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Training course

"I’m sent to the Lake District for a week"

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Author's Notes

"This is a work of erotic fiction."

Training session.

I had new employment, but it meant going on several training sessions away from home. Leaving my flat empty. My neighbour took in my mail. I had no pets or anyone to consider.

Monday morning I climbed on board my first train heading to Windermere then to a remote village near Keswick by coach . I sat back to enjoy the journey. Just about to nod off when the drinks trolley rumbled through the carriage. Tea, coffee, soft drinks and various snacks, I heard before the trolley came into view. I chose a lemonade. As it was placed on the table in front of me the train decided to attempt some points. The drink went straight into my lap. Now it looked I had just peed my self.

“OMD I’m so sorry!!!”

I looked up to see a young girl looking very worried.

“It’s ok, I have a change of clothes in my case, I just need somewhere to change”. I uttered.

The young girl had unrolled several sheets of blue tissue and was dabbing my crotch trying to dry up the drink. She certainly knew how to reach parts that others can’t reach. I felt my blood pressure pumping as much fluid to cause the front of my trousers to rise up.

“Oh excuse me, I think I’ve aroused your sleeping partner. You had better grab your case and follow me to my store room. Stay close so the wet patch doesn’t show.”

We reached her store room which was larger than expected. There was a table which I laid my suitcase on. I opened it to extract some clean trousers and underpants. My drinks girl was crouched down undoing my belt then zip. Soon my wet clothes were in a heap at my feet.

Using more blue tissue she dried my legs, from the knees up.

“Mmmm he is a beauty.” She whispered as she wrapped her tissue around my now tumescent pole, that began to dribble pre-cum.

“Now that is too good to waste.” She added as her tongue flicked out to lick up the oozing clear fluid. It didn’t take long before I was on the receiving end of a fantastic blow job.

She was good, very good. Added to the rocking of the train my impending orgasm came Much too soon I had spine tingles and the contents of my balls were rushing to make an acquaintance with her tonsils.

Almost getting my breath back and my heart rate approaching normal.

“Thank you, that was the best ever, in fact it was my first ever from a girl. Perhaps you’ll let me repay you?” I gasped.

“Mmmm I’d like that.” She replied.

We swapped positions, she was now semi reclining against the bench she reached to the left side of her slacks and unbuttoning and unzipping she pushed them down exposing her dainty pink panties trimmed with lace.

I hooked my fingers into the waistband snuggled on her hips. First into view came her neatly trimmed bush, it was heart shaped. I leant forward and kissed her soft downy hair.

“Mmmm, that’s nice!” She exclaimed.

I eased her panties down to her knees and with her slacks they too lay on the floor. While undressing her, her legs parted. Expecting a pussy sheltering in the V of her thighs, I was a little stunned to find 5 inches of beautiful uncut cock. I’m not adverse to having my lips around a lovely organ, I have had several, but none as beautifully trimmed as this. I looked into her eyes, noticing the slight mounds under her blouse. Her eyes said. YES PLEASE. My mouth said OPEN WIDE. I did and taking a gentle but firm hold I slid my lips over it.  With my fingers I managed to expose the sensitive mushroom head. My tongue played all around including the frenulum.

She wrapped her legs around my neck, preventing my escape. Not that I wanted to. Bobbing and sucking with the small amount of movement I had, she was soon writhing from my administrations. Looking up again she whispered.

“Please don’t stop, I’m nearly there.”

I wasn’t going to stop, I wanted, no, needed her cum in my belly.

She clamped her thighs together, I was totally trapped. I felt her pulse, then pulse again as her warm cream was pumped into my mouth. I swallowed it down until she was drained.

After, when she picked up her panties and slacks, she presented her cute peachy bum to me. I couldn’t resist but to tenderly stroke it reaching for her rose bud.

“Not now sweetie, we are approaching a station. You’d better get something on and cover that lovely pole. Then we might get another chance.” She whispered.

Once again I opened my case, this time instead of taking out my spare trousers and underpants. I selected a pair of Brazilian style white lacy panties and my pale blue skin tight jeans. I left the stockings and suspender belt with matching bra in the case.

“I’m Carole by the way.” I spoke also in a whisper, while stroking the front of her recently replaced slacks.

“Oh don’t, well not yet, let me do my rounds, the I’ll be back. But not as Arnie,  but as Annie.” She whispered, then we kissed

I could taste my cum mixed with hers, it was delicious.

Annie left me in her store room. Of course I was nosy, I checked all her cupboards and drawers, I found lots of the trolley supplies, but nothing like a change of clothes. That meant my lovely Annie was comfortable wearing female uniform. When she returned, she had once again take her portable cafe on a tour of the train, I returned to my seat finding a reserved notice on it. Fortunately the seat was dry. Case now in the storage area and I recovering from our earlier tryst, I dozed.

“Excuse me can you show me your ticket please?” I heard before opening my eyes.

I opened my eyes to see Annie was standing next to me. Instinctively I offered my ticket.

“Thank you, that’s wonderful, we live in the same town. I did want to see your 6 inch ticket again.”

“What? Here in the carriage!” I exclaimed.

“We are alone, I’ve done my rounds.” Annie replied. While speaking she had unbuttoned my jeans and opened them exposing my white Brazilian bikini panties. She stroked my bulge that was slowly making it way out of my panties. Annie helped it escape and spotted the drops of pre-cum. She used her fingers to wipe it up and licked them clean. She continued her stroking, wiping and swallowing. I sat back allowing her as much access as possible.

“Oh I’m going to cum soon” I gasped.

Annie dipped her head in my lap slid her lips over my cock just as I started spurting. I managed to prevent myself from shouting as there were passengers in the next carriage. I stopped pumping. Annie didn’t stop sucking until she could no longer tease any more seed from my balls. Annie kissed me and we snowballed my cum. I have previously tasted my cum and it wasn’t unpleasant. A little salty with a hint of almond. Well it did come from my nuts. (ha, ha, groan).

“Now you owe me a BJ, which I aim to collect.” Annie stated.

“It would be my pleasure.” I answered.

We felt the train start to slow down. Annie stood up check her uniform was neat. I struggled to tuck my self back into my panties and tight jeans. We exchanged mobile numbers and I told her I was going on to  a place Keswick for training and would be there all week returning on Friday.

“If you are on the 15:47 from Keswick, I’m on duty, if your interested.” Annie informed me.

“I’m definitely interested and I’ll do my utmost to get that train, because I’m beholding you and I want to be able to hold you.” I smiled as I gave my reply.

“Oh me too.” Annie replied.

The remaining journey and my training, while being informative, was uneventful. I phoned Annie on Tuesday and Thursday. Once she was working and she told me just hearing my voice, she started to erect. The other she was between journey’s and was playing with herself, thinking of me.

Friday for me couldn’t come soon enough. I restrained myself from solo fun which during my evenings and bedtime I was wearing the rest of my lingerie and babydoll nightie. I did keep my black set clean and fresh for the return journey in hope to see Annie again.

Did Carole catch the right train, was Annie on it or had she been told to switch shifts.

Chapter Two

The coach from the training complex got us to Keswick in time for scheduled train, Annie’s train. Today I decide to board the coach closer to the Annie’s store room. The restaurant car the opposite end.

I scanned the platform in search of Annie, no sign of her. I cursed inwardly, but at least I could ring her to let her know I was here on time.

I rang her number, further down the platform a girl in an above the knee answered her phone, I realised it was my Annie in a skirt.

“You have very shapely legs in those tan tights sweetheart.” I whispered into the phone.

“Not tights darling, lace top stockings for you.” She replied.

“Me too, although mine are black with matching panties and suspender belt.” I informed her as I strolled down the platform to meet her. How I didn’t run and sweep her up in my arms kiss her long and passionately, I don’t know, I was sorely tempted.

We boarded the train with Annie the last, close behind me. I felt her hands on me searching out my suspender clips under my jeans.

“Sexy.” She breathed in my ear.

“I’ll be back later sir.” She said in her usual voice. “Then you can tell me all about your week.” She whispered.

“Don’t be long I need you in my arms, then it’s pay back time.” I whispered.

Unfortunately the carriage was quite full. Business men and women returning to their offices or homes. Grockels (holiday makers, tourists) heading for the south coast.

The entire contents of the train disembarked at the terminus. It was due a thorough service. Annie had the weekend off and not due to start till Monday at 10:00 ish.

“Shall we get a coffee and chat, or go to yours or mine and play. I haven’t forgotten my promise?” I asked.

“It might have to be yours, there are builders and inspectors all over the building I live. Checking fire safety the type of concrete used. It might be condemned or require major upgrades to make it safe.” Annie answered.

“Why don’t we grab a cab swing by your place so you can grab some essentials. You won’t need much to wear.” I suggested with,  I hoped a very cheeky grin.

“We don’t need a cab, my car is in the staff car park, let’s go.” Annie smiled.

Arriving at her car and suitcase stowed in the boot. We sat in.

“Before we go anywhere, I need something from you.” She told me.

“What here in the carpark! Aren’t there any cameras about?” I asked nervously.

“Yes darling there cameras, lots of cameras, you’re not nervous are you.” She grinned.

“Well act……..” I started.

“Shut up and kiss me, the rest we can do later in private.” Annie chuckled.

We kissed, long hard and passionately. We fastened our seat belts, I noticed Annie’s seat belt was snuggled between her pert breasts. Her uniform blouse looked very silky.

“I know you are looking at my boobs darling, I’ll explain later. In the meantime here is something for you to look at.” Annie told me. As she spoke she raised her uniform skirt up to expose her lace top stockings attached to her bright red suspender clips and tabs.

“Yes darling before you ask. It is a matching set.” Annie added.

Soon after leaving the carpark, I reached over and put my hand on Annie’s leg right on top of suspender clip.

“You are a very sexy lady.” I told her.

“Tell me later, when we are more comfortable.” She replied.

We parked up and Annie got out, making sure I got a good look at her panties. 30 minutes later she returned with a small case on wheels.

“It looks like I’m going to find somewhere to rent, at insurance expense until it’s been made safe.” Annie informed me.

She placed the case with mine in the car boot. She hitched up her skirt, exposing her stocking tops and this time more of her suspender straps. I heard a wolf whistle from one of the workers.

“If he only knew what I had panties, he might have had other ideas. I directed her to my place. We were soon inside, Annie bent to place case on the floor ready to open it. Behind her the view was amazing her skirt had ridden up even higher. Now I had an absolutely wonderful view of not only her stocking tops and her suspender clasps, but her red lacy panties.

“Oh so sexy, I love your lacy panties.” I gasped in admiration.

Annie turned her head to look at me drooling at her beautiful rear.

“Can I change into something more comfortable and appropriate, I don’t want to crease my uniform, as I need it Tuesday.” Annie explained.

“Follow me my sweet.” I replied.

We reached my bedroom where my socks, jeans and polo shirt became a heap on the chair. I opened a drawer and removed a bra that matched my panties and suspender belt. Quickly slipping on, Annie hooked it. Opening my dressing table I took out my fillers and a cherry red lipstick. I now had a more feminine shape, other than the bulge tenting my panties. Annie had stepped out her skirt, removed her blazer and blouse. Now clad in white lace edged camisole that her red bra could be clearly seen. Our bodies now crushed together, our lips locked and tongues entwined, we shuffled our way to my bed.

“I want you to make love to me, please.” Annie whispered in my ear.

Who was I to turn down a gorgeous girl standing in front of me. I gently laid on my bed. My own panties quickly removed. Annie had shimmied up the bed, her head on my pillow, her beautiful hair splayed out looking like a halo.

I gently removed her panties.

“Just rip them off, I have others.” Her gyrations helping them off.

When they had joined mine and her fabulous almost erect cock waving before my eyes.

I couldn’t resist, and I slowly licked it from her taint to mushroom head peeping from her foreskin.

“PLEASE MAKE LOVE TO ME, I NEED YOU IN ME NOW MY SWEET.” Annie was trying to coax me closer to resume our tongue wrestling. I moved up kissing her suspenders and the belt around her then her navel on up to her bra moving her camisole to keep kissing her skin between her breasts, oh yes she definitely had budding breasts and cleavage. Her camisole was bunched under her chin. She wriggled out of it and now had greater access to her developing boobs. Our tongue wrestling resumed. I felt Annie’s hands slide between us and guide my now tumescent love pole towards her puckered opening. When I pushing my way forward, Annie wrapped lithe nylon clad legs around my buttocks, she squeezed them and suddenly I was inside her. What a fabulous feeling.

“Fill my pussy with your seed darling, I’m yours for the taking.” Annie pleaded. 20 minutes later Annie was full, I was empty and we were laying side by side. I was idly stroking her breasts.

“Yes darling they are real, I have carefully monitored hormones to grow them. When I can fill an A cup fully, then I can get implants. No darling I don’t want to fully transition. I love the way I am and will be.” Annie told me.

“I’m really pleased you feel like that, because I love the way you are.” I replied as I reached down to resume stroking her wonderfully smooth cock.

My week training had been wonderful. I got to visit some of the attractions like Windermere, Coniston water, home of the bluebird museum, Keswick and most of all I met Annie, I did get to Cockermouth, and her pussy. She gave me  the same treat.


Hope you can comment.

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Written by Tvcarole

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