This is the continuation of my story, no my dream about being taught how to be a subby! The first part was on the 20th Sept.
So I'm here at the lay by, with my collar and bracelets attached!
But before I tell you what happened let me describe the lay by for those that don't know it. It's quite long - four or five hundred metres from end to end. It's set back from the road behind a wooded area about 50 metres wide at the middle. There is a portacabin at the beginning serving snacks early on weekdays, and then there is the rest which is also used by truckies in the week, but at weekends its mostly used by guys for meeting others of a similar persuasion! There are lots of paths that criss cross the area, and at the side nearest the road there is a path that leads the full length, and many of the others look down on it or drop down to meet it.
So Mistress pulls me by the lead attached to my collar, across the roadway to the wooded area. It's up a slight hill, and I struggle a little in my heels, but I'm determined to act the lady!! Especially as there are guys watching me from their cars and also a few in the woods. No surprise as there are so many cars here!!
I manage to mount the hill without slipping over, and Mistress is being kind, waiting for me. She leads me through the woods till we are near the road. Ready to parade me along the long path .......... so everyone can look at me!!!! This is obviously her intention, and there are some guys together in a group - have Master and Mistress arranged for guys to be here today? It looks likely as I've never seen it so busy before. On a Sunday there might be a dozen cars here and maybe more in the week with the wagon drivers that pull up here too. But today there are more than twenty already!!! And it's only early afternoon.
Along the path we go, Mistress always a pace in front and making sure that she tugs me a little with the lead. She's more used to walking in heels and can move faster than me - I have to take my time a little or I'll topple over! But the ground along the path is quite flat and I'm doing well. Proud to show my girlie self off to anyone who happens to be watching ...... and there are a few guys stood around above the path, watching me parade about. We get to the end, well nearly the end, but as far as guys go who are looking for fun. And then we turn around and make our way back to the end nearest the exit. I know that there are a couple of clearings down there which are good for fun! And in one I remember that there is a tree branch which resembles a cock, at just the right height to impale yourself upon ....... dirty secrets coming out!!!
Going back I take a little more notice of the guys watching. Some look a bit too old and "skanky" for my liking, but there are also a few who I certainly wouldn't mind getting to know a little better! How will I get to choose?
We're nearly at the end, and Master is waiting there for us to get back. Nearly in the clearing when Mistress says , "You have been a very good girl so far, but let me just remind you that you will obey every command, or I will punish you." And with that she tells Master to get the restraints out. Master is fiddling about at two trees on the path. They have hooks inserted in the trees - two just off the ground and two others about six feet off the ground. I've never seen these here before, but is exactly like another place I have been, which has a whipping post!!!! Well not exactly a post - two trees to attach a person to. No chance of moving when you are strapped to them!!!
Now I know why the bracelets were fitted - they mean that the restraints can be quickly fitted to me, and then attached to the tree very quickly!! But this is a little different from the one I've seen before - the hand restraints are set a little further forward, so that I have to kind of lean forward slightly, presenting my bum better for whatever is to come!!!! Not exactly bent over, but certainly pushing out behind me!!
Then Mistress tells Master to fit my mask!! Mask? I wasn't expecting this. But Master comes over and puts a simple mask over my eyes. Just over my eyes, and I expect to be able to see round a little, but I can't! Everything has suddenly gone black, and I wonder why that was necessary!
So I'm waiting here tied between the two trees, expecting my Mistress to beat me to remind me to be an obedient slave. But she has other ideas, and asks "Who will bid to beat my slave? I need three volunteers to give him one stroke of the paddle each. So who's first? It's £10 a go!!!"
What!!! She's selling the rights to beat her slave!! Should I say something? I think I must and start to stutter a few words.
But I'm soon cut off by my Mistress. "Shut up slave! You will not speak till I give you permission! And that's another three strokes for daring to even think about challenging me."
It's obvious now that she wants to be sure that everyone there realises that she is in total control of me, and that she is the dominant one. And if she wants to sell me for others to use, then I have no say in the matter!!! I'm getting anxious now! Will she respect my limits? I never gave her a safe word in case it went too far for me, but she did ask about my limits ....... well my ultimate limits!
"So who are the lucky three?" she asks, and there is a rustling as I hear a number of people saying me! She says that she will select the three from those who volunteered. You, you and you.
"Now you two pull her dress up above her waist." And I feel two guys pulling up my dress, one of them making sure that he felt my legs and my suspenders as he did!!
"You first" she says and I can feel someone moving closer to me. I can't see anything, but just sense that someone is nearer.
Thwack goes the paddle on my backside!!! "Not hard enough" shouts Mistress. And she's right!! It just didn't give me any pain at all - all sound and no substance!!
"You next, and harder than he did it!!"
Thwack. Wow that really hurt!! It's all I can do not to cry out in absolute pain. Too hard really. Maybe I can take one like that, but no more.
"Too hard" shouts Mistress. "You over there can have the last go, and then I'll show you how it's done."
I'm wishing now that she had shown them first! But perhaps Mistress wanted to show them that they are only amateurs, and that they should also obey her!!
Thwack again, and this one's just right. Hard enough to smart, but not so hard that I can't take another very soon!!
"Just right" says Mistress. And then she proceeds to give me three more strokes of the paddle. My bum must be really red by now, and as hot as hell. But my cock is reacting well, erect and leaking precum!
What now I think! Will she let me down from the tree or leave me tied up?
i get my answer almost immediately as Master starts to undo my restraints from the tree. but he leaves the straps in place - i suppose that i might be back here very soon!
My mask is still on and I'm led along the path - we must be in one of the clearings near the end. and I'm told to kneel. then Mistress tells me that I will be a lucky girl, and get to suck five different cocks - but I have to pay attention she says. I'm wondering why when she says "Open wide for your first cock. Now this is Rick - remember what it tastes like, because I am going to see if you can remember later.
So I get to gorge myself on Rick's cock. Not too big, but nice enough. Clean and shaven too, so maybe I'll be able to remember that cock. I get to suck it for a couple of minutes, and I remember without being told that I have to leave lipstick marks at the base of his cock for Mistress to check. And Rick must be appreciating my sucking because he has his hands on the back of my head, forcing me to take all his cock down my throat. Will i be able to swallow all his cum? I don't find out because Mistress says "Enough - let Wayne have a go now."
Wayne wastes no time in sticking his cock in my mouth, and grabbing my head to force me to take it all in. But not a problem as he's not as big as Rick, although he's well trimmed too. Wayne isn't going to last long - i can feel his rhythm increasing and taste his precum, but Mistress stops him too. "Plenty of time to fill the sluts mouth later", she says.
And tells me that the next is Dan. Oh yes - this is a nice young cock. I can tell by the feel of it, and the sighs coming from him as I suck as deep as I can. Very little hair and tastes so nice. I'm going to enjoy taking his spunk when I'm allowed to. He's obviously not sure whether he should take hold of my head and really fuc my mouth, but I'm hoping he will. And it must have got the better of him, as I feel his hands on my head and he speeds up. I hope that Mistress isn't going to stop him too - it would be so nice to taste his cum. "Will you cum gain if I let you fill his mouth with spunk", Mistress asks. And between thrusts he manages to say "Oh yes".
And with that he grabs the back of my head even harder, and pushes his cock all the way down my throat. I can feel his spunk gushing out of his cock and i feel like I'm choking, but I manage to swallow a couple of times and then it's ok. I keep on sucking him clean - it tastes so lovely and it's taking ages for him to subside! Bodes well for later!
Now it's onto number four. "This is Steve - suck him well as he's a good friend of mine" says Mistress. And with that another cock is presented to me. Oh dear - this is very similar to Rick! Tastes very similar, shaved and just about the same size. Is Mistress playing with me? Is it really Rick again? But no it isn't, because Rick would be wet and sticky still from my sucking, and this is freshly washed! Oh well, enjoy it whilst I can! And I can tell the difference now - not quite as eager! But very nice, until Mistress tells him to make way for the last one.
"This is Rich," says Mistress. "Remember that you have to leave lipstick at the base of his cock." Why has she told me this? It didn't take long to find out. This is the biggest cock that I have ever seen - well not seen yet, but felt. I just can't seem to get my mouth wide enough to take his cock into my mouth! If it's that thick, how long is it going to be?
I'm trying really hard, and I do get it into my mouth, but I can only get a few inches down his shaft, no matter how hard I try or how hard he thrusts. This is beginning to hurt! But I'm getting a little more with each thrust, and I'm beginning to feel quite proud of myself. Until Mistress stops him, and tells him to let her examine the lipstick marks.
"Nowhere near", she says. "Take her back to the whipping post."
And with that I'm hauled to my feet and dragged quickly back to the post.
"Rich can beat you as he's the one you failed"
Thwack - Rich has done this before. Hard and accurate. And again, just a little harder. And again. Each blow of the paddle is just a little harder than the last, until all six blows have been delivered.
"Say thank you to Rich"
"Thank you Rich."
"Now take him down and let Rich be the second one to fill the sluts mouth."
I'm taken down and back to the clearing where I was before. On my knees again with Rich's cock in my mouth. And there's nothing gentle about his thrusts this time. He's really fucking my mouth, and whilst I still can't get to the base of his cock, it's filling my mouth every time he thrusts in. And his rhythm's changing now. Shorter, sharper thrusts. Preparing to fill my mouth with his spunk too.
I can taste him starting to cum, and then he stops moving as his cock just gushes spunk into my mouth! There must be gallons of it, and it's running all down my face as he now starts to thrust slowly again. I suck hard to try to help him drain the last dregs into my mouth. It doesn't taste as nice as Dan's, but who's being fussy? And Rich certainly seemed to enjoy it.
"Time for a little rest now." says Mistress. "Sit here and Master will give you a drink. But round two starts soon, and I hope that you will remember what each of the cocks was like! Or else!"
So here I am waiting with my mask still in place, wondering what will happen next.
Next part will follow next week if you want,