By 8 o'clock, the stated commencement of the dinner, there were perhaps 30 people assembled of whom eight were women! I don't think it was expected that so many women would be keen to take part. It's very encouraging to find the women are certainly as sexually motivated as men. It isn't so long ago that this would be unthinkable! The invitations had included the stipulation that attendance implied agreement to take part in the sexual activities of the party! That for this event, the word 'NO' did not exist!
Dinner, was of course, wonderful! As expected all who sat at the table were required to be naked except for the two girls who were hosting the party. But they were practically naked anyway!
Gloria had arranged this dinner to be all almost the equivalent of a royal dinner. Superb wines, superb food and at the end superb cognac for those of that taste! The seating had been arranged that all seated were very close, so already during the meal, there'd been a lot of tit groping, fingering, kissing and all the other expressions of affection attending the main event! At least between the men and women, and even some of the men!
When the meal finished, everybody went to another of the large rooms in the apartment, where sideboards held bottles of booze set up like an ordinary bar. Every conceivable type of drink! With of course appropriate glasses. The room had been arranged full of armchairs loveseats, and Ottomans around the walls. Everybody tucked into the booze, and some minor sexy playing began!
At the second seating of the meal another 20 people arrived, half of them women, mostly wives and girlfriends, but there were several single women. So it looked as if there were to be enough women participants to keep quite a number of men happy for quite a long time! LOL! I was beginning to wonder whether with all these people with sex on their minds things may not begin to get a little out of hand. Although perhaps it would be more exciting if it did!
I went to stroll around to see what other rearrangements had been made. The whole of the main corridor was strewn with large cushions and several mattresses with replaceable cotton covers. The master bedroom was enormous, almost as big as the main salon, which is where the two girls Annie and Gloria were to 'entertain', had been emptied and replaced with two King-sized beds, covered with silk sheets. Also, the rest of the room was occupied with armchairs for those waiting for a turn at fucking the girls!
Everywhere in the apartment were small tables with boxes of cigarettes, candy and its appurtenances! Every man that came to the party was given a very expensive fountain pen, and each of the women a brand new $100 bill, the rationale being that women were far harder to please than men!!
When all the meals had partaken, everybody was summoned into the main salon, where Gloria gave a small speech, thanking everybody for coming to celebrate our sexuality! She detailed the few of the obvious rules to be followed and then welcomed everybody, saying that she and Annie would be waiting in the master bedroom for visitors! She and Annie, then both disrobed, to general applause! They then, hand-in-hand went down to the master bedroom pausing at the foot of the bed to kiss each other, each groping at the others pussy! It was then I noticed that they had both shaven their pussy, a great disappointment to me, as I do love a nice hairy snatch! When I complained about it, I was told that if everything went as well as hoped for, there would be so much spunk around that their hairy pussies would retain a lot of it and resemble a swamp! I acceded to this.
They both then reclined on one of the beds, beckoning to the waiting men! As Gloria had indicated that she wanted me to be her first, I went to her and stood by the bed to begin stroking her body starting at her feet and quickly up to her belly and tits, to suck on her nipples and begin stroking her pussy. I then lay on her and began to kiss her, tongue fucking her as she did me. As we did this I reached down and began to play with her cunt, stroking it probing a finger into her slit and feeling for her clitoris. Playing with this for a while soon made her start panting and her cunt started to juice up. I didn't want to take too much time at this and there were a number of others waiting for their turn, and as, hopefully, she was going to have a very full two days ahead. So I rolled over to her spread her thighs lifted her feet onto my shoulders to give me good access to her cunt, took hold of my prick, wiped it around her pussy especially into her slit before I presented it to her love hole and thrust into her in one solid thrust. At this, she gasped and groaned and grabs my arse pulling me into her. I began to fuck her with all the pleasure that you could think of. After 10 minutes I felt like coming, so to move things along I let myself go and shot my spunk Into her!
When I backed off, I looked and saw that Annie was being vigorously fucked by a black guy. Normally she said that she didn't like Blacks because they were too feral.
She certainly seemed to be enjoying herself now though, and noticing me watching her, between her gasps of passion, blew me a kiss and a grin. I stood watching them, until, with a great shout, he shot his wad up into her!