The warmth of the room continued to add to the relaxed atmosphere, and allowed further admissions that what they'd arrived at, really was very different. Humping and sucking in a car, on previously organised meets, with Rob waiting nearby had seemed ok, at the time, but going further down the rabbit hole with their fantasies was forever beckoning. To be indoors, with the potential for Laura to be able to explore and be explored, knowing that Rob might be watching, when he couldn't see when they were in cars, was very exciting for them both. Then Laura explained that they both watched porn together, and both liked the visually restrained images of a female held in different positions, dressed extremely erotically, paraded sometimes and then admired, given attention, been placed on a pedestal for her "bravery". Laura freely admitted that what she'd read from my profile, and what we'd discussed in the emails, had all pushed her to want to know more, and to be, what she called, educated.
Rob said that he'd only allow this new exploration to happen, if he was really nearby, to help if Laura was confronted by situations that were way off beam from those that she wanted. No-one would be a match for a guy with such strength. Here, in the comfort of the lounge, you wouldn't have thought that the three of us were talking in such detail about sexually exploring. To have clapped my hands and saying, "Right, what are we waiting for then?" Or, " Let's get on with it! " wouldn't have been appropriate, but I sensed that this chat was getting close to tempting them to want to take the giant leap, with little steps.
Rob wanted to know how the tv worked and if he was ok to make another drink. He told Laura to enjoy herself. If that wasn't a blessing of his consent, then I don't know what was. I explained we'd be in the library and the bedroom, after using the loo.
As I led Laura down the corridor, I could hear Rob busy in the kitchen and remarked to her how accepting he seemed. She giggled that he was really a soft kitten and that he'd accepted me from the start. The relief of knowing that, gave a chance to slightly relax, and not be quite as worried of him.
I needed to know what Laura accepted next; what thoughts and fantasies really had been tumbling through her head over the last few days, once the "meet" was agreed. She was wide open in her reply, by saying that she really did want educating and wanted to feel like the females they'd seen in the porn videos. She knew that they were only actors, but that they still would have feelings...and the excitement and thrills of such experiences. The agreement was that she would consent to anything happening, but that she wanted to feel confident and comfortable inside her head.
I knew that she needed treating with respect. She wasn't a toy, nor a human doll. She faced me, with a willing smile creeping across her young face. "
"Then Laura, if you want to begin to feel like the girls you watch, how do you feel about completely removing all your outerwear, and then kneel for me, in your underwear?"
" I've been waiting for you to ask since we arrived. " The smile spread wider across her face, as I watched. Her eyes went up to the ceiling and returned. Her cheeks flushed with slight embarrassment, and she stared me, straight in the eyes. Her small breasts were beautifully formed. Maybe a "c" size, which showed clearly from the deep cleavage vivid coloured bra she wore. Her pants matched, as stepped out of the skirt. Carefully folded on a nearby chair, they waited for later. I asked how she felt.
"Brave...and excited. It's really happening, like I wanted it to."
" So, there's a cushion here for you to kneel on, and I want your knees to touch each side of it, so that they're spread. I want your hands to be placed in the small of your back, and to look at me, when you're ready. " I purposely stood really close to the cushion, so that when she did look at me, she'd have to look right up the front on my leather clad body, before I sat down in front of her.
She posed well. "How do you feel, Laura?"
" Little. "
"You like being, 'little', Laura?"
" It's very different. You seem overpowering, towering above me like this. "
"Is it what you want?"
" Most definitely. Please carry on. "
I sat down in front of her, still above her, so that she felt below me.
"Did the females in the videos wear a collar, Laura? A bit like this, Laura?" I held a collar in front of her face.
" Omg!!!Yes, always. "
"Touch it, Laura. Feel the different parts of it. Notice it's, metal "D" loops and the buckle with a hole to allow it to be locked at the back, when its fastened on to a neck. "
Her hands visibly trembled, as her hands came out from behind her back and she held the collar. Its metallic parts jangled as she moved it, and the loops flopped onto the leather.
"What do you think of it ?"
" it's heavy, solid, erotic, hard. I...actually, it...err...turns me on. "