Twelve years ago I was working away from home. I would be on the road almost half the year. This day I was in Cardiff. The days work completed, I had found a restaurant and had just sat and was looking at the menu. The couple at the table next to me were arguing. He was calling her some pretty nasty names. Slut and whore was the least of them. Then he got up and stormed off. I could see a waiter hovering nearby, probably making sure that she didn't get hurt or more likely that she didn't run off without paying the bill.
Even seated I could see that she was a good looking and well formed woman. She was of similar age to myself at thirty five. She was in tears from the argument. I offered her the napkins off my table. Then she blurted out that he had run off without paying the bill and she only had some loose change on her and not even enough for a taxi to get home. My initial reaction was that this was scam. Get the Mark to pay for an expensive meal and hand over money for a taxi. Then meet up again a few blocks away with the accomplish. The waiter brought her bill. It only had wine on it and was just over eleven pounds. Not what I expected.
Shavon told me that she had money back home and asked could I help. I invited her to join me and we shared a nice meal and a few drinks. During the meal she told me that her boyfriend was obsessively jealous and without reason. One of her work colleagues had dropped her off home as she lived on his way to his home. She want on to say that there was absolutely nothing between them and it was just a friendly act, besides he was married and she wasn't into married men. After I settled both bills I told Shavon that I would drop her home.
When I stopped outside her house she lent over and kissed me. I was still wary that this could still be a scam and I might be heading into getting mugged. She did seem to be too nice for that, and she offered that if I came in for a coffee she would refund me for her bill. I told her that it wasn't necessary as I had enjoyed her company. She insisted and I found myself following her into her house. Just in case I had pushed my wallet under the drivers seat. Not that it was needed.
Indoors the house was very nicely decorated and she produced money and tried to thrust it on me. I insisted that I didn't want or need it. Shavon stepped into me and kissed me again. I took her into my arms and returned the kiss. When she broke the kiss she told me to wait and went to the front door and set the catch so it couldn't be opened from outside. Then she led me to her bedroom.
As she undressed she told me that I was her first since meeting her looser boyfriend of four years. She was even lovelier in pants and bra as she was fully dressed. I couldn't get out of my clothes quick enough. I was on my hands and knees easing her panties down. She had a neat little bush just above her tight looking pussy. I licked and kissed it to tease it open and then I was dipping my tongue as deep in her pussy as I could get it. Shavon was moaning and groaning loudly as I licked her out.
Then we were on the bed and I was getting between her legs. She groaned loudly as my cock penetrated her pussy. It was one hell of a romp and after coming in her pussy we lay cuddling up under the duvet. Then there was knocking on the door and the bell was ringing. Shavon looked out the window to see that her ex-boyfriend was stood there causing all the noise. She opened the window and told him to go away and not to bother ever coming back. He was pleading with her saying how sorry he was. Shavon told him that if he didn't go away she would call the police and shut the window on him and climbed back in bed. He rang and bashed a few more times and then left.
A while later we made love again and then slept. Next morning we fucked for a third time. She asked me if we could see each other again. I told her I would like that. I had already told her that I was in Cardiff on business and had a hotel room just out of town. Shavon said that I should leave the hotel and stay with her. That's what I did and for the remaining three nights of my stay we fucked our nights away.
Before I left on the last morning she asked if I would be back. I told her probably in four or five months time and she told me to ring her when returning to Cardiff. Four months later I called her. She seemed very pleased to hear from me and insisted that I stay with her and not in a hotel. On getting to her house, it was less than ten minutes before we were in bed fucking. Afterwards we went out for a meal.
Over the meal I asked about her previous boyfriend and she told me he was long gone. Then to my surprise she told me that her new boyfriend lived the other side of Cardiff out towards Ogmore by Sea and she only saw him once or twice a week. She was seeing him the following evening. After the meal we went back to her house and fucked several more times before sleeping.
The next evening Shavon gave me a key and changed and went off out with her boyfriend. I went out for food and returned and sat watching TV. Much later she returned and came in alone. She grabbed the remote and turned the TV off and dragged me to her bed. I became apparent as I stuck my cock into Shavon's pussy that I wasn't the first there that night. It was wet and sloppy. It wasn't my first time for sloppy seconds, but the most unexpected time. I pounded her long and hard knowing what she had been up to. The next two nights were more of me fucking her in her bed before we slept.
Before I left, again she wanted to know if I would be back, and I told her I would. Then she asked me about other women. I told her I had another woman that I saw in Leeds when I was there. She laughed and joked about a girl in every port. Well Shavon became my girl in the port of Cardiff, and over that next six years I would stay with her every time I had work there. She still had boyfriends and would see them while I was with her and I had a lot more sloppy seconds over that time.
Then due to health problems and scare, I had to get off the road and settle into a desk job. When I felt a lot better I rang Shavon and arranged for a long weekend with her. I arrived early on Friday afternoon. I still had a key and let myself in. It wasn't long before Shavon came in from work. We were in bed in minutes. It was my first fuck in nearly six months and even that had been with Shavon. Then we went out for a meal.
Over the meal I told Shavon that I had changed jobs and wouldn't have the same time with her as I was now a desk jockey. I could see her disappointment. Later we were in bed fucking again. Afterwards I asked her about boyfriends and she said she had one but nothing serious. In fact the following night she went out with him and I got sloppy seconds again on her return. On Sunday afternoon, after we had fucked yet again. I asked her to come and live with me.
It took a little persuading as she found various reasons that would make such a move hard. I gave her solutions to each and everyone. By the time I left she had come around and said yes. It was six long weeks before I saw her again. This time she was in a large removals lorry. The removal men dropped Shavon's stuff off and we spent the rest of the day fitting her stuff into my house. It was a tight fit, as was Shavon's pussy that night. It was the longest slowest sexiest fuck I could remember. Afterwards I told her I had two job interviews set up for her. She got the second job. She rented out her house in Cardiff. I think she kept it as a safety net in case we didn't work out.
She was soon making friends and it was just two months later when she came home and I was treated to sloppy seconds again. Since then and right up to the start of the virus it was between once a month and once in two months that I would get to enjoy sloppy seconds. I love Shavon and she knows that I would never try to tell her what to do, or who to see. She doesn't rub my nose in it or flaunt it in front of me. She also knows that it excites me when she has been naughty with other men.