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Yorkshire Encounter - Rose Cottage

"This is the follow on to 'Yorkshire Encounter - The Pub Garden.'"

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Trev’s friend Denis kindly took us back to our car. He was a chatty chap, probably in his 50’s, quite chubby but seemed friendly. He had worked with Trevor, and they had remained friends. “Lives life to the full and on the edge does our Trev,” was his description. “Likes the ladies, old, young, single, married, blond, brunette. Basically, if they’ve got a pulse Trev is interested but he’s a much pickier about who he beds.” I saw him look in the rear-view mirror and wink at me as he said that. David was up front with him, and I wasn’t sure if he noticed.

“You should pop round to Trev’s later, it will be fun, he knows how to entertain, we’ve had some great nights at his over the years,” our driver added.

I could imagine, and sensed I was lined up as the entertainment if we did go. The thought was certainly making me tingle but I knew I would really be throwing myself into the lion’s den and should probably pass.

David and I were quiet our drive back to the holiday cottage I sensed neither of us wanted to start a discussion about the afternoon events.

I had a hot shower that seemed to cleanse my body (if not my mind) and whilst David got ready, I prepared a meal as I needed some food to soak up the alcohol consumed earlier. As we sat eating, I knew I needed to broach the subject of the afternoon to see where we stood. “Why didn’t you stop it or come and look for me?  We could have done a runner.”

There was silence before David responded, “I wasn’t sure what to do, Trev kept saying you would be back as you wanted to suck Bob’s cock. He told me to be patient and you would deliver. He thought I wanted to watch you.”

“Did you?” I almost spat my dinner out I responded so quickly.

“Course not babe but I didn’t want to disappoint you,” was his limp reply.

“More like didn’t want to disappoint yourself the way you were rubbing your cock the whole way through. What kind of guy stands there wanking while his girlfriend sucks off some fucking strange bloke? At least have the balls to admit that you got off on it. You did get off on it didn’t you? Be honest.”

You could have heard a pin drop, but I was happy to wait for the answer.  I heard him take a deep breath and then “Yes” followed by a quieter “sorry”.

I reached over and squeezed his hand thanking him for being honest. He tried to smile thinking he was out of the woods. Well, he was in some ways, any respect I had for him had disappeared and I knew that as soon as we returned home, he was going to be my ex-boyfriend. We still had a couple of days holiday left so somehow, I wanted to make the most of it. I was sure I didn’t want to spend a quiet night in with him, it would have been a bit weird in the circumstances. So, did we go to the local pub, or take up Trev’s offer of a few drinks at his?

Decision time again. I knew the answer but wanted David to suggest it. We talked through the options; I watched David squirm around not wanting to say the wrong thing. Finally, I lost it and screamed at him to decide. “Go to Trevor’s, I think,” was his (in)decisive answer. It wouldn’t have mattered what he’d said that was what I was doing anyway. Him agreeing meant I could save on a taxi fare. He could drive and not drink. He still had his uses. I was being too harsh, and I was probably more annoyed at myself for still being with him rather than dumping him weeks ago.

Now we had a decision I needed to get dressed. I went to the bedroom and picked out a flowery short summer dress, some high heels. What else? A sexy half cup bra and matching knickers. I spotted the silk stockings and suspender belt I had brought for some evening fun with David (but hadn’t been in the mood, until now). So, they went on and with perfume and make up I was ready in less than an hour. A record for me.

“Wow, you look amazing ……are you wearing stockings?” David spluttered.

I lifted my dress to show him. “You know what’s going to happen if we go to Trev’s? He hasn’t invited us round for a game of Scrabble. He’s going to want more than his cock sucking. I know you know that, but I just wanted to make you aware that I do to so don’t be surprised at whatever happens. OK?”

He nodded.

We travelled mostly in silence back to the village we had drank at earlier. Trevor had given us directions to his cottage, and it wasn’t difficult to find. A quaint cottage outside the village and we found it easily. Deep breaths as we exited the car. I was buzzing and sensed David was too. This was going to be totally new territory for both of us and I wasn’t sure it was all going to be good but that seemed to add to the excitement.

“Let’s see who is here before we go in, Ok?” I said as we approached the front door. I didn’t plan to go in if the whole bloody cricket team were there. I didn’t think that was likely as I sensed Trev wanted me for himself but with show off’s like him you couldn’t be sure. We knocked, waited and then Trev opened the door welcoming us in. “Who else is here?” I asked before venturing inside. “Just Paul and Denis not much room in these old places for a full-on party, I’m afraid.”

I looked at David and he nodded. We went into the living room, it was cosy if I was being polite, poky if I was being honest. A settee where Paul and Denis were seated with a beer each, a separate armchair, small table and TV was about all the room could hold. We exchanged pleasantries as the three guys gave me the once over.

“You are a real looker, Claire; I’ll give you that. Even get a rise out of an old guy like me,” said Denis. Paul was quiet but managed a smile. Trev poured me a glass of wine and handed David a can of coke. We stood around before Trev suggested David take a seat.

“Fancy the grand tour? I would invite you Davey but it’s a bit on the cramped side. I’m sure Claire will give you the details later, if you ask nicely” smirked Trev.

“Suggest we start upstairs if that’s alright with you Claire?”. He pointed to the stairs and told me to take my time as the stairs were a bit rickety. I think everybody knew he just wanted more time looking up my short dress. I didn’t disappoint.

When we got to the landing he steered me into a bedroom. “I would say there’s a good view from the window, but it won’t beat the view I had coming up the stairs, that’s for sure”. I wandered over to the window and the view was beautiful, but I was soon joined by Trev, distracting me as he pressed in behind.

“Tight in here, isn’t it?’ I spoke.

 “Hopefully find somewhere else tight in a while”. He was so sharp I thought he might cut himself!

He ran his hands down my arms, I could feel the goosebumps rising, his arms moved together to join around my waist as he leant in to kiss my neck. “Lovely perfume, let’s hope you smell this good all over.”

“What makes you think you’re going to find out?” I needed to show I wasn’t a complete pushover.

“Well, firstly, you came here tonight, secondly, you’re dressed to be fucked, thirdly, stockings and suspenders, fourthly, you’re in my bedroom, fifthly, I’m kissing you, sixthly I’m about to put my hand up your dress and I’m not expecting much resistance to be honest. That argument convincing enough?”

I didn’t say anything. He had a point, well six points. It was futile to progress with a conversation I was clearly going to lose. Anyway, I had other things to concentrate on. A warm hand had travelled up the back of my dress, stroking my stockinged leg, caressing the welt at the top and then pinging the suspenders. His hand slid under my suspender and squeezed my right thigh.

“Stunning, dressed and made for sex,” he whispered. I was breathing quite quickly now, and I don’t think it was the stairs.

“Should we go down and join the others. They must be wondering where we’ve got to. I think I’ve had a good look round your bedroom.” I thought I ought to make some effort to extricate myself from my awkward predicament.

“They know why we’re up here, just as you do. You haven’t tried the out the bed yet, all my guests try out the bed, well the female ones anyway.”

“I’m sure it’s fine.” I mumbled.

“Do you want me to take control, is that it?” I didn’t get a chance to reply as he pushed me onto the bed. I went to protest but he was on me in a second. Hand back up my dress as he searched for my damp knickers. He moved in for a kiss, the smile in his eyes evident.

‘Don’t be easy, don’t be easy’ I was saying to myself as his hand slid inside my silk knickers. “Don’t’ be easy,” as his fingers ran through my pubes searching for an opening. My groan at this assault gave Trev the chance he was looking for and his tongue moved in and started fucking my mouth. My, my he was hungry.

My hands wanted to be in about four places at once, round his neck pulling him deeper into my mouth, running over his muscular chest, feeling his tight arse and obviously inside his jeans for the star prize.

I got none of those opportunities as his left hand pinned my wrists above my head as his fingers became intimately acquainted with the inner workings of my vagina. It seemed quite a deep exploratory examination as well. Fortunately, pussy provided enough natural lubrication for his fingers to glide into all the right spots.

His tongue finally left my mouth enabling me to take a few sharp breaths as his focus moved down to my neck and shoulder. My arms were released so he could reach the zip at the back of my dress.  Down came the zip, up went his hand to the clasp on my bra, deftly released (I’m impressed) and then before I knew it my dress was around my waist and my bra hurled into a corner.

My tits are treated to a succession of licks, sucks and gentle bites. I’m quite surprised by his technique, he’s quite gentle, subtle, understanding of what would add further stimulation. I was expecting a more selfish, ‘look at me, I’m doing you a favour’ type of approach. Well, I was wrong, and I think I’m pleased (and about to be more pleased as he strips off his t-shirt).

Oh yes, he has muscles, didn’t think I was a girl who was into gym bunnies, but reconsideration was already underway. Feeling his strong chest grinding into my tits was enjoyment personified.

His kissing was very passionate and sensual. He moved down my body and I felt him squeezing my knees as he spread my legs then caressed, stroked his way up my stockings (I love being caressed through silk stockings) pushing my legs wide as his exploring tongue joined his hands at the top of my thighs.

I felt a bite on my inner thigh above my stocking top and to make sure my other thigh didn’t feel left out he did the same to her. Lips, tongue and teeth combined to sweep me along as he got closer and closer to my knickers. I was glad I was prone on the bed because I wouldn’t have thought my knickers were a pretty sight. Maybe he agreed because he eased them aside as he exposed my wet opening. I couldn’t tell how wet, but I imagined ‘drenched’ to be honest and it became wetter as his mouth got very familiar with my pussy lips before going inside for a deeper exploration. I was a writhing wreck, but a random thought came to mind – I wondered if he did well in Biology at school because he certainly understood the workings of the female body – brought a whole new meaning to the biology practical exam (this was A* level cunnilingus).

Somewhere during this lesson I’m sure I came but random thoughts continued to invade my brain – someone needs to video this and share it with all my future boyfriends as a reference model because this is the level of attention my pussy will be expecting from now on.

“Lay there,” he said. Not sure I had the energy or will to do anything else. He got off the bed, removed his trousers and underwear, posing to show me his impressive erection. Hard and ready would be my first impression, he was lucky there was somewhere nearby ready to take it in full, no questions asked (though there might be a bit of moaning and squealing).

“Need a rubber? I’m clean, promise, I know I fuck a lot but am careful where I put it”. Tempting as it was, I wasn’t 100% convinced so suggested the Durex option. He looked disappointed (I think I looked disappointed) but he quickly rolled the cover on and got back on the bed. It had gone a bit flat; I will admit (you’re probably thinking the same) but we were soon warming each other up again. I was rubbing his lovely cock, chest, arse and back - he was doing likewise (obviously he wasn’t rubbing my cock!) – my clit and nipples were my prominent protrusions, and they got plenty of attention.

He pinned my arms back again over my head as he rubbed his cock along my slit and then started it’s upward journey, inside me, deep quite quick (embarrassingly so) – I was so wet for him – he had a good girth and I could feel him stretching me, oh yes, he was stretching me, but I was so wet I had little resistance. He got into a nice rhythm, I flicked my legs round his back, and then moved them down to capture his thighs wanting him to remain deep.

He had other ideas and began driving into me with slow, long strokes eliciting a squelch from my pussy, a satisfied groan from me and a loud knock as the bedhead hit the wall. This was the rhythm for 5 minutes or so (I’m guessing here as I wasn’t timing him to be fair) and it was heavenly. I hadn’t been fucked properly for quite a while and that became very apparent as he continued subtly changing the angle of attack, moving my body where he wanted it for maximum benefit. Gradually he released my arms as he slid me around, moving my legs out of the way as he turned me over but keeping me full.

 I pulled a pillow down under my tummy to get comfortable for what I hoped was to be the climax to our copulation. He didn’t disappoint. He fucked me for 21 minutes (accurate this time as I was focussing on the digital clock on the bedside table). Most of the time it was firm, solid pumping, he varied the angles, he groped my arse, my tits, pulled my hair back when he hammered me hard. He kissed me when he pulled me back into his body slightly slowing his stroke but for the whole 21 minutes he was on the move, and I was in nirvana.

What had I been doing these past few months pissing about with David when there was cock like this to be had. This was why I loved sex, the excitement, the adrenalin, the pumping and very soon I feared the soreness (well there must be some downsides) but it would be worth it.

He wasn’t a noisy lover, he was controlled, knowing what buttons to press bringing me close, oh so close then easing off just a tad. Finally, I think it got too much even for him and the pace increased, the intensity heightened, and I finally felt him pulse, pulse, pulse, pulse. I lost it at this stage so not sure how many more there were, but I came hard. I’d been waiting a long time for one like that (about nine months!)

 I was one very satisfied customer, I sensed there were many others before and likely to be many after me. Perhaps he had a visitors book downstairs where lovers could leave their feedback on the shafting they had received.

He pulled out and I rolled over onto my back to rest. He was still kneeling, his cock shrinking with it’s cover on but somehow, he still looked sexy. He rolled the condom off and held it up to show me the contents, then moved forward slowly. Looking into his eyes I knew what he wanted, I should have been appalled but I think I licked my lips.

“Thirsty?” he asked.

I just grinned, the audacity of the guy. He lifted the rubber and slowly tipped the contents onto my waiting tongue. How could I be doing this. I guess there had to be some benefit in making him wear a raincoat. He watched intently as the creamy liquid ran down my tongue, I swallowed quickly not wanting to make a mess (or choke). It kept coming and I kept savouring. I was obviously thirsty because when the drops had stopped, and he went to throw the condom aside I was tempted to ask if I could turn it inside out to lick up any residue. But even I wasn’t prepared to be that much of a slut.

We eventually got dressed and tidied up. I sheepishly made my way downstairs fearing the reception I would receive but surprisingly it was quite muted. Paul avoided eye contact, David was watching some porn movie on the TV and Denis gave me an approving smile.

Trev had followed me down and quickly said: “Not going to give your boyfriend a kiss?”

The bastard was back. I looked at him and shook my head, sorry to disappoint you and everything but fuck off – if that can be conveyed in a look.

“Move up Paul, let the lady have a seat,” said Denis. Not sure ‘lady’ fitted the bill after what I had been up to, but I appreciated the term rather than ‘cheap slut’. I sat on the end as Paul moved to the middle next to Denis.

Trev switched off the porn for which I was grateful, but it did mean the room went quiet. David didn’t want to make eye contact so picked up a newspaper to hide his face.

“Any chance of Paul getting a kiss then, that ok with you Davey?” Trev was scheming again. No noticeable response from my soon to be ex. I stared at Trev as he grinned at me, daring me.

“Sure, fine by me,” I said. I think even Trev was a bit shocked. I turned to Paul who was looking petrified, but I noticed the small bump in the trousers, so I went in. Lips first, then pushing my tongue out, he got the message and opened his mouth to take my searching tongue. The look on his face told me he knew what had been in my mouth, but he made no move to pull away. It would have been difficult by now as I had my arm locked around him and my left hand was rubbing his trousers.

“Oh yes, you dirty bitch,” I heard Trev say. I was getting into this big style now, exploring his mouth, spitting my saliva in to make sure he knew what he was receiving. The poor sod, he could be scarred for life. All the time I kissed him I was watching Denis watching me. He didn’t speak but his look said it all. He wanted me. He wanted me bad.

Paul’s excitement was about to go over the edge, I could sense it. He was becoming embarrassed and tried to pull away and get out of the chair, but Denis grabbed his shoulder and pushed him back down.

“Finish,” was the chubby man’s one word. I unzipped Paul quickly and pulled his hard dick out into the evening air. It hadn’t grown much since this afternoon’s outing and the term ‘I couldn’t get my hand round it suddenly took on a different meaning. I had a finger and thumb gripping fresh air as I pulled him off. He came and to be fair there were a couple of spurts. Denis released his shoulder grip, and the budding cricketer fled to the bathroom.

I was tempted to wipe my hand all over the sofa as payback to Trev for his goading but I’m not that gross so asked for a tissue. I got a tea cloth!

Paul came back into the room, made his excuses and left. I went to the bathroom to tidy up and then returned to the sofa. Denis was watching me intently I could feel his eyes penetrating me even when I was wasn’t looking.

“Ready for some more?” Denis asked. I wasn’t sure if he meant drink, but I was pretty sure he meant sex. I looked at Trev who I sensed was more than capable for a second round by now, but I knew he meant with him.

“Think I’m ok, thanks, need a rest,” I said.

“Is that right, well it maybe what you say you want but it’s not what you’re getting. He moved his hand and squeezed my knee, before sliding it up my leg right to the top in one sweeping movement. No wasting time here. He squeezed my mound, running his fingers along my slit before pushing his fingers inside me. No finesse, just in and up to the hilt. Thank God I’d been fucked earlier, or the pain would have been excruciating. It still hurt as it was. He started sawing his fingers in and out, all the time watching my face, watching my reaction, getting me to boiling point in quick time.

He pulled me round towards him and said “Unzip her’” I saw Trev come over and do just that, he dragged my dress up and I raised my arms to let him remove it. He unclipped my bra and Denis descended onto my left breast, sucking the nipple hard before moving to the right giving it the same treatment. He bit into my nipple, looking up at me checking my reaction. As I was about to scream in pain he eased off and repeated the exercise on the other tit.

I was gasping for breath as he pushed me off the sofa onto the floor dressed only in knickers, suspender belt and stockings. He stood and quickly undressed. He was certainly no Adonis; beer gut and his cock was very average looking, but I was still excited.

He got down on his knees and ran his hands up my legs before ripping off my knickers.

“Hey,” I yelled.

He just grinned and went down on me. He was lascivious (yes that’s the word). He feasted on me like someone who hadn’t eaten for a week. He was rough, firm, very rough, very firm. It was all top gears with this guy. No gently building, no it was 0-70 in under 3 seconds - made me wonder why he drove a Fiat Punto!

It was all action, different, I’d give him that, certainly different. I was amazed at where he got the energy from. He took me to cloud nine and beyond. I could feel my thighs trembling at the assault. I was still shaking as he finally relented on my battered pussy and made his way up my body, biting my tits as he moved up and over me.

I felt his cock nudge my slit, it seemed to send a signal to his brain that he was in the right vicinity, then wham bang he was in and in as deep as he could go. Before I could catch a breath, he must have pumped me three times. No questions about condoms this time, there wasn’t time to think coherently, it was in, and he was off. He was a big guy and with his weight on me it was difficult to breath, but he was in no mood to worry about me. I often shut my eyes when I’m fucking but with Denis it was full on locked eye contact. I sensed I could see his brain working, how hard could he bang me before I complained. Very hard was clearly the answer, I wasn’t complaining, I would in the morning when I saw the bruises on the inside of my thighs and my inflamed lips but for now it was – bring it on big man and bring it on he did. I was surprised again at his stamina. I expected it to be a short shag, but he kept up the assault. I didn’t have a clock to give precise timings, but I’d guess around 10 minutes. I was getting a proper seeing to and was totally focussed on making it as enjoyable as possible for both of us, but I felt I was a bit part player in this encounter.

“Want it inside?’ They were the first words he had uttered since getting inside me and they came out one word at a time to match his thrusts.

‘Ah, ha’ I think was my reply or it might have been mmm ahh or arrr ohh but whatever, he took it as affirmative and then came inside me. It felt good to feel the spunk jetting into me. I imagined it must be like a furnace in there now with the heat generated by his pistoning technique. I half expected steam to be rising from between my legs as he finally withdrew.

Wow, that was intense. We even received a round of applause from Trev who had written 9.5 on a piece of paper holding it up to give his approval. Very droll.

I finally got my focus and realised that David was no longer in the room. I think Trev read my mind and said he’d gone.

Oh no, how the hell was I going to get home tonight now. Don’t think that was supposed to be the first reaction but I prefer to be honest.

The next few minutes saw us getting ourselves together and Denis asked if he could keep my ripped knickers as a keepsake. I nodded – whatever floats your boat, mate. Good luck though explaining that if your wife finds them.

He was back to the jovial cheery chap I had encountered in our car ride earlier. Clearly sated he returned to ‘normal’. Perhaps his wife would get an easier time of it tonight. Having got his oats, he made his excuses and left.

So only me and Trev now. He was clearly buzzed from witnessing me getting a good shagging and came over to give me a meaningful kiss.

“Plans now? Do you want me to get you a taxi back or …..”

I think ‘or’ was the right answer. Not sure what or where David had gone but couldn’t face that tonight however it was going to turn out.

I grabbed the bottle of wine, and we went back up the rickety stairs. I won’t bore you with the details of my night of passionate sex with Trev as I appreciate that’s not why people are reading this story but suffice to say it was the best night of sex I’d had at that stage of my life. He certainly had plenty of stamina and I found out I did to. We fucked in numerous different positions, several which were new to me and a couple that were new to him. Up against the wall was the most uncomfortable due to the rough stone, me upside down was great but it made the drink go to my head, wheelbarrow across the landing was the most bizarre but my favourite was G-Whiz (I didn’t know what it was called at the time) as it sent me off on a seemingly never-ending orgasm.

We gave up on the condoms for the night as he’d have run out before midnight anyway and I wanted the full experience. I certainly got that but then again so did he.

After a couple more early morning shags and a fitful sleep I crawled (literally) to the bathroom for an essential shower. I made coffee while Trev got cleaned up. We had breakfast before he took me back to the holiday cottage. He did offer to bring Bob along in case there was any trouble, but I was pretty sure I could handle David on my own.

As it turned out I didn’t need to as the car had gone along with all his things. Phew.  I gave Trev one final kiss and made my way to bed for a proper sleep.

Well, all these years later Trev and I are married and now have 5 children.

Like fuck we do. Trev may have children but not with me. Never saw him again, it would have been impossible to beat that night as quite a few boyfriends proved in the following months. I saw David to collect a few things I had left at his and he suggested we try again. I didn’t know if to laugh or cry. I laughed so hard, I cried.

Written by eclair76

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