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How I became a shared wife.

"I pulled my panties down and bent forward over the desk waiting for Jeff's thick cock."

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Hi I’m Terri a thirty two year old housewife.  I showed this to Alan my husband before posting it.  That earnt me another good shagging.   This happened earlier this year.  Since covid, times have been hard and Alan had just heard that his company were going into receivership and there was a likelihood that he would end up being made redundant.  I work on short contracts and my current contract was soon to end.  I was desperately looking around for anything I could do as there was little chance of an extension or new work at this awkward time.


Fortunately, I had other training and skills and one of my friends told me of a company taking on staff and suggested that I should apply.  Within a week I had an interview arranged and was hopeful.  Then the night before the interview Alan came home to tell me his job was finished and the chances of getting paid for work already done was slim to none.  If I didn’t get this job I could see us moving complete with kids back into my in-law’s house.  That was something I was desperate to prevent.


When I arrived at the company for the interview there were two other candidates sat waiting and I was told to fill out some paperwork on a clip board and take a seat.  The other two women were both pretty young and both dressed quite sexy unlike myself that looked like a typical mother type.  To say they looked young, one looked as if she might have almost come straight from school.  I was desperate and determined to get this job.  It was almost an hour later than my appointment when I was called in for the interview.


I felt very nervous as I sat in front of a rather distinguished looking man in his late forties.  It felt like being back at school.  He had a kindly manor about him as he opened the questioning about what experience I had.  I was soon telling him all about various contracts and other work I had done.  Then he asked about home life and I told him I had a husband and two kids.  He asked how they would impact on his business.  I assured him my home life wouldn’t impinge on my working life.  He asked about when the kids were sick.  I told him we had a child minder that had them after school and have them when they were sick.


Then he changed the subject to what could I offer his company that one of the younger women couldn’t offer.  I pointed out that with maturity comes a calmness that aids decision making.  He pointed out that came at a cost as he had to pay older staff more money than younger women.  I could feel the job slipping away from me and that was when I said it.


With tears forming in my eyes, I told him I was desperate for this job and would do anything to see I got it.  I saw his eyes light up and he asked anything?  I told him yes anything.  With that he got out of his comfortable chair and sauntered around the desk where he stopped in front of me and very calmly unzipped his pants and took out a rather thick cock.  “You said anything, well suck it,” he told me.


I was shocked and took several moments to think about it.  I wondered had either of the young women sucked him off.   I felt a determination come over me and put my hand forward and held it as I bobbed my head forward and sucked it into my mouth.  As I sucked his cock got bigger.  His cock was quite a bit thicker than Alan’s but not as long, but it was still hard to get it all into my mouth, but I gave it a damn good try.  Jeff, as he told me to call him, told me I was doing a great job and there was just one more thing he wanted me to do and that was to stand up and pull my panties down and bend over onto his desk.


I knew what was coming but still found myself complying with his wishes as I pulled my panties down and bent forward.  I heard the chair being pulled out the way and then I felt that thick cock prizing my pussy lips apart.  It was many years since I had anything that thick in my pussy as he slowly forced more and more of it into my tight pussy.  I wished at that point that he had played with me to get me wet or lubed me up.  Inch by inch he slowly worked it into my pussy as my pussy muscles relaxed and welcomed it in.  Then something I never thought would happen did.  I found myself enjoying my first new cock since I married Alan and worse still, I was groaning and saying yes every few minutes to spur Jeff on.


It wasn’t missed on Jeff as he told me that I was the best candidate yet.  I found myself pushing back trying to see that I got the full length of his cock with each thrust he made.  Now it was Jeff saying yes yes yes as he slammed into me.  Then I couldn’t believe that I was building up to what would be a huge orgasm from the feeling building in me.  Then Jeff was groaning loudly as he was suddenly jerking whilst buried deep in my pussy.


Then two things were happening and I didn’t want either of them.  Jeff was coming in me and I wasn’t on the pill!   After having our two kids Alan had been for the chop and there was no need for me to take the pill.  Secondly Jeff was pulling out and I still hadn’t got to my orgasm.  Then Jeff gave my arse a sweet kiss before pulling up my panties and then gave my arse a playful slap leaving me still wanting more of that thick cock of his.  Jeff told me to sit and I could hear and feel the cum in my pussy squelching in my pussy as I sat.


I was disappointed as I watched Jeff put his thick cock away and return to his chair.  He joked that I really would do anything to make sure that I got the job.  We talked a little more about what my duties would be and what the pay would be.  Jeff laughed telling me there was a bonus that was based on how well I performed.  From his grin he wasn’t talking about my work skills and performance. 


As the interview seemed to come to a natural ending he used a sort of intercom to call his secretary and ask her to show me where my office would be and around the offices and then return me to his office.  She arrived and escorted me to the toilets first.  It was clear that she knew what had just happened and as I was in one of the stalls cleaning myself up and putting on a fresh pair of panties, I always carry a spare pair in my handbag.  Then as I put a brush through my hair Sandra told me that Jeff would use me as his own personal sex toy for a few months until he got bored with me and moved onto some other woman.  Sandra said he had spent three months fucking her before he moved on.  She said it as if she was disappointed that he had moved on from her.


Back in his office Jeff asked did I have any questions I hadn’t already asked.  I told him no.  He told me there was just one more thing he wanted as he had me stand and he laid me backwards on his desk.  I heard Jeff chuckle as he saw that I had changed my panties.  Then he was lifting my legs up onto his shoulders as he removed his cock and slid it balls deep in my pussy and start to fuck me a second time.


I was still worked up from our first encounter and was soon climbing that slope towards my first orgasm.   In just a short while I came and was quite noisy as I did, moaning and groaning and telling Jeff not to stop.  Not that he intended to as he was behind me regarding orgasms and was only just getting close to his own orgasm.  He ploughed me all the way through my orgasm, something Alan hadn’t managed for some while.  Then he was coming again in my unprotected pussy.  Well, it was a bit too late to tell him to stop as he had already seeded my womb the first time around.


As I finally left his office to go home, Sandra gave me the thumbs up saying it looked like I had got the job.  I decided to walk home rather than catch the bus as I was sure someone on the buss would smell that I had been fucking.  Besides I also needed to think over what had happened in Jeff’s office and whether I would take the job if it were offered to me as I knew that Jeff would be wanting more of my pussy before he got bored with me.


I was lucky that Alan was out when I got home and managed to shower and change before he returned home.  Later the two of us walked to the school to collect the kids.  It was now that the guilt kicked in, as well as the fear that I might have gotten myself pregnant.  My worries didn’t seem to affect Alan who was totally unaware of what had happened to me.  It was almost a week before the letter arrived inviting me to take up the new job.  The good news was that my period had started so at least I wasn’t pregnant, but now I had a real dilemma.  The guilt was back with a vengeance as Alan read my letter.  He was over the moon and couldn’t see why I wasn’t so excited.


I couldn’t help myself, I blurted out what had happened in Jeff’s office.  At first Alan stood there looking totally shocked and then I could see the bulge getting bigger in his trousers as I told him about the second time and that he had given me an orgasm.  Instead of being angry Alan quickly had me bent over the sofa and fucking me for all he was worth.  It quickly reminded me of how Jeffs thick cock had penetrated me in this position over his desk and how much it excited me.  I came quite quickly as Alan slammed away at my pussy.  He was calling me his dirty sexy slut and other things equally as rude.  Then as I started to come down from my orgasm Alan came hard in my pussy.


Afterwards Alan admitted that he had often fantasised about me taking another man’s cock.  Alan’s fantasies included a big black man.  That was more than a step more than I was prepared to even think about.  Alan was babbling something about me definitely taking the job as long as I told him all about what happens.  I was stunned that he would want me let alone allow and encourage me to fuck Jeff again.  We made love a second time that day before collecting the kids.  It was a long time since we had made love twice in one day.  I asked Jeff about protection and he said that I would need to get a diaphragm and use it until I got re-established on the pill.  At least he wasn’t into Jeff breeding me.


I rang and confirmed that I would be starting the job in two weeks time when my contract ended.  Sandra giggled and said she thought that I would be back for more of Jeff’s thick cock.  I tried to remain calm and told her that it was a case of needing the money.  Sandra said, “Yeah and Jeff’s thick cock wasn’t a consideration then?”  She knew all too well that I was looking forward to getting another good fucking from Jeff’s thick cock.


My first morning was pretty uneventful as I settled in.  In some ways I was a bit disappointed that Jeff hadn’t already pounced on me.  It was almost half way through the afternoon when Sandra told me that Jeff wanted me in his office.  I quickly rushed to the toilets and inserted the diaphragm and the jelly.  I felt like a naughty girl called to the headmasters office as I made my way to Jeff’s office.  Sandra called out, “good luck.”  On entering his office and moving to take a seat Jeff stood up and his cock was already free from his trousers and looking hard and angry.


I was told to bend over the desk and my panties were quickly pulled down to my knees and then he was in me again.  This time with the spermicidal jelly he slid straight in up to his balls causing me to squeal at the sudden invasion.  Then he was fucking me and already my orgasm was building deep inside of me.  I could hear myself telling Jeff to fuck me harder.  That seemed to excite Jeff who was calling me his married slut and that excited me.  This time I came with Jeff as he pumped another load of cum in my pussy, fortunately protected this time.


Afterwards Jeff took delight in pulling my panties back up to cover my spunky wet pussy.  We talked for a few minutes as if nothing had just happened.  He asked how my first day was going.  I told him that it was even better now.   Jeff knew exactly what I meant and that I had just enjoyed myself.  With a cheeky slap on my arse, he told me to return to my desk.


When I got home Alan wanted to know all about it.  I had to tell him that I would tell him later when the kids were in bed.  It felt like hours before the kids were settled.  Alan was quickly fucking me as I recalled what had happened in Jeff’s office, and a second time later when we went to bed.  I couldn’t believe that he had got so excited knowing my boss was fucking me.  Clearly he enjoyed knowing that I had another man’s cock in me and had enjoyed his first sloppy seconds.


The next morning Alan told me not to wear any panties to work.  I was a little stunned, but also excited at the thought of being naked under my skirt.   I felt very self-conscious as I walked the kids to school.  Then again on the buss I was sure that people around me knew that I was that dirty slut who wasn’t wearing any panties.  I was already pretty wet when Sandra called to say that Jeff wanted to see me as soon as I got in.  I rushed to the toilets to put my diaphragm back in.  I was already feeling excited and ready for Jeff’s cock.  I wasn’t to be disappointed.


Jeff’s face when he discovered that I wasn’t wearing any panties was a real picture.  I was quickly on my back as he steered his thick cock to my pussy and slipped in.  I came almost immediately which surprised and pleased Jeff.  Like Alan he was telling me that I was a dirty slut.  Jeff assumed that my husband had no idea just what a slut I was and suggested that I should get my husband to suck his cum out of me.  I didn’t have the heart to tell him Alan not only knew but was also enjoying me being a slut.  Alan dumped what felt like a big load of cum in me just seconds after I came.


Later in the day I was back getting a second load and another orgasm from Alan.  The rest of the month was much of the same with Jeff fucking me during the day, normally once and Alan taking a turn when I was home.  My period finally came and went and I was now safe and could dispense with the diaphragm.  Even through my period Jeff fucked me.  That was something that Alan didn’t like or take part in. 


Jeff was surprised that my pussy felt tighter and I told him that I had been using a diaphragm as I wasn’t on the pill.  It seemed to excite him that he could have made me pregnant and took delight telling me that my husband would have had to bring any offspring up knowing it wasn’t his.  It was at the end of the second month when Alan informed me that he had found another job and financially we were on solid ground again.  In fact, it was better paid than his original job.


I asked Alan if he wanted me to give up my job and look for something else and stop Jeff from fucking me.  Alan turned the tables and asked what I wanted to do.  I had to admit that I was enjoying the extra attention that my pussy was getting and the extra thickness of Jeff’s cock.  Alan told me I was his great slut as he bent me over the table and fucked me nice and hard.  So, it was sorted that I was to remain where I was and enjoy Jeff for as long as he didn’t get bored of me or my pussy.


It was almost a year before Sandra was talking about leaving and setting up interviews for her post.  I guessed that would be the end of Jeff fucking me as he started to interview mainly young girls for the post.  Sandra tipped me that he had fucked a couple of the girls in their interviews.  I wasn’t surprised that Jeff had fucked some of them, but I was surprised when he asked me to stay late that evenings after the interviews.  I had told Alan that I thought that Jeff fucking me was coming to an end.  I had seen disappointment in Alan’s eyes.  I was expecting this to be where I got let down.


It was at the end of the week and the interviews when Jeff called me to his office.  Today he wasn’t quickly at me or my pussy.  Instead, he wanted to talk to me.  He told me that he hadn’t expected me to stay in my job as long as I had as I was overqualified for the job.  I told him that I had needed the money.  Jeff joked that I also needed his cock.  Embarrassed I told him that I did.  Jeff asked was I able to do his secretarial job as well as my original job.  He said there would be a substantial pay raise if I could.  I immediately told him that I would try.  We sealed the deal with a fantastic fuck before I went home to tell Alan the news.


Alan did take on two new girls and I listened as he fucked both of them a few times.  The good news was that he also continued to fuck me.  Not quite as often but more than enough to keep me and Alan happy.  I still work for Jeff and he has slowed up a bit and still fucks the odd younger woman, but he still keeps my pussy purring for his thick cock.  As for Alan, he still gets excited knowing that my boss has fucked me.


Oh yes, I rarely ever wear any panties anymore and both Jeff and Alan love the easy access they have to my ever willing pussy.  Had Jeff stopped shagging me Alan had told me that he would have found me another man to fuck.  He had decided that he still wanted me to be a shared wife.  I’m still keeping my fingers crossed for that extra man and his cock.

Written by Terri

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