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Carrie loved doing porn

"Mike and I took turns with Carrie, and who wasn't fucking her recoreded the others fucking."

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I met Mike shortly after my wife and I started swapping.  It was our first threesome and whilst I didn’t enjoy it quite as much as I had hoped, it was OK as was Mike.   My wife wasn’t that keen for a repeat, well not with Mike anyway.  I kept contact with Mike and I soon discovered that he had been a teacher but had given that up.  I wasn’t really sure how he made his money now, but he did seem to do ok and liked to flash the money around.   Being single Mike lived in a rather posh area of town, but the house he lived in had been divided up and he had a flat all on one floor.


It was the early eighties and both Mike and I were in our early thirties.  One afternoon he was showing me that he had bought several video recorders and that he could copy films from one to another.  It was at that time that he also showed me that he had also moved into Satellite systems.  Then he explained that he was recording blue movies from some of the many satellites that in those days showed porn.  One of the main garage chains had an offer on, with so many gallons you got tokens and with so many tokens you could exchange them for various things.  I started swapping them for video tapes that came in packs of three.  I would give two to Mike and keep one.  The next time I saw him he would give me a second one back with porn on it. 


It was on one of my visits to collect tapes that Mike was telling me of his new neighbours in the flat above.  They were Carrie and Sam.  They were both in their early twenties.  They were just living together, not married, so Mike informed me.  Two weeks later I was back collecting another tape when he informed me that he had shagged his new neighbour.  I wasn’t that surprised as Mike would shag almost anything in a skirt.  I joked about it, but Mike informed me that she was a good looking bit of stuff.  I must have pulled a face at that because he told me he would prove it.


As we talked he loaded up a video tape.  Then imagine my surprise when he started the tape.  It wasn’t that I was surprised at seeing naked bodies on film, it was that the first few moments were of Mike and his naked arse.  Then suddenly this blond girl appeared and within minutes Mike had her naked and was shagging the life out of her.  As the film played Mike informed me that it was Carrie, his new neighbour, that he was shagging.  The girl was very pretty and very willing from what I could see on film.  I joked that I could do with a nice piece of young pussy like that.  Mike replied that he would see.


It was several weeks later that I dropped in for more tapes and there sat the lovely Carrie in a fresh looking floral dress.  From the look of her she was hot, and I don’t mean just the look of her.  From my guess Mike had already shagged her.  After handing me the tapes he nodded at me to take Carrie into the other room, his bedroom.  I went to Carrie and took hold of her small hand and led her quietly into the other room.  She just stood there in silence as I lifted her dress up and over her head leaving her stood in just panties socks and shoes.  They to soon landed next to the dress.


I was tempted to go in on her sweet young pussy with my tongue but then remembered that Mike had probably already been there and fingered it instead.  I was right she was soaking wet and as I ran a finger over her clitoris she almost collapsed and I had to quickly get her on the bed.  I continued to finger her and shoved my cock towards her mouth and Carrie willingly sucked it into her mouth.  I wasn’t going to be able to take a lot of the sucking she was giving me so I turned around and raising her feet slipped right into her pussy up to my balls.  She was a damn good shag as she moved to take as much cock as she could get.  Eventually I came leaving a good load of my cum in her little pussy.


After dressing, we both went back outside to where Mike was. He had a knowing smile on his face.   He was fiddling with one of his recorders and handed me what he called a bonus tape.  I had to leave as my wife would be wondering where I was.  As I left Mike told me to return any afternoon as Carrie would be there.  That was an offer that I would take him up on many times.  When I got home my wife had my dinner ready and informed me she was off out later.  I was pleased as I would get a chance to look at the porn Mike had given me, although there were three three-hour tapes, there was no way my wife would be out that long.


As soon as she left I slammed the first tape in and watched two girls going hard at each other’s pussies.  Then a lad barely old enough shagging what was meant to be his mother.  The woman was nearly old enough to be his grandmother let alone his mother.  Well, I didn’t say that all the porn was particularly good, some of it was pretty bad in the early days.  I decided to swap tapes and was instantly shocked.  The so say bonus tape showed me fucking Carrie.  Mike had a camera concealed in his bedroom and had recorded us.  The quality of the film was better than a lot of the stuff he gave me on tapes, only it was all at one fixed angle and whilst it was obvious we were fucking there wasn’t a lot to actually see.


I quickly went through the last tape and wanked off to two men spit-roasting a young woman.  By the time my wife returned I was watching an old film while the video wiped the film with me on it.  As I said I returned many times while Sam, Carrie’s other half, was a work and Mike and I took turns with her and even had threesomes with her.  She was into whatever we wanted to do with her as long as it didn’t hurt, well not much anyway. 


It was one Saturday afternoon I went to Mike’s to drop off some more tapes in and Mike, Carrie and Sam were watching some porn on the TV.  To say that Sam was engrossed was an understatement and as I sat on a sofa next to Carrie and Sam, Mike held a hand out to Carrie who took it and went with Mike into the bedroom.  Soon the sounds of sex weren’t just coming from the TV.  Mike had been gone for almost twenty minutes before he returned and winked and nodded at me to go for a turn.  I looked at Sam and he was still mesmerised by what he was watching and I’m sure he had no idea that I had left the room.


Carrie was laid naked on Mike’s bed and in seconds I was naked and on top of her feeding her pussy my hard cock.  It was extremely exciting to think that her other half was just a short distance away as I plunged in and out of her spunk filled pussy.  Carrie either wasn’t worried or didn’t care that her other half was just outside the door.  I tried to be as quiet as I could, but Carrie just moaned as loudly as she had done many times before when I had fucked her.  I was soon coming in her pussy and adding to what Mike had already left in her.


Carrie dressed first and returned to Sam and then fully dressed I also returned to the same room where Sam was still engrossed in the film.  Shortly afterwards Carrie told Sam that they had somewhere to be and they left.  Mike and I joked about fucking her with him so close by.  I asked Mike if Sam knew, and Mike told me that he didn’t know, or to be honest care.  He joked that he should have turned the camera on and shown him Carrie getting fucked.


Over the coming months Mike and I fucked Carrie just about as often as we could and Mike often filmed himself with Carrie and sometimes with me fucking her.  As I said although the quality was good the fact that it was from a fixed point the content wasn’t great.  Then on one occasion to get Carrie wound up Mike showed her a film with me stripping her and then fucking her.  Carrie far from being outraged was instantly turned on.  The next time I visited Mike told me just how much Carrie enjoyed being filmed.  After that we would take turns with Carrie and whoever wasn’t fucking her would do the filming. 


It was several months later I arrived early Saturday afternoon to collect some tapes and Carrie and Sam were there.  As before Sam was watching porn films.  I was half tempted to leave him to it and film as Mike took Carrie into the bedroom.  Instead, I stayed with Sam.  I could hear in the background the moans and groans coming from Carrie and turned the TV’s volume up a bit to try to drown them out.  The other worrying thing was from what was on screen it was coming to an end.  There was always the same two girls that sucked and fucked a so called fan at the end of this show.  I knew there was just minutes left and Sam would hear Carrie the moment the tape ended. I grabbed the key pads and tried to work out which one I needed and decided to turn the TV onto the other video that was running and I presumed copying some porn.  It was right at that moment the man had come and the show was about to end.


I pressed the button just hoping that I had the right one.  Well, it was more porn.  We could see an arse rising and falling and giving some girl a good fucking.  Then his arse pumped one final thrust and held still.  The man was obviously filling the girls pussy with cum and I was looking forward to having a good view of her cum filled pussy when the man moved off her.  I was stunned and knew it was all wrong as the man moved and saw from the quick view of him that it was Mike.  Then Carrie came into view as she lay there with cum dribbling out of her gaping pussy.  I looked at Sam as I quickly pushed other buttons and finally got the TV onto live on air TV.  I wondered if Sam had seen and had he realised that the girl was his girlfriend.


Mike came out the room first and saw me stood there holding several keypads and the white shocked look on Sam’s face.  I think Mike knew what had happened even before being told.  Carrie came out the room not looking any the worse from her shagging.  Sam stood and looked straight at Carrie and said that he had just seen her on TV.  I could see the blood draining from Carrie’s face.  Clearly Sam had missed that it was Mike fucking her.  He asked had she ever made a porn film.  Sam obviously thought that it was one Mike had copied from the satellite.  Carrie said it was her.


Sam obviously wanted them to leave and talk about it back in his flat from the way he talked and took her hand.  Just after she had left I told Mike about the video ending and that I tried to change to his other video.  Mike said that I had and that he was recording himself fucking Carrie on that one.  We laughed that Sam didn’t realise that it was Mike.  Although when the laughing died down we were a little less happy to think that Carrie might now be lost to us or worse he might hurt her.  We even expected them to move away if they stayed together.


I didn’t see Mike for almost three weeks as I had been away on holiday with my wife.  I was quite surprised to catch Mike fucking Carrie again.  He let me in and rushed back into his bedroom to finish what he had started.  When he returned from finishing fucking Carrie, Mike told me that just two days after Sam had seen Carrie getting fucked he was back watching more porn and asking Mike if he could find more porn of Carrie on his satellite dish.


Carrie came out of the bedroom having heard us talking.  She informed us that when she got home with Sam he wanted to know about it and she told him it was before his time.  Sam wanted to know how many films Carrie had made.  She told him several and wouldn’t say any more.  We had made more than just several.  Mike probably had twenty to thirty tapes with Carrie on.  Mike told Carrie that Sam wanted to see more of her getting fucked.  Carrie didn’t seem to mind in fact she suggested that he edited some tapes to show Sam more of her getting fucked.


I then took a turn with Carrie and Mike recorded us making sure not to get any incriminating views of me in the film as I gave Carrie a damn good shagging.  Mike did make sure that he had good shots of Carrie though and that her pussy was taking some good punishment.  A few days later when collecting tapes, Mike told me that between the tapes, he had managed to cobble some two and a quarter hours of us fucking Carrie with no incriminating shots of either of us. He also told me that Carrie and Sam would be watching it Saturday afternoon.  He told me that I could be there to if I wished.


I couldn’t believe Sam’s reaction as he watched his girlfriend getting well and truly fucked.  Not only was he enjoying it but from the tent in his trousers he was very much enjoying it.  Unfortunately, he had a good grip on Carrie’s hand so neither Mike nor I could disappear with her and give her another fucking.  As the film finally finished Sam was all pumped up, as he dragged Carrie out the flat, he asked Mike to try to find more of Carrie getting fucked and could he find some where he could see the men in them as well.  Carrie pulled a face but it was obvious she was ok with it.


After they left with a copy of the tape Mike said how the hell can we show him footage with the men showing in it unless we wanted him to see either of us.  I told him I had a plan.  The next day I contacted a chap who my wife and I had swapped with.  I had a sense that he was more than happy to play away without his wife.  He was definitely up for it and we took Carrie and the video and camera to a hotel one afternoon.  Phil did the job for us and in fact he fucked Carrie three times over a three hour period.  He seemed more than happy to be seen fucking Carrie and even smiled a lot at the camera and even putting thumbs up as he fucked her.  Carrie was more than happy to oblige and she smiled quite a lot as well.


A week later Sam watched the video and got extremely excited again.  This time he was round without Carrie.  He asked if Mike could find any more.   Mike told him he thought he had exhausted all the footage that was out there.  Then he joked that he wouldn’t mind making some fresh films of her and I quickly said I wouldn’t mind being in them with Carrie.  We though Sam might be upset at that.  Instead, he asked could we do that.  I said it depended if Carrie was up for it.  Sam said that Carrie was always ready for sex and he thought that she might be more than willing.   Sam said he would let us know if she was up for it.


Sam was back a few days later telling Mike that we were on.  Mike rang me and he and I had to redecorate his room a bit quick so Sam wouldn’t realise that it was the same room in his earlier tapes.   A few evenings later I was able to slip away from home for several hours.  I fucked Carrie in just about as many positions as I could think of.  Then I filmed Mike fucking Carrie before I had to return home.  Mike told me that when he showed the tape to Sam he got extremely excited again even seeing both of us fucking Carrie.  He went home all happy with a good boner tenting his trousers.


We must have made three or four more tapes after that.  Then we heard that Carrie was pregnant.  We fucked her a few more times and then suddenly they were moving away.  Their flat had just one bedroom and Sam wanted a separate room for his baby.  Sam had seen that between Mike and I never wore condoms and even showed her with creampies.  Yet he still kept telling us that it was his baby.  Then the day that they moved out came.  We both though that our fun had now come to an end.  We were sad to see them move.


The following Saturday when I dropped around there was Carrie.  It was clear that Mike had just fucked her.  Of course I had a turn.  Carrie even told us that Sam knew where she was and asked that Mike made a tape of her.  Every few weeks Carrie returned and Mike would fuck her and if I could get there so would I and we would tape most sessions and send Carrie home with the previous times tape.  This happened right up to a week before the baby was due.  Again, Mike and I thought that our fun would end.


Not so, just a few months after Carrie gave birth she was back and would arrive with her baby.   Mike and I were more than happy to resumed having our fun with Carrie even filming her.  One of Mikes mates even had a turn and after each session Mike would edit a tape for Sam.  None of us wore condoms and yet again in just under a year we learnt that Carrie was pregnant.  Again, almost to the date the baby was born we continued to fuck Carrie.


This time the visits did stop and that put paid to our fun and filming.  By this time the internet was getting around and I could get my own porn without Mike’s tapes.  I still kept in touch with Mike and a few years later attended his wedding.  A few years later still I got to fuck Mike’s wife a few times.  Then things between us slipped away and I often wondered how Mike and his wife was, and also how Carrie and Sam were.


It was completely out of the blue when about ten years later I bumped into Carrie and her family.  She had a boy of around eleven and a girl around eighteen months younger.  As their kids walked on I stopped chatting with Carrie and Sam.  I told them that I had wondered what had become of them.  Carrie told me that she had decided that she didn’t want anymore kids and she had Sam done.  She said she knew that neither Mike of I had used condoms and as she didn’t want any more she decided that although she enjoyed it she had to stop.  Talking with them it became apparent that Sam now knew that all the films had been made after he had met Carrie.  He wasn’t cross, in fact as we talked about it I could see he was getting excited.


I told them that I had missed our fun and wouldn’t mind some more of Carries pussy.  Carrie had looked after herself and although she had a little fuller figure she still looked great.  I could see that Sam liked the idea.  Before we parted I handed Sam my business card.  I didn’t expect to hear from them as we went our own ways.  It was several months later when I got a call from Sam.  He told me that he would love me to fuck Carrie again but he was worried about her getting pregnant again.  I informed him that I had also had the chop after my wife had our third child.  I could hear the excitement in Sam’s voice when he told me that there kids were away for a few days and if I could get to them he would love me to fuck Carrie again.


I must have fucked Carrie another dozen or so times after that call.  Sam had bought his own video camera and recorded me fucking Carrie and after I had cum he would take a turn and I filmed them together and on a few of the occasions I even took a second turn with Sam again filming us again.  Then the calls stopped as did my fun.


It was probably another ten years later when I again saw Carrie.  She was on her own and she was happy to see me.  I asked about Sam and her kids and Carrie told me that Sam had died in a woks accident and that she moved back home with her parents for a period of time so she could get on her feet again.  Her kids had all flown the nest and she now had a new boyfriend.  I asked was there any room for some more fun with her.  Carrie said that unlike Sam her new man was quite territorial and wouldn’t take nicely to other men sniffing around her. 


I did take her for coffee where we talked at length.  Her lad was at university and her daughter was pregnant and living with her boyfriend.  I joked I remembered someone else like that.  Carrie said that at least her baby would be her man’s as she was sure that neither of her kids were Sam’s.  I asked why she thought that and she said the time before she fell pregnant and the time afterwards when she hadn’t used condoms with Sam and yet she never got pregnant.  She also pointed out that neither of her kids looked like Sam.   She added that the boy looked a bit like Mike while the girl looked like me.   She said whoever had sired them, Sam didn’t care and he loved them deeply and was a very good father to them.  I told her I was pleased for her and her kids to have had such a good dad.


Carrie told me that she had loved being filmed, but once Sam died, she had no option but to destroy the tapes as she moved back in with her parents.  Now living in her own home, she wished that she had managed to keep them.  After coffee Carrie gave me a peck on the cheeks and I told her I would see if there was still any copies surviving.  Carrie gave me her number in case I found any.


Two nights later I went round Mike’s house.  He was out and I sat chatting to his wife.  She was aware of Mikes past and I told her Carrie wanted copies of the tapes if they still existed.   Mike’s wife took me into his office telling me that Mike never threw anything away.  It surprised me that Mike still had masses of tapes as everything had long since moved to DVD’s.  Hunting through them we found some twenty eight tapes marked up Carrie.  Mikes wife put one into the old Video recorder that sat there, telling me that Mike often did Tape to DVD conversions.  She started it playing and sure enough Carrie appeared on the large TV screen.  It was me fucking Carrie that exploded on the screen.


I could feel my cock getting hard as did Mike’s wife as she stroked it.  In just a few moments I had her bent over as I slid my cock into her pussy from behind and gave her a damn good fucking.  Afterwards I asked her if I could borrow the tapes.  I headed home happy at having had a good fuck but also that I might be able to make some DVD’s for Carrie.  Over three weeks while my wife was out, tape by tape I copied them onto my computer and burnt them to DVD’s.  Having completed them I made extra copies for me and hid them away.  On returning the tapes to Mike he asked about them and I told him they were all copied.  His wife was there and she said that she could see why we had enjoyed her so much as she was pretty and more than willing to oblige us. 


Not quite sure how we got there from that conversation, but Mike and I took turns at both ends as we spit roasted his wife.  I again went home very happy.  That evening I rang Carrie and told her that not only did the tapes still exist, but that I had copied them to DVD’s for her.  Carrie was pleased and gave me her address for me to take them to her.  A few nights later I eventually turned up at her new house and she let me in.  Carrie made us coffee and as we talked she put a DVD on.  I could see that within seconds of the screen showing her getting royally fucked, Carrie was squirming in her chair. 


I was quickly between her legs removing her panties and kissing, licking and sucking Carrie’s juicy pussy.  Just minutes later I had my cock out and Carrie steered my cock into her own pussy.  We both might be somewhat older but she was still just as good a fuck as she was years back.  We fucked twice in quite a number of positions while Carrie watched herself on screen being fucked.  When eventually we finished Carrie told me that it was a one off as she really did want to make a go of things with her new man.  I was a little disappointed as I would have loved to have come back for more, But I did as Carrie asked and I never returned.


I still often think about those sexy times in Mike’s flat and just what a hot little slut Carrie was.  Never mind there is always Mike’s wife to keep us happy.

Written by Gazza

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