"Hello, My names Dick. Do you like it." That's been my chat up line for the best part of thirty years. I discovered that at the age of eighteen, girls my age would giggle, then one in three would slap me in the face, the second one would give me the brush off and the third would up in bed with me. It took me a little while to discover that if I tried it on women in their early twenties I didn't get the slapped face. They still giggled and one would give me the brush off, but two would end up in my bed. That was damn good odds.
Then as I just turned twenty I was flirting with a woman in her thirties, She had a nice figure and slightly fuller bodied than most of the younger girls and better still she had tits, big tits. I tried my chat up line on her. No giggling and she couldn't drag me quick enough to her bed. What a night that was. I tried it again on another older woman and like the first one I was in bed so quickly I hardly knew what was happening. That was two for two. Then I was at a wedding and there were a lot of women in there thirties. I singled the best looking one out and even sporting the biggest rock on her wedding finger I tried my line.
She whispered in my ear that it was not the best of timing and handed me a business card. Three days later I was in her bed. Three for three. From then on I would only go for women in their late twenties up to mid forties. Regardless of married status I rarely blanked and the older they were the more grateful they seemed to be and the married ones were rarely clingy. The generally wanted a good time with no strings. I had a few that wanted their husbands present. So long as I was having my way I really didn't care.
Then I met Joanne. She was gorgeous for a woman of thirty seven. She was recently divorced, although she still wore her wedding rings. I was in bed with her in less than fifteen minute. Normally I would take what I wanted and then run, but there was something different about Joanne. I took my time and made the effort to pleasure her as well as taking my own pleasure. I'm not sure how she got it, but she had my phone number and although she wasn't pushy she would ring me about once a week and ask for sex.
I would go round and do the deed with her. The fact that she was seventeen years older than me, it didn't detract from the love making, in fact I think it even enhanced the excitement that I could take a woman that much older. She was well aware that I was seeing other women, but that didn't phase her in any way. She just seemed happy that I would always fit her in and take my time with her.
Three years later I was still fitting Joanne in when she called. I now found that the young ladies my own age (23) were getting to the age that they neither giggled or slapped my face and two out of three would go to bed with me. Then I got just a small feeling that Joanne was jealous that I was now seeing younger women. Then on valentines day she asked me to marry her. At first I didn't know what to say. She told me that she didn't mind me seeing any other women as long as she knew I would be coming home to her.
I thought long and hard about it and made a list of pros and cons for marrying her. Pros were that she was fairly wealthy and it would certainly raise my living standards. I was still free to bed other women so long as I carried out my marital responsibilities. Joanne only wanted sex once or at the most twice a week. Another plus was that she lived so close to my work that I could walk to work. The only cons was that my family and friends might not understand why I wold marry a woman that much older than me. I had become very fond of Joanne and couldn't imagine not having her in my life.
Four months later we were married. Life was great two night of the week I didn't have to seek out pussy and the other nights if I did she was ok with it. Then to my surprise she introduced me to Barbara a work friend. After Barbara had gone home Joanne asked me what I thought about her. I told her that she was nice. Then she said would I take her to bed. It turned out that Barbara had recently been divorced as her husband was cheating with a nineteen year old, stick insect was how she was described to me. Barbara was in need of regular sex as she still had a high libido and now no man to quench it.
She was definitely attractive enough, so I told Joanne that I would love to. I was now sleeping with my wife and having sex two times a week and twice a week with Barbara. Barbara was quite demanding in the bedroom. I was finding that I wasn't needing to see many other women. This went on for the best part of ten years. Then sadly Joanne fell ill and I found myself having to spend more and more time caring for Joanne. Having less time for Barbara seemed to hurt her and Joanne suggested that as we live in a very nice six bedroom house that Barbara should move in with us.
Sadly Joanne went slowly down hill and eventually passed away. Before she died she told me that she had talked with Barbara, and that they had discussed that after she was gone, if I need to Barbara would be ok with me seeing other women. I did see a few, but now living with just Barbara, she wanted more than just two nights a week. Eventually I stopped seeing other women.
How blessed I am that I have slept with so many beautiful women and filled my life with two wonderful women that understood and men's needs and were happy to indulge me.