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Accidental fuck

"Ted had and acciden and when Walter had an accident it was in Gina's pussy"

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I would like to take a short time to tell you how an accident improved our sex lives beyond our wildest dreams. My wife and I belong to an amateur theatrical group and had appeared in several shows. Gina had also done a little television work and even had a minor part in a well known film. Gina really wanted to turn professional, but it was slow going to get recognized and get a good shot at it. Let me tell you a little about us. We were both in our late twenties. Gina is very good looking, long legs, big boobs and a pretty face framed with long blond hair. I am pretty average in all ways. We had been married for a little over eight years. In that time I had cheated on Gina three times and I'm pretty sure she had also cheated on me. But we were a solid couple. The show being considered required fourteen males and eleven women. The company had far more budding actors than that. I had other things taking up my time so offered to drop out. The draft script was handed around and more people dropped out. Then they were holding auditions for various roles. Gina had put herself forward for three of the female roles. She arrived home very excited from the auditions and declared that she had the chance of any of the three main roles and wanted to talk it over with me before accepting a role. I couldn't understand why she needed my blessing or input until she pointed out that all three required her to be topless and the role she really wanted would entail her being totally nude. That was what had turned several of the budding actors running. It wasn't her first performance where she would be nude, but that time I was in the same production. This time I wouldn't be involved. She showed me the script and it was pretty racy. In the leading ladies role Gina would be in two scenes where she would be performing simulated sex. I still gave her my blessing. She rang the director and told him she would do the main part. That night in bed I got extra excited thinking about her in the sex scenes and we enjoyed a damn good shagging. ********** At this point I am giving Gina the keyboard to type her account. ************** Hi. Liam wants me to tell you what spiced up our sex lives. Well here goes. I got the main female role in a show. I was spending lots of time practicing my lines with Ted. I had all the lines down and all I now needed was to put some life into them. Ted was my leading man and we had two sex scenes in the production and Ted suggested that we practiced them. During our practices he got excited with a stiff cock, and even after a break he got excited again. We were practicing in just undies, but in the productions we would be nude. His excitement got me excited and eventually I pulled my panties to one side and slipped his cock into my pussy. I told Ted that if we got it over and done with we could get on with the practice. It wasn't a bad shag, but nothing exceptional. Then we got to practice in front of the director and he was pleased with our performances. I was pleased we had fucked as now we could get through the performances without accidents or embarrassing moments. Then we had the last dress rehearsal. Ted's and my parts all went well and I went off home ready for the big night. Then things started to go wrong. First Liam couldn't attend the opening night. He had always attended all our opening nights. Then there was a small fire at the theater, fortunately it was put out quickly and wouldn't stop the show going on. Then the third and more serious problem, Ted fell from a ladder and broke his arm doing his day job. We had a stand in, but we hadn't rehearsed together. It was too late now and whatever happened was what it was. The show started well and Walter the stand in was ok with his lines. Then we got to our first nude part and as we went in for the kiss I felt his cock growing and rubbing against my leg. Then we were on the bed and as Walter got on top of me his cock was already semi hard. I managed to tuck it between my thighs. Then he had to simulate humping me. I could feel his cock getting harder. I was glad when the curtains dropped. If we had been a few moments longer I think he would have come. We got through the rest of the parts until we got to the final scenes. The second nude scene started off ok and went alright until we got to the sex scene. Walter was already hard and when he got on top of me as I lay on my front. We again slipped his cock between my thighs. As he humped his cock it was ok for a few thrusts and then it slipped and prodded against my clit. I jumped a little and his next thrust resulted in his cock penetrating me and slipping almost balls deep. I couldn't help letting out a groan and that spurred Walter on to keep his cock in me and he fucked me for real for the next few minutes. I had to bite my lips as I came to prevent myself from yelling out as I came. Then I felt the dampness as Walter had come in me. Good job I was on the pill. Then fortunately the curtain fell. I had to dash to the toilets to clean myself up for the last scene and the curtain calls. The party afterwards had the director telling me that the scene looked so real and life like and well done. He said the groan was so real. I nearly told him I was well done and it was real, but I kept it to myself. When I got home I couldn't wait to fuck Liam. He put it down to the after show excitement not knowing I had just been fucked in front of a packed house. Another thing that excited me was that we had six weeks of productions to do. Six weeks of Walters cock next to my pussy. Walter fucked me almost every night during the performances. I think Liam enjoyed the extra attention I paid him after each performance when I got home. He attended the next to last performance and stood in the wings watching. It was then that he discovered why I was so sexed up after the performances. From his position he could see between our legs and he could see Walters cock penetrate me and when I groaned he knew it wasn't acting. He stood watching me getting fucked in front of a large audience. When I got back to the changing room Liam was there. The look on his face terrified me. I thought he was about to strangle me or worse. Then I was bent over the dressing table and he fucked me harder than he had done in a long time. I now had two lots of cum in my pussy and when I had to go for the curtain calls I could feel it trickling down my legs. Liam couldn't wait to get me home and fuck me again. He wasn't originally intending to attend the final night, but after seeing that penultimate performance he decided to attend. He again witnessed Walter fucking me in the last nude scene. He again fucked me in the changing room. After the final curtain calls I went to get changed and Walter slipped into my room telling me he wanted one last fuck. I was again bent over the dressing table and Walter was going hard at it when Liam walked in. I wasn't sure what his reaction was going to be, but I soon found out. Walter was plowing my pussy and Liam stuffed his cock in my mouth. Then we were suddenly joined by the producer. Liam stepped to the side to give him access to my mouth. Walter soon dumped his second load of the night in my pussy. The director was quick to take Walter's place and stick his cock in my pussy. Liam was back fucking my mouth and he was next to cum. I had little choice but to swallow his load. Then finally the director dumped another load in my pussy. I chased them all out the room while I got cleaned up and dressed. Back on stage we were all getting ready to attend a party, when I was introduced to a director of a west end production. He told me he liked my performance and could use me in one of his shows. It wasn't long before I told Liam to attend the party and I would catch up with him there. I was back in the changing room getting the audition of my life. It was almost forty minutes before I caught up with Liam and told him that I had two things to tell him. He asked what were they. I told him I had got another role, a paying role this time, in a West End production. Liam asked what was the second thing was. I whispered that I had yet another load of cum in my pussy from the director. I also told Liam, the Director's load was leaking into my panties. Liam dragged me to the toilets in the pub where I not only got more cum in me, but the the best orgasm of the six weeks, as he gave me a damn good fucking while other men were knocking on the toilet door to get to the loos. I remember blushing like hell as we left the toilets. There was quite a queue of men waiting to use the toilets and they knew exactly what we had been doing. *********** I'll hand you back to Liam now. ************* I had no idea that Gina was getting fucked almost every night. The last two nights were so thrilling seeing Gina getting fucked in front of hundreds of people and them thinking it was just acting. Even more exciting was knowing that the Director from the West End had just fucked Gina, and fucking her in the toilets knowing that all those men knowing she had just been fucked. Gina has now been in eight West End shows and done several more TV plays. Nothing quite as exciting has happened since that last amateur show, but here's hoping.
Written by Liam n Gina

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