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"A totally unexpected encounter but one I'll never forget!"

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Ok, I'm writing this whilst I can recall every minute detail. I wasn't expecting this so it totally caught me off guard.

I'd been searching for a particular American car which I finally found online , the problem was it was in Edinburgh, a good 280 miles away! I made arrangements to go up and collect it as the thought of someone else driving my dream car down to me didn't sound appealing to me at all!

The train ticket was really eye watering I can tell you!

 It was worth it in every sense of the word. The plan was to pick it up, stay at a hotel up there  and drive back on Saturday. My wife wasn't keen on coming with me so stayed at home, a choice that suddenly presented me with ‘ opportunities ‘ if you know what I mean. So, all packed up and overnight bag with some spare clothes and underwear, it was a good job my wife didn't check my bag as a pair of her finest red satin knickers, my own black holdups, a black bob wig  plus a retro nylon slip I sometimes wear when I'm alone, well whilst the cats away, I get to play.

 The train seemed to take forever but eventually got to Edinburgh just after 1pm, I'd put my hold ups and knickers on whilst on the train with a pair of trainer socks to protect the feet of my hold ups in my shoes. Once I was partly dressed I felt a little more feminine, the sensations of my nylons brushing against the inside of my trousers increased my urgency to get things done and sort out a hotel to become Christine again. 

Getting a coffee and a sandwich at the station I found a taxi to take me to the car showroom to collect my car. Once there, just looking at it I knew I'd made the right decision to travel to collect it. Paperwork  completed. I was off to find a hotel, something I really should have booked before I went up there, I was just too focused on getting my car.

As I was  about to find out, anyone who's been to Edinburgh will know full well, it's a busy place at the best of times and hotel rooms are at a premium, that's if you can find one which coupled with not knowing the area I was going from pillar to post, all fully booked. Getting on my phone I did a search and ended up being directed to a hotel in a place called Murrayfield. The hotel itself looked quite grand for a late Victorian building.

However more bad news as between looking online and getting there, the room that was available had  just gone, bugger! At this rate it was looking like I was going to be sleeping in my new car. 

It was getting on so I asked if I was allowed to eat in the dining room which thankfully they obliged so there I am 

Sat at a table on my own with a meal , a few guests there,whilst eating I noticed an elderly gentleman who was looking across at me with more than a passing interest. As I ate my meal and looking at my phone to try and book a room, I could sense he was taking more than just a casual glance in my direction, his gaze appeared to be more at my shoes, slightly confused as to what he was looking at, I glanced down , then I realised that my trousers had ridden up a little to reveal my ankle and foot encased in black nylon, I don't know why but my face reddened at being discovered, he saw my embarrassment and winked at me, I sheepishly smiled at him.

He smiled back  at me, looking back down at my ankle again, He came over to my table ‘ mind if I join you’? well I was flustered at this sudden development.

Sitting down, he introduced himself as Guy, a white haired gentleman, well groomed and well spoken, he was in his early 70’s, he was a widower of 12 years, he briefly spoke about his wife, yes I'd guessed he missed her and lonely .

He spoke softly so as not to be overheard by the others dining near us. The conversation was a little awkward  as he asked if I normally wore stockings, he wasn't aware at the time they were just holdups. Still a little flustered at his direct approach with a  stutter I replied  ‘ sometimes’ I could see in his eyes and his smile that I was becoming more interesting to him by the minute.‘ do you have a name he asked , I told him but he quickly came back to that , ‘ no, your other name, emphasising on the words ‘Other’ I quickly realised what he ment , Christine I replied, ‘ nice name’ he replied 

His eyes now looking higher up he just came out with it  ‘are they real’ he asked , looking at my shirt, my nipples had involuntarily gone hard with arousal and clearly visible as they now pressed against the material, I'd realised what he said and blushed as we were essentially within earshot of other diners.

What he did next I wasn't expecting, especially in a room with other people, he reached over the table as if to reach for something to cover the fact he was just about to brush his finger over one of my nipples. Two things happened almost immediately. That sudden sensation made my nipples harden, it  made me gasp in a way that got his total attention but at the same time realising where we were I moved back quickly and hoped no one saw it.  that action was  the result he was looking for I guess as that nipple went solid. He  smiled at me and sat back in his chair. It looked like he was thinking about something. Then he asked if I had found a room yet, he must have overheard me talking to reception earlier.

I replied ‘no’ which caused him to smile at me. He must have thought about this the first time he saw me, ‘ well if you're stuck somewhere you could share my room tonight’ , I looked at him in shock at this sudden invitation, I certainly wasn't expecting this, he apologised if he'd embarrassed me as my face glowed bright red, thinking quickly, well he seemed genuine enough and I was really stuck for a room so I accepted his kind offer.

Guy got up, I'll see if reception will allow it as he got up to reception, I could see him speaking to them, guy turning and pointing to me, now I was embarrassed, what was he saying, he motioned me over, the receptionist moved the register to me “ sign here please’ Guy had already printed my name in the book C Clarkson! I'd never signed that name before so took my time signing to avoid putting my real name down. ‘ thankyou sir ‘ good job he'd only put my first initial! The sudden realisation that I'd actually been ‘ picked up’  so to speak , at 60! well I never thought this would be happening to me , assuming that's what was on Guys mind.

We both went to our cars , Guy was certainly impressed with mine I could tell, it's a man thing!

We collected our bags, Guy's was rather large but I'd discover later it was more than  his overnight bag! 

He led me to his room he'd graciously shared with me, putting our bags down on just one double bed! My heart started racing at the thought of what he actually had in mind for me. He suggested we pop down to the lounge for a drink and get to know me better.

We found a snug a safe distance from anyone else in the room and Guy fetched some drinks, a rather large malt whisky , well we were in Scotland after all, then we just , well he mostly chatted away , asking how long I'd been Christine, then the conversation changed to my nipples which were now very prominent from certain angles.

I explained that I'd met a crossdresser on a meeting site called sh, he'd not heard of it but seemed interested in what I was saying, for a while this crossdresser and myself would often chat, so much so she started to give me tasks , I guess to prove how serious I was, little things at first like going to a large store and buying lipstick with the help of an assistant, then wearing it in public, the shade was barely noticeable but if you looked closely you could see how my lips shone making my lips feel silky smooth, other tasks included nipple torture which involved a couple of simple wooded pegs clamped over my nipples which would make them swell up when pulled a d twisted, I that I liked! Over several months of this daily routine I noticed my nipples had increased in size , around 20mm outwards, but now , hard when aroused, which seemed to be most of the time! I'm sure if the lady in question reads this , I'd just like  to say thank you.

Guy seemed to hang onto every word, his smile seemedto get broader as he learned more about me, a total stranger basically telling him my life story.

He looked at his watch , then spoke like a true gentleman. " I think it's time we went to our room. He added ‘ Do you really want this’ This? He had no idea how much THIS I desperately needed, I hadn't had sex for months!. This man was about to end my sexual drought.

I quickly finished off my malt whisky and followed Guy up the stairs and to his, or rather ‘ our’ room.

I remember the time as I heard a church bell chime 8 o'clock clock outside our window in the distance.

Once in the room Guy wasted no time, ‘ Strip’,  Off came my trousers to reveal my hold ups and my wife's red satin knickers, he gave them a cursory glance, however, his eyes were transfixed on my shirt as I undid the buttons, slowly one by one, I guess I was still a prick tease as my nipples almost exposed, only covered by each side of my shirt where the button and button holes were. 

He'd had enough time waiting, ‘ lose the shirt’ one arm at a time I took my shirt off, Guy wasn't disappointed ‘ Nice tits’ why I blushed. I don't know why  but it's been a long time since a man had paid me a compliment like that. Guy moved in , his finger went for a nipple, right at the end and softly moved just that in circles, watching my expression as he moved the tip of my nipple like a gaming joystick. I've done this to myself many times but by someone else sent a new sensation through me I'd not experienced before as a tingle went through my body, I'd not taken my tablet yet but my cock started to grow inside my wife's satin knickers, Guy looked pleased with my reaction, I think I was what he'd been waiting for, or was that me. Fate can sometimes strike unexpectedly.

‘ Ok, take your stockings and knickers off, time you had a shower and clean yourself up' 

Reaching into his bag, he pulled out a douche, well a rubber ball  with a penis like extension on it, no guesses where that's going! 

Why he wasn't looking I got my tablet to take in the bathroom, if nothing else I'm guaranteed a 30 odd hour erection which I hoped wouldn't go to waste, explaining to the wife when I got home with it however could be tricky.

First things first as I used the douche , squeezing the soapy warm water into my passage hoping there'd be spunk in there later, once done, into the shower for my first amazing encounter with guy.

Although the hotel supply their own body wash and soap, Guy had removed them and substituted a grey  bottle with a fancy name. I started using it which caused my skin to tingle, I made an involuntary sound of pleasure which was Guys que to join me, ‘ here, let me' as he placed my arms down so he could soap me down , ok so he could soap my now hard nipples, my cock making a similar stance as Guy's hands now went to work, his fascination with my nipples became acutely apparent.

Whatever the liquid was, it really made my nipples tingle , now hard and pointing outwards he played with them , tracing circles round the base then moving up to the tip to gently move the tip , I wish I could describe the sensations, they were certainly strong enough to make me put my arms against the shower wall to give him better access to my now aching, tingling nipples. All this time I'd been playing with my nipples, I'd never felt anything as strong as this as Guy continued to massage each nipple with just one finger. It had been a while since I felt like this but suddenly I was that slut again!l and on heat, he could have fucked me there and then! 

Whatever Guy had on his mind, I was going to make the most of it. His hands now descended lower down my body , but only to check if I was aroused, he made a Mmmmmm as he pulled my foreskin back and rubbed some of that liquid over my glans, instantly, a tingly sensation as he circled over the slit, oh god, he knew exactly what he was doing as I could feel myself building up to cum, he must have sensed this and stopped, the frustration he'd created was off the scale as he made his way back up to my nipples. I just closed my eyes and enjoyed the expert attention he was giving them.

I hadn't really seen Guy naked yet, all I knew that he had an erection as it pushed and slipped around my bottom cheeks.

My nipples now we're the most sensitive they'd ever been, each touch sent tingles down to my groin, my cock twitching in acknowledgement.

He now turned me round, for a 70 year old he was in pretty good shape! His chest hairs now white , as was his pubic hair, a cock to be proud of , maybe 5 , 5 1/2  inches but erect! He invited me to touch it, wrapping my fingers around it, squeezing it gently, it was solid, just like I used to be all those years ago, lucky bugger, 10 years my senior!

Brushing my hand off , he backed away ‘ maybe later’ 

Guy produce some kind of nipple suckers ‘ put these on, they work better in the shower’ I'd never used anything like these before so he put them on, squeezing the end to expel as much air as he could, he placed them on , my nipples and quite a bit of skin surrounding them was sucked into it, he did the same with the other, Guy got out the shower ‘ you stay here till I fetch you, give your tits time to grow ‘ 

So now alone in the shower I washed myself , now having to remove some of the pre cum that had accumulated under my foreskin, desperately trying not to wank myself off I was that aroused. Maybe 10 minutes later Guy came back, he asked me to step out of the shower and not to remove the suction cups. I dried myself off best I could, then he got his phone out, just a few for us both as he snapped away. My cock now hard , thanks to Guy's expert massaging of my nipples and cock, not forgetting the tablet of course. ‘ right, let's see what we've got’ opening his bag he pulled out a few things which he put to one side, very politely he asked me to put on the knickers , stockings and suspenders. Ok, I thought, sliding on the finest stockings I'd ever worn being careful not to ladder them, I slid them up my legs and attached them to the suspender belt , then the knickers , lacy black. He watched as I slid them up my legs, he seemed to be enjoying what he saw.

Next came the black shiny pleated skirt, above the knee, barely covering the stocking tops. I like people who like me to wear what they like and guys' taste was, so far, impeccable.’ now let's see how your tits are doing’ 

Mixed emotions here as he released the bulbs from my chest , the first thing I saw was my mini breasts he'd created, nipples now prominent ready for phase two of his enjoyment of me. The not so good was the red round marks they left on my chest ‘ don't worry, they'll wear off’ he really should have told me that it could take up to a day or more  for that to occur.  I'd no idea how I'd explain this one to the wife if she saw them.

Reaching into his bag he produced what I can only describe as small chopsticks with elastic bands at each end.

By now Guy had me completely under his spell as he put one of the contraptions onto my now elongated nipples  , pulling it apart over my nipple and letting it close on it, my nipple started to hurt as it flattened out of shape but causing the end of my nipples to elongate that  little bit more, he did the same with the other side , another photo for us. 

Guy then started to lightly touch my nipples, any discomfort I was in was immediately replaced with pleasure. He saw the look of total ecstasy on my face, he knew he saw the real me, the real slut! A slut who was now completely in his control, he could do what ever he wanted to me and he  knew it.

 He left those clamps on for a good ten minutes, Guy made me feel ‘wanting’ he knew this as he played and teased my nipples, all this time he barely touched my cock , now fully under the influence of the tablet , gorged with blood, itself now swollen , my glans purple coupled with his gentle caresses of my nipples I needed to cum, Guy on the other hand was an excellent teaser! He knew his way round another man's body, his experience and expertise was about to pay off as, out of sheer sexual frustration, i begged him to fuck me, that knowing smile from Guy was what he was waiting for. Now he could fulfil his own fantasy,

All the time Guy was very polite asking me to lie on my back, he'd do the rest. The only obstacle in the way stopping him fucking me was the knickers, for a man 10 years my senior, he was pretty strong as he pulled them apart , I do so like like that level of assertiveness as my knickers, well technically his knickers were partially removed now ripped , had they'd been my wife's id be in serious trouble! 

From the back he opened them up to expose my bottom , then the front to expose my now super hard cock. 

‘you really want this don't you' I'm not sure if that was a question or a statement, I just nodded my head. Again he asked me politely if I'd mind if he didn't use a condom , what a true gentleman!

I just said it's fine, then things started to get intense, or was that the malt kicking in? Guy quickly put some lube on his cock and splashed some over my crack , working it in with a finger then another then another, this was enough! time to breed his new slut. As if he was a young man, he grabbed me by my ankles and pulled me up to him pulling my lower part of my body up to his waist and draping my legs over his shoulders, I just couldn't believe what was happening, looks can be very deceiving! 

This was a scenario I wasn't expecting as he lined up with my hole, his cock wasn't a size that would cause any issues other than the fact it had been some time since I'd had anal sex, well with a real cock anyway. His only words he said to me was ‘ be nice for daddy ‘ as his cock pushed against me, a sudden pop as the head of his cock made its way into me. Having a real cock back inside was nice but initially painful as I'd forgotten I wasn't in control of my penetration as guy now started to push the rest of his cock into me, strangely he had his eyes closed, perhaps thinking of his wife? as he slipped into me until I could feel his saggy balls against my buttocks.

A moment of calmness as guy now took over completely, with slow rocking movements he started shallow thrusts into me , gauging how far he could go as he sped up, his smile was confirmed he was pleased at how passive I was as he started grunting away with each thrust into me , my cock now bouncing backwards and forwards with him, now this was it, my cock was in a hair trigger and he must have known this as his thrusts hit harder', his ball sac slapping against me, he was close! His face changed as he got close to cumming , now he was going to inseminate me with everything he had. He cried out, his cock twitched  as his first warm spurt of cum  shot into me , quickly followed by a couple of others, I savoured those moments as his warm sperm entered me, Guy had that look of satisfaction as he emptied every last drop into me.

I was amazed that my legs were still  slung over his shoulders and  he'd not even broken into a sweat!

‘ now let's see what I can do with you ‘ as he gently pulled out of my now throbbing sore arse , his sperm swimming away inside me, non came out ssuf it was refusing to leave this sissy body.

He motioned me to hitch up the bed so he could lie next to me , my cock seldom this hard , pointing upwards , waiting for guy to relieve it from its own frustrations he'd made it go through, however he went for my nipples again , what a wonderful feeling as they went super hard, still misshapen by guys tweaking and trapping, he played with the base of my nipples onto the swollen breasts he'd created, the redness from the suction cups  still visible.

‘ ok sweetie , let's see what daddy can do for you ‘ his teasing of my nipples intensified as he now also played with my cock , slowly pulling my foreskin back, the amount of pre cum covering my helmet was impressive to say the least , I have no clear recollection of what happened next as I involuntary came , I'm always proud that I can still, with persuasion, ejaculate with some force, this time however there was more force behind the first spurt as it shot out , a long string of my own hot spunk hit just below  my chin, not done that for quite some time! , I must have momentarily passed out as my body was consumed in a  mega orgasm I'd never experienced before, what had Guy had  done to me? I came round , it was only a few seconds but looking down my chest  to my belly button, I was now covered in my own sperm, blimey, I really was ‘ pent up’! 

Guy patted my head, ‘good girl’ 

I was totally spent to the point I couldn't get up , guy had literally milked the life out of me, he just laid next to me , circling my nipples, occasionally  dipping his finger in the pools of sperm on my chest and rubbing it over my nipple, I just watched as he just used my own bodily fluids to further tease  my sensitive nipples. Unfortunately, all good things have to come to an end as he gave my nipples a cheeky pinch, I wished he'd do it some more but it was time to clean up. A quick shower to wash off my own sperm and back to wearing my wife's red satin knickers , hold ups and the vintage nylon slip, it doesn't do much to hide what's underneath,  my nipples stood out, on went the black bob wig and some lippy and went back to the bed where guy was waiting, he gave me a look of approval as I slid next to him , the last three hours were really something for the both of us but now dressed as Christine I'd be kept awake for some time yet!

He loved the feel of my nipples through the nylon and spent ages playing with them , all the time my frustrations were building up again , maybe that's what he was doing to me, make me do desperate i'd beg him to fuck me and be was spot on! 

At the time we were just spooning, he naked,  judging by the hardness of his cock , now rejuvenated sticking into my cheek's, me , just a cum slut who'd take his cum , again.

This time he was a bit more sensual as he slipped down my wife's knickers and dropped them on the floor, his hands now softly stroking my side and nipples, he was a master at what he did and yet again it was about to pay off as my frustrations boiled over, I couldn't help myself as I begged him several times for him to fuck me , I was going to make the most out of this as it may never happen again, guy got up and rolled me flat  onto my stomach, lifting me up he placed a couple of pillows under my hips, I think guy was just equally turned on as there was no gentle entry as he pushed his cock into me, quite possibly helped with his last deposit of sperm still happily swimming inside me. He pushed right to the hilt, no waiting , he fucked me like the slut he now knew I was, it didn't last long but it was amazing what he could do with his cock, as the saying goes ,

It's not the size, it's the way you use it.

Guy certainly was using it to both our advantages as he circled his hips as he pushed into me , stretching my already sore sphincter as he went to breed me one last time, he came quickly, a gasp as he put his strong arms around my waist , ‘ I'm cumming ‘ as that all too familiar sensation of warm sperm found its way into my body to join his first deposit.

He stayed on top of me for a while to get his breath back then pulled out of  me , he'd used me to breed with and that would be it, his sexual frustrations totally satisfied.

He kissed the back of my neck and said thankyou, 

From there we finally went to sleep around 3am 

Getting up at 8 he was more attentive towards me , we couldn't do anything as we had to check out at 10 so quickly got dressed and had breakfast, guy looking at me all the time gooey eyed, I must have made an impression, he certainly did with me and that orgasm!, I'll never forget whatever or however he did that.

He went to pay the bill, I offered to pay towards it but he just smiled ‘ I think you've paid enough’ we both laughed, the receptionist wasn't in on our joke, thankfully!

Into the car park, he had one last look at my car, then he finally did it, he looked around the car park to see if anyone was around then he moved in and kissed me on the lips, I wasn't expecting that , now I wished I'd reciprocated, too late now, he thanked me for a wonderful night, he'd never forget me and definitely what we, well rather he did to me , looking down at my mini breasts , still prominent, nipples standing proud beneath my shirt, how i was going to get away with that I don't know. For five hours driving home , my bottom sore from guys expert fucking, occasionally touching my breasts , I really hoped they'd go down before I got home , they did after 4 days! Even then you could still make out the circles where the suction cups had been. 

Well that was it , or so I thought, my wife was taking my jacket to the dry cleaners, she handed me a card , it simply read Guy and a phone number the dialling code was very familiar, Sheffield! , less than an hour away! Now I'm in a quandary, should I call him ? We never actually said to each other where we came from.

Suddenly the possibilities were endless, the lure of sex again with guy is very strong so I guess at some point I'll give in to temptation  and  call that number.

Written by Christine63

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