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Yorkshire Encounter - The Pub Garden

"Perhaps (un)surprisingly I have never been back to this pub since this encounter."

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This is a story from my younger days, before marriage and kids when life was all fun with little or no responsibilities.

I was on holiday in Yorkshire with my then boyfriend. We had been out walking on a lovely sunny day but needed some alcoholic sustenance. We stopped at a village pub and ordered drinks at the bar before venturing into the pub garden.

We found a free picnic bench and sat down to rest, enjoying warm sun. Surprisingly the garden wasn’t that busy but there was a group of guys at a nearby table who seemed to be enjoying themselves. I heard a few fruity comments as I straddled the bench seat to get myself settled. I was wearing a t-shirt with a short, pleated skirt (probably not standard hiking gear but I wanted to catch as much sun as I could) with socks and walking boots.

As we enjoyed our drinks several of the group near us started to depart and the noise levels noticeably dropped. Looking over there were now only three guys left. Catching my eye one of them started chatting to us asking us where we were from and what we were doing. He was a bit of a smooth talker and certainly not bad on the eye. I would guess around early 30’s, about 6ft tall, strong looking build with brown curly hair. He introduced himself as Trevor (Trev to his friends). The other two were sitting quietly while Trev held court. He explained they were due to be playing cricket, but the other team had called off, so they now had a free afternoon. The rest of the team had just left to get some practice, but he thought another drink sounded a better option.

He introduced the other two guys as Bob and Paul. Bob was a huge guy, well over 6ft and looking very heavy as well. He was standing, Trev explained he couldn’t get his big frame onto the bench seats. Paul was much younger, good looking but clearly rather shy. Trev explained Paul had just turned 18 and was still looking to lose his virginity. The poor lad didn’t know where to look at this remark but went a very bright red.

Trev asked if I had any friends who would be interested in a virgin or if not, would I be able to help him out. “No offence, mate” he said to my boyfriend, “but she is fit and a good-looking lad like Paul ought to have someone memorable for his first time, don’t you think?”

David, my boyfriend laughed and said I was already taken, and suggested Paul needed to find his own girl. Trev smiled and said, “I think any woman could be tempted in the right circumstances, what do you reckon love?” I think I probably blushed and mumbled some incoherent response before suggesting David should go and get some more drinks. Trev said they would get them and promptly wrote down what we all wanted and sent Bob off with the order.  He explained that Bob wasn’t the ‘brightest button’ but came in handy at times especially if ‘things kicked off.’ I imagined things would quite often be kicking off with Trev, who I could tell was a bit of a wind-up merchant.

“Why not join us over here? Be much cosier and Paul can get a better look at what’s under your top,” Trev said as he saw Bob returning with a tray of drinks. I ignored that comment and suggested they could join us.

Trev smiled and said: “Not happening, we want to see you get yourself off that bench and then watch as you sidle in next to me, don’t we Paul?” Poor Paul didn’t know where to look and I wasn’t sure how to respond myself. I should have told him to fuck off but there was something about him that I couldn’t help but like so I just looked at David and said, “Shall we join them?”

“Whatever you want,” he said. This was typical of David, he was nice but lacked a bit of oomph, always seeming to defer to me. Sometimes a girl wants a man who is more decisive, who knows what he wants. David was not that man; sadly, it was the same in the bedroom department!

I tried to be as ladylike as I could in getting out of the bench seat, but I knew at best I was showing a fair bit of thigh. I did the same as I manoeuvred myself in next to Trev as he told Paul the colour of my knickers. I was blushing again and quickly tried to hide my embarrassment by downing half of my glass of wine in one go. Trev continued with the sharp quips “Love a girl who likes a good mouthful” and then “do the white knickers mean you’re another virgin?” I couldn’t help but smirk at his barefaced comments and looked at David for a response. This was his chance to put the guy in his place, but he just sat there leaving the reply to me.

I looked at Trev and explained he was a bit late if he expected me to still be virginal (about 8 years to late!). His response “Oh good, can’t beat a bit of experience.” I sensed he always had an answer for everything. David went and got the next round of drinks and Trev took the opportunity to test out my resolve running his hand over my shoulder, then down my side, onto my backside before giving my knee a firm squeeze. I pushed him away telling him he was only trying to take advantage while David was away. “Definitely not as you will see in a bit” was his reply. I was getting warmer, and I feared it wasn’t because of the sun.

David’s return with the drinks prompted Trev to put his arm around me as he told my boyfriend what had happened whilst he was at the bar. I could see even David was getting a bit annoyed now and he asked Trev to cool it and show me some respect. Trev smiled and nodded but kept his arm around my waist and occasionally having a feel of my arse.

I was certainly feeling no pain and had no real inclination to continue with our walk, so I continued to enjoy the sun and the attentions of my new friend. Somehow the conversation got on to bawdy games played after cricket and rugby matches. Clearly this was another world, one I knew nothing of. Most of them seemed to involve lots of drinking and genitalia. Trev then suggested we could try something out but before he could explain further, we were interrupted by the barmaid collecting empty glasses. I sensed immediately she was unlikely to become a lifelong friend if her look at me meant anything.  She was a big girl in the chest department and was clearly not shy about showing off her assets to all and sundry. She spoke to Trev and asked if he was doing anything later. Trev replied to her heaving chest that he hoped so but if things didn’t work out, he would give her a call.

Wow, that was a bit harsh, and her response of ‘bastard’ seemed a bit tame to me. It was then though that it dawned on me that the thing he was hoping to do later was probably me! I must have drunk more than I realised as I was a bit slow on the uptake there.

Trev didn’t seem unduly concerned when I told him off for being horrible to her. “She’s ok, just needs putting in her place sometimes, gets a bit clingy. I can’t abide clingy women, well apart from when I’m giving them a proper shafting and then they’ve got a good reason to be hanging onto me”. He laughed out loud and his friends (who by now I had renamed) Tweedledee and Tweedledum joined in.

God, he didn’t need any encouragement. Yet still I sat there. What was wrong with me? What was wrong with David? We were only planning to stop for a quick drink, three drinks later we were still here and now apparently about to play one of these rude sports game.

Trev explained it wasn’t really a game as such more of a chance to push people’s boundaries. Yes, I thought that was what this guy was all about – challenging, pushing people as far as he could and then if the shit hit the fan, he calls in Tweedledum to sort out the mess.

I dreaded to think what this involved but I still sat there trying to hide some inner excitement. Trev explained that the idea was for each of the guys to get their cocks out and drop them over the edge of the pint glass to see who had the biggest. They had to be flaccid, and I was to decide the winner.

“Right, who wants to go first?” said Trev.

Nobody, if I could gauge the response from the faces of the other 3 guys. Trev was already revelling in their discomfort and told Paul he was first up. Paul quietly suggested we move towards the bottom of the garden out of the view of people coming from the pub. We were the only group in the garden by now, but I totally understood he wouldn’t want to be seen in a state of undress. We moved to a table behind a tree. Trev was getting impatient and told Paul to get on with it. The poor lad looked as if he was about to cry but started to pull down his zip. “Trousers down, lad,” said Trev. “Your balls need to be on the outside of the glass and then your cock can dangle inside. Any erection and you’ll be disqualified, though with Claire here judging we might all get disqualified.” This time he was the only one laughing the rest of the guys looked petrified.

Trev put an empty pint glass on the bench table as Paul dropped his trousers and shuffled forward. He laid his cock over the edge of the glass. I would say he let it drop but there wasn’t much to drop. The poor lad was so embarrassed I think what cock he did have had shrivelled up. There couldn’t have been much more than a couple of inches (that was being generous). Trev produced a marker pen and asked me to mark on the glass where his cock reached. Paul quickly backed away and pulled his trousers up apologising to me. I did feel sorry for him, but Trev patted him on the back and that seemed to cheer him up.

“Who is next then? David, I think. Yep, it’s your turn now,” said Trev as he orchestrated the whole performance. My boyfriend looked at me and clearly wanted a way out of doing this. I looked him straight in the eye and smiled “What are you waiting for then?” What a bitch, how could I have just said that. It amused Trev as he laughed and came over and gave my arse a firm squeeze. “I’m liking you, not just a pretty face and hot body but a bit wicked too.  You and I are going to be good friends,” and he kissed me on the cheek.

David looked like he wanted the earth to open and swallow him but unfortunately for him nothing moved as we all watched him slowly walk to the end of the table. He looked at me pleadingly, I blew him a kiss and he started to undo his shorts. I’d seen his cock numerous times, obviously, but never in circumstances like this, out in the open in front of other people. He dropped his cock into the glass, it was the new leader, but not by much. I think I was as embarrassed as he was on seeing it like that. It looked almost unworthy of me. Here I was mid 20’s, fit, great figure, attractive (even if I say so myself) and yet my boyfriends cock didn’t reach halfway down the glass, and I knew it wouldn’t reach the bottom of the glass even when it was hard. I tried to hide my disappointment and wasn’t helped by smart ass Trev’s comment about “not touching the sides, and I don’t mean the glass.” I tried to stifle a giggle at that remark but not sure I was very successful from the look David gave me.

I expected Bob to go next, but Trev said it was his turn and suggested we up the ante. He poured a drop of beer from Paul’s pint into the empty glass and suggested that should either of their cock’s reach the beer at the bottom of the glass I should suck the beer off the tip.

He looked me in the eye as he said it, daring me to say no. I was scared, but more excited by doing something I would never have dared do in normal circumstances. So, I stared back at him, nodded and smiled. With Trev we clearly had a bit of an exhibitionist, he paraded around before slowly unzipping his shorts and dropping them to the floor. His cock was still hidden inside his underwear, and he grinned at me as he slowly lowered his pants allowing his cock to come into view. As his pants dropped down to his knees, he lifted his cock, giving it a gentle tug before laying it over the edge of the glass. I moved forward to do my measuring duties. We had a new leader that was for sure. His cock was thick even in a flaccid state and almost reached the liquid that had been added to the glass but sadly, just shy of the target. Did I say sadly, I meant to say fortunately, obviously. The thought of having to suck on that thick piece of meat wouldn’t bear thinking about (well not if I wanted to stop myself from cumming in my knickers). Trev was in no hurry to re-dress and as I slowly marked the glass with my pen, I licked my lips as I watched the shaft thicken and lengthen. He was certainly not shy and to be fair why would he be – it wasn’t just the cock it was his balls they looked twice the size of the ones I was used to handling and I could only imagine how much cream they contained.  Stop Claire we are in a pub garden, and you are drooling over a guys cock. Get a grip (perhaps not the best of terms in the circumstances but ….).

“Just missed out there Trev, no prize suck for you then.” I grinned at him as David shouted at me to stop.

“Still one to go yet, though,” smirked Trev.

Bob, oh yes, I had almost forgotten about him, as I was consumed by what Trev had to offer. Bob, a man who had not spoken a single syllable let alone words since we had arrived (or if he had I hadn’t clocked them). He moved over to the edge of the table, undid his trousers, picked up the glass as he dropped his trousers and almost fed the glass onto his dick. I had heard the term big feet; big hands mean big dick but had not done any scientific work to discover if this was true. Well, starting my research today I can safely say on evidence collected so far, it is true (albeit a sample of one).

Bob’s cock was sloshing about in the bottom of the glass, I was mesmerised. It was long, it was thick, just like it’s owner (sorry that was a bit cruel) and I didn’t know where to put my pen marker!

I heard Trev laugh and realised I had been set up. “I think we have a winner, well maybe two winners actually! What do you reckon Claire, ready to collect your prize? Better give your jaw some exercise before you collect, though.”

I really should have known better than to play games with a bastard like Trevor. That barmaid had him sussed and I should have as well but now I was in a right predicament. I needed to think so excused myself saying I needed a visit to the ladies. I didn’t dare look at David or anyone as I rushed off.  I tried to calm down and think of my options. We could just leave as we didn’t live around here so weren’t likely to bump into these guys again. My problem was my pride, my ego, call it what you like. I didn’t like to back down or lose but equally I wasn’t sure I wanted to suck Bob’s cock. It was the biggest I’d ever seen but unfortunately it was attached to a guy with all the personality of an amoeba and somehow, I felt there needed to be some attraction to make it palatable. I left the pub and wandered up and down the village for about 20 minutes mulling over my options. 

Finally, I decided I needed to face the music (or the cock in my case). I walked as confidently as I could over to the table where the guys were still sitting. Trev was still holding court, and his audience still seemed to be all ears, even my boyfriend (though how much longer he was going to be my boyfriend after I sucked Bob’s cock was anyone’s guess). I decided I needed to follow through as it was my own stupidity that had got me in this predicament.

I looked at David, but it didn’t seem he really wanted to engage (couldn’t really blame him after I had been a bitch to him earlier).

I spoke to Trev and explained I would do it, but I really didn’t like the taste of beer. He laughed at that ‘thought you were going to say you didn’t like the taste of cock and I wouldn’t have believed that.”

It wasn’t a problem he explained as they had bought me another glass of red wine whilst I was on walkabout so suggested Bob dipped his cock in that instead of the beer. So, to get the ordeal over with as quickly as possible, I agreed.

Bob dropped his trousers, no underwear I noticed, completely missed this the first time round as I was so shocked at the size of his cock. I took a gulp from my wine glass for Dutch courage and to savour the taste before it was invaded by a big slab of meat.

“How am I doing this?” I stupidly asked.

“On your knees I would suggest,” said Trev.

He gave Bob the glass and I watched as the big man swirled his cock around inside the glass coating the big fat head with my favourite drink. I knelt on the grass trying to keep my legs as covered as I could but a leering look from Trev suggested I may not have been too successful. Bob moved forward still swirling his cock and all I could think was ‘don’t spill the drink!

“Take it out of the glass Claire and give it a nice kiss.”  Trev was in his element once again, conducting affairs.

I did as he asked. God, it felt heavy, I gave it a pull and opened my mouth to have a first proper taste. As I did so I could see David and Paul out of the corner of my eye rubbing their own cocks through their shorts and trousers. Bloody pervs I thought as I closed my eyes. I had to open my mouth wide to get the head in. I took my time as I let my lips and tongue explore all the while getting a running commentary and series of suggestions from Trev.

It was this that was having the biggest impact on me. His voice seemed to hypnotise me, and I followed each instruction as I got more into the act.

“That’s it Claire, open wider, go on girl, you know you want it, keep sucking, use that tongue. It’s all at your pace darling. Take as much as you can. Oh yes, good, you know how to use that lovely mouth of yours, pity you haven’t had something more substantial to work on before.”

Still a bastard, still goading, still pushing.

Meanwhile Bob was still silent apart from the odd gasp or groan, he was leaving it all to Trev to drive the action and us two were his willing players.

“Need any more wine on it or are you enjoying the meat now? Oh yes, look David she’s going deeper, we’ll have her choking in a minute. Not something you ever get her to do, is it? She is a natural, what a waste.”

I was really beginning to enjoy it now if I kept my eyes closed, I didn’t need to look at Bob so could use my imagination as to whose cock I was sucking. And sucking was what I was doing now. Sucking and pumping the cock for all I was worth. Amazingly despite all my hard work the cock was still at best only semi hard. Probably just as well as I may not have coped but I still felt a little cheated that for all my skills Bob was not rock hard. I put this down to his limited mental capacity rather than my own oral skills!

“Go on girl you’re doing great, still plenty more if you want it”

I took my hand off his cock and pushed my head further forward taking another inch or so.

“Bit more, go on, you can take it. Lovely.”

I heard a groan from nearby and half opened my left eye as I watched Paul running off.

“You’ve made him cum, you naughty girl. God you’re good. Can’t wait for some of that action. David, you wouldn’t mind sharing, would you?”

I felt Bob push forward and he hit the back of my throat. It felt a bit strange because it was still not hard, but the head was big and rubbery and made me gag. I pulled away a bit but was soon back on it, wiping a tear from my eye as I pumped and sucked cock.

“Keep going. He’s nearly there. Wow you are amazing. God, I want to fuck you senseless. Those legs are to die for.” Still more Trev commentary. I dare not look down to see the state of me and what I was showing my audience.

I quickened my pace and felt a twitch from Bob followed by another. I pulled my mouth away but kept pumping and watched as the first spurt shot from his cock, followed quickly by another. He pulled away from my grip as the semi hard cock continued to pulse spunk all over the daisies. His big thighs seemed to shake as more cream fell onto the grass and finally, he uttered his first coherent words since I’d met him. “Thank you gorgeous that was the best moment of my life. Fan fucking tastic.”

Well, I aim to please. I was exhausted and my mouth felt sore from all the work. I clambered up off the ground noticing how dirty my knees had become. I staggered to the table and grabbed a glass of beer and knocked back over half a pint in one go.  Gross.

“Thought you didn’t like beer?” said Trev.

“I don’t but it seemed a better option than the wine and cock alternative.”

Bob was getting dressed, Paul had returned but I noticed the telltale wet patch on his trousers and my boyfriend (if he was still my boyfriend) stood there red faced but still rubbing his cock from inside his shorts pocket. Well, maybe he was still my boyfriend!

Despite all the alcohol I think for the first time in a couple of hours I was thinking clearly. It was time to go. It had certainly turned out different to the afternoon we had originally planned. We were about five miles away from where we parked so Trev said he would get a friend to drop us back at our car on the understanding that we would meet up later for a drink (only if we wanted). He winked at me as he said it, the cocky git.

We left Paul and Bob behind in the pub garden as we walked up the village where Trev knocked on a door and after a brief chat his friend came out to give us a lift back to our car. Trev insisted on a kiss in case I reneged on the deal to meet up later. But the kiss was impressive enough to suggest I might be interested as he wrote his address on the back of my hand. He had offered to write it somewhere more intimate but tempting as it was, I kept my cool and said that David and I needed to spend some time together so no promises.

I think I knew what the outcome would be but needed a shower and some down time before finally deciding.

Written by eclair76

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