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Whirlwind Rob (Part 2)

"The night moves on, new experiences, boundaries smashed."

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Author's Notes

"Second part of our holiday experience with Rob, a bit of an emotional rollercoaster (and that was when I was typing it!)."

“Time for bed, I think. That ok with you Tom?”  Rob was pushing my husband again.

“Want to make sure Louise is comfortable as it’s going be a long night. You’re welcome to stay if you want. Am sure I can find you something to do in between rounds.” Rob laughed.

He really was a bit of a bastard but guiltily it turned me on. Tom had staggered back to his seat after his loving kisses on my pussy. I watched as he wiped the drool from his face. He looked confused and unsure what to say and do, especially with an arrogant Rob grinning at him.

“You want to take her to your bed, is that what you mean? Tom almost whispered.

“That’s the plan Tom unless you want me to carry her to your bed and leave the wet patch there. Maybe we save that for another night. Happy for you to watch me take your wife to places she’s never been before. You got the stomach for that? “  Rob seemed in his element, controlling events, he had us behaving like a couple of naïve teenagers.

He took my hand, I grabbed my glass of wine before being whisked through a door into a large, mirrored bedroom. I had to smile; this guy really did fancy himself. Tom was following but stopped at the doorway.

We sat on the bed, and I leaned over and began to rub the front of Rob’s trousers whilst looking over at Tom. He glanced up occasionally, but the rest of the time was looking at the floor. I could see his cock was hard like the one I was now rubbing. I wanted a closer look so slowly slid the zip down and slipped my hand inside.

No underwear to halt my progress so my fingers were straight onto a hot swollen cock. I wrapped my fingers around the shaft and eased it out into the evening air. I moved my gaze to Rob’s cock. I’m not an expert on male appendages but it looked a decent specimen. About 6 inches long (I would guess), not a hair in sight. It seemed quite fat, but I could still get my fingers around the girth as I gently stroked my new friend. I wanted to see more so unclipped his trousers and he obligingly lifted and dropped them down his legs before kicking them off. Now I had full access and a full view.

I slipped off the bed onto the floor, pushing his legs apart, running my fingers along his quads squeezing the muscles as I went. I leaned forward and gently kissed his inner thighs inhaling his manly aroma. My fingers were now at the top of his thighs pushing his legs even wider apart. I looked up as I let my tongue catch up to my fingers. His cock was twitching, and I could see pre-cum sliding down the shaft.

This was the quietest Rob had been since we’d met. He still had a broad grin as he waited for my next move. I peered over my shoulder to see how my husband was doing.

I smiled but he seemed to be staring into space. I moved slightly, wanting to get his full attention as I went back to my new friend. My tongue went back to work leaving a wet trail as I moved back up his thigh. My fingers ran around his balls, and I felt Rob jump a little as my long-painted nails gave a gentle squeeze.

 My mouth moved to his ball sac, kissing and sucking the skin gently as I continued my exploration. The pre-cum was flowing down the shaft by now and I wanted my first real taste, so I pushed out my tongue at the base of his cock waiting for the juice to reach me. It was fun watching it make its slow descent. Part of me wanted to move to meet it on the journey but I resisted, and enjoyed the exciting anticipation.

When it arrived, it tasted like the nectar from an exotic fruit. Stop talking nonsense Louise, of course it didn’t. The taste was like other pre-cum I’d sampled over the years, but that didn’t mean I was averse to a further sample, so I chased the flow up to its source and gave the head a loud suck and then showed Rob and Tom my creamy tongue. Rob’s cock was fatter than I was used too so it took a bit of work getting more into my mouth. Rob then decided to help by thrusting up into my mouth making me gag. I was spluttering and coughing and about to swear at him when he sat up and pulled me in for a passionate kiss.

“Sorry about that, you were doing too well there. I needed to take the edge off. I didn’t want to come just yet.” He explained when our kiss finished.

I was trying to get my breath but still annoyed. “Normally I would expect you to pull it out of my mouth if you’re worried about cumming. Not ram it in harder you fucking bastard.”

“Always works for me.” He said, grinning at me.

I was about to give him another verbal volley, but he put his hand firmly behind my head and guided me back to his waiting cock. He kept the pressure on as I slowly descended, breathing through my nose I tried to keep calm. I was still upset but also really turned on at the way he was treating me.

I heard Tom pipe up. “Hey, that’s enough, let her up. I think we need to go now.”

“Oh, the mouse has spoken. What makes you think Louise wants to go. It’s exciting her, she’s out of her comfort zone. I’m only helping her to get to where she wants. If I take my hand off her head, she’ll keep searching for my root. She wants to please me. Isn’t that right Louise?

What is it with men. Why do they always ask you questions when you have your mouth full? My dentist does the same. Not that I let my dentist put his cock in my mouth, I would hasten to add. Oh god, no – where is my mind going. Concentrate Louise you’ve nearly got the whole thing in. Another small push and I’d be there.

Patience was clearly not one of Rob’s virtues because as I was building myself up for a final push, he put his hand in my hair and pulled me right in. I spluttered and gagged but this time there was no relief he held me there listening to me gag and choke. It seemed like ages but was probably only seconds before he pushed me off.

This time it was me that attacked him I pushed him back on the bed and thrust my tongue in his mouth. Spitting my drool into his mouth, looking for revenge, but the kinky bastard bloody loved it and wanted more.  I tried to oblige. My mind was in a complete whirl, it goes off at all weird and wonderful tangents when I’m on a high like this. In my head I started singing “Lover’s Spit’ by Broken Social Scene (oh I love that song) as I tried to deliver what Rob wanted. My throat was dry, so I leaned over for my wine glass and took a big gulp and then another. The second one I kept in my mouth so when I launched myself back at Rob a volley of red Merlot spewed into his mouth. Now it was his turn to choke and splutter. He leapt up trying to get his breath as red wine shot everywhere.

I looked away and smiled thinking the fun he would have in trying to get those red wine stains out.

To his credit, breath restored, he started laughing and complimenting me on my feistiness.

He removed his shirt and looked over to the doorway. Tom was slumped down on the floor. Not sure why, as it wasn’t him who’d had a cock rammed down his throat, but there he was anyway.

“Time for the main event I think, Tom. You ready for this mate? Louise is. I like a woman who’s prepared to fight her corner, makes it more exciting. Makes me more excited. How about you Tom. You excited?”

Rob got back on the bed and started stroking my body. He sucked on my tits and started fingering me again. God, I was embarrassed at how squelchy I sounded.

“Still waiting Tom, do I need to cover up? “

“Cover up what?” was my husband’s embarrassing reply. I cringed as I waited for Rob to deliver some barbed response. To his credit Rob explained about condoms and bareback as if delivering a sex lesson in school.  

Tom looked beat, the combination of alcohol and scenes he’d witnessed were clearly overwhelming him and he didn’t know how to react. If we had spoken at some time during the evening maybe things would have been different. We would have understood how each other felt but Rob kept pushing and we kept responding. Well, I did, Tom was seemingly zoned out.

I felt Rob shift, and he moved over on top of me. My god he felt heavy, he pushed my legs apart with his knees and began kissing my neck and ears before our mouths hungrily collided again. I could feel his hard wet cock rubbing over my stomach, slowly going lower as it searched for my dripping gash.

“Tom, I’m still waiting,” Rob shouted as he broke from our kiss. No answer.

I heard the front door to the apartment slam and looking over at the doorway it was clear Tom had reached his limit and left me at the mercy of Rob. Well, that was how I wanted to reconcile it.

I knew I should push this big man off me and chase after my husband but the strength of his body, the feel of his erect cock and his eyes piercing my soul left me motionless.

“Does he normally clear off at this stage, or is it just me intimidating him? “

“Normally? What the fuck do you mean normally. We don’t do this sort of thing, we’ve never done this sort of thing, so there is not a normally. We have never been unfaithful or well, anything really “ I ranted.

“Wow, I have read you wrong. I assumed from your behaviour you had at least, dabbled before. I could tell you weren’t experienced but didn’t have you down as virgins. Well, even I can be wrong sometimes. Tom did well then, to be honest. You should praise him for getting as far as he did, before running to the hills. He’ll do better next time. He wants to watch you so badly. I could see it his eyes. From the moment I moved in on you at the bar I could tell he wanted me to take you. Men like him know and it excites them like you cannot believe. We can have great fun for the rest of your holiday, and beyond if you want. He’s not going to stop anything, I promise. Ready?”

I laid there listening to all this trying to get some coherent understanding about what the hell was going on, but it was just a lot of jumbled words going through my muddled brain. The only word that came to mind and out of my aching mouth was “Yes.” Not sure yes to what but I would leave that to my new lover. For some ludicrous reason I felt safe and then I felt full as he slid that lovely cock right up inside me.

I would say I’m quite reserved in bed (you might not think that from my behaviour earlier, but I am). I am not vocal, I puff and pant a bit, might get to the odd groan at orgasm time, but that’s about it.

Here, I let out some banshee like scream followed by a series of incoherent wails and moans. I was trying to speak but even simple words like ‘yes’ and ‘more’ didn’t seem to make it into coherent form.

Rob was driving in and out of me, varying the pace, the angle, the intensity in a way I’d never experienced before. He was so strong and commanding, clearly knowing what he was doing but more importantly for selfish me, he knew how to push my buttons. He was squeezing my shoulders, then my arse, my hips. Well everywhere really. Moulding me to where he wanted me for his and my complete satisfaction. It was sex on another scale, well another scale to anything I’d ever had before. I came, and then I came again and then again, or was it one long cum, I didn’t know and to be honest I didn’t care. It was bloody amazing, and I didn’t want it to end.

I was trying get my legs round the back of his thighs to bring him even closer to me, but he was too strong. He was pumping that cock into me now with real venom. Every slam took my breath away, but I wanted it. I wanted it so badly and Rob delivered. Not sure how long we were at it, it felt like hours but was probably only a few minutes. The intensity was so great it made time meaningless. I felt him swell inside me and then he shouted. “Where do you want it?”

I didn’t have the breath to answer but my hands reached for his firm arse pulling him deeper. Hopefully that gave him the answer he needed. He smiled, kissed me, “Good girl” he said giving me several more violent thrusts before an explosion of some kind went off inside me. I came, he came, he roared, I screamed. He pulled back a fraction but then went back to work fucking me. Jeez I thought, is he never going to stop.

Stop he did a few minutes later when even he seemed to run out of energy, well his cock did because I felt it slip out of my well fucked hole, followed by what seemed like a copious amount of fluid.

He rolled off me but continued to touch and stimulate my exhausted body. Even the slightest touch seemed to send electric current to all extremities. I was shattered. I thought I had been exhausted with what he had done to me on the sofa, but I now was exhausted beyond exhausted, if that’s possible.

Even Rob was still (and quiet). It was just our breathing as we tried to regain some control. A few minutes passed before I had the energy to roll over and grab my wine glass. I downed the remains and flopped back down on the bed.

“Not bad for starters,” said Rob. “You really are a great fuck but there’s a lot more in there that we haven’t got to yet. I’m looking forward to releasing all that potential you have.”

Starters? What was this guy on. I didn’t think I’d be able to move for a week, maybe have sex again around Christmas when my body had recovered, and he was talking about starters. I think my look amused him.

“I know you feel tired now but trust me, give it ten minutes and a little bit of the old Rob magic and you’ll be ready for round two. You’re made for sex, and you loved it. Admit it. Not normally as good as this is it? Am sure Tom does his best, but this was the best wasn’t it?’

Tom, oh god, Tom. Not sure how a man I’d been married to for so many years could go out of my mind, but he had. I hadn’t thought about him for a second during that frenzy of sex. My mind was only on me and the man on top of me. Now, as I slowly calmed down, the guilt hit me. What had I done. Well obviously, I know what I’d done but it was more that I had let Tom go off without a word said that made me feel bad, even more than the actual sex. Was that weird? Who knows, but that was my first thought when my husband came back into my mind. I was a selfish bitch. I was callous bitch just thinking of my own gratification.

Where was he? Had he gone to our apartment, was he sitting outside Rob’s apartment door wishing he hadn’t left. Had he done something stupid. Don’t think about it Louise, get yourself together.

Rob, ever the mind reader, it seems, said “Think we should give old Tom a call, give him an update, tell him what he’s missed. Yes?”

I nodded. “Where’s your phone, he asked. “In my bag”. He got off the bed, went back into the living room and returned with my handbag. I took my phone and called Tom.

Rob said: “If he answers give me the phone and I’ll handle it.”

“Hang on he’s my husband, I need to know that he’s alright and not done anything stupid” I shouted, annoyed at his arrogance.

The phone rang but no answer. I was panicking.

Rob took the phone and texted Tom. Within a minute the phone rang, Rob looked at me and he answered.

“Hi Tom, everything ok? You did well, didn’t realise it was your first time. You gave the impression of being accustomed to seeing Louise seduced. I’m impressed you stuck it out so long. You missed round one though. You’d have loved it. She went off like a rocket. Still, more than enough time for you to watch me fuck her again. Want to come back to the apartment for round two?

I couldn’t hear Tom’s response, but it seemed to amuse Rob (everything seemed to amuse Rob). “No need to be like that Tom. It’s what we all wanted, just that you didn’t get to witness your lovely wife cumming all over my cock, more than once, I might add.”

I did hear Tom’s reply this time; “Bastard”

Again, it only amused Rob. “You had plenty of opportunity to call time, Tom. I kept asking you and you never said no or stop. You wanted it as much as we did. Admit it. There’s no point fighting it when it’s written all over your face. Oh, and the wet patch on the front of your trousers was a bit of a giveaway. “ Rob winked at me as he waited for a response from the other end of the phone.

This time it sounded like Tom was giving more than one-word answers and to his credit Rob listened. Once Tom paused, Rob said ‘ok’ and ended the call.

‘Well, is he ok, he didn’t sound it. What did he say?” I asked.

“He’s fine, feeling a little but sorry for himself, feeling guilty, obviously, for leaving you to fend for yourself. He’ll be a little tender for a day or so, but he’ll want more. I promise you he wants to watch. It pains me to say this, but it may be better if you go back to him now. You two need to talk and get on the same page. It may be a bit painful, plenty of tears, but it will all be for the best. A piece of advice though. Don’t let him blame you. It was his decision. I was checking with him throughout, remind him of that. He needs to own his actions, once he comes to terms with that he will relax and enjoy it more. He just needs to get over the guilt, as will you. Guilt is just an inhibitor to enjoyment. You did what you did because you wanted to, feeling bad about it afterwards is pointless.”

There was a lot to take in and I sensed now was not the time for conversation with Rob, so I nodded and began to search out my clothes and began dressing. I tried to clean myself up in the bathroom, so I didn’t look too much like the slut I felt and some re-applied make up made me feel presentable.

 Rob had put on a silk dressing gown when I emerged from the bathroom and I was tempted to slip my hand back inside to feel his muscular body, especially my favourite of his muscles, but I resisted, at first, but the temptation was too great. My fingers curled around his hardening length as we had a relatively chaste kiss, if duelling tongues can be chaste.

So that was it, my night of passion was over, I ached, my head was still spinning, and I knew I wasn’t going to be getting the sleep I desperately desired anytime soon. Tom and I needed to talk things through, and I sensed the sun would be coming up before that concluded. My only hope was that we could work things through for our mutual benefit and that we were honest about our feelings and desires. Whatever, we couldn’t go back to how we were. This had happened, I had been well fucked, no, really well fucked to be honest. Tom would have to come to terms with it, as would I.

A deep breath as I reached our apartment door. Wish me luck!













Written by Anonymous

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