it as the water ran down on him the soap making it slick to his touch. He was just big enough at a little over 8 inches and his hand was gliding over it as he pumped himself harder as he pictured her, and the things he would have from her. It wasn't long before he felt the familiar feeling of his orgasm approach and then the rush as it happened, giving his load to the drain as he thought of giving it to her mouth.
After getting ready and perusing his work for the day, it seemed like there was nothing that was needed of him, leaving Bob to his own devices once again. It wasn't long before he logged on to his phone to see if the hot woman from yesterday was going to keep him entertained.
A simple "Good Morning" message was sent and almost immediately he got a reply....... Well that was a good sign that she was almost waiting for him to message. Well in his head that's what was happening anyway. The chat was again polite and informative, he discovered she had a horse and tended it every morning early and more details of each other were shared. She worked in a managerial position he worked as a senior leader for central government etc etc but it was not long before Bob started to turn the conversation back round to her submission and her desire to do so.
Her words on screen were almost too careful, too considered for her to be playing a game. The one thing they had not done was exchange names he decided to pick one for her. He began to address her as Princess as it was not his style to demean his submissive -- that was for some but not his style at all. It was better to build your sub, make them know they can trust you, that you appreciate them and not to break them down...........well until you could get to know what they truly wanted and enjoyed.
This was not going to be easy though with Princess, there was such a lack of real understanding from her as to not only the real D/s relationship but also sex in general. Through questions asked and what she declared openly it was soon apparent that she definitely was so innocent and so untouched, and my god Bob was aroused by this. Bob wanted to corrupt Princess, he wanted to have her submit to him, he wanted to take her and use her in every way. They say honesty is the best policy -- this is not always true, but again what had he got to lose.........so Bob told princess that's what he wanted and he began to tell her in depth what he wanted.
Princess was responding to his line of discussion, his gentle teasing out from her the experiences she had with her last "Sir" but by now Bob wasn't buying it. There were too many gaps in her knowledge, too many generalisations for it to be real.........but if that's the game she wanted to play then he was all for it.
The days passed by with a constant stream of messages between them and as the day wore on he was getting through each layer of her armour, like a hunter stalking his prey and at the same time luring her in with tidbits of how it could be and how it would be when she submitted to him. Princes was caught on the line, but he had to be careful to reel her in slowly and not spook her. This was the long game and he was happy to have found something to do with his day. The possibility of controlling and owning this absolutely fucking stunning young woman was keeping him so aroused and hard that Bob knew he had to have her.
Once again the day come to an end and he realised they had been chatting pretty much all day again Bob now had an idea and in the next few days he would put it from idea in to action. Princess was naturally submissive -- so he just needed to make sure she knew it and acted on it.
The days came and went with more talk between Bob and Princess it was all day every day, and it came to the crunch. He know knew he had her so close but just needed to push her over the edge. He asked to actually meet her.......in the flesh. There was some resistance from her but eventually she agreed, they were to meet on Monday after Xmas -- the bank holiday for boxing day that was after the weekend -- his wife would be working. Now it was all about the details...............
After some discussion it was decided that he would travel to her, there was a park near her home and they would meet there, outdoors, where there were people around. He needed her to feel safe, needed her to feel comfortable around him if he was to have her submit. The bond they had built over the days of talking was strong, that connection was there, he could feel it and so could she and it was the basis for everything that he wanted to happen.
The day had arrived, there had been chat that had taken place, they moved from the app to another one and then one more, somewhere they could exchange pictures, videos and voice-notes as well. Although there had not been anything too risque as yet there was a definite undertone of so much to come.
Bob had promised he would be gentle with Princess, that he would not push her too far or too fast. He would not push her out of her comfort zone (knowing full well she was out of it by a country mile already) This was the basis of their meeting and Bob fully intended to ensure he stayed within those boundaries, needed to show her that he could control himself. If he couldn't control him then how the hell could he hope to control her.............
Of course when the day had actually arrived it was snowing -- not a little bit but it was coming down and settling. SHIT!!!! He couldn't get stuck in traffic or snowed at a car park he shouldn't have been at in the first place. However there was no way he would cancel, nooooo not at all. He needed Princess to know that he would always deliver what he said he would GODDAMIT, FUCK, SHIT and CUNT!!! He had to hide the concern and worry he had about the weather, as they were chatting in the app he was saying how it wasn't that bad where he was (little fib, it was coming down proper).
So then it was time to set off...... time to see what the day would bring, time to see if he would be able to make Princes his, not today but soon...... and that would be so easy to tell if only he could get to see her in person.
The drive itself was not too bad, although the snow was still coming down it did not seem to be settling on the roads and motorways. It wasn't long before Bob was nearly there, although still driving he picked his phone up and sent her a simple message "5 Minutes away" and as he pulled in to the car park he could see her car, well on the plus side she had at least shown up, now to se if she was as pretty and submissive in real life as she was online -- not always the case he had discovered previously with others.
Bob parked up and got out of the car, she was out already and she smiled at him....... A quick appraisal of her ........Well she was exceptionally pretty, in fact absolutely stunning. Her face was nothing short of beautiful, with long red hair which was a massive plus for Bob. She was of course wearing a coat with the weather doing it's worse but from what he could see she had a good figure, but how good was yet to be discovered.
He closed the distance between them and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek, In that hug he felt her relax a little in to him but he could see the nerves in the tightness of her eyes and the giggle which belied her inner turmoil. This was new for her, this was out of the norm...... she was married, as was Bob, and yet here they were together in this snowy landscape that in any other time and meeting would have been seen as a perfect "romantic" Christmas card setting. She was there as was Bob to see how they connected, to see if she would and could submit to him and if he would accept her as his submissive.
Bob already knew of course on first seeing her that he wanted more, he was entranced by her beauty and could only imagine the delights she would bestow on him once she gave herself to him. However he needed to take it steady, not scare her off too much -- although little did he know at this time that she was far more hardy than her delicate appearance shown, a little wolf in what appeared to be a frightened lambs clothing.
He allowed her to lead the way, for two reasons, one being she was familiar with the area, and two that he now got to check out her ass, as that was not covered by her coat. Her jeans spread tightly across her ass, it was shapely, it was rounded and my god it was fucking hot. Bob was absolutely having very dirty thoughts about that ass..........one step at a time he thought to himself.
They walked through the park with kinked arms, both talking and giving brief histories, and to his surprise the conversation flowed easily staying on safe subjects and just allowing that connection to grow stronger between them. As they walked the amount of people thinned out, not that there were many on this day in this weather anyway, but it soon seemed like they had the whole place to themselves. To be fair as they walked and talked others were of no concern such was the engagement between the two of them.
They reached an area of the park with a brook running through and a bridge over it, Princess walked over to it and was on the bridge looking in to the brook, Bob followed behind and as she was looking in to the water his eyes were on her ass. He closed the distance and stood very close behind her, she must have felt his presence and princess turned round. Bob was so close and placed both of his hands either side of her on the bridge railing, moving forward and pinning her against the bridge with his body her eyes showed both fear and determination, hunger and desire. "It's time" Bob thought and then he moved his head forward and tilted it slightly closing in on her lips and then they met...... the kiss was gentle but full of promise he wanted to dominate her mouth, wanted to push his tongue deep in to hers and claim it but he didn't. he pushed against her more, allowing his hardness to press against her lower body knowing she must feel his arousal.
As they continued to kiss Bob moved his hands up his, right hand moving to her hair and then grabbing a handful and pulling it downwards tilting Princesses head upwards and to Bob's delight she gave a moan of pleasure feeling him do this. This spurred him on and his grip tightened in her hair and he pulled a little harder and as they kissed her gasps were welcomed in to his mouth. Moving to her neck he kissed and licked and teased her sensitive neck, licking up to her ear and then back down and then back to her lips where they continued to kiss and although a little heavier it was not "full on"
Bob had Princess pinned to the rail, his body against hers but she was happy to be there, happy to accept his advances, happy to feel his hardness pressed against her, happy to be kissed and to be led in this way. The gentle petting carried on for some time as the snow continued to fall but neither were concerned in that moment. Eventually they parted and continued to walk through the park. As they walked Bob now let his hand freely roam over her ass, stoking it, feeling it and squeezing it. Each time a little smile or giggle from princess showing her approval.
They walked further, Bob's hunger had risen along with his hardness and he wanted her, wanted more, wanted to dominate her. He pulled her in to another embrace and they kissed once again, now Bob had his hand on her ass, pulling her against him, grinding his hardness against her, and his hands again moved to her hair and pulled it with the arousing effect of hearing her moan again. He needed contact on her flesh, so he moved his hands round her back embracing her then moving them down and in to the back of her tight jeans, waiting to see if she would object.......... She did not.
Kissing her lips and neck and nibbling her ear as his hands moved in to her jeans and he found her ass and cupped it in his hands, finally feeling her flesh against his as both of their breathing got more intense and she had to feel him against her now, he was so hard and grinding against her there was no way she did not feel it, and yet this did not seem to concern her. They continued this again for some time with his hands roaming freely against her flesh. Of course he wanted to move his hands to the front of her jeans....... But he had said he would be gentle with her........... he would keep that promise..........he would prove he had control...........he did not NOT fucking want to but he would.
Once again they broke contact and started the walk back to the cars, only having a short amount of time before both respective husbands and wives would become suspicious. As they walked Bob wanted to test Princess wanted to see how far she would submit to him and needed to test those boundaries. As he walked slightly behind her "STOP" he said to her and she immediately did so. "open your legs" he ordered -- it was not a request and his tone told her this. She opened her stance and widened her legs as he approached her from behind, his hand moving between he legs as he pressed it upwards and started to rub back and forward pressing against her sex, rubbing where he knew she would now be wet for him. As he rubbed her he pulled her hair, he kissed the back of her neck and felt her rest back against him as he did it.
Bob smiled as he did this, it was only for a brief few moments, but he knew he had her, knew that she wanted it, knew that she would submit completely to him. For 3 or 4 minutes he rubbed her in this way but the way she had obeyed his orders had told him everything he needed to know. The temptation for him was high, so so high. Bob knew that all he had to do was order princess on to her knees, and she would do it, he knew she would do whatever he asked, whatever he ordered, and he WANTED to have her pleasure him...............but he wouldn't do it, he had promised, he would be gentle, he would be in control.
He stopped rubbing her, stopped kissing her and they walked back to the car with just a few more kisses on the way. When they reached the cars there was no awkwardness, but there was the intense feeling between them that a line had been crossed, they were now Sir and Sub, and she would be his -- and to a large extent already was. There was just a matter of being able to physically claim her, to use her and to have her pleasure him. That would come in time, and the pleasure she would receive in return would be something beyond her 28 years of experience in life. They parted and began the drive back to the respective houses.
On his return they were messaging and both agreed that it was exactly what they both wanted, what they needed. Bob sent her a message that he needed her to see.
"Today when I left you I was so very horny, so aroused and my drive back home I was hard the entire journey back -- That will never be the case again princess. I will never part from you again without being satisfied"
The Next Steps........
The conversations continued to flow between both of them during the next weeks. There were discoveries and admissions. The most important thing was that Princess asked Bob if she could serve him, to submit to him and to give all to him. Usually Bob would make his submissives wait; make them hunger for his response and for his approval to serve him. This time though it was without hesitation, he wanted her, wanted her servitude and wanted her to pleasure him. Bob's hunger for this perfect looking woman, this siren of sexuality was too high for him to make her wait......... he agreed for her to be his submissive and allow her the honour of calling him Sir.
In the conversations Princes admitted to her new Sir that she had never met the person that she called Sir before, that it had all been online and that actually her innocence went far beyond what he could imagine. She had only had one man to have her, to be inside her and that was her husband..........and the discussions revealed that it was barely sex. It had lasted only minutes, and she had never had an orgasm caused by anyone else. Princess had gave head on maybe 4 or 5 occasions and only to completion twice. There was no intimacy, no hunger, no passion in what she had experienced before......................This completely astounded Bob as this woman, HIS submissive was so damn hot he could not comprehend her not being lusted after by any red bloodied male. However he had no doubt she was telling him the truth. She had never been eaten out for her pleasure and as one of Bob's biggest turn ons he made sure she knew that it would happen when they met.
When Bob thought about his innocent submissive he knew that her life was about to change, he knew the delights he had to show her and what she would discover. These thoughts aroused him such large amounts. There was not a day that went by when he would not find himself in the shower, stroking his hard cock at what he would do with and do to his new little submissive. Going over in his head how he would use her and how she would pleasure him as his hand stroked up and down until his balls tightened and the familiar feeling of his orgasm took over and he splashed his seed over the shower tiles.
The conversations carried on between them and as the weeks moved on it was gentle and not so gentle questioning that Bob asked to ensure he understood what his new Sub needed. She wanted to be tied, she wanted to be on her knees for him, but more than anything she NEEDED to serve him. The descriptions of what he wanted from her and how they would spend the next meeting between them were descriptive, explicit and incredibly arousing as he described every action, every movement and every response that made them both so aroused.
Princess was now also sharing pictures with her new Sir, and wow did he like what he saw. Pictures oh her in underwear in different sets, nothing so explicit but he now saw her figure and WOW it was so fucking hot.
Princess was 5ft 4, long red hair, she was slim, but with curves in the right places. Her chest was just delightful even though she was not happy at all with it, but as a boob guy Bob new it was near perfection. Looking at the pics he guessed 34C (later to find out D cup) and then a waist that moved in before moving out to her hips which were perfectly sized to her slim and petite figure. Then he saw her Ass.........as stated Bob was a boob guy but FUCK when he saw her ass it was a hard choice, just rounded and peachy and perfect. His cock throbbed at the thought of being inside her ass, of course as her Sir he could take it........but gently does it as that was not something you unleash on your sub on the first physical encounter.
The conversations, the pics and everything were getting more and more sexual. When they finally set a time and a date to meet, then a hotel was booked and it really was becoming real. Bob still could not believe he had found a young woman who was 20 years younger than him, who was absolutely stunning and pretty and who as far as he could see had a body made for pure sin...... and she wanted him to use her and take her and claim her as his own. There was not a day that went by now that Bob was not stroking his cock to his thoughts in the shower, he had cum over her and in her more in his thoughts over the weeks than he had over anyone before.........his hunger for her knew no bounds.
Princess booked the hotel, after Sir had sent her the link to the day rooms site, in her innocence she did not know you could book hotels for day use only. She asked him how long they would spend together and his answer was "As long as we need princess but only have 5 hours before I have to leave" he knew that he would need more time than that but had to fit within his being "at work for a meeting"
In the week before they were due to meet, princess showed her Sir choices of clothes and underwear and shoes for him to choose what she should wear to please him, just as a good little sub should do. Also what she would bring. He told her rope, and other simple things that she should take to the room with her. The excitement was building, the anticipation and for Bob the hunger and desire were at such high levels. He would have her, control her, own her and she would give everything she had and more to him in her submission.
Finally it was the day...... it had arrived. The day that Bob was meeting his princess and that they were to be physical together. There was no grey area, no suggestion that this was to be anything other than pure physical pleasure, sexual experiences and that she would be submitting to him completely and in a very sensual and carnal way. Bob went about the start of his day the same as always, he got out of bed early and went for his run, returning home to have coffee and a smoke. He knew his princess did not so he smoked before his shower, not wanting to have the odour clinging to him for when they met.
The messaged were flowing as the early morning passed, not allowed to check in until 10am they had time to kill before setting off to the destination. Her messages were full of excitement, of happiness at the fact she would be his and was almost giddy in her replies. Bob was of course extremely aroused, and tried to keep his thoughts on the mundane. He didn't want to get too excited and shoot his load too early when they met -- she had already had that too often with her husband.........it would be different this time.
At 8:30am he left the house and started the drive, it was an hour away and there was fortunately little traffic as the time both dragged yet passed so quickly as he passed mile after mile and each one taking him closer to what he truly desired so much, in the back of his mind he knew that there was still a possibility of her getting cold feet, of her deciding it was too much, or her deciding that she couldn't go through with letting another man have her, that she needed to stay true to her marriage vows. This was not an issue for Bob, he had done this before, but for a gorgeous woman like her, an innocent woman and such a fucking gorgeous and pretty woman...........well until it happened he would not quite believe he was this lucky.
As he was driving the last 5 mile to the hotel he got a message.............. expecting the worse he checked it and was very happy to read "checked in to the room and we are on the third floor, see you soon" Well that's another step closer he thought and a huge smile spread across his face. They had agreed to meet in the car park and go to the room together and he was just pulling in to the car park, and he spotted her car. Pulling up in front of her and parking, well its now or never he thought, and got out of the car.
Bob was dressed in one of his suits, shirt, tie and had his briefcase. Looking up Princess was smiling widely but there was a nervous look to her eyes, a timid but at the same time strong look to her. She was clothed in the dress he had picked out, Black and knee length, with zip all the way from shoulders to ass in the back and a zip down the front from top to just below her bust. The dress fit sublime, following the contours of her amazing figure. Her long hair braided down her back. She looked STUNNING. She looked innocent, she looked pretty, and she looked fucking gorgeous.
Bob moved to her and gave her a cursory hug, and told her she looked amazing. The beaming smile that was received with was so good to see, she had such a fucking great smile. She led the way to the hotel, and of course Bob's eyes were all over her ass as it wiggled and swayed as she walked. His erection was hard to hide but he managed it as they ascended the lift and made the way down the corridor to the room and then inside the door which closed with what he thought was a loud bang!!
Placing their respective bags down and shedding the outer garments she was nervous and waited for him to take control, to take over, and this is exactly what he did. Looking her up and down he ordered her "Turn round for Sir" and she did so allowing his eyes to drink in her beauty, and to feast on her figure. There was no hiding it, no surreptitious glances -- Sir was assessing her and what would soon be his and he made no secret of it. He told her to turn round again. Until she was facing him smiling and giggling a little as his eyes met hers and he said "look at me" and she did so with a slight shaking and nerves but she did and held his gaze as he ordered.
"Are you sure this is what you want -- do you want to do this" he asked, needing the consent at the start before he took what he wanted, needing her to be 100% sure and for him to know this as well.
"Yes Sir, I do want it" and with that he closed in on her moving forward his lips met hers and this time there was no light kissing, Bob pushed his tongue forward and through her lips and found hers, they tangled and pressed and fought as Bob dominated her mouth, his passion and hunger evident with the deep and lustful ministrations of his lips and tongue.
As they kissed his hand moved to her braid, he had ordered her to braid it for one reason, so he could do what he was about to do, and he grabbed it and pulled it, not gently but not yanking on it. A firm pull which caused their lips to part and the gasp that she gave was music to Bob's ears and also provided access to her delicate neck which he knew from the previous meeting was so sensitive. He kissed her neck once again, licking and nibbling it and as he did his hands roamed freely now over her figure. Up her bare arms where he felt the goosebumps from his actions, down her back and slowly slowly moving down to her ass, her perfect ass which he cupped once again and began to squeeze and fondle as he also pulled her against him, grinding his hard cock against her.
Bob moved his hands away from her ass, stroking up princess's side and then round to the front where he finally had his hands on her chest, he had wanted to feel her tits from the moment she sent a pic in her bra, and now he was, gently squeezing, caressing and feeling them through her dress and bra. Still kissing and dominating her mouth he pulled away slightly sucking on her bottom lip as he did. Moving his hands up to the zip he slowly started to lover it and to reveal the red and black bra beneath. The zip lowering so slowly allowing her to come to terms with him undressing her, allowing her to get used to what was happening.
Bob of course wanted nothing more than to rip her clothes off immediately he wanted her naked, wanted to fuck her raw, he needed to satiate his hunger to have her and mark her as his own. Bob also knew that that wasn't the way, that wasn't how he needed to treat this submissive, and with all D/s relationships 95% of the dynamic was in the connection, was in the trust and the giving of the sub to her Sir and her doing so not only freely but with a need to do it not at his behest, There was only one way to do that with Princess, and it was to make her feel so absolutely overwhelmed with intimacy and lust for her Sir that she would not only give him everything but delight in the giving and the knowledge that she was his.
The zip on her dress front was now down showing a generous amount of her cleavage and her chest, Bobs kisses moved down her neck as his hands were on her hips, her own arms round him and pulling him to her....... He knew her own lust and hunger was rising, she needed it and wanted it and that need was growing every minute. His lips moving to kiss down further across the soft flesh of the top of her chest and he used his mouth to open the dress more and expose a greater amount to him and his hand pulled at her hair once again, her moans getting louder each time he did this and across her chest he kissed and using his tongue to lick and tease as he did.
Bob kissed the top of her chest for some time and his hands moved back to her hips and he slowly spun her round so that he was behind her his arms round her pulling her against him, his hard cock pressing between the cheeks of her ass and finding a welcome home there. Probably without knowing (or maybe fully conscious of it he wasn't to know) princess was pressing back against his hard cock and between the clothes he could feel himself along the crevice of her ass. Bob's kisses now across the back of her neck and across her shoulders, and he would bite now and again sending shivers running through her. He moved back slightly and slowly but surely took the zip from her shoulders all the way down to her ass, uncovering her back, her shapely and smooth back and he could also see a lot of her ass, and my god it was good.
As with all of the pace at this time Bob slowly removed the dress from her shoulders, taking his time to move it to waist level and smothered her shoulders and back with kisses and bites once again, and then moved the dress lower until she could step out of it. He folded it carefully and placed it on the side, now princess was just in her underwear, now he could see her and her fine form and there was no doubt the pictures did not lie -- this woman was a 10/10 in every way from the beauty of her face to the sublime and gorgeous figure that was now exposed in front of him, he kissed her back and again slowly moved her round once again and stood in front of her, with more kissing and hair pulling he spent time caressing ever part of her body lightly with his hands.
So now it was time, now she needed to submit to him and show him she wanted it -- NOW was crunch time.............If she did this next thing then there was no way she would back out, it was all very nice up until this point but NOW was the time to prove herself to her Sir............
He looked in to her eyes capturing them and deeply looking at her and said " I think its time you got on your knees for Sir don't you" with a firmness to his voice.
"mmmmm yes Sir" was the reply and as he held her hands she lowered herself to her knees in front oh him. There was no doubt what he wanted, he had expressed it in messages to her exactly what he wanted and what he expected from her when it got to this point, and to his delight he saw that the smile she had was so wide at being ordered to do this and that it really was giving her pleasure as well to be doing just that. She moved her hands to his waistband and to his trouser buttons "may I Sir" she asked and Bob nodded in approval. Princess unbuttoned him and then lowered the zipper to his trousers, dropping them to his feet. Bobs cock was straining at his fitted underwear. Although not massive Bob had a healthy 8 inch cock and of fair girth, not the biggest out there and he knew it was above average. Princess's eyes were fixed on his underwear as she reached in and held it to stop it springing out as she lowered his underwear. They had already joked about it hitting her in the face when she did this in messages and they both laughed a little as she held him to make sure this did not happen..
Princess lowered her Sir's underwear to join his trousers and both hands lightly held his hardness, his cock in front of her face so hard and throbbing with his arousal. She looked at it studied it with interest. Bob was sure now, there was no going back from this point, the pressure he had felt before about her backing off, about the cold feet had now vanished. Here was this gorgeous woman on her knees in front of him, his hard cock in her hands and she was about to serve him in the most base way a sub can for her Sir.
Princess moved her head forward, she placed light kisses to the side of his cock, kissing all the way down his shaft, and then back up the other side, she kissed the tip of his cock and as she pulled back a string of pre-cum was linked between her lips and the tip of his hardness. She licked her lips and smiled she looked up at Sir and in to his eyes as she moved her head forward again and this time licked him, following the path that her kisses had travelled just moments before and Bob could not help himself but moan in pleasure as he felt her tongue caress him.
Almost as she was building in confidence, Princes washed her face with Bobs cock, rubbing it against her cheeks and nuzzling it between kisses and licks that sent a surge of pleasure through him at every contact. She kissed all the way to the tip, and without warning opened her mouth and took him in to it. Slowly but surely taking more in to her mouth as she gently sucked as he head bobbed downwards taking half his length in to her pretty mouth, a look of pure concentration now on her face.
The wet heat engulfed Bobs cock, the feeling of her sucking him, taking him deeper in to her mouth was just out of this world good, looking down and seeing this stunning woman bobbing her head up and down on his cock, only intent on giving him pleasure and to make him feel good, and boy was she making him feel good. Her lips leaving him and then her tongue traversing his hardness and kissing it, rubbing her face against it only to then return to sucking it in to her mouth. Bob was holding her shoulder and one hand in her hair that he would give a pull on now and again, and every time he did he would feel a surge of heat as her breath expelled in a moan of pleasure from her. He allowed her (with the greatest of pleasure) to explore every part of him with her lips and her tongue, and as her confidence grew at the sounds of his obvious enjoyment she got faster and her hands joined in pumping the half of his cock she could not fit in to her mouth.
"Slowly Princess" Bob stated, knowing if he let her carry on at that pace he would lose his control, and give her his cum. As much as that would be so enjoyable, and he would give that to her in time, he had other plans for his first load today. Princess took her lips from him and replied "yes Sir" and slowed her actions down. Enjoying the pleasure he was receiving and the enthusiasm that Princes was showing in her new toy, his cock Bob just stood and allowed her to carry on until he felt the first warning from his body that he was moving towards his orgasm. This was enough for him to pull his hips back, his cock leaving her lips with an audible "plop". Princess looked a little disappointed at having it removed from her but only for a brief second, as she knew there was more yet to come.