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Hello Again

"Once more with feeling"

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My wife C loved singing and acting at school and at university and about 5 years ago she asked me what I thought about her joining a local theatre group. We have 2 kids and by then they were old enough for us to juggle schedules and make room for her to meet with a group once or twice a week. It took a while for her to find the right set-up, she is mad about singing and musicals and eventually she made contact with a group who staged small scale musicals twice a year. So off she went and for the first couple of years it was fun and fulfilling but nothing naughty happened. Then came the production of "Hello Again". I had never heard of the show and neither had C but the director came across the show and was really excited by a script that was a little more challenging than their previous productions and also ideally suited to a small cast working on a small stage. C came back after their first discussion of the play and asked me what I thought. The play was set in the 40's and 50's and the plot was a series of intimate sexual encounters, character 1 with character 2, then character 2 with character 3, then 3 with 4 etc. and my wife had been asked to read through the character of a nurse who has her first encounter with a soldier overseas and then a second encounter as a nurse dominatrix with a young college student. C asked me what I thought about the idea of her performing sex scenes on stages, would I be ok with this. She was taking the piss because we have often role-played threesomes and cuckolding scenarios and she is very aware that I find the idea of her with another man really arousing. We had never gone through with the fantasy though. "Don't get too excited, you'll probably be the only one who gets an erection" she said, "the actor playing the soldier is gay and the college student is only 19 and won't be turned on by an old woman like me." She was a very hot 41 at the time, slim with lovely small boobs and a wonderful, sexy bum so... The rehearsals went on for months and although I constantly pestered her for details she maintained the whole thing was completely unsexy. The first sexual encounter involved lying down on stage with her skirt pulled up and the soldier having sex with her in a missionary position. She just couldn't get how sexy I found this! Despite the fact that the actor was indeed gay and made a big deal about never having been between a woman's legs before the idea of a man lying on my wife like that, her spreading her legs for him and then him thrusting onto her made me faint with excitement. Not only that but although she was wearing a sweatshirt and jeans for the rehearsals she'd be in a white nurse's dress, stockings and suspenders for the dress rehearsal and for the performances. Ye gods. I'm not a big uniform fan but this was just pretty much perfect fantasy stuff. She put on the costume for me and my god she looked hot. The suspender belt was a very plain, white affair and the stockings were simple tan but again the idea of other people seeing her in lingerie and another man running his hands over her legs was fantastic. Then we discussed knickers! I was angling for something skimpy, she was angling for something armour plated. She won with a pair of plain white satin panties, still pretty hot though. She said that the simulated sex with the soldier was completely passionless but she quite enjoyed the college student scene. C is in no way a natural dominatrix and it was fun to act out the domineering sexy goddess. She bossed the poor student about, stripped off her nurse's dress and then got into bed on top of him and, with the covers round her hips, simulated riding him till he came. She said that the student actor T was not supposed to be at all hands on with her, he was supposed to be in awe but that he did grasp her hips as she rode him. No hard on was reported. When the dress rehearsal came C was nervous and excited and reported that everything went well. She said she was miles less embarrassed than she expected to be when she had to strip off and concentrating on lines and songs meant the experience was still completely sexless, much to my disappointment. They put on 12 performances in three different venues and I went to the first night and the last night and one other. It was just so hot...I can't describe how hot it was seeing my wife in knickers and stockings simulating sex with two different men. I'd have gone to every performance but it would have meant colossal baby sitting bills. There was also something just plain sexy about thinking about what she was up to on stage in front of an audience while I was at home. I was also pretty confident that, every night, a chunk of the audience were men who were not exactly regular musical theatre-goers and I loved the thought of their hot eyes on my wife's satin gusset. As the cast got more confident and the performance developed I was delighted to hear that T was getting into his role more and more. He managed to convince the director that the college student wouldn't be utterly passive so there was a little feeling up going on, particularly under the the covers and C reported that she had felt a definite stiffening up below as she rode. I told her just how hot I found it, the idea of T's stiffening cock directly under her pussy, as she ground on him. I asked if she didn't find it a bit hot? I mean it's literally a pair of pants away from sex and she loves being on top. She admitted that once he was a little hard the feeling was nice. There's a chorus singing through the sex act so there are no lines to distract either. I tried to persuade her to wear a sexier (considerably less armour plated) pair of knickers but she thought the rest of the cast would think that was pretty odd to say the least. I said I didn't think T would mind much. With maybe three performances left until the show closed T started trying his luck. He was very flirty and physical with C off stage and on stage he grasped her hips and pulled her onto him as she rode and ground on him and she reported he now had a nice hard cock for her to slide along. C said it really felt as if he was getting off on it, like the movements were increasingly just the movements of his natural sexual desire not acting and that she felt herself responding in kind with her own heat and wetness beginning to match his hardness. We had sex a lot and I told her that this could be the moment to turn our other man fantasies into reality. She said the thought had crossed her mind and we agreed that as the last performances played out she ought to let him know she was ready for him. During the scene where she got into bed with T she first ground onto him then lifted herself up, reached under herself, beneath the covers and then dropped down hard onto him, all in time with the music and her face, his groan and the way the song works means this moment always gets a laugh. It also allowed her to up the ante. He wore a pair of flappy boxers with a pair of jockey shorts under and the next performance she reached into his boxers and gave his cock a squeeze and a pull before bouncing down onto him and riding him. All through his pants but still, this was basically the green light. His own hands immediately moved from her hips round to the front of her knickers and he began urgently feeling her up, first through the satin and then he pulled the gusset to one side and his fingers found her hot, wet pussy. So now for the minute or so of the sex scene he was fingering her while she ground onto his cock. She said there was no way she was going to come but that it felt fucking marvellous. She was more worried he was going to cum in his pants and it would be entirely obvious when they got out of the bed. She said T tried to grapple with her a little after the performance and she whispered to him how nice it felt riding him with his fingers in her but wasn't he worried about sperm going everywhere? He told the only place his sperm was going to go was deep into her pussy. You'll have to be quick she told him with a laugh. He made another move for her and she said she had to get back home but maybe after the last night? All this was reported to me and my rock hard erection after she got back. So now it was on. My wife had told another man he could fuck her. The next night, the penultimate performance T had other ideas. When C reached under herself she found there were no jockey shorts beneath his boxers and that his cock was already hard and ready for her. She grasped him and wanked him as he desperately fumbled at her gusset and pulled it to one side. C said she had never had such a sudden onset of drenching wetness in her life, she was just instantly ready for him and, perfectly in time with the music, dropped herself straight down onto him, balls deep. His comedy groan was utterly real and she set about riding and grinding him for all she was worth as he pulled her by her hips up and down his cock. They only had a minute but he fucked her for all he was worth, as the chorus sang and the audience watched and then with a roar he pulled himself as deep into my wife's pussy as his cock could go and came as only a 19 year old can. C said she could feel him pulsing jet after jet of hot cum into her and her role allowed her to smile at the audience, a grin of wonder as she felt him orgasm inside her. Now her armour plated knickers would have to earn their keep as the gusset was whipped back into place and then had to contain what felt like half a pint of sperm as she sang her last song in the spotlight and T lay deflated in bed behind her. And I didn't see it! I wasn't there! I did though however attend the last performance and although T and C did not have sex on stage that night we agreed to lock up after the cast party and I got to watch T take my wife from behind on the stage while I watched from the front row. She stood, legs apart holding the back of a chair, her eyes locked with mine as she gasped and moaned, T's eyes locked on her rear as he pounded her for 10 minutes and she came and T came inside her again and I shot stream after stream of my own spunk towards them.
Written by TheatreGoer

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