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My wife cheats with my best friend

"Susan confessed that she had been seeing and fucking my mate."

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I had been mates with Dick for several years when I met Susan.  I fell in love with her straight away.  It was just four months when I asked Susan to marry me.  Susan had quite a high sex drive and we made love almost every time we met.  In discussion both Susan and I wanted to move away from the area we lived in.  I didn’t really have a preference but Susan wanted to move west, so that was our objective, and we started to look for places to live. 


Pretty much at the same time I asked Susan to marry me.  She told me yes straight away.  Both our parents were pleased for us.  Things moved on quicker than we had planned for and I found myself with a chance to transfer work to a site in the west country.  It was an opportunity that we couldn’t turn down, but it meant that I would have to transfer and Susan would join me three months later after we got married.  It also meant that I would have to move into digs. 


Before I transferred and moved away I asked Dick to look after Susan in my absence, telling both him and Susan that I would be back most weekends.  On my first weekend back, Susan and I fucked like rabbits.  She was dying for a good shag as was I.  The following weekend Susan was telling me that Dick and some of my other mates had taken her out several times.  Again, we shagged like rabbits.


The third weekend Susan still wanted sex but she wasn’t quite so worked up.  The fourth weekend Susan told me it was the wrong weekend.  I had two weekend where I couldn’t get back home.  By the next weekend Susan was like a wild animal and we shagged most of the weekend away.  As the weekends went on Susan seemed not to need as much sex as she normally did.  


Then just before the weekend we were due to get married I got back for a few extra days.  Susan didn’t seem to be that interested in sex.  I put it down to nerves and the rushing around organising the wedding.  I tried to catch up with Dick but he was also otherwise engaged on other things.  The wedding went off smoothly and Dick made a good best man’s speech.  He managed to make Susan blush several times.


Now married Susan moved west with me and we started to settle into married life.  Susan was back to her high sex drive.   Being just married, and now in our own place, it was great and we shagged morning noon and night, whenever we could. Dick and several mates came to visit several times in the first year or so.  By the end of the first year, I was beginning to flag sex wise.  Susan on the other hand was even more demanding.  The solution was an easy one.  We went into wife swapping and Susan took her sex drive out on several other men.


Then Dick had arranged to come down with a friend but ended up on his own.  I suggested to Susan that we try to fix him up with one of the women I had slept with.  We went out as a foursome, but it became quite clear that the woman wasn’t interested in Dick.  Both he and I drank a lot that night and Susan had to drive us back to our house.  I felt sorry for Dick.  He was a nice man yet he never seemed to hang onto a girlfriend for long. 


In my inebriated state I started to fool around with Susan.  At first she was embarrassed in front of Dick, but in fooling around I soon had her turned on.   At that point I pulled away and Susan was climbing the walls.  It was obvious what would happen and I enjoyed watching my mate fuck the hell out of my wife as I held her and kissed her.  The next day Dick was due to go home, and I had an early start.   I didn’t see Dick before I left for work and Susan was still in bed when I left.


It was several months later when I had to visit my parents when I caught up with Dick again.  It was another boozy session and as we returned to his place for the night he let slip that after I had gone to work Susan joined him in bed and they fucked twice more without me being there.  I had a few bottles more drink in my car and went and fetched them and the drinking resumed.  It wasn’t long before further confessions started to slip.  Dick had fucked my girlfriend in the time between when I left for the west country and when she became my wife.  Dick was so drunk by this time he would answer almost anything I asked.


I plied Dick with lots of questions.  It turned out that he had fucked Susan just two weeks after I had left and continued to fuck her right up to the night before we got married.  When I was safely tucked up in bed he sneaked out and went and fucked my wife to be, just hours before the wedding service.  I was annoyed but also excited.  Annoyed that my wife and my best friend had cheated on me.  Then Dick in his drunken state reminded me that I had asked him to look after Susan in my absence and he laughed that he had certainly done that.


On returning home I challenged Susan about it and she cried as she confessed.  I told Susan that I was disappointed with her.  It was one thing to go swinging, which was a shared joint thing, and even when I allowed Dick to fuck Susan when he stayed.  But the other times were all cheating on me.  I cut off all contact with Dick.


I thought that was the end of all contact with dick and their cheating on me.  In due course we had two wonderful children and Susan seemed to settle into a lower sexual drive and motherhood.  It seemed to suit her.  I was surprised just how quickly time flew past and the children grew.  I was soon at one of our children’s wedding and the other had moved in with his partner.  Susan wanted to return to work and soon found herself a part time job that suited her.


Then one morning, it seemed a normal day when I went off to work.  Little did I know I was in for yet another shock and further revelations.  On returning home there was a car on my drive.  I didn’t recognise the car.  On getting indoor there he sat.  He was nearly thirty years older, as were we, but there was no chance of not recognising Dick.  He had got just a little thicker set and a little less hair but it was definitely Dick.  I wondered how he had managed to find us as we had move twice since we had last seen him.


Susan had a big smile on her face as she said, “Look who’s here.”  I wasn’t sure that I wanted to smile but did as it was the polite thing to do.  Susan again piped up telling me that she had booked us a restaurant for that evening.  Susan had clearly already showered and changed, so I went to get ready.  On my return to the lounge, Susan and Dick were sat talking like old friend/lovers.  Then Susan tells me as I drive us to the restaurant that Dick would be staying for a few night.  He was going to get a hotel but Susan told him not to be so silly as with the kids gone we now had three spare rooms and he had to stay with us.


I must admit that once we were in the restaurant and chatting it was just like old times and I felt like we had never been apart.  I hadn’t noticed but during the meal we had consumed two bottled of wine and Dick and I had brandies afterwards.  What I didn’t realise was that Susan had been filling my glass every time I took a sip.  I had consumed nearly a bottle and a half as well as the brandy.  As I was clearly drunk Susan took my car keys off me and drove the three of us back to our house.


In doors I flopped into my favourite chair as Susan and Dick sat on the sofa.   Then talk of the night where I had let Dick, or in fact encouraged Dick, to fuck Susan was raised.  The conversation had my cock trying to rise.  Susan was soon on her knees between my legs and taking my cock out and sucking it into her mouth.  It was all the encouragement Dick needed and in my drunken state I wanted him to touch Susan.  He did far more than that as he got on the floor behind her.  On lifting her dress and taking his cock out he ploughed straight into Susan’s pussy.  He gave Susan a damn good fucking as she sucked the cum from my cock.


Afterwards Susan helped me up the stairs.  Even being pretty wasted I noticed that when Susan undressed she hadn’t been wearing any panties.  I asked where her panties were.  Susan laughed and told me they were in Dick’s pocket.  That sobered me up just a little.  Dick hadn’t removed them before he fucked her, which meant that he must have taken them off her before I got home!   They had cheated on me again.


When I got up next morning, Susan was already up and in a good mood.  I had to go off to work supporting a hangover.  When I returned home Susan was wearing different clothes to what she had on when I went to work.  She told me that she had taken Dick out and about sightseeing.  It wasn’t that hard to imagine some of the sights he had been seeing.  I couldn’t believe that when we went to bed that night Susan refused sex saying she was tired. 


The next morning as Susan showered I looked at her soiled panties.  They had a good amount of sticky gunk in them.  Far more than Susan would normally have made in a day.  I had no option but to go to work again leaving the two of them together.  That night was Dick’s last night with us and he took us out for a slap up meal.  I made sure that I avoided any alcohol.  When we got back it still didn’t stop Dick moving in on Susan and I was left watching them fuck on my sofa.  It seemed less exciting watching when your sober.


Later in bed I challenged Susan about events and she told me that the first afternoon when Dick arrived they had fucked in our bed.  Hence no panties.  I knew they had fucked while Susan gave me a blow job, but after I went to sleep Susan was back in bed with Dick again.  No wonder she was so happy when I got up that morning.  They fucked several more times that day and the again that night in front of me.   Like before I was angry yet excited.


Like before I had to go to work, so did Susan but not before ten o’clock.  You’re right, they cheated yet again before Dick left and Susan went off to work.  I thought that things would at least return to what we called normal.  Far from it Susan was back to her high sex drive demanding sex at almost every opportunity.  I was struggling keeping up with her and was considering starting swinging again.


During one of our quiet times Susan suddenly confessed that she had cheated again before Dick left to go home. I had guessed as much.   Then she also confessed that during our thirty four year marriage she had seen Dick quite a number of times when she went home to see her parents.  I asked just how many was a number of times bearing in mind that Susan visited them twice sometimes three times a year at their house.  Susan made a guess at sixty to sixty five times.  I was stunned.


I asked had they had sex every time and Susan said sometimes twice.  By this time my cock was raging and our quiet time was soon another love making time.  The following day I was sat thinking about everything at work.  Then it came to me.  If I couldn’t keep up with Susan in bed, instead of letting just any man have his way with her I needed to let her see Dick more often.  At least I knew who was fucking my wife.


For the last six years Susan has visited her parents, and Dick, three times a year.   Dick also comes to us three sometimes four times a year.  There is no pretence and certainly no need to get me drunk.  Dick makes love to Susan as many times as he can whilst he is with us.  Sometimes Susan spends the complete night with him.  Other times I watch as my best mate fucks Susan in front of me and I sometimes join in and fuck her before or after Dick has.


It has stopped Susan from straying elsewhere, as she probably would have, had she not had Dick to lighten the load for me.  I have long since stopped being angry.  Instead, I get excited to see Susan enjoying herself and enjoying Dick and myself.  Looking back, I’m pretty sure that had Dick not been there our marriage may never have lasted.

Written by Chas

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