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College Reunion

"A story inspired by a conversation with a friend."

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I was sitting in a café in town watching the world go by thinking of all the things I should be doing but not having the will to do them when I was interrupted by a guy asking to sit at the stool next to me. I apologised and moved my bag to allow him to take a seat.

He thanked me, sat and started playing on his phone. I looked at him and somehow, he seemed familiar, but you know how it is you can’t always place where and when, so I didn’t want to make a fool of myself by starting a conversation. I checked him out though and then suddenly it hit me. I remembered. Ah, it was quite a while ago now and I don’t suppose he would remember me anyway. He was still in work gear, and it had obviously been a busy day by the looks of him.

I felt myself blush as I remembered, not the last time I’d seen him but certainly the most memorable. Not professional of me at all, indeed very unprofessional. He looked my way and caught me staring. I apologised and said I thought I recognised him. I could see his mind working overtime and as we looked at each other I saw his eyes light up as I think he remembered me (hopefully not the same memory that I had of him – way too embarrassing).

I remembered his name (can’t think why!) and insisted he call me by my first name as I wasn’t his lecturer anymore. We chatted about our lives since he had left college (I was still there), and he was easy to talk to and certainly easy on the eye. For some silly reason I guess my mind was wandering and I said: “I think you’ve grown even bigger since I last saw you.” He smiled and said “Oh, can you remember how big I was at college?” and winked at me.

If I had blushed before I was almost hyper-ventilating now. He had remembered what I’d remembered. I was embarrassed beyond embarrassment but also a bit chuffed that an incident so long ago had stuck in his memory because it certainly had mine.

“Sorry,” he said, “that was a bit cheeky, wasn’t it?”

I didn’t know if I should come clean or plead ignorance at what he was insinuating. Honesty is the best policy as my mother aways says, so …..

“I remember that time in the changing rooms I think that was the only time I’ve seen you, so to speak (did I really just say that!).”

I was not only blushing but getting rather excited between my legs at the memory of what he was packing back then, and I couldn’t imagine it had got any smaller over the intervening years.

“I remember you got an eyeful,” he said. “Did it turn you on?”

“I expect so, I can’t really remember,” I lied.

He laughed, “Really? You seemed to be taking in the full view if memory serves me correctly.”

Honesty and all that ….

“Sorry, yes of course I remember. How could I not. Not every day you see something like that is it. Well, you do obviously (I giggled) but I mean me, I certainly don’t.”

“Husband not that hung then?” my former student teased me.

“Not from recollection,” I replied. I needed to take the heat out of the conversation (and from my over-heated pussy). “I’d better be going, it’s lovely to see you again and glad you are doing well and everything,” I mumbled.

He leaned over and whispered: “Don’t want to check it out again then for ‘old times’ sake?”

I squeezed my thighs together to stop myself. What was going on. We were in a very public place, and I hadn’t been this excited in a long time. I didn’t know what to say or do.

He just sat there and watched me, amused I think by my flustered appearance.

“I couldn’t,” I said (Oh yes, I could!).

He sat back on the stool and looked down at his lap and my eyes followed. It was having a positive effect on him by the looks of things. Oh my god was I really looking at the outline of a former student’s cock in Starbucks! Get a grip woman. No, not the right words there (although there did look a lot to grip, if by chance I did want to).

“Go on, you know you want to. I want you too as well. Turns me on as you can see, the thought of you licking your lips as it gets to full mast. I had plenty of wanks back in the day thinking about it. How about you?” He challenged me.

“I’d rather not say, sorry, can’t give all my secrets away,” I said trying to think rationally but failing badly.

“How are you getting home,” he asked.

“Bus,” was my automatic answer.

“Why don’t I give you a lift and it will give you time to think about my offer?” he said.

I was in a daze. I knew what I wanted but I was married. I knew I was horny, but would I regret it (if I did or if I didn’t).

I nodded, we finished our coffees and left. He steered me towards his work van, and he moved some things off the passenger seat enabling me to sit. We travelled in silence for 10 minutes or so as we left town on the way to my house.

“I can find somewhere quiet if you want to stop, no pressure though,” he said.

I looked at him and smiled, “thank you” and couldn’t stop myself looking down again at his lap. Was he still excited? I think so. As if to reassure me he took his hand off the steering wheel and ran it along the length of his cock. I heard a groan (and it wasn’t him).

“You can pull over if you want,” I said.

“No, only if you want,” he replied.

I nodded. At the next lay-by the vehicle came to a halt, engine off, only the sound of passing traffic and our breathing.

“I can’t do it here, I want to, but I just can’t,” I said.

“Give it a rub then,” he said.

I sat there staring out of the window, trying to build up the confidence. Finally, I undid my seat belt and turned slightly towards Joe. He was watching me, waiting to see what I would do. I was scared, excited, frightened about being spotted or caught but also horny as hell.

I reached out tentatively and ran my hand across his left thigh, so strong. Up and down my hand went feeling the strength but also eyeing his groin. He shifted in his seat as my hand explored the front of his trousers. I could feel the heat and power beneath the fabric. I was looking around all the time in fear of someone seeing us. I ran my hand up and down the length a couple of times. I could feel the moisture seeping out of my pussy and I hadn’t even seen it yet! My mouth was watering but unfortunately fear got the better of me.

“Sorry, I can’t do it here. Can you take me home please. I so want to but would feel safer inside my house. Is that ok?” I timidly asked.

“Sure, but what about your husband?” Joe asked.

Fair question, what about my husband. Would he be ok me turning up with a stranger. How do I explain to him what has happened and more importantly what could happen. He was always telling me it got him excited when other guys hit on me (not that it happens very often these days). Would he be okay though when faced with the reality of the situation? Only one way to find out I suppose.

“I’ll do it, I promise, one way or another. Don’t think I’ll get many more opportunities at my time of life, and I can still remember the feelings I had when I saw you back then. The thought of a closer look or maybe even more turns me on like you wouldn’t believe.” I’m not sure how I said those words, but I did, though I couldn’t look Joe in the eye as I whispered them.

He reached over and squeezed my knee; I groaned at his touch. He gently ran his hand up my leg over my skirt, I was trembling, hardly able to breathe. He squeezed again now on my upper thigh. His hand was big, strong just like the rest of him.

“Look at me,” he said. I lifted my head and looked into his sexy eyes.

I felt his hand move back down to my knee. Another squeeze and then he moved his hand slowly up, this time under the hem of my skirt. I gasped. He smiled, another squeeze as he continued upwards and then reaching the top of my stockings.

“Sexy,” he said. His hand was warm as it touched my bare flesh and finished its journey to the top of my thigh.

“If you get to play with my cock, do I get to play with this?” he asked as he patted the mound between my legs. He must have been able to feel how wet I was. He was still smiling at me. “Do I get an answer?”

“Yes, whatever you want,” I blushingly told him.

“Right then let’s get you home so the fun can really begin”. He said as he started the engine.

We drove home quickly and before I knew it, I was walking through my front door closely followed by my new friend. Walking into the kitchen my husband was sitting there reading a newspaper. Now for the difficult conversation, I thought.

“Hi dear, how are you?” he asked.

“Good, look I’ve brought someone home with me. I met Joe at a coffee shop in town, he was a student of mine some years back and ……..” I was flustered, how do I explain this to him.

“Well, do you remember me telling you about the guy I saw in the changing rooms? I know it was a while ago but …. well, this is him.” I finally got the words out.

“Ok,” my husband replied, “And?”

I looked at Joe he was smiling at me and then said: “Go on then tell him.”

I took a deep breath and quickly blurted out, “Joe, offered to give me another chance to see him in all his glory, so we came here so I get a chance to view his package again. I hope that’s ok. I won’t if you don’t want me to.”

My husband looked shocked (understandably I suppose) but didn’t say ‘no’.

“Can I, please.” I pleaded.

“Just a look is it, or?” my husband asked.

I looked at Joe, we hadn’t discussed it, and I hadn’t completely thought it through, but I was hoping for more than a look to be honest. “Can we see how things go? Is that ok?” I asked.

He nodded. I smiled. Joe grinned. I blushed. No time like the present I thought in case my other half has a change of mind. I walked over to Joe and ran my hands over his chest, I was breathing hard already. I’d never done anything like this before, but I knew what I wanted. He was fit, there was muscles on his body I hadn’t seen close up before on anyone else.

Joe let me explore and I could feel the heat from him and me. I looked over my shoulder at my husband who was still sitting in his chair, but I could see a bulge in his trousers so took that as a positive. Not that I was interested in his cock the one inside Joe’s trousers was far more interesting, larger, thicker, harder than anything my husband had to offer. I ran my hand over Joe’s cock, it was firm, but I sensed still had some more growing to do. I pushed my hand inside his trousers and was met with a stiffening hot cock (no underwear impeding my access). Oh god I was soaking my knickers already.

I knelt and dragged his work bottoms with me as I went. It sprang out almost hitting me in the face. Wow, what a lovely cock, even better up close. I ran my hand up his muscular thighs all the time drooling over the cock in front of me. My fingers reached his balls, and I stroked and squeezed them noticing the positive effect on his twitching cock. I moved my face closer, running my tongue around my lips, wanting a taste, desperately wanting a taste. Another glance over my shoulder and my husband was now stroking his cock through his trousers. Things were going well so I needed to grab the moment. Talking of grabbing I moved my left hand up to grab Joe’s now very erect big cock. My right hand continued to play with his balls, but I was amazed at the thickness and length. I kissed the head and tasted the first signs of pre-cum, licking around the crown before opening my mouth wide to take the first few inches. The moan behind me from my husband gave me confidence to continue and I pushed forward and then started sucking as much of the length as I could comfortably take. Joe started to pump my mouth, and I felt a gush in my knickers (sorry). His hands moved to my head, and he started to guide me up and down his pole taking a bit more with each downward push. My drool was now pooling at his base, but I could see I still had a way to go. I could feel his cock hit the back of my throat and I looked up at him as he held my head.

“Take your time.” He said encouragingly.

I pushed forward with his help and felt the head enter my throat (don’t panic, breathe through your nose, I thought). I took an inch more before he let me pull back gasping for air. He still had my head in his hands and was soon pulling me back in for another go. I could feel my eyes watering, but I wanted to please him (and me, maybe even my husband!) so I let him pull me further and further until I finally reached his base. My tongue was even able to lap at his balls for a few seconds before he pushed me back.

His cock sprang out of my mouth with my spittle dripping onto the floor, Joe breathing heavily and me panting liked I’d just climbed Mount Everest. I sat there on my knees for a minute or two trying to get my breath back before Joe took my hand and helped me up.

I saw him watching me and then we both looked at my husband who was still seated in his chair.

“OK?” I asked.

He nodded, still looking unable to take in what had just happened.

Joe stripped off completely and moved me over to the table. I sat on the edge and reached out for his still erect cock. I gave it a quick pull feeling my goosebumps rising again as I ran my hands up his full length.

Two more pumps and I heard him take a deep breath. In one quick movement he spun me round and pushed me down over the table. I giggled as I looked up into my husband’s eyes. He was still rubbing his cock through his trousers.

“Take it out,” I whispered as I felt Joe pull my dress up over my arse. I watched my husband unzip his trousers and pull his hard cock out. Behind me I felt Joe’s cock rub over my cheeks before he swiftly pulled my knickers down. I think he used his feet to push them down below my knees and then I was free. I opened my legs as I felt him squeeze my arse and then give me a sharp crack on both cheeks. That took my breath away but also made me even wetter (if that was possible). His fingers ran along my slit and then he drove them home inside me coating them with my cream.

“Might need a bit more lubrication,” he explained. It felt like there was plenty still inside me which I was grateful for because what he was planning to put in there was far bigger than the one I was looking at across the table.

I could see the pre-cum on my husband’s cock and then felt that thick long cock plunge into my gaping slot. Once again, my breath was taken away as I felt him push in then partially withdraw before I got a second thrust. Still didn’t feel as if he had bottomed out but a third firm push seemed to do the trick as I felt the full force. Followed by another then another. This was already feeling like a vigorous fucking, but I sensed he was only warming up. I was pleased to have taken it all, but I could feel the extra girth stretching me out a treat. Wow, I was going to remember this fucking for a long time.

Joe seemed to get into a good rhythm, holding my hips, pumping me, varying the angle of attack to explore every inch of my slippery channel. I could feel the power of his body on every hammering thrust, making a loud slapping sound on my arse. It was intense, it was exciting and very soon it became very orgasmic as he took me over the edge to my first penetrative orgasm of the evening. I let out a loud squeal (I don’t squeal, ever, but tonight was a first) and then a groan and a loud ‘fuuuuccck’.

I was given a few moments to recover as Joe kept his cock inside me but kept the fucking shallow, keeping me boiling, so to speak. I collapsed on the table and reached out to touch my husband but was quickly pulled back by my hips as the fucking started in earnest again.

Now it was proper fucking, hard, fast, intense and bloody amazing. Stamina was clearly not an issue nor was staving off ejaculation as pummelled me into the table. I was going to have some bruising on the front of my thighs in the morning as he seemed to be almost nailing me into the table.

On and on he went, my eyes glazed over I could hardly see my husband sat a few feet away from me.

The slamming continued and then I heard, “where do you want it?” from behind me.

“Wherever you want,” I gasped out a reply. I thought the question meant he was imminent, but I counted out another ten powerful full-on thrusts before I heard Joe groan and then grind his thick cock right up inside me as he pulsed and pulsed and pulsed and pulsed. To be honest I lost count but fair to say there were a lot and I was way beyond caring as I had another very long orgasmic moment. It was fucking amazing.

He held himself inside me but let me rest on the table. I could see my husband had come all over his trousers (probably too much information but I’m trying to paint a picture, pity he had painted his trousers!).

Joe pulled the long shaft out of me, and I felt suddenly empty, and I must admit a bit sore but as the saying goes ‘no pain, no gain’. He pulled back and then we hit the awkward silence bit. Was this it or could I try for round two – probably being too greedy now but no harm hoping.

Our guest enquired, “Don’t suppose there’s any chance of a quick shower?”.

“Of course,” I blurted out. “Up the stairs turn left and it’s at the end of the landing. Give me a few minutes and I’ll get you a towel.” Round two was definitely looking a possibility.

Written by eclair76

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