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A real nympphomaniac.

"The four men all fucked Sage in the dark carpark behind the club."

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I was in the club complaining to Cliff that I wasn’t getting enough.  Barbra my wife was having women’s problems and she either couldn’t or didn’t want sex very often.  Cliff said that I needed to see Kerry because he had just the opposite problem.  His new girlfriend was a nymphomaniac and required servicing a minimum of twice a day.  Cliff joked that she would be the death of Kerry if he was lucky.


It was later that evening when I saw Kerry next.  I asked him if it was true that his girlfriend had a very high libido.  After he told me that it was true, I joked that he could give me some of her as I wasn’t getting much at all.  At that point I hadn’t actually seen Sage, Kerry’s new girlfriend.  Kerry said that I could have as much sex with Sage as I liked, if it meant that he would get some peace and quiet.


It was another two weeks before I saw Cliff again and he asked if my sex life had improved.  When I told him no, he said it was a shame as he had always fancied Barbra and it ruined his thoughts of having his way with my wife.  I was a bit shocked at his fancying my wife.  The subject soon got around to Kerry.  I hadn’t heard up till then, but Kerry had an accident and was in hospital.


I decided to visit Kerry.  My wife looked suspiciously at me when I went the following evening taking him a bunch of flowers and some fruit.  I explained that I was going to see Kerry in hospital.  My wife still looked suspiciously at me.  At the hospital I asked Kerry what had happened, and he informed me that he was so tired from keeping Sage happy that he had forgotten a safety guard on a machine at work and caught his hand in the machine.  They had repaired the hand but was keeping an eye on it in case it started to die and needed further operations.  He would find out in two or so days if the repairs were successful.


As we chatted, I noticed that Kerry was beginning to look old before his time.   Kerry was telling me that he was worried what Sage was up to in his absence, he asked that I looked in on her.  Kerry pleaded, “would you.  I would be most grateful if you would.”  He told me that she was visiting him every afternoon, but he was still worried about her.  Barbra was still suspicious of me when I got home, so I offered to take her with me the following evening.


The next day there was a morning meeting by conference call so I decided that I could do that and visit Sage at the same time.  As I drove down the road to their house, I could see a man leaving a house.  I was pretty sure it was kerry’s house, but I wasn’t quite close enough to be one hundred percent sure that it was their house.  I was soon parked outside and sat waiting for my call.  It was boring as usual when it started, and I was soon able to drop out the call.


On knocking on the front door Sage answered the door in Kerry’s dressing gown.  Even covered up like that she looked absolutely gorgeous, although her hair was a bit of a mess as if she had just crawled off the nest.  I explained that Kerry had asked me to pop in on her and see that everything was ok.  Sage answered that it was now as she invited me in for a cup of tea. 


As she put the kettle on and then went into a drawer for cups her tits dangled in the dressing gown giving me a very nice view of her large tits.  “Like them do you,” Sage asked as I ogled at her tits. I told her that I did, and Sage undid the belt that held the dressing gown closed.  Underneath the gown she was naked, and I now had a full view of her lovely body.  I could see the puffy lips of Sage’s pussy and must have been staring at her naked bald pussy.  “Want some?” she asked.  I never did get that cup of tea.  What I got was an hour of unbridled sex with her. It was fantastic.


Fortunately, I wasn’t missed when I finally got to work.  That night I took Barbra with me to see Kerry.  He looked quite a lot better.  I made sure that I dropped into the conversation that I had visited him the previous evening, and Barbra could see the flowers that I had taken him.  Kerry was saying how bored he was as he had read everything that was lying around.  Barbra said she would go off to the shop and see if there was anything to read.


Whilst she was gone, I told Kerry that I had dropped in on Sage as requested.  I told him that I thought that I had seen a man leaving their house as I pulled into their road.  I omitted to tell him that I fucked Sage or that I was sure that I wasn’t the first man to leave a deposit of cum in her that morning.  I could see that Kerry looked worried.  He reminded me of the conversation where we had joked about with me not getting much and him saying I could have as much of Sage as I liked.  Then he went quiet for a few seconds and the said, “Please keep Sage happy.”  I asked did he mean for me to sleep with her.  Kerry just about had time to tell me yes before Barbra was returning with a pile of magazines.


The next day I rang into work saying I was sick although I wasn’t.  I left for work at my normal time and drove straight to Kerry’s house.  This time there was no doubt that the man was seeing Sage as he was still there when I arrived, although he left as Sage let me in.  No offer of tea today as we retired straight to the bedroom where the bed hadn’t even been made up yet.  In the course of the next three hours, I fucked Sage four times and all in different positions.  Eventually we went into town where we had a spot of lunch before visiting Kerry. 


I winked at Kerry to indicate to him that I had fulfilled his request.  Kerry had news that he had his bandages changed that morning and all his fingers still worked, and it had all started to heal.  He was told he could go home the following day if all was still well.  On taking Sage back home I was virtually dragged in doors by her, and she was soon on top of me riding my stiff cock.  I hadn’t had this much sex since I married Barbra some fourteen years ago.


I managed to arrive back home at my normal time from work.  I told Barbra that I had an early start at work the next day and showered early and went to bed.  I was soon joined by Barbra after she showered.  As she got into bed she reached over and held my limp cock.  There was nothing unusual in that and I returned the favor by slipping a hand between her legs.  I just hoped that it wasn’t one of those rare times when she wanted sex.  I was lucky she just wanted a cuddle.  After the day I had with Sage I doubted that I could have got another erection.


Kerry didn’t come out the following afternoon and I visited Sage during my lunch hour that actually lasted one and a half hours.  I fucked Sage twice and again it was clear that her sloppy pussy had already been used that day.  Whoever the other guy was he certainly had some stamina.


Then Kerry was home, and on the pretext of visiting him I spent quite a few evenings fucking Sage while Kerry watched on.  Kerry was told that he would be unable to use his hand for work for about two months.  I was glad that it would give me an excuse for two months to visit Kerry and fuck Sage.  Obviously, Sage’s other visitor was unable to visit as Kerry was home all day.  That just seemed to make Sage even more in need of fucking and added pressure on me to keep her satisfied.  Kerry started to have blow jobs from her while I would pound her pussy good and hard.  Even then she never seemed to be satisfied.


I was glad when Kerry was feeling better, and he took on fucking Sage again.  I continued visiting and banging Sage but not so frequently.  Cliff and Kerry were both right that Sage was a nymphomaniac.  I had never met anyone who could or wanted to fuck so often.  I’m sure that she was never satisfied and if there were more cocks she would just keep going until she run out of stiff ones.  Kerry was again moaning that Sage was just too much for him.


A few days later I was called into my boss’s office.  I was wondering if it was because I was preoccupied with Sage and my performance had dropped.   Fortunately, it wasn’t that.  He was telling me that he would like me to go on a two-week training course. It was residential as it was quite some distance from home.  When the paperwork had come through our company had booked double rooms for me and two other men.  They were both taking their wives with them.  I decided to see if Kerry was happy for me to take Sage.


Kerry thought it was a great idea and welcomed the rest he could get.  Sage was also happy with the idea.  First thing Monday morning I collected Sage and made my way to the hotel and got Sage settled before going on to the training center.  The other two men asked if I had taken my wife.  I told them that I hadn’t but didn’t tell them about Sage.  They seemed envious and both talked about several clubs where it was easy to pick up some fanny.  They both groaned that they couldn’t as they had wives with them.


That night after our meal in the hotel I ventured out with Sage and went to one of the clubs.  It was very busy for a Monday night and there were more men looking for fanny than fanny looking for cocks.  I encouraged Sage to get up and dance with some of the men.  She had a big smile on her face as several of the men groped her tits and arse.  Come closing time Sage had quite a following and there were four men almost fighting to get into her panties.  Not that she was wearing any.


The four men all fucked Sage in the dark carpark behind the club.  Back at the hotel she still wanted more, and I had a very sloppy fuck with her.  Even the next morning her pussy was slack as I gave it another fucking before going off to the course.  The next twelve nights was just a copy of the template we had on the first night.  At best guess Sage had fucked around about fifty men in the two weeks that we were away.  By the end of the fortnight, I felt like Kerry often looked like.  Tired out and sexually drained.  As good as it was to have sex on tap from a very sexy woman, I was glad that it was only a fortnight.  I couldn’t imagine what it was like for Kerry living with her. 


I visited Kerry a few more times and fucked Sage silly each time.  Then I arrived at Kerry’s house and found a very smiley Kerry.  His first words to me were that she had gone.  She had not only left with her property, but had also taken some of Kerry’s stuff.  I suggested that he talks to the police.  Kerry refused to tell the police saying it was a small price to pay to get rid of her.


I never saw Sage again, but I heard that Sage had been partying heavily.  I heard about one such party where Sage spent the night getting gang banged.  Again, sometime later I heard that she had fallen on tough financial times and that she had turned to prostitution.  What a shame that such a beautiful girl let herself slip into such ways.  It was a few years later that Kerry found himself a new girlfriend, one with a more normal libido.  He looked much younger as well as not being tired.  Me, I returned to being a dutiful husband and my wife regained her libido.


 If this had occurred in more recent times, I would have taken Sage dogging, but it was over twenty-five years ago, long before I had ever heard of dogging.  It would have been right up her street.

Written by Toby

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