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Suzie's 3rd Cuckold Experience - Amazing!

"Following a poor first attempt, and a great second one, we experience a stunning third fun time."

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Author's Notes

"A completely true account of a middle-aged professional couple who are only just finding their cuckolding feet!"

Well, it happened again! As we step into our 50s Suzie is becoming much more relaxed with the whole topic of cuckolding, -naughty fun stuff as she calls it! This latest epic episode started in August 2023, as we were discussing that we were both tired from working long hours; we reflected on how to give ourselves a little boost of energy and excitement, and Suzie for the first time suggested another cuckold event. It took place a few weeks later in early October.

Suzie has always had a lot of guys, -including my friends, flirting with her, but it’s always been too close to home to let anything happen. As we spent a few evenings thinking of someone to have fun with over a glass of wine we threw different names into the pot, but we struggled to get someone jointly agreeable and safe in terms of her reputation, -given her executive role in a large company. It looked like we would need to put effort into finding a stranger again, however Suzie (and I) gets a kick out of planning the event and knowing that the guy has no idea what’s going to happen. There must be a name for such a behaviour! For her it’s like giving a guy the reality of a dream that’s usually inspired by a porn mag or film.

We spoke about the proposed event over a few weekends, the usual chat over a drink, which always ends up with my fingers around her clit and inside her wet pussy before fucking her. I can’t hide the fact that when we’re discussing such things neither one of us lasts long before climaxing in a wet and sticky mess. Even the early phase of the journey was giving us a nice thrill away from the constant of work.

It was probably the 3rd or 4th Friday evening on our journey, when the weather was pretty wet and windy, when we’d started chatting in front of a big log fire, that Suzie mentioned that she was back in Scotland on business for about 10 days very soon. She then said that we could plan something in a Scottish hotel if I was willing to travel the 8 hours to see her. Damn stupid question I said, of course I’d travel to see a night of fun! Suzie started talking about contacting an old acquaintance from her past (Ian); he was a pillar of the community now (a councillor or community business owner, so would be very discreet), maybe 3 or 4 years older than her, but had always been quite playful and flirty around her each time they’d met up over the past 30 years. She’d seen him for a few quick words about 5 years ago, but since then he’d got divorced and was potentially seeing someone else long term. Suzie had his mobile number and thought that she’d message him in the morning just to see if there was any possibility of getting something rolling…

I later asked about him a bit more; ‘he’s a safe option when it comes to being clean, courteous, and of course discreet’, said Suzie a couple of hours later after sharing a bottle of wine with me, and finally snuggling into bed. I played it calm, just enjoying how she was taking the lead on this little escapade. I didn’t say much, just slowly rubbing her forehead with my left hand as she lay on her back on my left hand side. As she lay next to me enjoying her face being massaged, I felt her sigh and move her right hand down between us, seeking out my cock which had begun working overtime since she’d mentioned the whole idea. I pushed my right hand across to find her groin, firmly caressing her inner thigh and mound. She wriggled to make herself more comfy, and opened her knees a bit to let me push down to her pussy, my fingers reaching down to her already wet hole, whilst my thumb knuckle pressed firmly down on the hood of her clit, which caused her to raise her hips against it.

As we started to get further relaxed, knowing that we would both be enjoying a relaxed session of playing and ultimately fucking, Suzie started talking in a low voice, -which is not what she usually does, being happier lost in her own thoughts of whoever may be doing what to her! ‘If this is going to happen then I need to start planning to do stuff’, said Suzie. Playing things down I replied with a low sigh, ‘-a simple meal and a few drinks is all that’s needed, and I’d love to watch you if we’re in a large suite’. ‘I didn’t mean that’, she exclaimed, ‘-if we’re serious about having some fun then I need to plan my wardrobe, do things like look-out my new underwear, and make sure that I have a plan on how to make things work’, -with that she giggled, wiggled my cock playfully, and asked me if I was sure about it, before turning her head and let a kiss linger on my lips.

Again I tried to keep calm, but the speed at which my cock was rising gave the game away, which got Suzie to talk about what she was planning to do, -and how, in detail. We settled on two or three country hotels in southern Scotland where we’d stayed before, and Suzie would confirm a suite with one of them once she’d managed to make contact with Ian, and see if he fancied meeting with her as she was in the area and looking for an innocent catch-up.

Her plan was to shave her pussy the night before, after a long bath, and then to do her toenails and fingernails afresh; she said she fancied giving Ian a nude surprise, -meaning any colour nail varnish, but a chance to wear her new nude (flesh) coloured lacey underwear that she’d bought for our holiday; it looks really sexy and classy on her given her milky white skin tone. She also said that she’d buy a new nude deep suspender belt with 10 or 12 belts, which she already had in black and looked great. This was absolutely stunning, and I couldn’t believe that she was pushing it so much! I also thought that there was a hint of scratching an itch that had been there for a few years, -nothing serious, just an opportunity to see what Ian was really like given his flirty demeanour and to see if he was all mouth, -or not! It gave my already leaky cock another boost, causing me to edge two fingers between her pussy lips, which had already split, allowing me to smear her silky juice up towards her clit, and to feel what had already become a firm button. Her legs opened further, whilst she drew her right knee up to rest against my right leg as I lay on my side alongside her. She started to groan lightly as I smeared, rubbed, poked and rubbed her clit, pussy lips, and her hole she quietly murmured that she would keep her outer dress conservative and business like, keeping the surprise under wraps in case she changed her mind when it came to the naughty deed.

I engaged in a few light comments, just slowly egging her on and adding a few questions to help bring her off; it didn’t need much, just a few minutes later and she bucked violently alongside me, clamping her knees and thighs tightly as she rode the wave. She bit my left hand, which was on her face, then letting it go as she screamed quite loudly.

Needless to say, once recovered, she quickly edged down the bed whilst giggling, and then popped my cock in her mouth for a few minutes before asking me to take her missionary style as she stuffed a pillow under her bum. As I climbed off her creamed pussy, I reflected on how lucky I was, how easy this was, and how much we both enjoyed playing and fucking! Ian, if he plays along, shouldn’t be disappointed…

The following morning Suzie sent a short, yet friendly and innocuous, SMS message to Ian, unsure of what relationship he was in or even if his partner could pick up his messages. He replied within the hour, -pleased to hear from her and generally enquiring about her life. Her response remained innocent, though introducing that she was in Scotland on business in a week or two, and wondered if he fancied meeting for afternoon tea in her hotel, -just for a catch-up. About two hours went by before he replied with a ‘yes, that would be lovely, I very much look forward to seeing you after so many years’. Game on I thought!

Suzie, with her organisational and planning mind in overtime spent the next few days finalising little details including the hotel. She’d picked a small 16 bedroom luxury country house hotel on the coast, making sure that we had the largest suite available, -which we’d stayed at the previous year. The bed was a huge four poster, with a separate bathroom, ante-room, and large furniture and sofas; it was a spacious top floor suite with plenty of room, multiple windows, and furnished as a classical country manor. I asked her if she was happy for me to put a camera in the room to record our little adventure, to which she said that it would be fine but only for our viewing. To which I completely agreed to.

I travelled up on the Friday to meet Suzie at the hotel for lunch; with an 8 hour journey ahead of me I set off at 3am, making sure that I would get there in plenty of time and chopping over an hour off the trip by travelling so early. At about 10am I was 3 miles from the hotel and stopped for a power nap and a bite to eat, making sure that I was refreshed for whatever happened this afternoon. My cock was dripping from both the telephone calls I received from Suzie on the journey up, and my mind racing ahead, trying to picture the different options that could play out, -including the fact that Ian refused to come upstairs with her…

I met Suzie in the hotel car park at 11:30am, and we walked in as husband and wife; as we signed in Suzie mentioned to reception that she’d booked afternoon tea for two in our suite, and was expecting an old friend to join us in the room, though I was popping out on business. ‘You little devil’ I thought, she’d already thought of how to entice Ian upstairs and maintain a professional and innocent persona by doing it with me present! That was genius. Our bags were taken to our room whilst we enjoyed a light sandwich and a glass of wine in the drawing room, laughing lightly to each other as another 3 or 4 couples in their 50s and 60s enjoyed a similar lunch, with no idea what was being planned to happen in our room in a few hours. That was so funny!

At about 12:45pm we went up to our room, with Suzie instantly turning to me as soon as the bedroom door shut and kissing me slowly. ‘Are you happy to go ahead with this afternoon?’ she asked, to which I replied that I was happy with anything at all, as long as she felt that she could pull out at any time. I added that she could bring him up for tea and just leave it as a discussion and nothing else, -just play it cool with no pressure on you at all. She kissed me again, turned, and whispered ‘let’s get ready’.

Ian was scheduled to arrive at 3pm, with tea being brought up once he had arrived. Suzie immediately completely undressed, allowing time for any clothing derived marks on her body to dissipate, and giving her an opportunity to calm herself down. Her nails were a dark chocolate, -both fingers and toes, which complemented her underwear, whilst her pussy was completely shaved and her dark pink nipples were fully erect, -she was horny and looked damn hot to me!

Suzie unpacked quickly, carefully placing her underwear and dress on the bed, before stepping into a cool shower where she covered herself with a luxury shower cream so that every bit of her smelled gorgeous. The bathroom door was open, and I sat quietly on the chair, admiring her energy, excitement and focus; I’ve never stopped enjoying the sight of her voluptuous body, -her round arse, curvy thighs and size 12/18 figure topped out with 38GG/HH milky white breasts (see previous posts). She emerged wrapped in a bath robe, drying her hair with a towel, before sitting down at the dressing table to dry her hair with a dryer; within a couple of minutes she was putting in her earrings and brushing her short bob of deep purple and brown hair. As we chatted, she put on her other jewellery and slipped out of her robe to begin getting dressed. Her stockings were ivory silk, with wide lace tops, clipped to the new deep-lace nude suspender belt that she’d just bought. Without being asked, I leant forward onto my knees to help attach all 10 metal clips, catching a close look at her shaven pussy whose outer lips were quickly peeling back as she got more and more horny with every step of the journey. She lightly patted my hand away as I touched her smooth mound, saying that I could only look and not touch, her pussy was now getting ready for someone else; my heart jumped and then raced as she was slowly getting into character and enjoying taking the lead.

Next was her knickers, a lovey matching nude high sided lace pair, not tight but a comfortable size to pull on over her suspender belt. Before reaching for her matching lace bra Suzie squirted a little deodorant under her arms and reached for another luxury body spray which was basically applied everywhere on her body. Finally, she donned her gorgeous bra, asking me to help her set the shoulder straps so that they supported comfortably and accentuated her huge breasts even more. Her nipples, still erect, were straining at the nude coloured lace, each one carefully positioned by her in front of the room’s full-length mirror to show through the lace pattern. Now she stepped into her heels, a dark brown court shoe with open toes to match her nails. Wow, she looked stunning, everything was perfect.

With another hour to go Suzie held off putting her dress on, preferring to walk around and put away her clothes and tidying up in her underwear, keeping me simmering with a sticky cock. About quarter of an hour before Ian was to arrive, she pulled herself into a soft cotton dress which came down to her knees, and was fixed with tiny buttons all down the front. The small soft belt allowed her to show off her voluptuous curves, whilst the buttons allowed her to vary what she wanted to show at any time. The ultimate step was to put on her chocolate coloured lipstick and to spray on her favourite Channel perfume, -neck and chest, with a gentle rub of it across her mound, inner thighs, and down to where her breasts disappeared under the lace. I could hardly control myself!

I had already checked the very large wardrobe which sat about 6 feet away from the bed, which held a few spare pillows and a spare duvet; I would be happy sat in there for a couple of hours, especially as its door opened towards the bed and the small sofa at its foot. I’d arranged a small GoPro camera to sit on top of the wardrobe, amongst some display hat boxes, and a hidden webcam connected to a small tablet on top of another tall cupboard; all had large memory cards and full batteries to give us over 4 hours of memories.

Within 5 minutes of Suzie finishing dressing, her phone rang; it was Ian saying that he was a mile or so away and would be there in a minute or two. My heart pounded, whilst Suzie said, ‘I love you’ and ‘are you still sure about this?’; I answered as before, ‘just enjoy yourself and do what you want to do, I love you too’. With that she checked herself again in the mirror, smiled, touched up her perfume and lipstick, and left the room!

I then systematically checked everything in the room, even putting our large luggage bag in front of the wardrobe to deter any interest if Ian indeed came into the room. I went to the window which overlooked part of the car park, and heard the gravel crunch as a car approached, parked, and Suzie appeared in my view. I couldn’t hear what was said but there were pleasantries, followed by a Suzie initiated kiss on the cheek. All was good so far.

Given the lovely grounds that the hotel had, Suzie decided to take Ian down a short path towards the sea, -just 40 or 50 yards, but enough to settle nerves, establish some rapport, and to make it look like a business type meeting. She kept a respectable distance from him, keeping the pretence alive as she turned and headed towards the hotel. (She later told me that Ian was very playful and that she simply wanted to get him past reception without giving the game away to staff!).

About 5 minutes after losing sight of them I heard voices outside the door; I was already in the wardrobe and had already started the cameras when she’d left, put my telephone on silent, switched on the bedside lamps, and pulled the wardrobe door shut on myself. I could hear Suzie’s voice laughing lightly as she opened the door to the room. From where I sat, I could see them both through the crack of the door; after he made some comments about the hotel and the room, Suzie removed some magazines from the low table in readiness for the afternoon tea, and continued discussing life with Ian; the conversation started flowing (helped with a little white wine) and a nice rapport was developing. It appeared that he was in a part-time relationship with another woman, after divorcing his wife of 22 years about 3 years previously.

Within a few minutes the tea arrived, allowing them both to further relax and enjoy. Suzie finished first and got up to go and wash her hands in the bathroom, taking the opportunity to undo 3 or 4 bottom buttons and 2 top buttons on her dress (which she explained to me later); when she came back, she poured herself another half glass of wine, topping Ian’s glass up though he was driving and waved her to stop. As she sat down and crossed legs her dress (accidently!) opened, showing her thigh and a partial stocking top and suspender, to which he made a nice comment. She told me later that she was slyly watching him from the corner of her eye just to make sure that he saw the bait. Suzie ‘apologised’, suggesting that the buttons often had a mind of their own, often unpicking themselves almost completely, to which Ian said that he would have paid to see that sight. It sounded that he was certainly playful, and all that remained now was for Suzie to play her part. Within a few seconds she responded with a ‘I’m probably too heavy or curvy for you’, which is her sign that she is looking for positive reinforcement before taking the next step. Ian replied, ‘I don’t see any issues, you’re very nice; they say that you must be built for comfort rather than for speed!’ He went bright bed and looked really uneasy, apologising for his choice of words. Suzie, smiled, and thanked him for his comment whilst tidying up the crockery, before walking past him towards my side of the room. As she did so I could see her flushed yet smiling face looking at me; she was busy undoing all of her buttons as she walked directly at me, allowing me to see her in all her glorious underwear. Simply stunningly sexy.

She walked past the bed to stand at one of the windows, -using her crossed arms to hold her dress shut, and after a short pause beckoned Ian to come over to look at the view; as Ian stood beside her and looked out at the sea, she turned to him and suggested that he may enjoy a different view, as she held her dress slightly apart. He turned and was physically stunned; in front of him was a sexy, curvy mature lady, offering him whatever he fancied. Suzie leant forward and kissed him, to which he responded; she then quickly added ‘we can have an hour’s fun if you fancy? I’m feeling a bit tired with work and could do with a bit of relaxation, but only if it’s ok with you. You can walk away if you don’t fancy it, or of I’m too fat, or whatever.’ He said nothing, his hands reached forward and around her knicker clad bum, pulling her forward, letting her ample tits squash against his chest as she kissed him with a deep wet tongue. She was horny and was going for it!

Suzie broke away from him, asking him to get undressed, and walked over to the bed whilst dropping her dress on the sofa; Ian quickly pulled his shoes off, got undressed to his underpants, and walked over towards her as she sat at the foot of the bed, legs bent and heeled feet on the sofa. As he approached, she told him to get his underpants off as she’d seen plenty of ‘willies’ before, and his would be no different! I’d never seen her behave like this before, she was in full control and was clearly enjoying it. I was looking slightly sideways at them, with a great view, especially as Suzie tried to show me everything that was happening. Ian’s cock was clearly leaking, and semi erect, probably 5 or 6 inches long with a thick girth. He knelt in front of her on the sofa, and as she opened her legs to let him get closer, she leant forward to put her hands around his cock and balls, whilst his hands climbed on to stockinged knees, over her outer thighs, and chased a path over her suspender belt and up her sides to her bra. Suzie shivered and muttered something low and unintelligible, but clearly, she was enjoying it as they both leant forward to kiss with tongues.

Whilst Suzie continued to play with Ian’s cock and balls she broke from the kissing and raised her right hand to her mouth, carrying saliva down to his fully exposed helmet; as she stroked and rubbed him, he was getting firmer and thicker. As Suzie had drawn her head and shoulders back upright, -away from the kiss, Ian leant further forward on his knees and began nuzzling into her neck, beginning to kiss and lick her chest, edging down to the lace edge of her bra. She extended her head backwards, allowing him to gently kiss her throat (which she adores!) before moving back down her breasts towards the lace. He broke the electrified silence by asking her, in a trembling low voice, if he could see them, to which she replied with a giggle, ‘certainly, but they wobble a lot!’. Suzie withdrew her hands from his cock, reached around her back and quickly undid the large clips holding her huge breasts in place; they dropped slightly given their size, easing themselves out of their lacey confinement and allowing her to quickly withdraw her arms from the straps. Ian was immediately complementing her on their warmth and size, quickly raising them to his face and massaging them with his hands. Suzie moaned, leant forward for another provocative wet kiss and placed her hands back around his cock and balls as he went back to toy with her ample tits.

This continued for another minute or two, until I noticed that Ian’s right hand had slipped away from her breasts, and was stroking her mummy tummy and edging down past her suspender belt towards her mound. She was clearly getting turned on, -leaning back slightly onto the bed with her left arm, as her right hand cupped and scratched Ian’s balls, allowing his precum to dribble onto her wrist and forearm. She opened her knees a bit more, inviting him to keep travelling down past her mound towards her lacey pussy. He got there, -and I could now see what he was doing; he’d hooked his forefinger into her knicker gusset, and was now slowly and provocatively rubbing a knuckle up and down against her very wet lips. Suzie told me later that he didn’t need to do much at the time as she was getting so horny and wet, and that her lips were fully parted under the lace; in no time at all Ian had slowly eased her knickers to the side and was sliding the back of his finger knuckle the whole 5 inch length of her slit, until finally slowing down to edge the end of his finger into her hole. It was at this point Suzie stopped playing with his cock and leant back onto both arms, muttering something about putting it in a bit deeper. Ian responded by pushing gently, watching his fore finger disappearing, -‘go deeper, feel how wet and deep my pussy is’ whispered Suzie, egging him to go further; she does this with me on occasions when she’s very horny. This must have been fuel to Ian’s mind as I noticed his cock twitch and stand further erect without any of Suzie’s caressing. Suzie gasped, ‘Ooh, jeez that’s nice, why don’t you try two fingers, I’m sure she can take it’, as she wiggled and edged her bum forward a little to let him get easier access to her hole which was now over the edge of the bed and sat a few inches above the sofa’s backrest. This slightly reclined sitting position was perfect for her, Ian gently pushed again, guiding both his middle and fore fingers into her very turned on wet and willing vagina. Whilst he held both fingers inside her he started exposing and rubbing her clit with his thumb, -lifting her hood and firmly rubbing her button, before dipping it into the edge of her hole to keep it wet and silky. Suzie started getting flushed in the face again, occasionally blowing wisps of hair out of her face, her cheeks getting redder as she rolled her eyes and winced as she was building up for a clitoral orgasm. She opened her legs completely, and panted to say, ‘maybe you can try a third, I’m sure she’s wet and wide enough for it!’ to which Ian looked lost, -this was certainly new territory for him. He said nothing, just withdrawing his fingers slowly and adding a third. Before entering her again he carefully licked his fingers, making sure that it would remain enjoyable for her; the three digits edged in slowly, prompted by Suzie asking him twice to push a bit more. Finally, with three fingers fully inside her, he began again rubbing her exposed clit with his thumb. As Suzie gently squirmed, rocked and squealed it was a sight that I found absolutely amazing; there was my wife in all her sexiest underwear showing off to me that she could take control and really take the experience to another level. Ian looked out of his depth, -this was not a quick shag after a few pints but a mature woman who wanted it all. After a minute or two she began panting and saying that she was going to come, and for Ian not to stop. With both legs wide apart, Ian’s fingers in her pussy, and her massive tits swaying as she convulsed, she lifted one of her feet off the sofa seat and placed her stockinged calf on Ian’s shoulder; ‘don’t stop, fucking hell don’t stop’ she hissed as she tried to grind her mound and pussy harder into his hand, using her leg positioning to open herself even wider. She finally came with a long shudder, lasting 5 or 7 seconds, first quietly open mouthed then with muffled shrieks, as she tried not to make too much noise; what a turn on for me (and Ian) as she really has some great orgasms. As she came off her high, she pushed Ian’s hand away, -her clit too sensitive for any touch, and fell back on to the bed with legs shut and hands on her face, gasping with her huge white breasts, -topped with hard nipples, wobbling and falling to her sides!

About a minute went past as Suzie gathered herself together, lying on her back on the bed, whilst Ian slowly stepped off the sofa and came round to the side of the massive bed. As they started talking again Suzie rolled on to all fours, her huge tits dangling beneath her as she crawled towards Ian who was standing at the side of the bed. She still had her knickers on, though they were very wet and pushed to one side of her pussy, and her shoes, stockings and suspender belt just made her look so sexy, keeping my cock leaking!

When she got to Ian, she said nothing, just pulling him towards her, immediately taking his partially erect and oozing cock in her mouth; he seemed the same length as me, but he was slightly thicker, -so she was in for some fun. She was supporting herself on her elbows and forearms, gently scratching and cupping his balls and lower shaft as she sucked and rubbed her lips firmly over his exposed head. Clearly Ian was in heaven, even asking her to slow down once or he’d throw his load too early; at this point Suzie asked him if he preferred to spunk in her mouth, over her tits or arse, or would he rather fuck her? He replied that he'd like to fuck her, glancing across to the bedside table that had a condom on it. ‘Well, if you want to fuck me then you need to show me what your technique is like, why don’t you gently fuck my mouth to show me’ she said with a naughty teasing smile on her face. I thought Ian was going to come immediately at the comment, but he quickly regathered himself, starting to rock himself to and fro as Suzie took his sticky cock back in her mouth. Suzie moved her hands away from his cock, placed them on the bed for stability, and moaned and groaned quite loudly for effect as he gently fucked her mouth for a few seconds; she eventually pulled away from him and sat up on her knees showing off her breasts in all their glory again. ‘Time for you to fuck me’ she giggled, moving off the bed and standing next to him, before rolling her knickers down and kicking them towards my direction. Ian leant over towards the condom and began opening it, to which Suzie said, ‘you don’t have to use it, I wasn’t sure what your thoughts were on it!’. I was surprised, but not shocked, but my heart started pounding so loudly I thought that they could hear me; she loves cock, and I also knew that she wanted to give me the best show given that we had taken so long to get the event to take place.

She put her hands in his hair, gave him a lingering wet tongues kiss and rubbed her ample body against his; this really surprised me, as she has often been self-conscious of her curvy body, but it looked like any inhibition was overtaken by her sexual appetite. She stepped away from him, sat on the bed in front of him and reached for his cock again, pulling him towards her. As Ian’s thighs touched her knees, she fell back on the bed, drew her knees up and opened them, exposing and offering her very wide, wet and shaven pussy to him. As he leant forward and started pushing into her very wet hole she stopped him with a wry smile, ‘what’s the rush? I dare you to wipe it up and down my slit, its wet enough from my arse to my clit’. I was stunned! This was not my wife! Whilst we’d played like this ourselves, I was just gobsmacked with how she was behaving, causing my heart to pound again and to lose my breath. He started to move his helmet up, down and even in circular motions over her slit, moving more of her juices from her wet hole and smearing it over her clit, lips and down as far as her arsehole. After a minute or so of teasing he loitered at her arsehole and offered his thick cock into it, which brought an immediate 'No!', I don't like it there!'; she wriggled for a better angle, raised her knees, and widened her legs while he leant forward and saw her massive tits wobbling directly in front of his face. Her bum cheeks were now overhanging the edge of the bed, giving him maximum opportunity to give her his full length. She started to moan and gasp immediately upon entering her pussy, enjoying the fullness as he started to fuck her with a rhythm; within 20 seconds she hissed as she came for the first time, with her stockinged legs now bent slightly and angled back over her tits. As he paused to get better purchase for his next fucking bout she asked him to take her shoes off, before placing her feet on his shoulders and chest; he leaned forward a bit more, driving deeper into her and causing her to squeal and begin a good full minute of multiple orgasms as he hammered her firmly. The noises were just incredible; between the grunting, squealing and swearing I heard the slapping of his thigh on her arse and the slurping of a pussy which was extremely wet and wide. As it ended Ian’s arse cheeks clenched as he bucked and emptied his load into her, leaving his cock inside her for ages, and gripping her calves whilst he recovered.

This was my cue now to send Suzie an SMS which would sound my ‘return from work’, allowing her to get Ian out of the room pretty sharpish! She told him that I was away on business and had planned to surprise her, and that I was only 15 mins away. It was funny seeing him rush about, getting dressed, and washing his cock in cold water and using a hand towel so hurriedly, whilst Suzie lay on the bed, in a bit of a daze, but quite chilled. Ian asked her what she was going to do, to which she said that she would tidy up the underwear and step into the shower as I arrived, washing away his spunk before I gave her a new load! He quickly departed, looking relaxed yet confused; it was not the kind of ending that he wanted…

As soon as he left the room Suzie whispered to me, stay there for a few more minutes whilst I peer out of the window at the car park; finally, within a minute, she gave me the signal to come out of the wardrobe. She had not moved from her position, but had simply eased up slightly to peer through the window.

‘I’ve kept it all in for you’ she whispered with a wicked look on her face, ‘Come and take me with sloppy seconds, I know we’ve spoken about this before. You’d better not be too long as I can feel it running out of my pussy.’ To which I said that I wouldn’t need long after what I’ve seen…

I lay beside Suzie, kissing her and caressing her breasts, -telling her how much I loved her, before moving my hand down to her belly and mound to feel the goo. Her mummy tummy, mound and inner thighs were slippery and wet with pussy juice and spunk, not to mention her pussy hole which felt fully turned on and so wet. I gently rubbed her thigh, moved up to her mound, before gently touching her outer lips; she sensed that I was nervous, and not wanting to touch her in a sensitive area, but she quietly said that it was ok, and I could do most of what I wanted to do. With that I smeared the juices all over her clit and mound, making a deliberate mess on her suspender lace and white flesh, which made us both laugh; she had started to play with my wet cock, exposing the helmet and even reaching down to bring her combined goo across from her hole.

As I grew harder after so many leaky ups and downs over the previous hour and a half Suzie started to open her legs a bit wider and began French kissing me; my god, we were both so horny, her clit got very hard again very quickly, and within a minute she bucked into another clitoral orgasm, hissing, groaning and panting beside me. She knew that I wouldn’t last long so there was no need for her to use her mouth on me, she simply rolled onto me, leant forward and opened her legs to sit astride on my erect cock, -which very easily slid into her. Drips of Ian’s spunk combined with Suzie’s juices fell on my thighs as she got on top, with by balls quickly becoming wet from the combined fluids. We were both so horny and Suzie started to fuck me immediately, her tits in my face, nipples rock hard, and her hands on my chest, getting into rhythm as her lower back and groin vibrated to and fro. She came immediately, apologising to me through a screwed up face for coming early, I simply laughed, said it was a massive turn-on and told her to go again. We started fucking again in a much slower manner, though I could feel her pussy was different, -so wet, wide and oozing so much wetness and warmth, -what a turn on. I truly believed that Suzie had entered another level of sexuality, shown through the fact that her nipples remained consistently very hard and pink, her breathing quick and shallow, her pussy lips very thick and soft, making her feel to me as if they were hotter and spread wider across my cock base and balls, -and continuously oozing juices! She kept orgasming with little or minimal fucking!

Within another 30 seconds of starting to fuck me again Suzie started swearing, sat upright on my groin, grasped her massive tits, and ground her engorged pussy lips hard onto my groin. She came again strongly, clearly sliding my shaft back and forth inside herself, -as I felt more juices flow; I pushed up, extending my groin and hoping to get my rocks off only to have Suzie again start rocking herself on me to yet another orgasm. She was panting now, sweating a lot, and was shaking from the deep orgasms. She looked at me with a red sweaty face, smiled and said, ‘fucking hell, it’s never been like this before, shit I feel completely exhausted and horny at the same time’, and with that I could feel her pussy twitching around my cock. After a minute or two she climbed off me and rolled off the bed; she put her shoes back on, bent over the side of the bed and said, ‘you need to come now, -please, and look at my whore pussy!’. I rolled out of bed and immediately entered her from behind, with her legs slightly ajar; after simply 3 or 4 thrusts she exclaimed ‘shit, I’m coming again!’ which just made me want to hammer her arse hard and fast. Over the next minute she came half a dozen times, making incoherent noises and a few swear words whilst thumping the bed as I held her face down on the bed with one hand and rubbed and massaged her arse cheeks and arsehole with the other. I finally came, bucking into her really strongly, and then dropped to the floor, exhausted; she simply stayed bent over the bed with her heels firmly on the floor and legs ajar. From where I was sat, I could see her very wide large pussy lips, with spunk oozing out down as far as her stocking tops, and a thick white cream clinging to her complete slit; she didn’t even flinch when I eventually took a hand towel to wipe her down. What a couple of hours, and what an experience. This was the best sex that we have ever had, and it has shocked us both as to what levels can be achieved when the mind gets so excited and that we push through long established modes of doing things.

Needless to say, Suzie had a long soak in the bath before dinner, and we refrained from any sex for another 3 days due to exhaustion and some bruising! Ian sent Suzie a message that evening whilst we were at dinner in the hotel, sort of thanking her for the fun but also asking to meet up again in the week. The messaging continued for a few days, until she suggested to him that it was a one-off event, borne out of circumstance.

I have some pictures which I should load up x

Boy am I a lucky guy to have experienced this as my 3rd cuckold experience.

Written by Suzie72gg

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