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First Time Cucked…

"The first time I saw my wife with another cock"

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I actually write this a long time ago and thought I’d lost it - but came across the file on an old hard drive while we were clearing out our old house! 

To give you a little bit ofbackground and description, I am 29 and Jen is 26 and we’ve been together sincewe were teenagers. Jen is 5’ 2’’ tall with extremely large 36f breasts for herheight. She hovers between a size 12 and 14 and has what I would describe as acurvaceous figure, with a great sexy ass and legs. Her hair is almost very darkbrown and she has green/brown eyes.

In terms of ourrelationship, since quite an early point in our relationship I fantasized aboutwatching her with other men – I can’t explain it – people like weirder andworse things I guess. The first time anything happened was during her time atUni when we were in the fire escape of a night club getting down to businessourselves. We were snogging each others faces off and I had my hands all overher, pulling her little black dress up over her bare ass and squeezing hercheeks roughly. We were totally oblivious to the fact that there was a ratheruseful looking bouncer standing right behind us taking the whole thing in! Hecoughed which immediately made us stop and spin round to see who was there – hestood there looking very smug and asked us what we thought we were doing –strange question I know but I stammered “Nothing?” which is probably even morestupid… He then took his radio out and suggested that if he called forassistance I would probably end up having my head used to open every doorbetween there and the back door and that we would both be banned from the clubindefinitely. Then however he said “It doesn’t have to be that way…” and lookedat Jen in a certain way, which without having to say a word, all three of usknew exactly what he meant. I suddenly felt all the moisture disappear from mythroat and I was stuck for a moment like a rabbit in the headlights; but at thesame time I felt a wave of excitement like never before. The bouncer promptedby saying “It won’t take much of your time to make sure I turn a blind eye toall this”, this time looking straight at Jen. She looked at me and said “Youknow I come here all the time”, as if that was a perfectly reasonableexplanation! With that she walked towards the bouncer, who must have been about6’4’’, dwarfing her and looked at him as if to kiss him. He smiled in a verydevious way and said “No, No – that’s not what I’m after” with that he put twolarge hands on each of her shoulders and pushed her to her knees in front ofhim. He looked at Jen and then me and said “It’s about time I got to show youfucking students something about discipline”, with that he started to unbucklehis trousers, releasing a large semi-hard cock, the first time I had ever seenanother man’s penis in this way before. Jen meanwhile had a look in her eyethat I have since come to love but at the time was alien to me – I guess youwould call it pure lust. She was kneeling, in the dusty, gloomy fire escapewith her black high heeled mules on, he short tight black dress still riding upexposing her ass cheeks, with a large cock dangling only inches from her lips.The bouncer prompted “Come on now – you don’t want thrown out do you?” to whichshe obediently shook her head. Then, for the first time she put her hand aroundhis cock, which looked obscenely big in her tiny hand and began to stroke himto full hardness. I was turned on to a level I had never imagined and waspowerless to move or to speak – I just enjoyed the view! After a few strokeshis cock grew to an impressive size and the tip glistened – he looked at me andsaid “Now your bird is going to save you from a kicking pal”, and with that hegrabbed her pony tail and pulled her head towards his now rock hard cock. Jenopened wide as he roughly pulled her on to it, she took the first three or fourinches, but being a stranger at the time to deep throating she began to gagquite badly. The bouncer was undeterred and with both hands on the back of herhead, began to buck his hips, slowly working his cock into Jen’s strainingmouth. Jen pushed against his thighs but was helpless to stop the face fuckingthat was now in progress – gradually though it was clear she was relaxing andbegan to take more and more of his cock, until her nose was nearly touching hisbelly. I’d like to tell you that the bouncer was a man of massive sexualtechnique who lasted for hours, but this is real-life and in reality after onlyabout 5 minutes of face fucking my 19 year-old girlfriend in front of me, hetensed and held her face tightly onto his cock and I could tell that he wasfilling her mouth full of cum. He groaned and relaxed, breathing heavily, butheld Jen in place for a good 30 seconds or so, to make sure all she could dowas swallow every drop. Then he stepped back and zipped up, smirking at both ofus. “Now” he said “Feel free to re-join the party” he smiled, looking extremelypleased with himself. Jen got off her knees, both of which had large red markson them and we walked back into the club in silence. This was a crucial pointin our relationship and when we eventually looked at each other I had no otherchoice – I had to kiss her – I was so horny by watching her! We left almostimmediately and went back to her flat and had the most incredibly horny sex wehad had. Jen even taunted me with it during our fuck session, asking if I hadenjoyed the show.

From that point on it wasclear that a new chapter had begun and that this would only be the first ofmany experiences that we would share. I know for sure that Jen visited thatclub many times without me after that night.

I'll share more of her adventures in the years since, please let me know if you enjoyed this tale...

Written by coco1878

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